..As Koreas face off, risk of accidental war grows


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2010
Look at the bright side. If we go to war with them, maybe we'll get another cool TV show like MASH out of the deal.

..As Koreas face off, risk of accidental war grows
By Peter Apps, Political Risk Correspondent | Reuters – 2 hrs 52 mins ago....
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51Tweet103Share0Print.....By Peter Apps, Political Risk Correspondent

LONDON (Reuters) - At the North Korean embassy in London, they are answering the phone but saying little.

"As far as we know, we are not giving any statements," a North Korean official told Reuters, declining to give his name and saying all necessary information was already available on the website of the North Korean state news agency KCNA.

In fact, the world, well beyond Asia, is perplexed by the mysteries of the nuclear-capable state's bellicosity and many fear mutual ignorance could help turn words into acts of war.

Many foreign analysts offer reassurance. No one, they say, really wants war. Missile and nuclear tests, threats of possible atomic strikes on the United States and military drills on both sides of the divided Korean peninsula, reflect rather a youthful North Korean leader and newly elected South Korean government both finding their feet at home and testing their strengths.

As Koreas face off, risk of accidental war grows
The Koreas are not facing off.
US policy is to bully the North into doing something more stupid than what they might dream up on their own.
Perpetual warfare is the goal.
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The Koreas are not facing off.
US policy is to bully the North into doing something more stupid than what they might dream up on their own.
Perpetual warfare is the goal.

That is, of course, utter nonsense.
no worries, obama has 3 1/2 more years to get another one going. He already has the middle east in flames, why not asia too.

Yea Bush started two wars before his first term was over! Obama has plenty of time! :cool:

now if bush were only still president that would be relevant

Alright I'll try again. The middle east has always been in flames, and if war breaks out in the Koreas Obama won't be the one who started it.
no worries, obama has 3 1/2 more years to get another one going. He already has the middle east in flames, why not asia too.

Yea Bush started two wars before his first term was over! Obama has plenty of time! :cool:

It's my understanding that it was Al Qeada who started the WOT by crashing planes into our buildings. Bush started it my ass.

Then why were we fighting Saddam and the Taliban?:confused::confused::confused:

The War on Terror is war number 3 then. So 3 wars before his first term was over :clap2:
now if bush were only still president that would be relevant

Alright I'll try again. The middle east has always been in flames, and if war breaks out in the Koreas Obama won't be the one who started it.

You going to blame Bush on North Korea too? :cuckoo:

Was gonna blame N. Korea actually. But who knows Bush does love his little wars. Or at least Cheney does. Not sure Bush gets things...
This is what happens when we allow the neo-cons any influence in government and business.
Yea Bush started two wars before his first term was over! Obama has plenty of time! :cool:

now if bush were only still president that would be relevant

Alright I'll try again. The middle east has always been in flames, and if war breaks out in the Koreas Obama won't be the one who started it.

yea, the middle east used to have problems between israel and the arab nations. now thanks to obama we have egypt, libya, syria, engaged in massive internal strife. he doesn't call them wars. to him it's more like watching dog fights. toss a little aid at them and stir up the pot, sit back and watch them go at it.
Alright I'll try again. The middle east has always been in flames, and if war breaks out in the Koreas Obama won't be the one who started it.

You going to blame Bush on North Korea too? :cuckoo:

Was gonna blame N. Korea actually. But who knows Bush does love his little wars. Or at least Cheney does. Not sure Bush gets things...

To say that President Bush or Vice President Cheney "love wars" is offensively ridiculous, drama-queen nonsense. Don't let your partisanship make a fool of you.

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