As President Trump is indicted for January 6, more evidence emerges that it was a set-up.

Smart people know when to quit , you're making this far too easy. Do you wear a bullseye on your back when you go out. You sure do on here. And no one has fucked up the country more than trump .You try to.make old claims that have been disproven long ago and are not worth responding to anymore.
Hey, dumbass, you been doing nothing but trolling and trying to insult me, not once have you addressed the facts I present in this thread

Now you claim I am not worth responding to, when all you have done is insult, and suffered me calling you a durnk, a moron, stupid

Yep, such an easy target, to insult me personally while not addressing any of the facts I have posted.

Pelosi refused the National Guard, Pelosi failed to protect the capitaol

The only thing that you democrats on USMB have, is moving this thread to where it is never seen, in conspiracy theories and then insult anybody you disagree with.

Yep, not worth responding to the insults, If you were smart, you would of figrued that out after I responded to your first insult. And it was you who began the insults, never me.

fucking moron
most bigots and morons never regret what they do, you are no different

yes, well thought out, I get sexual gratification responding to you, you really are, dumber than a rock
Masochist , interesting that you looked upon it as sex based. It can be but in the larger sense it's someone like you who seems to enjoy being humiliated or other painful experiences. I never assumed you were thinking of me. This is all about you. Those are your words , not mine. Better be careful who you call dumb. At least you can type , many morons can't. Bigots , your word usage and insults would also indicate you're still talking about yourself. Try to have a good night , I plan on it.
Masochist , interesting that you looked upon it as sex based. It can be but in the larger sense it's someone like you who seems to enjoy being humiliated or other painful experiences
You have humiliated me? hahahahahahahahahahahah
Smart people know when to quit , you're making this far too easy.
Really, smart people know when to quit? I guess that aint you cause you keep trying your best, over and over, and I am still here, laughing at you and pointing out you are stupid

smart people know when to quit? Irony
You have humiliated me? hahahahahahahahahahahah

Really, smart people know when to quit? I guess that aint you cause you keep trying your best, over and over, and I am still here, laughing at you and pointing out you are stupid

smart people know when to quit? Irony
No , you keep humiliating yourself. Good luck with that. You pervert everything , how do you even survive. I am 72 years old and I'm thriving, there isn't enough time in the day for me. With that , I've wasted enough of it on you. Good bye and good luck. You need all you can get with that terrible negative attitude you have. Life was meant to be lived not wasted.
No , you keep humiliating yourself. Good luck with that. You pervert everything , how do you even survive. I am 72 years old and I'm thriving, there isn't enough time in the day for me. With that , I've wasted enough of it on you. Good bye and good luck. You need all you can get with that terrible negative attitude you have. Life was meant to be lived not wasted.
hahahahaha, 72 years old, well thank god you will be gone soon. What a lousy old man you are. You make so many baseless claims you deserve nothing but ridicule.

Such paranoia, "Trump wanted hundreds dead so that he could declare martial law"

What can anyone say to people who make things up and believe. The only thing to say to your statement, is you really are an idiot.

Enjoy the rest of your life, and when you feel the need to be ridiculed, come back and say more stupid stuff.
. He cares nothing for anyone but himself so losing dozens or hundreds of his supporters in a fierce battle at the Capitol would serve his interests and cost him nothing. Again remember who he is. He uses people all the time.
Trump was trying to get people killed?

Then why were they not killed and martial law declared?????

We should remember who you are, a dumb old man who has a very paranoid imagination.

Hundreds were suppose to die? What stopped it? What stopped all the well planned out killing? Who saved the day?

This is the democrat base, Stann, calling anybody who did better than stann, a con man, then stann makes up the most outrageous bullshit to prove that stann himself is the dumbest user on usmb

I owe a lot of people an apology, and I must quit calling people the dumbest, it is like an endless well with democrats, there is always one dumber, maybe not, stann is pretty convincing.
Trump was trying to get people killed?

Then why were they not killed and martial law declared?????

We should remember who you are, a dumb old man who has a very paranoid imagination.

Hundreds were suppose to die? What stopped it? What stopped all the well planned out killing? Who saved the day?

This is the democrat base, Stann, calling anybody who did better than stann, a con man, then stann makes up the most outrageous bullshit to prove that stann himself is the dumbest user on usmb

I owe a lot of people an apology, and I must quit calling people the dumbest, it is like an endless well with democrats, there is always one dumber, maybe not, stann is pretty convincing.
Dumber than trump wanting to protect his self-proclaimed enemies the Democrats
Let's be realistoc at least. Wake up !
Trump was trying to get people killed?

Then why were they not killed and martial law declared?????
You still believe he actually cares about you , how sad. He's throw his own mother under the bus if he thought he'd gain by doing so. No one means anything to that sad excuse for a human being. And yes a man who cares for no one else would think nothing of losing a vote or a few hundred votes itlr he would gain power from it. You'd better hope there is no audio recording from Stone's meeting with the militia leaders on the Capitol grounds on Jan 5th. , that alone would seal both their fates. But there is video of it and the security agencies have people who can read lips. So Electra if you' re not who you say you are and you're actually involved in the coup attempt now would be a good time to get out of the country and go to a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with U.S. You seem way too involved in this garbage to be just an observer. A little more attention to detail and less about appearances would be the first rule of order in dealing with a devious person like trump. Not working tonite but it's late. Good night.
You still believe he actually cares about you , how sad.
It really dont matter if Trump cares about me or not. The obvious is that he cares about the Trump name and making that name great, and the only way to do that is to do great things.

stann, your opinion is based on bigotry, you know nothing of what Trump thinks
how sad. He's throw his own mother under the bus if he thought he'd gain by doing so. No one means anything to that sad excuse for a human being.
Says the bigot, Trump never loved his mother? Proof? Bigots aint got proof
And yes a man who cares for no one else would think nothing of losing a vote or a few hundred votes itlr he would gain power from it.
More bigotry, but what facts do we have that show Trump does care about life, other than being against the wars in Iraq, negotiating peace in Afghanistan which Biden destroyed.

Other than ending wars, Trump will let people die, wants people to die, and did nothing to make sure the Jan 6th protestors died so he could declare martial law like you claim

So tell us bigot, this is the second time I am asking, what prevented the hundreds of deaths you claim Trump was orchestrating
You'd better hope there is no audio recording from Stone's meeting with the militia leaders on the Capitol grounds on Jan 5th. , that alone would seal both their fates. But there is video of it and the security agencies have people who can read lips.
I better hope? There is video and Pelosi certainly had the best lip readers, on the case, hahahahahaha

You really are a bigot, just saying whatever hate pops into your brain.

Of course, nothing you say is true, Pelosi and the witch hunt would of found it, and did not.
. So Electra if you' re not who you say you are and you're actually involved in the coup attempt now would be a good time to get out of the country and go to a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with U.S. You seem way too involved in this garbage to be just an observer
I should run from the country? It is nice to know what the bigots think.

The coup narrative is falling apart, the only thing keeping going is bigots such as stann.

Nice threat you made against my life, nice vailed threat. What a cowardly bitter old bigot you are. I really can not believe you have this much hate that you would actually threaten me.

And what a cowardly threat, over the internet and all. But hey, if you are a real man, feel free to discuss this with me in private messages. Any information you wish to exchange I will gladly exchange.

Stann is the reason democrats must be eliminated.
. A little more attention to detail and less about appearances would be the first rule of order in dealing with a devious person like trump. Not working tonite but it's late. Good night.
Devious? Yet nothing you claim you can prove or came true when Trump had all that power and ability. How is that stann, what stopped trump?

How come Trump is not charged with Insurrection?

72 years old and a democrat, that means Stann grew up a bigot using the N word. That is a fact, how times did you say it Stann, I bet you could not even begin to tell us.

I know Stann used the word, I listened to just about a 100% of the people Stann's age call black people the N word. How can I make such an accusation, Stann presents himself as a bigot, making claims about me, about Trump, that Stann has no ability to know, that is a bigot. So Stann can not claim his bigotry began today.

Democrats have no place in our world, in this thread Stann calls me an insurrectionist that should run from this country or else.

Now Democrats want to label free speech as insurrection. Dont think stann is alone, and most likely stann heard this on his old CRT television, so there are other Democrats calling for anybody who question the dictates of the Democrat Party of the People to be jailed.

Nice to know the kind of pig your really are, Stann the bigot
I better hope? There is video and Pelosi certainly had the best lip readers, on the case, hahahahahaha

You really are a bigot, just saying whatever hate pops into your brain.

Of course, nothing you say is true, Pelosi and the witch hunt would of found it, and did not.
The whole world knows what trump is and the terrible things he's done except nut cases like you. Next time you should pick a winner you don't have to defend all the time. It would make life better for everyone. Have a great day if that is possible for you , I plan on it.

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