I don't drink or do drugs , you must be talking about yourself. If you still believe trump is good company , you're in good company ; he talks about himself all the time. I remember when it sunk in how bad he was about that. He was trying to give a eulogy about someone and he turned it all around to be about him. I honestly believe he was so self-indulgent he didn't even notice what he had done.
well, thank you for explaining you are just plain old dumb
and what a great story, about trump saying something about something sometime in the past, such great detail and context,
I now wonder why I considered you drunk, and not stupid, relating something, about something, that we can not discuss because you dont know what the fuck you are talking about
Biden and the democrats are fucking up this country
there is more than enough evidence showing that Pelosi did not allow the National Guard to be deployed
Instead of showing how stupid you are by trying, and failing to insult me, how about discussing the cia, the fbi, pelosi, and all the bullshit they pulled on Jan 6th, like the bomb at DNC headquarters or the CIA agents in the crowd of Trump supporters.
nice job at not addressing the topic of thread, moron