As Multiple Crises Spin Out of Control, Biden Goes on Vacation


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

As Multiple Crises Spin Out of Control, Biden Goes on Vacation

12 Aug 2021 ~~ By Nick Arama
Joe Biden refused to take questions today after things began to spiral out of control in Afghanistan.
First, there was the report that his administration had pleaded with the Taliban not to go after the American Embassy in Kabul but then he had to send in troops to help evacuate the embassy and others out of the country. This was despite previously saying that they wouldn’t need to have an airlift as in Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War. But even as they were ordering that, the State Department claimed it wasn’t actually an evacuation. Despite the fact that it was clear that it was an evacuation and the Pentagon used those exact words.
Meanwhile, the border is out of control, hitting more record numbers of illegal aliens crossing the border in July, with many of them also positive for the Wuhan coronavirus.
Meanwhile, inflation is surging with a record high with inflation for businesses reached a year-over-year rate of 7.8% in July — the highest level ever recorded. The Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the Producer Price Index — which tracks changes in input prices for businesses and other domestic producers — increased by 1.0% during the month of July alone.
Meanwhile, what is Joe Biden doing in response? He’s going on another early vacation back to Wilmington, Delaware. He just came back from a four-day weekend thereon in the early afternoon on Tuesday.

The media would be melting down if President Donald Trump had to order troops back into the country to help evacuate but then went on vacation? We’d never hear the end of it how uncaring he was and how he had failed. Yet, we’re not hearing any of that now.

Where are they asking about why he is once again going on vacation after he just came back from one? When he’s only been back at “work” for about a day and a half? What’s the need a vacation from? All the ice cream eating? Because it sure isn’t from the work that he’s blowing off.
But I’m betting it’s more about the deterioration is getting greater and it’s easier to hide it/cover for it if he’d not in the White House. So who wants to bet we’re going to see much more of this as he becomes scarcer. Can we call a lid on his term?
I’ve been writing about how desperate it is for our allies there, the people like the Afghan interpreters who did all they could to help us when we were there. Now they’re all going to be killed if Biden doesn’t act immediately.

Hey, that ice cream isn’t going to eat itself, at least Joey’s immune to brain freeze. As for our tragic Afghan allies who put their lives on the line, stolen elections have consequences.
ITMT, Our generals are all at the Critical Race Theory Symposium, they can't be bothered minor things like National Security or their oaths to Serve and Protect our Nation and Constitution from it's enemies both foreign and Domestic. They've become the Enemy.

As Multiple Crises Spin Out of Control, Biden Goes on Vacation

12 Aug 2021 ~~ By Nick Arama
Joe Biden refused to take questions today after things began to spiral out of control in Afghanistan.
First, there was the report that his administration had pleaded with the Taliban not to go after the American Embassy in Kabul but then he had to send in troops to help evacuate the embassy and others out of the country. This was despite previously saying that they wouldn’t need to have an airlift as in Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War. But even as they were ordering that, the State Department claimed it wasn’t actually an evacuation. Despite the fact that it was clear that it was an evacuation and the Pentagon used those exact words.
Meanwhile, the border is out of control, hitting more record numbers of illegal aliens crossing the border in July, with many of them also positive for the Wuhan coronavirus.
Meanwhile, inflation is surging with a record high with inflation for businesses reached a year-over-year rate of 7.8% in July — the highest level ever recorded. The Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the Producer Price Index — which tracks changes in input prices for businesses and other domestic producers — increased by 1.0% during the month of July alone.
Meanwhile, what is Joe Biden doing in response? He’s going on another early vacation back to Wilmington, Delaware. He just came back from a four-day weekend thereon in the early afternoon on Tuesday.

The media would be melting down if President Donald Trump had to order troops back into the country to help evacuate but then went on vacation? We’d never hear the end of it how uncaring he was and how he had failed. Yet, we’re not hearing any of that now.

Where are they asking about why he is once again going on vacation after he just came back from one? When he’s only been back at “work” for about a day and a half? What’s the need a vacation from? All the ice cream eating? Because it sure isn’t from the work that he’s blowing off.
But I’m betting it’s more about the deterioration is getting greater and it’s easier to hide it/cover for it if he’d not in the White House. So who wants to bet we’re going to see much more of this as he becomes scarcer. Can we call a lid on his term?
I’ve been writing about how desperate it is for our allies there, the people like the Afghan interpreters who did all they could to help us when we were there. Now they’re all going to be killed if Biden doesn’t act immediately.

Hey, that ice cream isn’t going to eat itself, at least Joey’s immune to brain freeze. As for our tragic Afghan allies who put their lives on the line, stolen elections have consequences.
ITMT, Our generals are all at the Critical Race Theory Symposium, they can't be bothered minor things like National Security or their oaths to Serve and Protect our Nation and Constitution from it's enemies both foreign and Domestic. They've become the Enemy.

Yet you had zero complaints when the blob went on vacation. Why the double standard?

As Multiple Crises Spin Out of Control, Biden Goes on Vacation

12 Aug 2021 ~~ By Nick Arama
Joe Biden refused to take questions today after things began to spiral out of control in Afghanistan.
First, there was the report that his administration had pleaded with the Taliban not to go after the American Embassy in Kabul but then he had to send in troops to help evacuate the embassy and others out of the country. This was despite previously saying that they wouldn’t need to have an airlift as in Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War. But even as they were ordering that, the State Department claimed it wasn’t actually an evacuation. Despite the fact that it was clear that it was an evacuation and the Pentagon used those exact words.
Meanwhile, the border is out of control, hitting more record numbers of illegal aliens crossing the border in July, with many of them also positive for the Wuhan coronavirus.
Meanwhile, inflation is surging with a record high with inflation for businesses reached a year-over-year rate of 7.8% in July — the highest level ever recorded. The Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the Producer Price Index — which tracks changes in input prices for businesses and other domestic producers — increased by 1.0% during the month of July alone.
Meanwhile, what is Joe Biden doing in response? He’s going on another early vacation back to Wilmington, Delaware. He just came back from a four-day weekend thereon in the early afternoon on Tuesday.

The media would be melting down if President Donald Trump had to order troops back into the country to help evacuate but then went on vacation? We’d never hear the end of it how uncaring he was and how he had failed. Yet, we’re not hearing any of that now.

Where are they asking about why he is once again going on vacation after he just came back from one? When he’s only been back at “work” for about a day and a half? What’s the need a vacation from? All the ice cream eating? Because it sure isn’t from the work that he’s blowing off.
But I’m betting it’s more about the deterioration is getting greater and it’s easier to hide it/cover for it if he’d not in the White House. So who wants to bet we’re going to see much more of this as he becomes scarcer. Can we call a lid on his term?
I’ve been writing about how desperate it is for our allies there, the people like the Afghan interpreters who did all they could to help us when we were there. Now they’re all going to be killed if Biden doesn’t act immediately.

Hey, that ice cream isn’t going to eat itself, at least Joey’s immune to brain freeze. As for our tragic Afghan allies who put their lives on the line, stolen elections have consequences.
ITMT, Our generals are all at the Critical Race Theory Symposium, they can't be bothered minor things like National Security or their oaths to Serve and Protect our Nation and Constitution from it's enemies both foreign and Domestic. They've become the Enemy.

The only thing a President gets a vacation from at Camp David is the Press. And from idjits like you.
Sure but the economy was going strong,
Recent stock market highs...ten million jobs added last month. What you talking about Willis.
he had the border under control,
He did? Funny, we still have illegal aliens here.
the wall was being built,
Really where? There were like 45 miles of new wall built over 4 years.
Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan were relatively peaceful,
Yeah except for all of the times it wasn't. Just like now.
and Europe was paying it's share to NATO force strength. much were they paying?

And you left off the hundreds of thousands of covid deaths while your blob golfed. Where was your outrage then?
The reality is that if a President only was allowed a vacation when there were no crises...there would never be another presidential vacation. The OP is seeking to turn up the volume on crises that are not going to be solved in our generation. And once they are solved (if they are ever solved)....there are about 3,000 more crises; student debt, environmental, wildfires out west, US competitiveness. Its a time honored tradition....and yes liberals do it too.

I do wish that the Powers that Be would create a general repository for threads like this; call it "Silly Bitching about the other side" or whatever. Move this thread there immediately.
Recent stock market highs...ten million jobs added last month. What you talking about Willis.

He did? Funny, we still have illegal aliens here.

Really where? There were like 45 miles of new wall built over 4 years.

Yeah except for all of the times it wasn't. Just like now. much were they paying?

And you left off the hundreds of thousands of covid deaths while your blob golfed. Where was your outrage then?
You love lying don’t you you Russian stooge? This thread isn’t about Trump moron. It’s about Xiden and his failures.
Recent stock market highs...ten million jobs added last month. What you talking about Willis.

He did? Funny, we still have illegal aliens here.

Really where? There were like 45 miles of new wall built over 4 years.

Yeah except for all of the times it wasn't. Just like now. much were they paying?

And you left off the hundreds of thousands of covid deaths while your blob golfed. Where was your outrage then?

Come on Man!! Bai Dung can't even climb the stairs without slipping, handle the pandemic, get people vaccinated without threatening them, slow the inflation he started, get the people he's paying to stay home go back to work, stop the crisis he created at the border with the latest 212,000 people coming across in July alone. Now he's pleading and trying to bribe the Taliban to let our Embassy stay. That's a losers option....

Come on Man!! Bai Dung can't even climb the stairs without slipping, handle the pandemic, get people vaccinated without threatening them, slow the inflation he started, get the people he's paying to stay home go back to work, stop the crisis he created at the border with the latest 212,000 people coming across in July alone. Now he's pleading and trying to bribe the Taliban to let our Embassy stay. That's a losers option....


Can you imagine if any of that were true?

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