'As The Coup Turns' - Meaningless 'DC Two-Step' Continues As Senate Approves Subpoenas For Proven Traitors / Criminals, 'Moe', Larry', & 'Curly


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Senate committee approves subpoenas for Comey, Brennan, Clapper and more in Russia origins review

Senate committee approves subpoenas for Comey, Brennan, Clapper and more in Russia origins review

I am convinced that unless Durham and Barr act to bring these criminals and the others to justice before the election their failed coup attempt will be the largest crime in US history and involve the largest cover up and protection of its perpetrators in US history.

The three co-conspirators above are Obama's 'three stooges', the ones who orchestrated the entire thing, organizing and directing the Intel Community, Foreign participation, and illegal FISA Court violations and illegal spying to bring it all together in one failed attempt to overthrow the US govt.

Former FBI Director James Comey, better known as 'MOE' the somewhat leader of the stooges, admitted to leaking classified information to kick off the illegal treasonous investigation. From working directly with and paying foreign ex-spy Richard Steele, to acquiring known propaganda from the Russian Intelligence Service - known false Propaganda used intentionally to be the basis for the coup attempt, to conducting 'set-ups' of Papadopoulos and Flynn without any basis to conduct those operations, to intentional FISA Court violations, to illegal spying on Trump and his team Comey was THE traitor running the FBI and thus directing the FBI's part in the Obama coup. When the heat was on THEM, Sally Yates, John Brennan, and James Clapper all turned on Comey and declared Comey was the one running the whole 'thing'. Baker, the FBI's top lawyer, testified that FBI agents believed Comey was blackmailing the President when he went to the Oval Office and briefed him on the BS Russian dossier. More recently the FISA Court publicly revealed the FBI - run by Mueller, Comey, and now Wray - have been committing illegal FISA Court violations and illegally spying on Americans for DECADES! he was also caught perpetrating Perjury under oath before Congress.

Former CIA Director, John Brennan - let's call him 'Larry': Brennan was caught red-handed ('red' being an appropriate term'), with Clapper, illegally spying on US reporters (threats to Obama, writing articles about his scandals), media outlet, US citizens, US SENATORS, USSC JUSTICES, and - of course - President Trump and his team. ( It was fellow Democrat Diane Feinstein that publicly exposed Brennan for illegally spying on the US Senate - she thought he had discovered that she was harboring a Chinese spy in her office and had been facilitating Chinese espionage against her own country for DEDCADES.) For his undeniable crimes, Brennan agreed to appear before Congress, admit he had committed these crimes - especially spying on Congress , and vowed not to do it again (bwuhahahahaha). This was a deal cut between politicians, one like we would never get, to protect Brennan from indictment, charges, and prison. Brennan was caught committing perjury numerous times after before Congress.

Former NSA Director, James Clapper - let's call him 'Curly': Clapper was caught illegally spying on US citizens as well as lying under oath before Congress numerous times, for which he was protected from Indictment and Prison - the perks of being a Deep State criminal / treasonous POS.

There is enough existing, historically recorded evidence on these 3 to Indict, charge, convict, and send these 3 traitors to prison for the rest of their lives....EVERYONE (not in denial) knows of their guilt (which is NOT justified because of their hatred for the President). Yet here we are again, watching the theatrical 'DC Two-step', the 'show' meant to appease the American people, make them think they are actually doing something and that these Deep State traitors will EVER be held accountable for their crimes. Let's be honest - when Brennan was caught illegally spying on US Senators - exposed by top Democrat Diane Feinstein, and he was not indicted and charged with a crime THEN, what makes any of us believe he will be indicted now.

The 'sands in the hour glass' are pouring down at near light speed now as the deadline approaches, the deadline Barr said afterwhich he would not allow any further findings, reports, etc.. until after the election, and the Deep State / Washington Insiders are still going through the motions. Barr said that deadline would be this coming Friday. So why is the Senate continuing with the request for subpoenas? Even though Clinesmith is already naming names it is not like any of these 3 will confess to anything, and no judicial action will be taken by the DOJ anyway until after the election.

And if Biden wins, the traitors celebrate, the largest scandal in US history disappears, and its perpetrators are saved from Justice...and BIDEN, obe of the very same traitors who participated in Obama's failed coup is rewarded with the Presidency....

Equal Justice and accountability for an attempted coup - to overthrow the US govt - is NOT going to be achieved, and what is unfolding is a 'play' by out career Deep State / Washington Insider politicians on both sides meant to pacify us. The fact that the American people came THIS close scares the ever-living hell out of politicians on both sides - self-appointed rulers coming close to being held accountable and punished for their crimes by THE PEOPLE.... Unheard of in these days and would have potentially started an ugly trend.....

I suspect Barr and Durham are establishment Deep State members in good standing. They likely won’t do shit.
I suspect Barr and Durham are establishment Deep State members in good standing. They likely won’t do shit.

I disagree. They have not made friends on either side by who they have gone after and through their methods. Both Barr and Durham, before being put in the positions they are in, have always been highly respected by those on both sides. The task they have been given is MASSIVE, if you stop and try to consider all the hundreds of thousands of pages of documents, interviews, investigating, etc...they have to go through... I feel they have an impossible job, the deck has been stacked against them - as far as those who do not ever want to see this investigation / the results see the light of day, and they are running out of time.

I could be wrong....but with all the evidence that has come out against those he is investigating it doesn't seem Barr and Durham are. They will just never be ALLOWED to finish or act on what they find.
When 0bama is playing wife to a well hung man rapist serving life you will know justice has returned to America. Until then keep your powder dry.
I disagree. They have not made friends on either side by who they have gone after and through their methods. Both Barr and Durham, before being put in the positions they are in, have always been highly respected by those on both sides. The task they have been given is MASSIVE, if you stop and try to consider all the hundreds of thousands of pages of documents, interviews, investigating, etc...they have to go through... I feel they have an impossible job, the deck has been stacked against them - as far as those who do not ever want to see this investigation / the results see the light of day, and they are running out of time.

Actually, they've spent all this time and effort, and so far, they've only caught ONE GUY who admitted he changed the wording on a warrant application that would have been approved, anyway.

Meanwhile, Manafort, Stone, Flynn, etc, have all been convicted of their conspiring with the Russians.
Actually, they've spent all this time and effort, and so far, they've only caught ONE GUY who admitted he changed the wording on a warrant application that would have been approved, anyway.
Meanwhile, Manafort, Stone, Flynn, etc, have all been convicted of their conspiring with the Russians.

The Manafort targeting and conviction remains to have nothing to do with President Trump. It has to do more with Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta - Manafort's partner at the time of the crime, than it has to do with President Trump.

Stone also has nothing to do with President Trump. And Flynn's case was one in which criminal FBI agents targeting the Trump team conducted an illegitimate 'investigation' when there was no basis for one - as proven. and set the man up.

Comey admitted the FBI broke protocol to try to get an interview with Flynn while the WH administration was still moving in ; getting settled. If you think that wasn't a sneaky move to try to set Flynn up you are obviously a Trump-hater. After the interview even FBI agents said they did not believe Flynn lied and moved to drop everything against Flynn. It was one of the central conspirators - Strzok (surprise, surprise) - who stepped in, overrode the agents, and pushed the charge against Flynn for lying to the FBI. Now the Trump-hating scum on the left refuse to drop the case against Flynn after the DOJ came forward to admonish the FBI for its actions and dropped the case against Flynn. The Judge in the case, Sullivan, rejected the USSC's decision of 2 weeks earlier regarding this issue and instead continued with hi partisan vendetta against Flynn.

All 3 of the cases - part of the snowflake smokescreen - you just threw up have NOTHING to do with President Trump. It was a desperate attempt to distract from the overwhelming, undeniable criminal evidence - to include confessions / admissions by conspirators - against Obama, Biden, Yates, Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, his deputy, Clinesmith, Baker, and other.

CLINESMITHG is the only criminal / traitor who has committed anything criminal in relation to Obama's failed coup attempt...and you can bet to get off easy he is having to name names.

And, again, let's not forget that just last week the FISA Court publicly declared after reviewing evidence THEY have consisting of decades of submitted FISA Court warrant submissions they can prove the GFBI, run by Mueller, Comey, and now Wray, have illegally engaged in FISA Court abuses / CRIMES, violating the Constitution, and illegally spying on Americans for DECADES!

-- It is documented that FBI DIRECTOR Mueller was called before the FISA Court to answer for almost a DOZEN FISA COURT VIOLATIONS under HIS watch as FBVI Director. (This tells me the FISA Court should have been shut down DECADES ago.)

-- And you can add several more treasonous crimes of FISA COURT CRIMES committed by Mueller's protégé, Comey.

...but thanks for bringing up 3 cases that have nothing to do with the President.
I suspect Barr and Durham are establishment Deep State members in good standing. They likely won’t do shit.

I disagree. They have not made friends on either side by who they have gone after and through their methods. Both Barr and Durham, before being put in the positions they are in, have always been highly respected by those on both sides. The task they have been given is MASSIVE, if you stop and try to consider all the hundreds of thousands of pages of documents, interviews, investigating, etc...they have to go through... I feel they have an impossible job, the deck has been stacked against them - as far as those who do not ever want to see this investigation / the results see the light of day, and they are running out of time.

I could be wrong....but with all the evidence that has come out against those he is investigating it doesn't seem Barr and Durham are. They will just never be ALLOWED to finish or act on what they find.
From the little the public knows about this coup attempt, I think there must be more than enough evidence for indictments. Yet, there aren’t any. I tend to think that’s a good indication that nothing is going to happen.
I disagree. They have not made friends on either side by who they have gone after and through their methods. Both Barr and Durham, before being put in the positions they are in, have always been highly respected by those on both sides. The task they have been given is MASSIVE, if you stop and try to consider all the hundreds of thousands of pages of documents, interviews, investigating, etc...they have to go through... I feel they have an impossible job, the deck has been stacked against them - as far as those who do not ever want to see this investigation / the results see the light of day, and they are running out of time.

Actually, they've spent all this time and effort, and so far, they've only caught ONE GUY who admitted he changed the wording on a warrant application that would have been approved, anyway.
If it would have been approved, then why lie?
Meanwhile, Manafort, Stone, Flynn, etc, have all been convicted of their conspiring with the Russians.
Goddamn liar.
The Manafort targeting and conviction remains to have nothing to do with President Trump. It has to do more with Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta - Manafort's partner at the time of the crime, than it has to do with President Trump.

Stone also has nothing to do with President Trump. And Flynn's case was one in which criminal FBI agents targeting the Trump team conducted an illegitimate 'investigation' when there was no basis for one - as proven. and set the man up.

Yes, all these people around Trump get convicted, and it had nothing to do with him, no really. You need to believe that.

If it would have been approved, then why lie?

Probably because it's common practice to juice up a warrant. That's why you have lawyers to argue your case after you get caught doing something you shouldn't be doing.
Yes, all these people around Trump get convicted, and it had nothing to do with him, no really. You need to believe that.

No, YOU need to believe that.

Why can't you ever be honest? The 3 individuals who were arrested, as you know, were arrested for things NOT associated with President Trump at all.

Manaforte was arrested after a Mueller-Weismann fishing expedition that resulted in charges for a crime DECADES old, and the crime involved Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta - Manaforte's partner at the time, not President Trump. Not wanting Hillary to be connected, Mueller and Weismann gave Podesta and his brother, Fat Tony, Immunity right off the bat for NOTHING. They did not even have to testify. It was a 'Get Out Of Jail Free' card as the coup co-conspirators went after anyone connected to Trump. (Podesta's company, the Podesta Group, was working for the Russians, and Fat Tony was an unregistered lobbyist for the Russians - as soon as the word got out the Podestas were working for the Russians their company TANKED due to investors and other client fleeing from them.)

Stone had nothing to do with Trump - that was always obvious, no matter how hard the Democrats tried to connect them.

Flynn was a complete set-up. Evidence shows the FBI had NO reason / justification for continuing to question or investigate Flynn, as the coup dossier had been exposed. Comey himself confessed to the FBI sneakily breaking WH protocol, 'taking advantage of the chaotic WH transition, to ambush Flynn, tricking him into giving an official interview - telling him he did not need counsel, to set him up for a Perjury Trap. The agents involved declared they did not believe Flynn lied and were about to close the case...but, surprise, surprise, it was one of the central coup conspirators, Agent Strzok, who over-rode the Agent's call and forced the charges being filed against Flynn.

Again, this had NOTHING to do with the President, and you damn-well know it, you pathetic, desperate lying snowflake, no matter how much you WANT it to be. Your refusal to accept the truth, to accept the existing evidence, and your continued pushing of the same debunked lie over and over again just proves you are seriously f*ed up in the head, that your TDS and hatred for the President, your EMOTION has overridden your ability to accept reality.


Clapper, Brennan, and Comey have all been aught committing Perjury. All of them have been caught leaking classified information. Comey admitted to it, he testified that his Deputy did so, and the US IG agreed with Comey, recommending McCabe for Indictment, along with Strzok and others. The FISA Court has revealed that both Mueller and Comey committed criminal FISA Court violations for DECADES, illegally spying on Americans 0 reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC Justices, and Presidents. Constitutional and Civil Rights violations - proven.

Now Clinesmith has been arrested and pleaded guilty - in order to get leniency he is naming other names, all associated with Barry's failed treasonous coup attempt.

But thank you for continuing to share your TDS / mental malfarction with us by bringing up these 3 cases that have nothing to do with the President.
No, YOU need to believe that.

Why can't you ever be honest? The 3 individuals who were arrested, as you know, were arrested for things NOT associated with President Trump at all.

Manaforte was arrested after a Mueller-Weismann fishing

I would take your argument more seriously if you could spell Manafort's name right.

Point is Manafort was convicted, Podesta wasn't.

No, YOU need to believe that.

Why can't you ever be honest? The 3 individuals who were arrested, as you know, were arrested for things NOT associated with President Trump at all.

Manaforte was arrested after a Mueller-Weismann fishing

I would take your argument more seriously if you could spell Manafort's name right.

Point is Manafort was convicted, Podesta wasn't.

View attachment 389741
We have gone over this about 100 times, as well, but you either remain too stupid for it to get through your head or you simply keep pushing this bullshit because you don't want to accept reality:

When you OWN the NSA, CIA, & DOJ, as Barry did, it isn't hard to protect your fellow criminals from indictment

You want to declare, "no convictions" while intentionally ignoring FACTS like FBI Director Comey publicly declaring Hillary Clinton DID BREAK THE LAW. He then declared she would not be indicted because she was too stupid to know she was breaking the laws. Tell me, dumbass, or better yet SHOW ME the link to where the LAW says 'ignorance of the law' is a legitimate defense for breaking the law. Of course you can't.

You want to declare, "No convictions" despite the FISA Court publicly declaring that the Obama administration - Rosenstein, Mueller, and Comey - committed criminal FISA Court crimes for DECADES and illegally spied on Americans!

In your little deranged bubble you are so hate driven that you can not accept the proven FACT overwhelming evidence shows Obama and his administration attempted a treasonous political coup in which they colluded with foreign ex-spies and Russians, intentionally and knowingly used Russian propaganda in an attempt to overthrow the newly elected government, engaged in FISA Court Violations, illegal spying, perjury, obstruction, conspiracy, and so much more but no one was ever held accountable because THEY ran everything.


Undeniable evidence proved Obama illegally spied on Americans, reporters who were a threat to him by investigating and writing about his scandals, the media, US SENATORS, USSC JUSTICES, and even a President and his team.
- THAT is criminal shit you would expect from 3rd-world dictators...and it was PROVEN Barry and his criminal agencies / Directors, and Cabinet Members did it!

Your bullshit meme based on deceit and lies above it a childish attempt to 'score' a 'one-liner', much like Barry tried to do in a debate, while completely ignoring all the underlying facts and evidence that make you and your one-liner look completely STUPID!
When you OWN the NSA, CIA, & DOJ, as Barry did, it isn't hard to protect your fellow criminals from indictment

yet Trump has seen a bunch of his fellow crooks convicted, even though he "owns" those things now.

You want to declare, "No convictions" despite the FISA Court publicly declaring that the Obama administration - Rosenstein, Mueller, and Comey - committed criminal FISA Court crimes for DECADES and illegally spied on Americans!

Wow, um, Rosenstein is one of your appointments.

Here's the real question you need to ask. How is it that Trump, who claims he "only hires the best people", has so many people in his adminstration who are out to get him, quit in a huff or get convicted of shit.
No, YOU need to believe that.

Why can't you ever be honest? The 3 individuals who were arrested, as you know, were arrested for things NOT associated with President Trump at all.

Manaforte was arrested after a Mueller-Weismann fishing

I would take your argument more seriously if you could spell Manafort's name right.

Point is Manafort was convicted, Podesta wasn't.

View attachment 389741
We have gone over this about 100 times, as well, but you either remain too stupid for it to get through your head or you simply keep pushing this bullshit because you don't want to accept reality:

When you OWN the NSA, CIA, & DOJ, as Barry did, it isn't hard to protect your fellow criminals from indictment

You want to declare, "no convictions" while intentionally ignoring FACTS like FBI Director Comey publicly declaring Hillary Clinton DID BREAK THE LAW. He then declared she would not be indicted because she was too stupid to know she was breaking the laws. Tell me, dumbass, or better yet SHOW ME the link to where the LAW says 'ignorance of the law' is a legitimate defense for breaking the law. Of course you can't.

You want to declare, "No convictions" despite the FISA Court publicly declaring that the Obama administration - Rosenstein, Mueller, and Comey - committed criminal FISA Court crimes for DECADES and illegally spied on Americans!

In your little deranged bubble you are so hate driven that you can not accept the proven FACT overwhelming evidence shows Obama and his administration attempted a treasonous political coup in which they colluded with foreign ex-spies and Russians, intentionally and knowingly used Russian propaganda in an attempt to overthrow the newly elected government, engaged in FISA Court Violations, illegal spying, perjury, obstruction, conspiracy, and so much more but no one was ever held accountable because THEY ran everything.


Undeniable evidence proved Obama illegally spied on Americans, reporters who were a threat to him by investigating and writing about his scandals, the media, US SENATORS, USSC JUSTICES, and even a President and his team.
- THAT is criminal shit you would expect from 3rd-world dictators...and it was PROVEN Barry and his criminal agencies / Directors, and Cabinet Members did it!

Your bullshit meme based on deceit and lies above it a childish attempt to 'score' a 'one-liner', much like Barry tried to do in a debate, while completely ignoring all the underlying facts and evidence that make you and your one-liner look completely STUPID!
Don has surrounded himself with enemies. His cabinet is full of enemies he has chosen. Not smart. Nothing with be done about Obama’s coup attempt because of this. Trump is his own worst enemy.

Here’s Trump FBI Director saying Russians are working against Biden’s election.
FBI chief says Russia is trying to interfere in election to undermine Biden

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