As I Predicted on Day One, Special Counsel Must Find SOMETHING to Justify Their Existence

Where will Manaforte lead to. Who will he flip on? Maybe he was in the room with Trump and the Russian whores.
John also worked for Obama...
And John transferred his shares from Joule, without disclosing it, to his daughters through a shell company Leonido, which was listed as his daughters home address...
A Russian govt, Putin connected uranium fund, in which Podesta also sat on the board...
Paul J. Manafort, Jr., of Alexandria, Va., and Richard W. Gates III, of Richmond, Va., have been indicted by a federal grand jury on Oct. 27, 2017, in the District of Columbia. The indictment contains 12 counts: conspiracy against the United States, conspiracy to launder money, unregistered agent of a foreign principal
Nothing to do with Trump or Russia. Big surprise, right. Nothing to do with collusion.
Manafort is an agent of a foreign government who conspired with DoTard Trump against the USA.
Dumbass, the crimes occurred in 2012 and 2013, WHILE HE WAS WORKING FOR DEMOCRATS :dance:
He worked for the Podesta Lobbying Group, NOT the Democratic Party.
No matter how many times you repeat your lie it will still be a lie.
Dufus, Podesta had what job? Oh yeah, Hillary's right hand man.

Mueller is aleady looking into the Podesta group. Senate is now calling to bring Podesta and Shultz back for questioning. This will be fun!

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Whether it is a blow job in the Oval Office or money laundering long before the election and nothing to do with the election.

They will continue to try to milk this witch hunt more. Easy money with a book deal waiting.

- Weatherman, Prophet Extraordinaire

Mueller Will Investigate Hillary's Uranium Deal

If a prosecutor comes across a crime then he should ignore it? The fact is that these charges were approved by Rosenstein before they were taken to the grand jury.
Well, what they found if Mueller pursues it is financial ties to The Podestas and Clintons to Financial Institutions and holding companies associated with both Uranium One and Fusion GPS, but even better, they found out Obama Bin Spying chipped in $1 Million of his own money towards THE FAKE DOSSIER, which along with Clinton's $12 Million is a pretty hefty sum.


Talk about being a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY?

I say put all these assholes in front of a firing squad!
Whether it is a blow job in the Oval Office or money laundering long before the election and nothing to do with the election.

They will continue to try to milk this witch hunt more. Easy money with a book deal waiting.

- Weatherman, Prophet Extraordinaire

Mueller Will Investigate Hillary's Uranium Deal
You predicted Mueller would find criminal behavior in the Trump camp? Really?

Somehow I doubt that.
Manafort's defense should be there was no Criminal Intent.
"I didn't mean to break the law" is not a defense, retard.

"When I set up those offshore accounts to launder the tens of millions of dollars I got from being a Russian agent, I wasn't trying to break the law." :lol:

"When I signed that form denying I was a Russian agent, I wasn't trying to break the law." :lol:
Hilarious watching the left ear their nothing burger.

,...because nothing says Nothing Burger like indictments.

But what does it make Clinton's...what was it you called them? "Scandals"? Nothing de joures?
Don’t get mad at me for the crimes that occurred under the Obama DOJ watch.

This entire Obama Error crime could have been easily handled by a rookie FBI agent. Your special council simply pissed away millions.
Manfort is Mueller's 'Scooter Libby' - a desperate attempt to justify the Trump witch hunt AND an attempt to make himself look like a heor after evidence was released last week proving he hid Russian crimes and US politicians / officials being compromised by taking Russian cash (like Hillary did), facilitating the Russian purchase of Uranium.
Meanwhile as I’m writing this HRC is at a book signing.

While Trump is beside himself and every day in Asia reporters will pummel him with questions about his crooked staff.
[Because Manafort’s going to sing like a bird. Trump’s other thugs will too. This will be a test of their loyalty towards the pussy grabber.

So are you admitting Mueller had NOTHING to prove BS 'Russian Collusion' and has had to resort to indictments in a desperate attempt to get those indicted to provide him with what he does not have - evidence?

Manafort's defense should be there was no Criminal Intent.
"I didn't mean to break the law" is not a defense, retard.
That’s what I used to believe. Just not true anymore.

Hillary Apparently Didn't Know She Was Breaking The Law
You have one of the biggest scandals ever breaking in American history and you’re still focused on Hillary.
Talk about being butt hurt.
Kiss 2020 goodbye.
Whether it is a blow job in the Oval Office or money laundering long before the election and nothing to do with the election.

They will continue to try to milk this witch hunt more. Easy money with a book deal waiting.

- Weatherman, Prophet Extraordinaire

Mueller Will Investigate Hillary's Uranium Deal
I'm left of center and don't care what happens to clinton. She's old news and I have reluctant faith in the powers to figure it out and do whatever is justifiable. It's pointless to bitch about what random commenters think is going to happen. It's pointless to try to rainman the outcome these things.
I agree, it's as pointless as her making up the story about russia russia. eh? wonder what was in those 33,000 emails. hmmmm I bet.
Meanwhile as I’m writing this HRC is at a book signing.

While Trump is beside himself and every day in Asia reporters will pummel him with questions about his crooked staff.
While Hillary is signing books for six people Trump is in the the White House signing Executive Orders.
[Because Manafort’s going to sing like a bird. Trump’s other thugs will too. This will be a test of their loyalty towards the pussy grabber.

So are you admitting Mueller had NOTHING to prove BS 'Russian Collusion' and has had to resort to indictments in a desperate attempt to get those indicted to provide him with what he does not have - evidence?

There’s rock solid evidence against Manafort and Gates. All documented on paper. Mueller followed the money trail.
Manafort's defense should be there was no Criminal Intent.
"I didn't mean to break the law" is not a defense, retard.
That’s what I used to believe. Just not true anymore.

Hillary Apparently Didn't Know She Was Breaking The Law
You have one of the biggest scandals ever breaking in American history and you’re still focused on Hillary.
Talk about being butt hurt.
Kiss 2020 goodbye.
Nobody ever laundered money before?
Whether it is a blow job in the Oval Office or money laundering long before the election and nothing to do with the election.

They will continue to try to milk this witch hunt more. Easy money with a book deal waiting.

- Weatherman, Prophet Extraordinaire

Mueller Will Investigate Hillary's Uranium Deal
You predicted a nothing burger. You did not predict people in the Trump camp would actually be caught breaking the law.


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