As many as 40,000 “brown” migrants ready to storm the border to get into our racist country

On another thread, in which a liberal is defending carjackers but blaming the victim for not locking his doors, it was said we can’t lock up criminals because we don’t have enough money.

Just think of how many prisons we could build and maintain for $150 billion a year. Two for each state at $1 billion each ($100 billion), and another $50 billion to run them. And that’s just on the savings of ONE YEAR if we got rid of the illegals.

Of course, New York, Illinois, and California, would need even more prisons.
Listen to the difference.

Lock up car jackers

Dont lock up marijuana dealers
It’s hard for me to argue because I see both sides. And I see conservatives don’t really want to solve this problem. If they did they’d start going after illegal employers. That’s the root of our problem and bush stopped the practice of going after them. Reagan started turning the blind eye.

Forking hilareously pathetic. Obiden opened back up the border to ten million more. Many captured, surrendered, given housing, food, money. They aren't working. They don't need to work as Obiden advertised to them all up & down South America. No hearing, no work permit. Maybe some work day jobs for cash? No pregnant or with kids are going to be working lol!

But you go back 40 yrs to twist the fault?
It’s hard for me to argue because I see both sides. And I see conservatives don’t really want to solve this problem. If they did they’d start going after illegal employers. That’s the root of our problem and bush stopped the practice of going after them. Reagan started turning the blind eye.
Good idea…we should shift the responsibility of enforcing our border policy and protecting our sovereignty to private enterprises.
We should also probably jail retailers for forcing people to break into their stores and commit theft as well huh?
In Scottsdale AZ they are housed in revamped motels or other buildings GOVT bought up. Fences go up, security keeps onlookers way back. Food is served. Rooms are cleaned for them.
Repeat this everywhere they are transported. Very costly.

No pictures allowed or drone flights.
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On another thread, in which a liberal is defending carjackers but blaming the victim for not locking his doors, it was said we can’t lock up criminals because we don’t have enough money.

Just think of how many prisons we could build and maintain for $150 billion a year. Two for each state at $1 billion each ($100 billion), and another $50 billion to run them. And that’s just on the savings of ONE YEAR if we got rid of the illegals.

Of course, New York, Illinois, and California, would need even more prisons.
Notice how Libs like sealybobo and pknopp never say….”legislate for stiffer penalties for illegals, 5 year prison sentence for ANY caught on our soil” or “arrest any traitorous politician who says the word sanctuary”, or “force local law enforcement agencies to turn over all illegals over to the Feds”, or “streamline the deportation process, fuck all the bureaucracy”
We all know why they don’t.
Good idea…we should shift the responsibility of enforcing our border policy and protecting our sovereignty to private enterprises.
We should also probably jail retailers for forcing people to break into their stores and commit theft as well huh?
If there weren’t jobs they wouldn’t come.

We need workers. So bring them in legally.
Notice how Libs like sealybobo and pknopp never say….”legislate for stiffer penalties for illegals, 5 year prison sentence for ANY caught on our soil” or “arrest any traitorous politician who says the word sanctuary”, or “force local law enforcement agencies to turn over all illegals over to the Feds”, or “streamline the deportation process, fuck all the bureaucracy”
We all know why they don’t.

If businesses get a free pass, I advocate that for all.
Put your black bro to work.
If you aren’t working today it’s because you don’t want to. Agreed? Plenty of jobs. So illegals aren’t even keeping wages down. We need help! So make refuges legal and place them in the cities that need them

And keep going after illegal employers. I worked for a small business owner he wouldn’t hire my friend who was an amazing violin teacher. The guy overstayed his student visa. My boss would not risk his business hiring the guy without work papers or proof of citizenship. If more employers were like him.

Who are these illegal employers? Have ICE go after them. Suddenly you’ll hear those companies agree we need more immigrants.
If you aren’t working today it’s because you don’t want to. Agreed? Plenty of jobs. So illegals aren’t even keeping wages down. We need help! So make refuges legal and place them in the cities that need them

And keep going after illegal employers. I worked for a small business owner he wouldn’t hire my friend who was an amazing violin teacher. The guy overstayed his student visa. My boss would not risk his business hiring the guy without work papers or proof of citizenship. If more employers were like him.

Who are these illegal employers? Have ICE go after them. Suddenly you’ll hear those companies agree we need more immigrants.

Numbers prove you wrong. Less are working now. Obiidens ten million new are not showing up in the count. Not working. Maybe some for cash or slaughter houses your bro won't do.

In March 2023, the labor force participation rate in the United States edged up to 62.6 percent, up from 62.5 in the previous month. This activity rate was the highest since March 2020, but remained well below its pre-pandemic February 2020 level of 63.3 percent and is calculated as the labour force divided by the total working-age population.
We need workers that don’t speak English or pay income taxes? How many more weed pullers do we need?
Who cares if they speak English? McD needs them. Yes landscapers, maid services, etc. can’t find help. Look it up.

Make them legal so they are paying taxes.

Any immigrant should not be allowed disability for 20 years. Too many come here, find a shady doctor who’s their nationality (russian and arabs mostly) and they approve them to get disability. Thousands of them do this.

I would also say immigrants can’t draw social security till they are 70.
Numbers prove you wrong. Less are working now. Obiidens ten million new are not showing up in the count. Not working. Maybe some for cash or slaughter houses your bro won't do.

In March 2023, the labor force participation rate in the United States edged up to 62.6 percent, up from 62.5 in the previous month. This activity rate was the highest since March 2020, but remained well below its pre-pandemic February 2020 level of 63.3 percent and is calculated as the labour force divided by the total working-age population.
Those are people who don’t want to work.

My idiot buddy just got a job at my competitors. Facility coordinator. If he got a job, they’re hiring.
Numbers prove you wrong. Less are working now. Obiidens ten million new are not showing up in the count. Not working. Maybe some for cash or slaughter houses your bro won't do.

In March 2023, the labor force participation rate in the United States edged up to 62.6 percent, up from 62.5 in the previous month. This activity rate was the highest since March 2020, but remained well below its pre-pandemic February 2020 level of 63.3 percent and is calculated as the labour force divided by the total working-age population.
And are you going to start this shit again? You did this to Obama. Didnt believe his unemployment numbers. Then trump got in, passed massive tax breaks, got .001% lower unemployment, suddenly you believed and said trump was the greatest.

You really need new material. Depending on who’s president, your arguments change. Notice that?
Those are people who don’t want to work.

My idiot buddy just got a job at my competitors. Facility coordinator. If he got a job, they’re hiring.

One idiot black hired in MI is not a trend. People Re pouring out of sheethole MI due to DEM BS. Maybe this job to fill a move out?

Again. Numbers don't lie. Less working now but ten million more added to pool.
And are you going to start this shit again? You did this to Obama. Didnt believe his unemployment numbers. Then trump got in, passed massive tax breaks, got .001% lower unemployment, suddenly you believed and said trump was the greatest.

You really need new material. Depending on who’s president, your arguments change. Notice that?

Those are GOVT numbers. Not mine.
One idiot black hired in MI is not a trend. People Re pouring out of sheethole MI due to DEM BS. Maybe this job to fill a move out?

Again. Numbers don't lie. Less working now but ten million more added to pool.
Month after month we are adding jobs.

Hey dumb ass. Baby boomers are retiring. Look up how many and the problems that’s going to cause. We need more workers. You’re counting seniors
And are you going to start this shit again? You did this to Obama. Didnt believe his unemployment numbers. Then trump got in, passed massive tax breaks, got .001% lower unemployment, suddenly you believed and said trump was the greatest.

You really need new material. Depending on who’s president, your arguments change. Notice that?

2017 businsss tax rate drop to 21% from 28% kick started obien 1.0 flat dying economy. Hiring & expansions took off. Govt revenue increased.
Those are GOVT numbers. Not mine.
Here, let me educate you.

For example, declining labor participation could indicate fewer people of working age who are looking for employment. It could also signify an aging population with more workers retiring

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