As usual 'Juan' get's it Wrong

So when he says other's who 'are not afraid to see what they see" they are racists/xenophobes/bigots/they are at 'war' with women'/they hate gays?
Juan can barely play intellectual checkers. The other members of the Five literally must 'dumb down' their comments to Juan so he can keep up at times.
He's a fucking joke.
Yeah, Juan outs your kind clearly, and you don't like it.
juan only outs himself on a daily basis. It's why he works at Fox.
As you out yourself here.
it's not about me, it's about juan and his poor limitations and lack of skillsets.
It's because of your "poor limitations and lack of skillsets" that you do not comprehend that he is good at what he is doing and those limitations of skillsets are why you are working at Burger King.
or not
After this violent ass weekend more division is EXACTLY what we need
The liberals aren't calling for more division. They don't want to make enemies with the Muslims already living in this country. Is that wrong?
The problem here is simple.

I worked with Muslims overseas. Trained them. Many of them are good people, but if you say anything about any other Muslim that they feel is negative, chances are they will take it as an insult. The current administration feels that they can use censorship to keep from offending these uptight assholes, and the truth is it is impossible. They're too easily offended. To some of them , just our existence is too much for them to tolerate.
I guess I pinched your skin. hahaahahahahahaha

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