Assault weapons and bomb-carrying robots.....

No decent American would object to the Dallas' SWAT using a robot with a bomb to blow to kingdom-come the bastard sniper.....good riddance to evil.

However, I have a question based on recent threads on this forum:

The right wing "rationale" against ANY ban of assault rifles being sold to virtually whomever wants one has been that IF the police have such an assault weapon, THEN the average American under the 2nd amendment must ALSO be able to purchase such a weapon.......

If we follow that same mindset, should the average American be ALSO able to purchase a bomb-carrying robot under the rationale that anything that law enforcement may have the average American is also entitled to have? .

Yep....they can have the robot....the C-4 is not arms as defined by personal weapons...nice try though....

You mean law abiding citizens should be able to buy any gun that the police and military have...vs. what you are implying which is untrue....we do not believe that criminals or the dangerously mentally ill should have access to guns...again...thanks for lying....
too bad it wasnt an assault rifle

held ten rounds

wood stock not black

magazine non detachable

I bet you get a hard on when you write all that "gun knowledge" of yours....Come on, admit it. LOL
Just weeks ago you right wing morons were arguing that you needed assault weapons to fight off "government" forces if you needed to.......using the same weaponry as they may have.....Are you now DENYING this? are stupid.

We need the same rifles that the police and military have...other wise our children and grand children may face the situation they have in Mexico where the police and military are allied with drug cartels and murder 10s of thousands of citizens in various border areas of mexico....with no way to stop them.....
Does anyone here realize that the weapon the Dallas shooter used according to reports was an SKS semi automatic rifle? Even if we still had the assualt weapon ban signed by Bill Clinton this rifle as I understand it would not have fallen under it,

They are now saying it was an Ak-74........CBS news was wrong....
we do not believe that criminals or the dangerously mentally ill should have access to guns.

Here's another right wing morons who believes that "criminals" and "mentally ill" folks walk around with ID cards that identifies them as such.......Most murderers were not murderers the day before they began killing.
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too bad it wasnt an assault rifle

held ten rounds

wood stock not black

magazine non detachable

I bet you get a hard on when you write all that "gun knowledge" of yours....Come on, admit it. LOL

sorry loser but you got it wrong

on calling the Dallas shooters firearm an assault weapon

it has everything the leftist want for gun control

interesting it still remains true that leftist anti gunners like you

continue to remain ignorant about firearms are stupid.

We need the same rifles that the police and military have...other wise our children and grand children may face the situation they have in Mexico where the police and military are allied with drug cartels and murder 10s of thousands of citizens in various border areas of mexico....with no way to stop them.....

....and WOW you are a paranoid mother fucker aren't you.....?
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So why aren't you liberals screaming to ban all things that kill people? None of the things I mentioned are in the Constitution. My right to bear arms is.

Asshole, NO ONE is stating "to ban all things that kill people"....that belief exists only in your half brain are stupid.

We need the same rifles that the police and military have...other wise our children and grand children may face the situation they have in Mexico where the police and military are allied with drug cartels and murder 10s of thousands of citizens in various border areas of mexico....with no way to stop them.....

....and WOW you are a paranoid mother fuckers aren't you.....?
Said the Russian and German populations. You also seem to be under the impression that America didn't flee from an oppressive government that they had to fight off... with the same weaponry said government used against them.
sorry loser but you got it wrong

on calling the Dallas shooters firearm an assault weapon

it has everything the leftist want for gun control

interesting it still remains true that leftist anti gunners like you

continue to remain ignorant about firearms

Hey, fuck head...RE-READ the original post and ask a grown up to help your understand. (But, fear not, some of your felow nitwits will soon "praise you" for your acumen.) LOL
sorry loser but you got it wrong

on calling the Dallas shooters firearm an assault weapon

it has everything the leftist want for gun control

interesting it still remains true that leftist anti gunners like you

continue to remain ignorant about firearms

Hey, fuck head...RE-READ the original post and ask a grown up to help your understand. (But, fear not, some of your felow nitwits will soon "praise you" for your acumen.) LOL

keep posting your nonsense

you only make yourself look that more ignorant jackass
Said the Russian and German populations. You also seem to be under the impression that America didn't flee from an oppressive government that they had to fight off... with the same weaponry said government used against them.

Another right wing idiot is comparing our country to Czarist Russia,,,,Nazi Germany and the British empire of the 18th century...What a bunch of un-American dick heads....all since we got a black president in the WH...Coincidence?
Does anyone here realize that the weapon the Dallas shooter used according to reports was an SKS semi automatic rifle? Even if we still had the assualt weapon ban signed by Bill Clinton this rifle as I understand it would not have fallen under it,

They are now saying it was an Ak-74........CBS news was wrong....
Had not heard that thanks for the update.

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