Ashli Babbitt tried to stop the Violence and Destruction.

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
I remember this scene quite clearly from another angle just days after her murder, and it was quite evident that she was attempting to stop the breach of the window.

It is also evident from the vids I’ve seen that she entered with a strong sense of purpose and good will, which I have strong suspicions played into John “Jayden X” Sullivan’s leading her to that place so successfully, the same punk that crowed to his CNN media friend that he had promised her a fantastic story and they got it .

She never died in a million years . Here is all you need to know, but there is much more .
Too long for Normies and Sheeple

January 6: They staged the fake storming of the Capitol today, with a woman supposedly shot by aCapitol guard. Of course she turned out to be Air Force, 16-year veteran, so that was fake. You cantell by the blood, which isn't there. They forgot the moulage artist. Her name is Ashli Babbitt (above),and it turns out she is Jewish and military intelligence. Note the handsign. She was “a high levelsecurity official”. So, let us guess: Lt. Colonel? [Added August 4, 2021: despite the Pentagon now running damage control on Babbitt's obviouslyfaked death, we are getting more proof of it daily. As just the latest example, today it was reported thatas the result of a FOIA filing by Judicial Watch, government documents have been released proving theDC coroner requested and was granted cremation of Babbitt's body two days after the event, on Jan. 8.Note that date, since it is 1/8, aces and eights, Chai. That should have been illegal, since the death wasstill under investigation, or should have been. It would be considered destruction of evidence. Younever destroy a body in a potential murder case, for obvious reasons. In the emails the coroner's officeadmits Babbitt's case is “homicide”, which requires preservation of the body. Findagrave confirms thebody was cremated and buried at sea, though of course there is no way to confirm that. Findagrave hasscrubbed all information on her, listing no relatives or locations. Also confirming the fake is that thecoroner's office requested and was granted that Babbitt's file be sealed, requiring security clearance.Also strange is that Babbitt's fingerprints were emailed to a US official Jamese Kororma, but the emailwas returned by a Chinese mail daemon, in Chinese characters. That is probably because the name waswrong, being James, not Jamese. A search on him finds a James Kororma in Woodbridge, VA, a blackgraphics specialist who has all the markers of CIA—not the least of which is Woodbridge, just a fewmiles south of Langley and a known spook community. He works for iQ Solutions, which not onlylooks like a CIA front, but it works for the Feds, being part of the Covid Response Initiative. So weneed to ask why the DC Coroner needs a graphics specialist like Kororma to get involved withBabbitt's fingerprints. Probably to fake them, right? Also of interest is that the DC Coroner initiallylisted the deceased as Ashli Elizabeth Pamatian. See below for more on that.Another problem is that this released information contains the finding from the DC coroner that thewound was to the “left anterior shoulder”. But what we were told in the media is that she was shot inthe neck.[Added June 15, 2022: More proof has since come out in the fact that the officer who allegedly shotBabbitt has never filed any paperwork on the incident. Judicial Watch has now reported thatinformation. That by itself is perfect proof it never happened.] I also encourage you to study the film of the shooting. Everyone is looking at the wrong things, asusual. What you should notice at minute 2:00 is the four heavily armed security officers in blackbehind her, carrying automatic rifles. They are helmeted, backpacked, with shoulder patches andPOLICE across the chest. They are already there when the shot is fired that allegedly drops Babbitt,being right behind her. They wait a couple of seconds after the shot is fired then mimic some theatrics,raising their rifles in military stance, as if they are protecting the crowd from fire from beyond thebarrier. This is a problem because these guys are either real police or they aren't. Some are claimingthey are rioters dressed as police, but the Capitol guards would never let people like that in. Even themainstream isn't claiming rioters in full riot gear with automatic weapons drawn were in the Capitolthat day, dressed as police. Which means that in this film allowed to be released by the government,we are supposed to think these four people are Capitol police of some sort. But if four police officerswith weapons drawn are already standing right behind Babbitt, why would an officer on the other sideof the barrier feel threatened by an unarmed Babbitt? And here's a second question for you: if thesepolice officers are not real police officers, but are rioters pretending to be, they would have to be thereto protect fellow rioters, right? Why else have weapons drawn? So why do they do nothing whenfellow rioter Babbitt is shot right in front of them? The barrier is mostly glass or Plexi, so they can seeright through it. So how is it no one of them returns fire on the assailant. They just stand therestupidly.Also notice the guy with a gray frontpack right behind Babbitt when she is shot. He also just standsthere stupidly, not even stepping back or ducking. Is that what you would do if the person right next toyou just got shot? Only if you knew the whole thing was an act, and that the shot was a blank.Also a problem is the plexiglas the guard allegedly shot Babbitt through. Since that is a securitybarrier, you would expect it to be bulletproof glass. You can't shoot someone with a pistol throughbulletproof glass. You can't even shoot them at an angle like that through plexi, since the plexi will deflect the bullet etc etc etc
She never died in a million years . Here is all you need to know, but there is much more .
Too long for Normies and Sheeple

January 6: They staged the fake storming of the Capitol today, with a woman supposedly shot by aCapitol guard. Of course she turned out to be Air Force, 16-year veteran, so that was fake. You cantell by the blood, which isn't there. They forgot the moulage artist. Her name is Ashli Babbitt (above),and it turns out she is Jewish and military intelligence. Note the handsign. She was “a high levelsecurity official”. So, let us guess: Lt. Colonel? [Added August 4, 2021: despite the Pentagon now running damage control on Babbitt's obviouslyfaked death, we are getting more proof of it daily. As just the latest example, today it was reported thatas the result of a FOIA filing by Judicial Watch, government documents have been released proving theDC coroner requested and was granted cremation of Babbitt's body two days after the event, on Jan. 8.Note that date, since it is 1/8, aces and eights, Chai. That should have been illegal, since the death wasstill under investigation, or should have been. It would be considered destruction of evidence. Younever destroy a body in a potential murder case, for obvious reasons. In the emails the coroner's officeadmits Babbitt's case is “homicide”, which requires preservation of the body. Findagrave confirms thebody was cremated and buried at sea, though of course there is no way to confirm that. Findagrave hasscrubbed all information on her, listing no relatives or locations. Also confirming the fake is that thecoroner's office requested and was granted that Babbitt's file be sealed, requiring security clearance.Also strange is that Babbitt's fingerprints were emailed to a US official Jamese Kororma, but the emailwas returned by a Chinese mail daemon, in Chinese characters. That is probably because the name waswrong, being James, not Jamese. A search on him finds a James Kororma in Woodbridge, VA, a blackgraphics specialist who has all the markers of CIA—not the least of which is Woodbridge, just a fewmiles south of Langley and a known spook community. He works for iQ Solutions, which not onlylooks like a CIA front, but it works for the Feds, being part of the Covid Response Initiative. So weneed to ask why the DC Coroner needs a graphics specialist like Kororma to get involved withBabbitt's fingerprints. Probably to fake them, right? Also of interest is that the DC Coroner initiallylisted the deceased as Ashli Elizabeth Pamatian. See below for more on that.Another problem is that this released information contains the finding from the DC coroner that thewound was to the “left anterior shoulder”. But what we were told in the media is that she was shot inthe neck.[Added June 15, 2022: More proof has since come out in the fact that the officer who allegedly shotBabbitt has never filed any paperwork on the incident. Judicial Watch has now reported thatinformation. That by itself is perfect proof it never happened.] I also encourage you to study the film of the shooting. Everyone is looking at the wrong things, asusual. What you should notice at minute 2:00 is the four heavily armed security officers in blackbehind her, carrying automatic rifles. They are helmeted, backpacked, with shoulder patches andPOLICE across the chest. They are already there when the shot is fired that allegedly drops Babbitt,being right behind her. They wait a couple of seconds after the shot is fired then mimic some theatrics,raising their rifles in military stance, as if they are protecting the crowd from fire from beyond thebarrier. This is a problem because these guys are either real police or they aren't. Some are claimingthey are rioters dressed as police, but the Capitol guards would never let people like that in. Even themainstream isn't claiming rioters in full riot gear with automatic weapons drawn were in the Capitolthat day, dressed as police. Which means that in this film allowed to be released by the government,we are supposed to think these four people are Capitol police of some sort. But if four police officerswith weapons drawn are already standing right behind Babbitt, why would an officer on the other sideof the barrier feel threatened by an unarmed Babbitt? And here's a second question for you: if thesepolice officers are not real police officers, but are rioters pretending to be, they would have to be thereto protect fellow rioters, right? Why else have weapons drawn? So why do they do nothing whenfellow rioter Babbitt is shot right in front of them? The barrier is mostly glass or Plexi, so they can seeright through it. So how is it no one of them returns fire on the assailant. They just stand therestupidly.Also notice the guy with a gray frontpack right behind Babbitt when she is shot. He also just standsthere stupidly, not even stepping back or ducking. Is that what you would do if the person right next toyou just got shot? Only if you knew the whole thing was an act, and that the shot was a blank.Also a problem is the plexiglas the guard allegedly shot Babbitt through. Since that is a securitybarrier, you would expect it to be bulletproof glass. You can't shoot someone with a pistol throughbulletproof glass. You can't even shoot them at an angle like that through plexi, since the plexi will deflect the bullet etc etc etc
Get some help.
I remember this scene quite clearly from another angle just days after her murder, and it was quite evident that she was attempting to stop the breach of the window.

It is also evident from the vids I’ve seen that she entered with a strong sense of purpose and good will, which I have strong suspicions played into John “Jayden X” Sullivan’s leading her to that place so successfully, the same punk that crowed to his CNN media friend that he had promised her a fantastic story and they got it .

We saw what happened with our own eyes. She deserved to get shot. So did other people but she's the one who took the bullet and that's that. The crowd dispersed and the officer probably saved some lives that day.
There were what 200 spooks on site? And what about that Georgia electoral case the Dems lost recently? It's not about an election, or Trump it's about a broken system .

There were what 200 spooks on site? And what about that Georgia electoral case the Dems lost recently? It's not about an election, or Trump it's about a broken system .


Which Georgia electoral case? Cite?
She never died in a million years . Here is all you need to know, but there is much more .
Too long for Normies and Sheeple

January 6: They staged the fake storming of the Capitol today, with a woman supposedly shot by aCapitol guard. Of course she turned out to be Air Force, 16-year veteran, so that was fake. You cantell by the blood, which isn't there. They forgot the moulage artist. Her name is Ashli Babbitt (above),and it turns out she is Jewish and military intelligence. Note the handsign. She was “a high levelsecurity official”. So, let us guess: Lt. Colonel? [Added August 4, 2021: despite the Pentagon now running damage control on Babbitt's obviouslyfaked death, we are getting more proof of it daily. As just the latest example, today it was reported thatas the result of a FOIA filing by Judicial Watch, government documents have been released proving theDC coroner requested and was granted cremation of Babbitt's body two days after the event, on Jan. 8.Note that date, since it is 1/8, aces and eights, Chai. That should have been illegal, since the death wasstill under investigation, or should have been. It would be considered destruction of evidence. Younever destroy a body in a potential murder case, for obvious reasons. In the emails the coroner's officeadmits Babbitt's case is “homicide”, which requires preservation of the body. Findagrave confirms thebody was cremated and buried at sea, though of course there is no way to confirm that. Findagrave hasscrubbed all information on her, listing no relatives or locations. Also confirming the fake is that thecoroner's office requested and was granted that Babbitt's file be sealed, requiring security clearance.Also strange is that Babbitt's fingerprints were emailed to a US official Jamese Kororma, but the emailwas returned by a Chinese mail daemon, in Chinese characters. That is probably because the name waswrong, being James, not Jamese. A search on him finds a James Kororma in Woodbridge, VA, a blackgraphics specialist who has all the markers of CIA—not the least of which is Woodbridge, just a fewmiles south of Langley and a known spook community. He works for iQ Solutions, which not onlylooks like a CIA front, but it works for the Feds, being part of the Covid Response Initiative. So weneed to ask why the DC Coroner needs a graphics specialist like Kororma to get involved withBabbitt's fingerprints. Probably to fake them, right? Also of interest is that the DC Coroner initiallylisted the deceased as Ashli Elizabeth Pamatian. See below for more on that.Another problem is that this released information contains the finding from the DC coroner that thewound was to the “left anterior shoulder”. But what we were told in the media is that she was shot inthe neck.[Added June 15, 2022: More proof has since come out in the fact that the officer who allegedly shotBabbitt has never filed any paperwork on the incident. Judicial Watch has now reported thatinformation. That by itself is perfect proof it never happened.] I also encourage you to study the film of the shooting. Everyone is looking at the wrong things, asusual. What you should notice at minute 2:00 is the four heavily armed security officers in blackbehind her, carrying automatic rifles. They are helmeted, backpacked, with shoulder patches andPOLICE across the chest. They are already there when the shot is fired that allegedly drops Babbitt,being right behind her. They wait a couple of seconds after the shot is fired then mimic some theatrics,raising their rifles in military stance, as if they are protecting the crowd from fire from beyond thebarrier. This is a problem because these guys are either real police or they aren't. Some are claimingthey are rioters dressed as police, but the Capitol guards would never let people like that in. Even themainstream isn't claiming rioters in full riot gear with automatic weapons drawn were in the Capitolthat day, dressed as police. Which means that in this film allowed to be released by the government,we are supposed to think these four people are Capitol police of some sort. But if four police officerswith weapons drawn are already standing right behind Babbitt, why would an officer on the other sideof the barrier feel threatened by an unarmed Babbitt? And here's a second question for you: if thesepolice officers are not real police officers, but are rioters pretending to be, they would have to be thereto protect fellow rioters, right? Why else have weapons drawn? So why do they do nothing whenfellow rioter Babbitt is shot right in front of them? The barrier is mostly glass or Plexi, so they can seeright through it. So how is it no one of them returns fire on the assailant. They just stand therestupidly.Also notice the guy with a gray frontpack right behind Babbitt when she is shot. He also just standsthere stupidly, not even stepping back or ducking. Is that what you would do if the person right next toyou just got shot? Only if you knew the whole thing was an act, and that the shot was a blank.Also a problem is the plexiglas the guard allegedly shot Babbitt through. Since that is a securitybarrier, you would expect it to be bulletproof glass. You can't shoot someone with a pistol throughbulletproof glass. You can't even shoot them at an angle like that through plexi, since the plexi will deflect the bullet etc etc etc

Bro....paragraphs, please.
There were what 200 spooks on site? And what about that Georgia electoral case the Dems lost recently? It's not about an election, or Trump it's about a broken system .

Trump is the result of a broken system
It was a thread here , but i'm lousy at the search mechanism MM

Google > Marc Elias


I'm going to assume you don't have a docket and are just making shit up. Is that a fair assumption? If not, post a fucking link.

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