Assad hiding chemical arms in remote mountainside, activist charges


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Could Assad been holding out when he was supposed to hand over all of this?

Assad hiding chemical arms in remote mountainside, activist charges

Opposition figure tells The Times of Israel about April 16 delivery by three vehicles to area north of Hama


A senior member of the Syrian opposition who maintains contact with security officials still working for the Assad regime told The Times of Israel that on April 16, three vehicles arrived by night to Jourin, 100 kilometers (60 miles) northwest of Hama, where the regime’s Mountain Brigade was stationed. According to the officials, the vehicles were loaded with chemical substances, which were then buried underground within the brigade’s encampment.

Electricity was cut to the entire region as the cars arrived, the activist said.

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Assad hiding chemical arms in remote mountainside, activist charges | The Times of Israel
Granny says, "Dat's right - Assad makin' a monkey outta Obama...
Final Deadline on Syrian Chemical Weapons Agreement Will Be Missed
June 18, 2014 – The international community will miss its June 30 deadline for the complete destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons program, due to a series of regime breaches of an agreement which the Obama administration has touted as a key foreign policy accomplishment.
At a meeting of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons’ executive committee Tuesday, the watchdog’s director-general, Ahmet Umzucu, confirmed that there is no way the looming deadline can be met. That’s because President Bashar Assad’s regime has yet to surrender the last eight percent of its declared chemical weapons (CW) stocks. Even if the chemical weapons were handed over at the Syrian port of Latakia today, they would still need to be shipped by a Danish vessel to Italy, and then transferred to the MV Cape Ray, a U.S. container ship modified to neutralize the agents at sea – a process that will take up to two months. Umzucu also confirmed that the regime has not destroyed 12 chemical weapons facilities, as required to do under an OPCW “plan of destruction” mandated by a U.N. Security Council resolution adopted last September . The deadline for that objective passed on March 15, unheeded.

In fact the regime has flouted virtually every deadline set down in terms of a framework agreement negotiated between Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov last spring. By Dec. 31, it should have handed over the most dangerous of its chemical weapons – including sarin, mustard gas and VX – for removal from Latakia and subsequent destruction. It missed that deadline, as well as one on Feb. 5 for the remainder of its declared agents to be surrendered, followed by the Mar. 15 one for the physical destruction of the 12 chemical weapons facilities, five of them located underground. Then the regime itself proposed an Apr. 27 deadline to achieve what it hadn’t done by Feb. 5 – but missed that one too.

In addition to those multiple violations of the agreement, the Assad regime is also accused of using chlorine gas – an agent not included its declared chemical weapons stockpile – in the fighting. The French government alleged last month that it had done so on at least 14 separate occasions since last October. An OPCW fact-finding mission investigating the claims reported back on Tuesday, concluding that “toxic chemicals, most likely pulmonary irritating agents such as chlorine, have been used in a systematic manner in a number of attacks.” It did not attribute blame, but Umzucu said it was continuing its work aimed at bringing the facts to light.

U.S. ambassador to the OPCW Robert Mikulak told Tuesday’s executive council meeting that Washington believes the regime is responsible for those attacks. “The systematic nature of the attacks, the intended targets and other publicly available information all point to one likely perpetrator – the Syrian government,” he said. “Who else would benefit? Who else could carry out such systematic attacks?” “The council has repeatedly condemned use of chemical weapons by anyone, and we will need to do it again,” Mikulak said. “But the council will also need to consider whether that is truly enough under these circumstances.”

‘Dragging its feet’
not the first time syrian weapons, tanks, planes have been "hidden" in Lebanon.
Drooling terror supporters may have a reason to point their scraggy fingers at the government but all other think that the terrorists are not to fine to take a proper shower of what they deserve. Always good to have something up one´s sleeve. And "three vehicles" aren´t that much by the way. If it´s true.
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ya don't say......... :cool:

well stated sunni. The transfer of chemical weapons to Syria from Iraq was
documented more than a decade ago. The frenetic building of bunkers in the
mountains and hills of Syria was also documented. Anyone who trusts the word
of a Shiite jihadist pig is just as stupid as a person who trusts the word of a
sunni jihadist pig.

lately we have heard about the use of chlorine bombs over there----for those who
do not know------this sort of chemical weapon is particularly nefarious----it dissolves
the fine membrane in the lungs which is involved in transfer of oxygen to the blood---
expecially effective on children who die an excrutiating death of slow asphyxiation---
it can go on for days -----after exposue. No treatment. Jihadists favor it
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Graphic video that shows dead Syrian soldiers who have been killed by a terrorist chemical weapon attack near Golan Heights on April 2014.
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and found it in syrian bases. Chemicals that were not declared and transferred to the OPCW. Weapons syrian should not have made or stock piled in the first place. Weapons Assad used on his own people several time in the last few years.
and found it in syrian bases. Chemicals that were not declared and transferred to the OPCW. Weapons syrian should not have made or stock piled in the first place. Weapons Assad used on his own people several time in the last few years.
That´s just bullshit.
and found it in syrian bases. Chemicals that were not declared and transferred to the OPCW. Weapons syrian should not have made or stock piled in the first place. Weapons Assad used on his own people several time in the last few years.
That´s just bullshit.

It has been common for the last 40 plus years. Taking the farms was to give a vantage but also to hide equipment and personal. Under the canopy of trees, in caves, backed into a house/garage, tents, in the parking areas of concrete apartment buildings, in warehouses, even under camouflage netting. Syria had a missile parked in the lot behind a hospital that was almost across the street from me, It used to be a vegetable garden tended by the priest. Syrians paved over and parked equipment. From the front of the hospital and even driving the road behind, you could not see much. The the top to floors of out building, you could look straight down and see most of what was going on.

Priest used to give me old or surplus vegetable for my lamb, and other pet. I used to walk my mat. grandmother to the chapel there, even though she did not know Aramaic
and found it in syrian bases. Chemicals that were not declared and transferred to the OPCW. Weapons syrian should not have made or stock piled in the first place. Weapons Assad used on his own people several time in the last few years.
That´s just bullshit.

It has been common for the last 40 plus years. Taking the farms was to give a vantage but also to hide equipment and personal. Under the canopy of trees, in caves, backed into a house/garage, tents, in the parking areas of concrete apartment buildings, in warehouses, even under camouflage netting. Syria had a missile parked in the lot behind a hospital that was almost across the street from me, It used to be a vegetable garden tended by the priest. Syrians paved over and parked equipment. From the front of the hospital and even driving the road behind, you could not see much. The the top to floors of out building, you could look straight down and see most of what was going on.

Priest used to give me old or surplus vegetable for my lamb, and other pet. I used to walk my mat. grandmother to the chapel there, even though she did not know Aramaic
What has alleged missile parking to do with your post I replied to?
Obama's redline neutralizes Syrian chemical weapons...

Pentagon: US Ship Finishes Neutralizing Syria's Worst Chemical Arms
August 18, 2014 WASHINGTON — A specially equipped U.S. ship has finished neutralizing all 600 metric tons of the most dangerous of Syria's chemical weapons components surrendered to the international community this year to avert threatened airstrikes, the Pentagon said on Monday.
It said the Cape Ray, equipped with the U.S.-developed Field Deployable Hydrolysis System, neutralized 581.5 metric tons of DF, a sarin precursor chemical, and 19.8 metric tons of HD, an ingredient of sulfur mustard, while afloat in the Mediterranean. The vessel will travel to Finland and Germany in the next two weeks to unload the resulting effluent, which will undergo treatment as industrial waste to render it safer, a Pentagon spokeswoman said. It was the first time chemical weapons components had been neutralized at sea, the Pentagon said.

U.S. President Barack Obama says the destruction of the last of Syria's declared chemical stockpile is a major milestone in stopping the spread of weapons of mass destruction. The operation was finished weeks ahead of schedule. Obama says the job performed by civilian and military experts on the MV Cape Ray sends a clear message that using these weapons has consequences and will not be tolerated by the international community. The president says the U.S. will watch Syria closely to see it it carries out its commitment to destroy its remaining chemical weapons production facilities.


A U.S. Marine officer walks past the Field Deployable Hidrolysis System (FDHS) of the U.S. MV Cape Ray ship docked at the naval airbase in Rota, near Cadiz, southern Spain.

Damascus agreed last September to a Russian proposal to give up its chemical weapons to avert threatened military strikes by the United States and France, which accused Syria of using the arms against opponents of President Bashar al-Assad. A number of countries are involved in eliminating the chemical stockpiles. The United States was selected to dispose of the worst of the chemical weapons components because it had recently developed a mobile version of the hydrolysis system it uses for neutralizing chemical stockpiles.

The system uses substances and mixtures such as water, sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite to neutralize bulk amounts of chemical warfare agents, according to the U.S. Army's Edgewood Chemical Biological Center. Earlier this year, the hydrolysis system was placed aboard the Cape Ray, a 648-foot (198-meter) vessel that is part of the U.S. Maritime Administration's ready reserve force of 46 ships. The ship was held at Rota, Spain, for several months due to Syrian delays in handing over its declared stockpiles of chemical agents. The Cape Ray began neutralizing the chemicals after picking them up from Italy in late June.

Pentagon: US Ship Finishes Neutralizing Syria's Worst Chemical Arms
ya don't say......... :cool:
ya don't say......... :cool:

Good point,, sunni habibi Of course it would be silly to trust the scum. The Iranian pigs built bunkers into the stone of the hills and mountains between Syria and Lebanon----the Hezbollah/alawite filth are armed to the teeth-----rat nus.kharah.alla and his band hid in them during the 2006 skirmish. Once the meccaist rat tunnels are obliterated---the next project MUST be the rat nests deep in the hills of east Lebanon. So like the meccaist scum---
lying in wait in rats nest. Well---it is a lesson-----the meccaist scum tend to REPEAT themselves ----it is
called "emulating al nabi al kanzeer" The entire civilized
world will have to be on the lookout for meccaist rat holes
and tunnels

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