As I predicted a month ago, Bergdahl won't spend a day in prison.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
No surprise here, the judicial system is Leftist and would not do anything to hurt Obama's image.
Granny says, "Dat's right - the Donald shoulda kept his mouth shut...

BREAKING: Judge Lets Bergdahl Walk Free
Nov 03, 2017 - After facing life in prison, Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl is a free man after Judge Col. Jeffery R. Nance ruled Friday he will not face hard time for abandoning his fellow soldiers in Afghanistan and walking off his post eight years ago. He will lose his rank, be dishonorably discharged from the Army and be forced to forfeit $10,000 in payments. Prosecutors argued for a minimum of 14 years in prison. He faces none.
Bergdahl's trial, which took place at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, ended last week. He plead guilty to desertion and misbehavior in front of the enemy. After seeking out the Taliban, the terrorist group held Bergdahl captive for five years. He was traded for five high profile GITMO detainees in May 2014 by President Obama. The wife of a soldier who was shot in the head and left with a traumatic brain injury while looking for Bergdahl testified in the sentencing phase in hopes of a harsh penalty and consequences.

National Guard Master Sgt. Mark Allen was on a mission with other US and Afghan troops to gather information in two villages in July 2009 when they were ambushed by insurgents using small arms, machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades. Allen was attempting to make a radio call when he was shot near the temple. He suffered a traumatic brain injury that left him unable to speak, in need of a wheelchair and dependent on assistance for such everyday tasks as getting out of bed.


As a last resort, Bergdahl issued an apology at the end of the trial, saying he was sorry for putting others at risk in their efforts to find him. Six U.S. soldiers were killed looking for him: Staff Sergeant Clayton Bowen, Private 1st Class Morris Walker, Staff Sergeant Kurt Curtiss, 2nd Lieutenant Darryn Andrews, Staff Sergeant Michael Murphrey and Private 1st Class Matthew Martinek. During an interview earlier this year, Bergdahl claimed he was treated better by the Taliban than the U.S. Army. Is this why he was let off?

In closing arguments, defense attorneys argued that Bergdahl already had suffered enough confinement during five years of brutal captivity by Taliban allies. They asked the judge for a dishonorable discharge and no prison time. Their argument for leniency also cited harsh campaign-trail criticism by Donald Trump and Bergdahl's mental disorders. Capt. Nina Banks, a defense attorney, said it wouldn't be justice to rescue Bergdahl from the Taliban "only to place him in a cell" now. "Sgt. Bergdahl has been punished enough," Banks added. "Sgt. Bergdahl paid a bitter price for the choices that he made."

The judge also considered comments made by President Trump about Bergdahl. President Trump’s harsh criticism of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who walked off his Army post in Afghanistan in 2009 and was captured by the Taliban, will weigh in favor of a lighter sentence for the sergeant, a military judge said on Monday. “I will consider the president’s comments as mitigation evidence as I arrive at an appropriate sentence,” the judge, Col. Jeffery R. Nance of the Army, said during a hearing at Fort Bragg. The judge is expected to sentence Sergeant Bergdahl in the next few weeks.

This is a developing story, stay tuned for updates.

Outrage: Bowe Bergdahl Is Getting Zero Prison Time
The treasure trove of valuable information given to American intel as well as the inhumane treatment handed out by his captors as well as his mental illness led the Judge to his sentence.
The Army got this out of him, when returned:

Two military agents are testifying that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl helped them understand insurgents better and provided a "gold mine" of information after he was returned in a prisoner swap.

The agents were called by the defense to testify Tuesday at Bergdahl's sentencing hearing. He pleaded guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy for walking off his post in Afghanistan in 2009. He faces life in prison.

The agents say the information that Bergdahl gave them will help train troops on how to survive future imprisonments. Bergdahl was held by the Taliban for five years.

Prosecutors have sought to show a military judge the severe wounds that troops suffered while searching for Bergdahl.
The Army got this out of him, when returned:

Two military agents are testifying that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl helped them understand insurgents better and provided a "gold mine" of information after he was returned in a prisoner swap.

The agents were called by the defense to testify Tuesday at Bergdahl's sentencing hearing. He pleaded guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy for walking off his post in Afghanistan in 2009. He faces life in prison.

The agents say the information that Bergdahl gave them will help train troops on how to survive future imprisonments. Bergdahl was held by the Taliban for five years.

Prosecutors have sought to show a military judge the severe wounds that troops suffered while searching for Bergdahl.

So Bergdahl understood the language?
Don't know, most likely his captors spoke some English. I just posted some of the testimony which may have helped him. I cannot over rule the Court.
The Court-Martial Convening Authority can overrule the court, but the CMCA almost never does that.
Don't know, most likely his captors spoke some English. I just posted some of the testimony which may have helped him. I cannot over rule the Court.

Come on Peach! Do you think the Taliban are going to talk about their operations, plans and capabilities in English just so their captive will understand?

He found enough out to help the military, in the opinion of the military that testified for the defense. Read General Dahl's opinion.
That the Judge, who was in charge, accepted that evidence, Admiral, is all you are required to know.
after 5 years tortured by the taliban isn't enough for republican lol patriots ??? F all of you traitors
This is akin to the true story of the plea of mercy for the young man who killed his parents - because he was now an orphan. Certainly something that appeals to the snowflakes among us.
Yes, others spoke of his helping with how the Taliban treats prisoners. I am not advocating either the military or defense view, just noting reports. I knew I would not like either argument.
He found enough out to help the military, in the opinion of the military that testified for the defense. Read General Dahl's opinion.

Anything General Dahl would have said would be classified information.

No, testimony is being released. Some has been posted:

Kenneth Dahl, the Army general who led the investigation into Bergdahl's actions and interviewed the soldier for a day and a half, previously testified in a preliminary hearing that jail time would be "inappropriate."
During his time in captivity, Bergdahl said he was tortured, beaten and spent months chained to a bed or locked in a cage while his health deteriorated. For five years, he said, he was completely isolated, had no concept of time and was told he would be killed and never see his family again.

Bowe Bergdahl gets dishonorable discharge, avoids prison time - CNNPolitics

He has the gall to appeal, that makes me angry again.

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