Assault weapons and bomb-carrying robots.....

No decent American would object to the Dallas' SWAT using a robot with a bomb to blow to kingdom-come the bastard sniper.....good riddance to evil.

However, I have a question based on recent threads on this forum:

The right wing "rationale" against ANY ban of assault rifles being sold to virtually whomever wants one has been that IF the police have such an assault weapon, THEN the average American under the 2nd amendment must ALSO be able to purchase such a weapon.......

If we follow that same mindset, should the average American be ALSO able to purchase a bomb-carrying robot under the rationale that anything that law enforcement may have the average American is also entitled to have? .
Needless to say rightwing ‘rationale’ is idiocy.

The types of firearms the military, law enforcement, or any other armed government entity might have has no bearing whatsoever on the right of individuals to possess firearms.

The right of citizens to possess firearms is separate and apart from the types of weapons government might possess – there is nothing in the history of the Second Amendment or its case law recognizing ‘quid pro quo’ with regard to how the government is armed:

‘We also recognize another important limitation on the right to keep and carry arms. Miller said, as we have explained, that the sorts of weapons protected were those “in common use at the time.” 307 U. S., at 179. We think that limitation is fairly supported by the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of “dangerous and unusual weapons.”’


Clearly, bomb-carrying robots constitute weapons both dangerous and unusual, where their possession is not entitled to Constitutional protections, and their prohibition indeed warranted.

Jones doesn't realize it but he's agreeing with the right....loon
Define the word "assault" and tell readers what caliber it is?

Ahhhhh, here chimes in darkFlurries to challenge everyone on the size and "caliber" of their dicks.....LOL
No decent American would object to the Dallas' SWAT using a robot with a bomb to blow to kingdom-come the bastard sniper.....good riddance to evil.

However, I have a question based on recent threads on this forum:

The right wing "rationale" against ANY ban of assault rifles being sold to virtually whomever wants one has been that IF the police have such an assault weapon, THEN the average American under the 2nd amendment must ALSO be able to purchase such a weapon.......

If we follow that same mindset, should the average American be ALSO able to purchase a bomb-carrying robot under the rationale that anything that law enforcement may have the average American is also entitled to have? .
Good grief , more critical thinking skills at work?
Define the word assault slut.

here, moron....some definition for you to take apart and show how macho you are:

An assault weapon is semi-automatic with a detachable magazine that can be changed in 2 seconds in case Bambi decides to shoot back at you........Satisfied???? LOL
Define the word "assault" and tell readers what caliber it is?

Ahhhhh, here chimes in darkFlurries to challenge everyone on the size and "caliber" of their dicks.....LOL
There you go again with the penis talk... Penis on the brain?? Lol
It always seems to be the default of pussy whipped progressives...
Define the word assault slut.

here, moron....some definition for you to take apart and show how macho you are:

An assault weapon is semi-automatic with a detachable magazine that can be changed in 2 seconds in case Bambi decides to shoot back at you........Satisfied???? LOL
An ar15 is not military grade, it's just a simple harmless sporting rifle...
No decent American would object to the Dallas' SWAT using a robot with a bomb to blow to kingdom-come the bastard sniper.....good riddance to evil.

However, I have a question based on recent threads on this forum:

The right wing "rationale" against ANY ban of assault rifles being sold to virtually whomever wants one has been that IF the police have such an assault weapon, THEN the average American under the 2nd amendment must ALSO be able to purchase such a weapon.......

If we follow that same mindset, should the average American be ALSO able to purchase a bomb-carrying robot under the rationale that anything that law enforcement may have the average American is also entitled to have? .

In what world do you live in where a bomb is a firearm?
Define the word assault slut.

here, moron....some definition for you to take apart and show how macho you are:

An assault weapon is semi-automatic with a detachable magazine that can be changed in 2 seconds in case Bambi decides to shoot back at you........Satisfied???? LOL
No idiot I am not.
  1. 1.
    make a physical attack on.
    "he pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer"
    synonyms: attack, hit, strike, punch, beat up, thump; More

  1. 1.
    a physical attack.
    "his imprisonment for an assault on the film director"
    synonyms: battery, violence; More

  2. 2.
    a concerted attempt to do something demanding.
    "a winter assault on Mt. Everest"
  3. Google
  • Google

    I ask yet again idiot what caliber is assault?
No decent American would object to the Dallas' SWAT using a robot with a bomb to blow to kingdom-come the bastard sniper.....good riddance to evil.

However, I have a question based on recent threads on this forum:

The right wing "rationale" against ANY ban of assault rifles being sold to virtually whomever wants one has been that IF the police have such an assault weapon, THEN the average American under the 2nd amendment must ALSO be able to purchase such a weapon.......

If we follow that same mindset, should the average American be ALSO able to purchase a bomb-carrying robot under the rationale that anything that law enforcement may have the average American is also entitled to have? .

In what world do you live in where a bomb is a firearm?
The moron thinks an Ar15 is a military grade weapon, what do you expect… LOL
  1. a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage.
    "nuclear weapons"
    • a means of gaining an advantage or defending oneself in a conflict or contest.
      "resignation threats had long been a weapon in his armory"
here, moron....some definition for you to take apart and show how macho you are:

An assault weapon is semi-automatic with a detachable magazine that can be changed in 2 seconds in case Bambi decides to shoot back at you........Satisfied???? LOL

Wow, brilliant. Now can you tell us how many semi-automatics don't have a detachable magazine?

I never knew I had a 9mm assault handgun. Can't wait to tell my friends. :banana::banana::banana:
No decent American would object to the Dallas' SWAT using a robot with a bomb to blow to kingdom-come the bastard sniper.....good riddance to evil.

However, I have a question based on recent threads on this forum:

The right wing "rationale" against ANY ban of assault rifles being sold to virtually whomever wants one has been that IF the police have such an assault weapon, THEN the average American under the 2nd amendment must ALSO be able to purchase such a weapon.......

If we follow that same mindset, should the average American be ALSO able to purchase a bomb-carrying robot under the rationale that anything that law enforcement may have the average American is also entitled to have? .

In what world do you live in where a bomb is a firearm?
The moron thinks an Ar15 is a military grade weapon, what do you expect… LOL
Hell, the idiot doesn't even know the meaning of "explosives"...

Apparently he slept through the fireworks on the 4th!!!
No decent American would object to the Dallas' SWAT using a robot with a bomb to blow to kingdom-come the bastard sniper.....good riddance to evil.

However, I have a question based on recent threads on this forum:

The right wing "rationale" against ANY ban of assault rifles being sold to virtually whomever wants one has been that IF the police have such an assault weapon, THEN the average American under the 2nd amendment must ALSO be able to purchase such a weapon.......

If we follow that same mindset, should the average American be ALSO able to purchase a bomb-carrying robot under the rationale that anything that law enforcement may have the average American is also entitled to have? .

In what world do you live in where a bomb is a firearm?
The moron thinks an Ar15 is a military grade weapon, what do you expect… LOL
Hell, the idiot doesn't even know the meaning of "explosives"...

Apparently he slept through the fireworks on the 4th!!!
In the liberal world once they learn about pervert sex and welfare they figure they know everything.
You really do not know anything about weapons

We rely on you limp-dick-heads for all the weapon "knowledge" anyone one needs to know.....LOL.

I fired my first real firearm at the age of 5 and have personally owned one since the age of 8. I spent 6 years in the Army were I fired many different weapons. I know something about firearms.
Define the word assault slut.

here, moron....some definition for you to take apart and show how macho you are:

An assault weapon is semi-automatic with a detachable magazine that can be changed in 2 seconds in case Bambi decides to shoot back at you........Satisfied???? LOL
A selectable fire weapon would be considered an "Assault Weapon" . What you just described encompasses several styles of hunting rifles and handguns none of which are selectable fire. You need to stop listening to the "limp-dicks" and start getting your information from people who know.

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