As President Trump is indicted for January 6, more evidence emerges that it was a set-up.

you witnessed democrat propaganda? we all did, that is your argument, I saw it on CNN

you could not present a more stupid argument if you tried
Oh , yes ! I forgot that the whole world was against trump. How could anyone think there's something wrong with him. ( Sarcasm ).
Oh , yes ! I forgot that the whole world was against trump. How could anyone think there's something wrong with him. ( Sarcasm ).
thank god you told me that was sarcasm,

you have any other nonsense to prove your stupidity, no sarcasm there, go ahead and post again to show us all how dumb you really are
sure it was, just as you were told to say by the democrat propaganda machine

falling prices for energy, falling prices for housing, falling prices for food, falling prices for clothing, falling imports of foreign products

so terrible

what do we get with the democrats, the promise that they will give us welfare for all they made unaffordable
Hilarious white grandma

What does the Democratic Party deliver?

An infrastructure law rather than just talking about one like maga.

A Chips & Science law rather than a tax gimmick like maga did.

A healthcare law rather than promising one for 8 years like maga does.

The Right of Privacy for women instead of a government in the bedroom and doctors' office like maga does.

Results instead of performance theater like maga does with the likes of green, boobert and gym jordan.
thank god you told me that was sarcasm,

you have any other nonsense to prove your stupidity, no sarcasm there, go ahead and post again to show us all how dumb you really are
Given the ignorant things you've been saying thought it best to say it was sarcasm and help you transition to reality.
What facts olde white grandma?
the fact that you fantasize about me being white, which I am not, being a grandma, which I am not, and being a woman, which I am not, getting three things wrong about a person, certainly that is bigotry, let me guess, bigotry means you are a democrat'
the fact that you fantasize about me being white, which I am not, being a grandma, which I am not, and being a woman, which I am not, getting three things wrong about a person, certainly that is bigotry, let me guess, bigotry means you are a democrat'
If I was a bigot, I would be a maga fuckup licking a cheetos shoes.
If I was a bigot, I would be a maga fuckup licking a cheetos shoes.
you are a bigot, in the party of bigotry, calling me a grandma and sniffing around my ass when I am a man

so wrong about me, how are you right about anything else

bigots, you think the bigots in the KKK that were hanging black men in front of their children ever stopped to say, oh fuck, I am a bigot, I cant do this. Nope, they never admitted it because bigots are naturally stupid, like you are.

you got fellow bigots here, that cheer you on, I see that, but you are still a stupid bigot, that is not an insult, it is an observation based on your posts

why would you call me names and not address the facts if you are not a bigot

yep, you are scum, the type we all wish would get run over by a car, not cause we hate, but because the world is better off without bigots
Given the ignorant things you've been saying thought it best to say it was sarcasm and help you transition to reality.
how does sarcasm transition into reality?

thank you for proving the democrat base is stupid, nobody does that better than you
how does sarcasm transition into reality?
Demonstrates what is true about your beliefs and what is not. trump is one big lie that just keeps getting bigger and uglier as time goes on.
Demonstrates what is true about your beliefs and what is not. trump is one big lie that just keeps getting bigger and uglier as time goes on.
you are incoherent, dont post while you are up late drinking

go back and read what you think you are replying to, in the morning you will feel embarrassed, if you sober up
you are incoherent, dont post while you are up late drinking

go back and read what you think you are replying to, in the morning you will feel embarrassed, if you sober up
I don't drink or do drugs , you must be talking about yourself. If you still believe trump is good company , you're in good company ; he talks about himself all the time. I remember when it sunk in how bad he was about that. He was trying to give a eulogy about someone and he turned it all around to be about him. I honestly believe he was so self-indulgent he didn't even notice what he had done.
I don't drink or do drugs , you must be talking about yourself. If you still believe trump is good company , you're in good company ; he talks about himself all the time. I remember when it sunk in how bad he was about that. He was trying to give a eulogy about someone and he turned it all around to be about him. I honestly believe he was so self-indulgent he didn't even notice what he had done.
well, thank you for explaining you are just plain old dumb

and what a great story, about trump saying something about something sometime in the past, such great detail and context,

I now wonder why I considered you drunk, and not stupid, relating something, about something, that we can not discuss because you dont know what the fuck you are talking about

Biden and the democrats are fucking up this country

there is more than enough evidence showing that Pelosi did not allow the National Guard to be deployed

Instead of showing how stupid you are by trying, and failing to insult me, how about discussing the cia, the fbi, pelosi, and all the bullshit they pulled on Jan 6th, like the bomb at DNC headquarters or the CIA agents in the crowd of Trump supporters.

nice job at not addressing the topic of thread, moron
it is hard to believe that some asshole moved this to conspiracy theories

both sides of the arugment should be here, if this is
you are incoherent,
I speak using my own words , not propaganda like you use. If it's incoherent to you that's got your problem. I seldom regret what I say or do , I choose my words carefully and accurately fitting to the situation. If I feel regret about these postings it will be because you've made yourself such an easy target. As if you are a masochist or something else crazy like that.
well, thank you for explaining you are just plain old dumb

and what a great story, about trump saying something about something sometime in the past, such great detail and context,

I now wonder why I considered you drunk, and not stupid, relating something, about something, that we can not discuss because you dont know what the fuck you are talking about
Smart people know when to quit , you're making this far too easy. Do you wear a bullseye on your back when you go out. You sure do on here. And no one has fucked up the country more than trump .You try to.make old claims that have been disproven long ago and are not worth responding to anymore.
I speak using my own words , not propaganda like you use. If it's incoherent to you that's got your problem. I seldom regret what I say or do , I choose my words carefully and accurately fitting to the situation. If I feel regret about these postings it will be because you've made yourself such an easy target. As if you are a masochist or something else crazy like that.
most bigots and morons never regret what they do, you are no different

yes, well thought out, I get sexual gratification responding to you, you really are, dumber than a rock

you are trying to be funny, and not stupid, right, please tell us you are just a moron trying humor, the other choice is too sad

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