As predicted, It's happening: Biden extorting Ukraine President issue blowing up

That's it?

The article you posted seems truncated and anti-climatic, like the investigative journalists didn't want us to know that whole story?

"The prosecutor, who was fired after the threat, was reportedly facing criticism back then by both Ukrainians and international officials for not bringing enough corruption prosecutions. Biden’s push to oust the prosecutor may have not been influenced by the probe of the company his son was involved in."


May have? What leads us to believe it may or may not have? Has he made statements denying it was not connected to his son? What makes us believe he may have or may not have?

It seems this is not a full story? Why not Fox news? What is the corporate media hiding? What is with the spin?

"May haves" are all democrats needed to go after TRUMP and his family for the last 2 years.

Thank you for highlighting how alike the Dems and the Repubs are.

The standard has been set. TRUMP and his family have turned over countless documents and both the sons have given testimony. The Biden's need to be held to the same standard.

As I said..."Thank you for highlighting how alike the Dems and the Repubs are."
That's it?

The article you posted seems truncated and anti-climatic, like the investigative journalists didn't want us to know that whole story?

"The prosecutor, who was fired after the threat, was reportedly facing criticism back then by both Ukrainians and international officials for not bringing enough corruption prosecutions. Biden’s push to oust the prosecutor may have not been influenced by the probe of the company his son was involved in."


May have? What leads us to believe it may or may not have? Has he made statements denying it was not connected to his son? What makes us believe he may have or may not have?

It seems this is not a full story? Why not Fox news? What is the corporate media hiding? What is with the spin?

"May haves" are all democrats needed to go after TRUMP and his family for the last 2 years.
so - you called that stupid for them to do and now you're ok with it cause it's "return fire".

my question continues to be - when does one side grow up and stop this "return fire" of actions both sides fully admit are stupid but only continue cause THEY did it last?

and how the HELL can grow up people NOT see they're acting like children in doing so?

LOL, I remember when Hillary's email corruption and the Clinton Foundation pay to play was being exposed the media and democrats response was "that's just how Washington works, and everyone does it".
That's it?

The article you posted seems truncated and anti-climatic, like the investigative journalists didn't want us to know that whole story?

"The prosecutor, who was fired after the threat, was reportedly facing criticism back then by both Ukrainians and international officials for not bringing enough corruption prosecutions. Biden’s push to oust the prosecutor may have not been influenced by the probe of the company his son was involved in."


May have? What leads us to believe it may or may not have? Has he made statements denying it was not connected to his son? What makes us believe he may have or may not have?

It seems this is not a full story? Why not Fox news? What is the corporate media hiding? What is with the spin?

"May haves" are all democrats needed to go after TRUMP and his family for the last 2 years.
so - you called that stupid for them to do and now you're ok with it cause it's "return fire".

my question continues to be - when does one side grow up and stop this "return fire" of actions both sides fully admit are stupid but only continue cause THEY did it last?

and how the HELL can grow up people NOT see they're acting like children in doing so?

LOL, I remember when Hillary's email corruption and the Clinton Foundation pay to play was being exposed the media and democrats response was "that's just how Washington works, and everyone does it".
Then quit doing it.
Joe Biden's son advised crooked Romanian businessman sentenced for corruption

There was no way this issue stayed out of the headlines and / or the media was able to shield Joe and his son from this scandal.

After targeting Trump's family for the last 3 years, watch the Dems and snowflakes claim there is nothing to this, despite the evidence otherwise, and that it is just 'payback'.

It will be ignored like many of Trump problems before getting elected.
i still don't understand why it's a problem. it's a hit piece fly by guilt by association that the right hates when done to trump but hey - bombs away when YOU can.
Biden DOES sound like a corrupt POS.

In all honesty, they all are.

I did a search using the term, "Burisma."

Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived
Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived

Here's the interview at the CFR;
Foreign Affairs Issue Launch with Former Vice President Joe Biden
The relevant portion;

HAASS: So I can’t help you with the airplane, but (Laughter.)

BIDEN: No, I get it.

HAASS: Go to—

BIDEN: But I don’t want to acknowledge you guys are spying on the intelligence agencies. (Laughter.)

HAASS: Before I call—I just want to put one other issue on the floor before I get another question or two, which is Ukraine. This administration, unlike the administration you worked in, decided to provide limited defense articles to Ukraine. Do you think that was a wise decision? And more broadly, do you see any scope for any sort of a deal on eastern Ukraine?

BIDEN: The answer is yes, I think it was a wise decision. But then again, I was pushing that for two years before we left, so. And the reason is I think the more you up the ante, the cost to Russia for their aggression—I mean, as you all know, and you know this better than anybody, you know, the one big lie going on about Ukraine back in—and the rest of Russia is that no Russian soldiers are engaged. They’re not dying. No body bags are coming home, et cetera. Because there’s overwhelming opposition on the part of the body politic in Russia for engagement in Ukraine in a military sense.

Do I think they’re—I think the Donbas has potential to be able to be solved, but it takes two things. One of those things is missing now. And that is I’m desperately concerned about the backsliding on the part of Kiev in terms of corruption. They made—I mean, I’ll give you one concrete example. I was—not I, but it just happened to be that was the assignment I got. I got all the good ones. And so I got Ukraine. And I remember going over, convincing our team, our leaders to—convincing that we should be providing for loan guarantees. And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.

So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. (Laughter.) I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

Well, there’s still—so they made some genuine substantial changes institutionally and with people. But one of the three institutions, there’s now some backsliding.

HAASS: The courts.

BIDEN: They’re—and the—yes. And they had made that commitment that they wouldn’t do that.

And so, when we left, the first thing I spent a lot of time—as did Mike because this was his territory as well, and people like Charlie Kupchan and Victoria, and anyway there were a lot of good people we had working on this—we spent a lot of time with Vice President Pence because I was worried that they would make a mistake as a—it would be a sin of omission rather than commission, failing to do certain things or say certain things. And that was at a time when there was an alleged or there was a grave concern among the foreign policy elite that maybe a deal was made to lift sanctions. Whether that was true or not, but that was the atmosphere right after the election.

And so what happened was they did some good things. And they’ve now—what’s his name, the guy they have over there—

HAASS: Kurt Volker.

BIDEN: —Kurt Volker, solid, solid guy—but Kurt, to the best of my knowledge, does not have the authority or the ability to go in and say you don’t straighten this up you’re out of here. Because look, it all gets down to a simple proposition. We spent so much time—as you know, because I came, Mike, to you for advice—we spent so much time on the phone making sure that everyone from, at the time, Hollande to Renzi wouldn’t walk away. They wanted no part of these sanctions on Russia. It had an impact on them. It was basically you’ve got to do this. And thank God Merkel was strong enough at the time to reluctantly—she didn’t like it either—to stand with us, but always worked in Kyiv. I said, look, it’s a simple proposition. If, in fact, you do not continue to show progress in terms of corruption, we are not going to be able to hold the rest of Europe on these sanctions, and Russia is not going to roll across the inner line here and take over the rest of the country with their tanks. What they’re going to do is they’re going to take your economy down, you’re going to be absolutely buried, and you’re going to be done. And that’s when it all goes to hell.

But to the best of my knowledge, even—and I have—it’s a very difficult spot to be in now when foreign leaders call me, and they do, because I never, ever, ever would say anything negative to a foreign leader, and I mean it sincerely, about a sitting president, no matter how fundamentally I disagree with him. And it is not my role—not my role—to make foreign policy. But the questions across the board range from, what the hell is going on, Joe, to, what advice do you have for me? And my advice always is—I give them names of individuals in the administration who I think to be knowledgeable and committed. And I say you should talk to so-and-so.

You should—and what I do at every one of those times, I first call the vice president and tell him I received the call. Tell him—ask him whether he has any objection to my returning the call, and then what is the administration’s position, if any, they want me to communicate to that country. But the point is there is no pressure that I’m aware of—correct me if I’m wrong—no pressure I’m aware of on the present leadership in Ukraine to hold them together to be able to continue what looked like was a real possibility of turning Minsk into something that was doable by being much tougher than Germany wanted us to be. But we were moving in that direction. But now it looks like the pressure’s off. And this requires this day to day to day.

CARPENTER: Can I jump in? This may be my only chance. (Laughter.) But just on—

HAASS: Actually, you’re going to get something you didn’t expect. You’re going to get the last word.

CARPENTER: OK. Well, just on—so on the Donbas—and I completely agree with everything the vice president said because I think that’s actually the major issue right now, is helping Ukraine succeed. And if they don’t succeed internally in terms of fighting corruption and establishing rule of law, then it’s a lost cause.

But on Donbas, I truly believe Putin’s play here is to turn the—he would be happy with a negotiated resolution to the Donbas, but as long as the Donbas is turned into something akin to Republika Srpska in Bosnia. If he doesn’t get that, we’re going to see the low boil, we’re going to see the fighting continue, and we’re going to see, more importantly, dirty money flowing into Kyiv to affect their politics. And they’ve got elections coming up in 2019.

HAASS: Yeah, I was just, as you know, in Russia. And one of the things that constantly came up was a refrain very much along those lines, that in order for Russia to leave the one thing Putin could never countenance would be on Russian TV reprisals against ethnic Russians on the Ukrainian side. That would politically put him in an extremely difficult situation. This is not to defend Russian policy, but to explain it.


BIDEN: By the way, I think there’s a way that we could have insisted that that not happen, with serious sanctions on our part against Ukraine if that occurred. I think that’s—I don’t think that’s real.

HAASS: I want to thank—do you—

BIDEN: Take the last word, will you? (Laughter.)

CARPENTER: That was the last word. I’m done. I’m done.
Last edited:
Joe Biden's son advised crooked Romanian businessman sentenced for corruption

There was no way this issue stayed out of the headlines and / or the media was able to shield Joe and his son from this scandal.

After targeting Trump's family for the last 3 years, watch the Dems and snowflakes claim there is nothing to this, despite the evidence otherwise, and that it is just 'payback'.


The fact is than even Ukrainian officials have said there is nothing here. Michael Cohen was Trump's attorney. He is either going or in jail. According to your logic we should investigate Trump.
That's it?

The article you posted seems truncated and anti-climatic, like the investigative journalists didn't want us to know that whole story?

"The prosecutor, who was fired after the threat, was reportedly facing criticism back then by both Ukrainians and international officials for not bringing enough corruption prosecutions. Biden’s push to oust the prosecutor may have not been influenced by the probe of the company his son was involved in."


May have? What leads us to believe it may or may not have? Has he made statements denying it was not connected to his son? What makes us believe he may have or may not have?

It seems this is not a full story? Why not Fox news? What is the corporate media hiding? What is with the spin?
the editor for that article should be fired.

no basis for a conclusion. no smoking gun to indicate anything wrong.

demonize people and then associate the subject to "demon"

say "something is wrong here".

YOU'RE A FRIGGIN JOURNALIST go find it or shut up. this is just another bullet search that easy can get into where anything that can look bad for the other side is dramatic news that needs to be spread.

like manure.

this is what "journalism" does now. tells you how to feel about things. that is so NOT a journalists role. or at least it didn't used to be but we love to redefine things these days so hell, lets all go tabloid and get impregnated by alien anal probes.

This is Fox News that allows people like Hannity to rant and rave every night. Little wonder Fox News won Rasmussen's competition for a fake news site.
let me make sure i understand...

we are to get mad at bidens son for working with putin and others in real estate and business deals.

what is the difference then in trump doing business with russia vs biden? not going to chase every squirrels nut that you fling out these days so please just let me know why trumps business with putin/russia is cool but bidens is not.

The difference is TRUMP's business in Russia took place before he held public office and was in line with similar business deals he has been making for the majority of his life, Biden's was done while creepy Joe was VP.

Biden had no business dealings when he was VP.
Joe Biden's son advised crooked Romanian businessman sentenced for corruption

There was no way this issue stayed out of the headlines and / or the media was able to shield Joe and his son from this scandal.

After targeting Trump's family for the last 3 years, watch the Dems and snowflakes claim there is nothing to this, despite the evidence otherwise, and that it is just 'payback'.

It will be ignored like many of Trump problems before getting elected.

But you would agree it is bad for Biden to use his status as VP to extort the Ukraine government and get his son a job in Ukraine he isn’t qualified for?
Joe Biden's son advised crooked Romanian businessman sentenced for corruption

There was no way this issue stayed out of the headlines and / or the media was able to shield Joe and his son from this scandal.

After targeting Trump's family for the last 3 years, watch the Dems and snowflakes claim there is nothing to this, despite the evidence otherwise, and that it is just 'payback'.

It will be ignored like many of Trump problems before getting elected.
i still don't understand why it's a problem. it's a hit piece fly by guilt by association that the right hates when done to trump but hey - bombs away when YOU can.
Biden DOES sound like a corrupt POS.

In all honesty, they all are.

I did a search using the term, "Burisma."

Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived
Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived

Here's the interview at the CFR;
Foreign Affairs Issue Launch with Former Vice President Joe Biden
The relevant portion;

HAASS: So I can’t help you with the airplane, but (Laughter.)

BIDEN: No, I get it.

HAASS: Go to—

BIDEN: But I don’t want to acknowledge you guys are spying on the intelligence agencies. (Laughter.)

HAASS: Before I call—I just want to put one other issue on the floor before I get another question or two, which is Ukraine. This administration, unlike the administration you worked in, decided to provide limited defense articles to Ukraine. Do you think that was a wise decision? And more broadly, do you see any scope for any sort of a deal on eastern Ukraine?

BIDEN: The answer is yes, I think it was a wise decision. But then again, I was pushing that for two years before we left, so. And the reason is I think the more you up the ante, the cost to Russia for their aggression—I mean, as you all know, and you know this better than anybody, you know, the one big lie going on about Ukraine back in—and the rest of Russia is that no Russian soldiers are engaged. They’re not dying. No body bags are coming home, et cetera. Because there’s overwhelming opposition on the part of the body politic in Russia for engagement in Ukraine in a military sense.

Do I think they’re—I think the Donbas has potential to be able to be solved, but it takes two things. One of those things is missing now. And that is I’m desperately concerned about the backsliding on the part of Kiev in terms of corruption. They made—I mean, I’ll give you one concrete example. I was—not I, but it just happened to be that was the assignment I got. I got all the good ones. And so I got Ukraine. And I remember going over, convincing our team, our leaders to—convincing that we should be providing for loan guarantees. And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.

So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. (Laughter.) I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

Well, there’s still—so they made some genuine substantial changes institutionally and with people. But one of the three institutions, there’s now some backsliding.

HAASS: The courts.

BIDEN: They’re—and the—yes. And they had made that commitment that they wouldn’t do that.

And so, when we left, the first thing I spent a lot of time—as did Mike because this was his territory as well, and people like Charlie Kupchan and Victoria, and anyway there were a lot of good people we had working on this—we spent a lot of time with Vice President Pence because I was worried that they would make a mistake as a—it would be a sin of omission rather than commission, failing to do certain things or say certain things. And that was at a time when there was an alleged or there was a grave concern among the foreign policy elite that maybe a deal was made to lift sanctions. Whether that was true or not, but that was the atmosphere right after the election.

And so what happened was they did some good things. And they’ve now—what’s his name, the guy they have over there—

HAASS: Kurt Volker.

BIDEN: —Kurt Volker, solid, solid guy—but Kurt, to the best of my knowledge, does not have the authority or the ability to go in and say you don’t straighten this up you’re out of here. Because look, it all gets down to a simple proposition. We spent so much time—as you know, because I came, Mike, to you for advice—we spent so much time on the phone making sure that everyone from, at the time, Hollande to Renzi wouldn’t walk away. They wanted no part of these sanctions on Russia. It had an impact on them. It was basically you’ve got to do this. And thank God Merkel was strong enough at the time to reluctantly—she didn’t like it either—to stand with us, but always worked in Kyiv. I said, look, it’s a simple proposition. If, in fact, you do not continue to show progress in terms of corruption, we are not going to be able to hold the rest of Europe on these sanctions, and Russia is not going to roll across the inner line here and take over the rest of the country with their tanks. What they’re going to do is they’re going to take your economy down, you’re going to be absolutely buried, and you’re going to be done. And that’s when it all goes to hell.

But to the best of my knowledge, even—and I have—it’s a very difficult spot to be in now when foreign leaders call me, and they do, because I never, ever, ever would say anything negative to a foreign leader, and I mean it sincerely, about a sitting president, no matter how fundamentally I disagree with him. And it is not my role—not my role—to make foreign policy. But the questions across the board range from, what the hell is going on, Joe, to, what advice do you have for me? And my advice always is—I give them names of individuals in the administration who I think to be knowledgeable and committed. And I say you should talk to so-and-so.

You should—and what I do at every one of those times, I first call the vice president and tell him I received the call. Tell him—ask him whether he has any objection to my returning the call, and then what is the administration’s position, if any, they want me to communicate to that country. But the point is there is no pressure that I’m aware of—correct me if I’m wrong—no pressure I’m aware of on the present leadership in Ukraine to hold them together to be able to continue what looked like was a real possibility of turning Minsk into something that was doable by being much tougher than Germany wanted us to be. But we were moving in that direction. But now it looks like the pressure’s off. And this requires this day to day to day.

CARPENTER: Can I jump in? This may be my only chance. (Laughter.) But just on—

HAASS: Actually, you’re going to get something you didn’t expect. You’re going to get the last word.

CARPENTER: OK. Well, just on—so on the Donbas—and I completely agree with everything the vice president said because I think that’s actually the major issue right now, is helping Ukraine succeed. And if they don’t succeed internally in terms of fighting corruption and establishing rule of law, then it’s a lost cause.

But on Donbas, I truly believe Putin’s play here is to turn the—he would be happy with a negotiated resolution to the Donbas, but as long as the Donbas is turned into something akin to Republika Srpska in Bosnia. If he doesn’t get that, we’re going to see the low boil, we’re going to see the fighting continue, and we’re going to see, more importantly, dirty money flowing into Kyiv to affect their politics. And they’ve got elections coming up in 2019.

HAASS: Yeah, I was just, as you know, in Russia. And one of the things that constantly came up was a refrain very much along those lines, that in order for Russia to leave the one thing Putin could never countenance would be on Russian TV reprisals against ethnic Russians on the Ukrainian side. That would politically put him in an extremely difficult situation. This is not to defend Russian policy, but to explain it.


BIDEN: By the way, I think there’s a way that we could have insisted that that not happen, with serious sanctions on our part against Ukraine if that occurred. I think that’s—I don’t think that’s real.

HAASS: I want to thank—do you—

BIDEN: Take the last word, will you? (Laughter.)

CARPENTER: That was the last word. I’m done. I’m done.
that wasn't in the fox article was it?

but yea, that's a bit different than the fox article that seemed to want to link bidens son with someone and didn't really explain it like this.
That's it?

The article you posted seems truncated and anti-climatic, like the investigative journalists didn't want us to know that whole story?

"The prosecutor, who was fired after the threat, was reportedly facing criticism back then by both Ukrainians and international officials for not bringing enough corruption prosecutions. Biden’s push to oust the prosecutor may have not been influenced by the probe of the company his son was involved in."


May have? What leads us to believe it may or may not have? Has he made statements denying it was not connected to his son? What makes us believe he may have or may not have?

It seems this is not a full story? Why not Fox news? What is the corporate media hiding? What is with the spin?
the editor for that article should be fired.

no basis for a conclusion. no smoking gun to indicate anything wrong.

demonize people and then associate the subject to "demon"

say "something is wrong here".

YOU'RE A FRIGGIN JOURNALIST go find it or shut up. this is just another bullet search that easy can get into where anything that can look bad for the other side is dramatic news that needs to be spread.

like manure.

this is what "journalism" does now. tells you how to feel about things. that is so NOT a journalists role. or at least it didn't used to be but we love to redefine things these days so hell, lets all go tabloid and get impregnated by alien anal probes.

This is Fox News that allows people like Hannity to rant and rave every night. Little wonder Fox News won Rasmussen's competition for a fake news site.
Says someone who trusts career politicians

Shut the fuck up… LOL
Joe Biden's son advised crooked Romanian businessman sentenced for corruption

There was no way this issue stayed out of the headlines and / or the media was able to shield Joe and his son from this scandal.

After targeting Trump's family for the last 3 years, watch the Dems and snowflakes claim there is nothing to this, despite the evidence otherwise, and that it is just 'payback'.

It will be ignored like many of Trump problems before getting elected.

But you would agree it is bad for Biden to use his status as VP to extort the Ukraine government and get his son a job in Ukraine he isn’t qualified for?

The trouble is that no one agrees with you.

"There is no question that Biden did, during a visit to Kiev in late 2015, threaten to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees unless Shokin was dismissed. But the vice president, who was leading the Obama administration’s effort to fight corruption in Ukraine, did the country a favor by hastening Shokin’s departure, Kaleniuk said, since he had failed to properly investigate corrupt officials.

“Shokin was fired because he attacked the reformers within the prosecutor general’s office,” Kaleniuk said, “reformers who tried to investigate corrupt prosecutors.”

A Republican Conspiracy Theory About a Biden-in-Ukraine Scandal Has Gone Mainstream. But It Is Not True.
Joe Biden's son advised crooked Romanian businessman sentenced for corruption

There was no way this issue stayed out of the headlines and / or the media was able to shield Joe and his son from this scandal.

After targeting Trump's family for the last 3 years, watch the Dems and snowflakes claim there is nothing to this, despite the evidence otherwise, and that it is just 'payback'.

It will be ignored like many of Trump problems before getting elected.

But you would agree it is bad for Biden to use his status as VP to extort the Ukraine government and get his son a job in Ukraine he isn’t qualified for?

The trouble is that no one agrees with you.

"There is no question that Biden did, during a visit to Kiev in late 2015, threaten to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees unless Shokin was dismissed. But the vice president, who was leading the Obama administration’s effort to fight corruption in Ukraine, did the country a favor by hastening Shokin’s departure, Kaleniuk said, since he had failed to properly investigate corrupt officials.

“Shokin was fired because he attacked the reformers within the prosecutor general’s office,” Kaleniuk said, “reformers who tried to investigate corrupt prosecutors.”

A Republican Conspiracy Theory About a Biden-in-Ukraine Scandal Has Gone Mainstream. But It Is Not True.

“No one”

Why not just stick with facts?

I can provide plenty of examples of people that can look at the facts and agree Biden got his son a job with political leverage.

Why would you say, “No one”and completely fucking discredit yourself by lying right off the bat?
Joe Biden's son advised crooked Romanian businessman sentenced for corruption

There was no way this issue stayed out of the headlines and / or the media was able to shield Joe and his son from this scandal.

After targeting Trump's family for the last 3 years, watch the Dems and snowflakes claim there is nothing to this, despite the evidence otherwise, and that it is just 'payback'.


The fact is than even Ukrainian officials have said there is nothing here. Michael Cohen was Trump's attorney. He is either going or in jail. According to your logic we should investigate Trump.

We already did, for two years.
Joe Biden's son advised crooked Romanian businessman sentenced for corruption

There was no way this issue stayed out of the headlines and / or the media was able to shield Joe and his son from this scandal.

After targeting Trump's family for the last 3 years, watch the Dems and snowflakes claim there is nothing to this, despite the evidence otherwise, and that it is just 'payback'.

It will be ignored like many of Trump problems before getting elected.
i still don't understand why it's a problem. it's a hit piece fly by guilt by association that the right hates when done to trump but hey - bombs away when YOU can.
Biden DOES sound like a corrupt POS.

In all honesty, they all are.

I did a search using the term, "Burisma."

Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived
Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived

Here's the interview at the CFR;
Foreign Affairs Issue Launch with Former Vice President Joe Biden
The relevant portion;

HAASS: So I can’t help you with the airplane, but (Laughter.)

BIDEN: No, I get it.

HAASS: Go to—

BIDEN: But I don’t want to acknowledge you guys are spying on the intelligence agencies. (Laughter.)

HAASS: Before I call—I just want to put one other issue on the floor before I get another question or two, which is Ukraine. This administration, unlike the administration you worked in, decided to provide limited defense articles to Ukraine. Do you think that was a wise decision? And more broadly, do you see any scope for any sort of a deal on eastern Ukraine?

BIDEN: The answer is yes, I think it was a wise decision. But then again, I was pushing that for two years before we left, so. And the reason is I think the more you up the ante, the cost to Russia for their aggression—I mean, as you all know, and you know this better than anybody, you know, the one big lie going on about Ukraine back in—and the rest of Russia is that no Russian soldiers are engaged. They’re not dying. No body bags are coming home, et cetera. Because there’s overwhelming opposition on the part of the body politic in Russia for engagement in Ukraine in a military sense.

Do I think they’re—I think the Donbas has potential to be able to be solved, but it takes two things. One of those things is missing now. And that is I’m desperately concerned about the backsliding on the part of Kiev in terms of corruption. They made—I mean, I’ll give you one concrete example. I was—not I, but it just happened to be that was the assignment I got. I got all the good ones. And so I got Ukraine. And I remember going over, convincing our team, our leaders to—convincing that we should be providing for loan guarantees. And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.

So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. (Laughter.) I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

Well, there’s still—so they made some genuine substantial changes institutionally and with people. But one of the three institutions, there’s now some backsliding.

HAASS: The courts.

BIDEN: They’re—and the—yes. And they had made that commitment that they wouldn’t do that.

And so, when we left, the first thing I spent a lot of time—as did Mike because this was his territory as well, and people like Charlie Kupchan and Victoria, and anyway there were a lot of good people we had working on this—we spent a lot of time with Vice President Pence because I was worried that they would make a mistake as a—it would be a sin of omission rather than commission, failing to do certain things or say certain things. And that was at a time when there was an alleged or there was a grave concern among the foreign policy elite that maybe a deal was made to lift sanctions. Whether that was true or not, but that was the atmosphere right after the election.

And so what happened was they did some good things. And they’ve now—what’s his name, the guy they have over there—

HAASS: Kurt Volker.

BIDEN: —Kurt Volker, solid, solid guy—but Kurt, to the best of my knowledge, does not have the authority or the ability to go in and say you don’t straighten this up you’re out of here. Because look, it all gets down to a simple proposition. We spent so much time—as you know, because I came, Mike, to you for advice—we spent so much time on the phone making sure that everyone from, at the time, Hollande to Renzi wouldn’t walk away. They wanted no part of these sanctions on Russia. It had an impact on them. It was basically you’ve got to do this. And thank God Merkel was strong enough at the time to reluctantly—she didn’t like it either—to stand with us, but always worked in Kyiv. I said, look, it’s a simple proposition. If, in fact, you do not continue to show progress in terms of corruption, we are not going to be able to hold the rest of Europe on these sanctions, and Russia is not going to roll across the inner line here and take over the rest of the country with their tanks. What they’re going to do is they’re going to take your economy down, you’re going to be absolutely buried, and you’re going to be done. And that’s when it all goes to hell.

But to the best of my knowledge, even—and I have—it’s a very difficult spot to be in now when foreign leaders call me, and they do, because I never, ever, ever would say anything negative to a foreign leader, and I mean it sincerely, about a sitting president, no matter how fundamentally I disagree with him. And it is not my role—not my role—to make foreign policy. But the questions across the board range from, what the hell is going on, Joe, to, what advice do you have for me? And my advice always is—I give them names of individuals in the administration who I think to be knowledgeable and committed. And I say you should talk to so-and-so.

You should—and what I do at every one of those times, I first call the vice president and tell him I received the call. Tell him—ask him whether he has any objection to my returning the call, and then what is the administration’s position, if any, they want me to communicate to that country. But the point is there is no pressure that I’m aware of—correct me if I’m wrong—no pressure I’m aware of on the present leadership in Ukraine to hold them together to be able to continue what looked like was a real possibility of turning Minsk into something that was doable by being much tougher than Germany wanted us to be. But we were moving in that direction. But now it looks like the pressure’s off. And this requires this day to day to day.

CARPENTER: Can I jump in? This may be my only chance. (Laughter.) But just on—

HAASS: Actually, you’re going to get something you didn’t expect. You’re going to get the last word.

CARPENTER: OK. Well, just on—so on the Donbas—and I completely agree with everything the vice president said because I think that’s actually the major issue right now, is helping Ukraine succeed. And if they don’t succeed internally in terms of fighting corruption and establishing rule of law, then it’s a lost cause.

But on Donbas, I truly believe Putin’s play here is to turn the—he would be happy with a negotiated resolution to the Donbas, but as long as the Donbas is turned into something akin to Republika Srpska in Bosnia. If he doesn’t get that, we’re going to see the low boil, we’re going to see the fighting continue, and we’re going to see, more importantly, dirty money flowing into Kyiv to affect their politics. And they’ve got elections coming up in 2019.

HAASS: Yeah, I was just, as you know, in Russia. And one of the things that constantly came up was a refrain very much along those lines, that in order for Russia to leave the one thing Putin could never countenance would be on Russian TV reprisals against ethnic Russians on the Ukrainian side. That would politically put him in an extremely difficult situation. This is not to defend Russian policy, but to explain it.


BIDEN: By the way, I think there’s a way that we could have insisted that that not happen, with serious sanctions on our part against Ukraine if that occurred. I think that’s—I don’t think that’s real.

HAASS: I want to thank—do you—

BIDEN: Take the last word, will you? (Laughter.)

CARPENTER: That was the last word. I’m done. I’m done.
that wasn't in the fox article was it?

but yea, that's a bit different than the fox article that seemed to want to link bidens son with someone and didn't really explain it like this.
No. It wasn't in the article.

It was the international political rationale for forcing the ouster of the "corrupt" prosecutor. Probably not so corrupt? Who knows. The CFR is pretty biased and tyrannical. CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, They are all members who meet with government officials to discuss the propaganda. It's interesting to hear Biden admit his "sin."

The investigative journalists of Fox News have the motivations of a high school journalists, or know their consumers have the intelligence and critical thinking skills of high school kids.

It matters not a whole lot.

The point is, these matters are beyond left or right. We see that Pence, and thus Trump is on in the negotiations, so it can't be spun into a "divide and conquer" distract the population issue. If it can't? Then it can't be played in such a way to distract from larger issues. It's only good for selling cholesterol lowering drugs. :71:

Russia has it's own problems obviously. This issue isn't super simple. Biden's son got caught up in the corruption, and Biden tried to shield him. (Obviously.) But the whole situation stinks, as do all these elites.
That's it?

The article you posted seems truncated and anti-climatic, like the investigative journalists didn't want us to know that whole story?

"The prosecutor, who was fired after the threat, was reportedly facing criticism back then by both Ukrainians and international officials for not bringing enough corruption prosecutions. Biden’s push to oust the prosecutor may have not been influenced by the probe of the company his son was involved in."


May have? What leads us to believe it may or may not have? Has he made statements denying it was not connected to his son? What makes us believe he may have or may not have?

It seems this is not a full story? Why not Fox news? What is the corporate media hiding? What is with the spin?
the editor for that article should be fired.

no basis for a conclusion. no smoking gun to indicate anything wrong.

demonize people and then associate the subject to "demon"

say "something is wrong here".

YOU'RE A FRIGGIN JOURNALIST go find it or shut up. this is just another bullet search that easy can get into where anything that can look bad for the other side is dramatic news that needs to be spread.

like manure.

this is what "journalism" does now. tells you how to feel about things. that is so NOT a journalists role. or at least it didn't used to be but we love to redefine things these days so hell, lets all go tabloid and get impregnated by alien anal probes.

This is Fox News that allows people like Hannity to rant and rave every night. Little wonder Fox News won Rasmussen's competition for a fake news site.
Says someone who trusts career politicians

Shut the fuck up… LOL

Why don't you shut the fuck up.

Rasmussen gives Trump his best numbers.
Joe Biden's son advised crooked Romanian businessman sentenced for corruption

There was no way this issue stayed out of the headlines and / or the media was able to shield Joe and his son from this scandal.

After targeting Trump's family for the last 3 years, watch the Dems and snowflakes claim there is nothing to this, despite the evidence otherwise, and that it is just 'payback'.


The fact is than even Ukrainian officials have said there is nothing here. Michael Cohen was Trump's attorney. He is either going or in jail. According to your logic we should investigate Trump.

We already did, for two years.

Then we need to go further.
That's it?

The article you posted seems truncated and anti-climatic, like the investigative journalists didn't want us to know that whole story?

"The prosecutor, who was fired after the threat, was reportedly facing criticism back then by both Ukrainians and international officials for not bringing enough corruption prosecutions. Biden’s push to oust the prosecutor may have not been influenced by the probe of the company his son was involved in."


May have? What leads us to believe it may or may not have? Has he made statements denying it was not connected to his son? What makes us believe he may have or may not have?

It seems this is not a full story? Why not Fox news? What is the corporate media hiding? What is with the spin?
the editor for that article should be fired.

no basis for a conclusion. no smoking gun to indicate anything wrong.

demonize people and then associate the subject to "demon"

say "something is wrong here".

YOU'RE A FRIGGIN JOURNALIST go find it or shut up. this is just another bullet search that easy can get into where anything that can look bad for the other side is dramatic news that needs to be spread.

like manure.

this is what "journalism" does now. tells you how to feel about things. that is so NOT a journalists role. or at least it didn't used to be but we love to redefine things these days so hell, lets all go tabloid and get impregnated by alien anal probes.

This is Fox News that allows people like Hannity to rant and rave every night. Little wonder Fox News won Rasmussen's competition for a fake news site.
Says someone who trusts career politicians

Shut the fuck up… LOL

Why don't you shut the fuck up.

Rasmussen gives Trump his best numbers.
It doesn’t matter, you are the fool that trusts career politicians
let me make sure i understand...

we are to get mad at bidens son for working with putin and others in real estate and business deals.

what is the difference then in trump doing business with russia vs biden? not going to chase every squirrels nut that you fling out these days so please just let me know why trumps business with putin/russia is cool but bidens is not.

I agree. People do business with people in other countries all the time. Trump did it all the time.

Biden's son has nothing to do with Biden and his run for POTUS.

If he does something illegal it has nothing to do with Biden.
Joe Biden's son advised crooked Romanian businessman sentenced for corruption

There was no way this issue stayed out of the headlines and / or the media was able to shield Joe and his son from this scandal.

After targeting Trump's family for the last 3 years, watch the Dems and snowflakes claim there is nothing to this, despite the evidence otherwise, and that it is just 'payback'.

I’m trying to figure out how this involves Joe Biden. Whatever “this“ is.
Ukraine is not trying to destroy America. Russia is trying to destroy America. I’m more concerned with Trump and all his thousands of ties to Russia.


When the trumps got millions and millions of dollars pouring in from Russia, they were so proud they told everybody about it. But now that we know that Russia helped Trump become president, suddenly they don’t know any Russians. At least in the front of the scene. Behind the scenes is another matter.

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