Assholes making trouble in Oregon

The kids and children are being used as shields by virtue of the fact they are there. When armed men threaten to use their weapons to prevent arrest and or removal they are inviting a gunfight. Injecting children into that situation can only be viewed as using the children as shields. i.e., objects to prevent offensive action against those threatened with arrest and removal. You are not that good a bullshitter, nor are the criminals at the refuge.

Camp, I assume that as a leftist you are an anti-Semite.

Here is what the dear friends and allies of the democrats do, on a regular basis


Got an photographs of Bundy et al doing this shit?

Of course not, lies, half-truths, and innuendo are the tools of the party.
C'mon, stay on topic and cease with attempts to deflect and change the subject.
The topic is about armed radicals taking over a government facility and stealing, using without permission and vandalizing taxpayer paid for equipment and property.
what's different than these armed radicals?

The wing nut constitutional colostomistas are still stealing stuff in Oregon............

What did they steal, TyronesSlurpsCum?
they have stolen files information computers they are tearing down fences they are taking heavy equipment and using it to tear up fences ....oh yeah ...they have closed down schools for a week....they have stolen the domestic tranquility of the community
The kids and children are being used as shields by virtue of the fact they are there. When armed men threaten to use their weapons to prevent arrest and or removal they are inviting a gunfight. Injecting children into that situation can only be viewed as using the children as shields. i.e., objects to prevent offensive action against those threatened with arrest and removal. You are not that good a bullshitter, nor are the criminals at the refuge.

Camp, I assume that as a leftist you are an anti-Semite.

Here is what the dear friends and allies of the democrats do, on a regular basis


Got an photographs of Bundy et al doing this shit?

Of course not, lies, half-truths, and innuendo are the tools of the party.
C'mon, stay on topic and cease with attempts to deflect and change the subject.
The topic is about armed radicals taking over a government facility and stealing, using without permission and vandalizing taxpayer paid for equipment and property.
what's different than these armed radicals?

The people committing crimes in Chicago are standard criminals facing. in some cases life in prisons when caught. They are not political radicals or protesters, just common criminals. Do you find it hard to comprehend simple concepts? Has it always been that way for you or did you suffer from a head injury. Seriously, something is wrong with you.
The people committing crimes in Chicago are standard criminals facing. in some cases life in prisons when caught. They are not political radicals or protesters, just common criminals. Do you find it hard to comprehend simple concepts? Has it always been that way for you or did you suffer from a head injury. Seriously, something is wrong with you.

Exactly correct just common criminals in Chicago not common criminals like in Oregon who are posing as though they were Patriots and Constitutional defenders...they are armed criminal bums who want to take Government lands and keep them for themselves to profit from and who call for the overthrow of the Federal government ....
The kids and children are being used as shields by virtue of the fact they are there. When armed men threaten to use their weapons to prevent arrest and or removal they are inviting a gunfight. Injecting children into that situation can only be viewed as using the children as shields. i.e., objects to prevent offensive action against those threatened with arrest and removal. You are not that good a bullshitter, nor are the criminals at the refuge.

Camp, I assume that as a leftist you are an anti-Semite.

Here is what the dear friends and allies of the democrats do, on a regular basis


Got an photographs of Bundy et al doing this shit?

Of course not, lies, half-truths, and innuendo are the tools of the party.
C'mon, stay on topic and cease with attempts to deflect and change the subject.
The topic is about armed radicals taking over a government facility and stealing, using without permission and vandalizing taxpayer paid for equipment and property.
what's different than these armed radicals?

The people committing crimes in Chicago are standard criminals facing. in some cases life in prisons when caught. They are not political radicals or protesters, just common criminals. Do you find it hard to comprehend simple concepts? Has it always been that way for you or did you suffer from a head injury. Seriously, something is wrong with you.
what are they doing that is any different than what you're complaining about. They hold neighborhoods hostage, close school, and pay no attention to the warning given by police.

I'd say they are exactly the same if you contend what you contend.
I am starting to wonder if some of these folks sat back and applauded how the .gov handled Ruby ridge and Waco. Thrilled over the spilling of blood. Cheered the .gov on. Saddened that the .gov did not escalate the same way at the Bundy ranch, and other not so publicized events since. I really think that some of you folks like to see the .gov go and kill our own.

Most of them did. An FBI assassin murdering a woman as she held an infant is exactly the kind of world the left dreams of.

The basic premise of the left is that your life belongs to the state, thus the state can do anything they like with or to you.
Read the threads the Oregonian is running under their crap articles on the situation. The lovely progs across the nation and nestled close to old rocks in geography and location (in the cities of Oregon) posting crap like "They want arms, I got a bullet with their name on it" (Bundy's name, I guess). What a bunch of yahoos. And they make fun of the people who live in the country, it's pathetic.
Are you really too stupid to realize that your attempts to deflect away from the topic at hand simply show you do not have the intelligence, skill or factual data to defend your cause and the criminal behavior of the Bundy's and his militia, supporters and cohorts? If you were able to defend your position you would not have to divert to the nonsense your are deflecting to.
Are you really too stupid to realize that your attempts to deflect away from the topic at hand simply show you do not have the intelligence, skill or factual data to defend your cause and the criminal behavior of the Bundy's and his militia, supporters and cohorts? If you were able to defend your position you would not have to divert to the nonsense your are deflecting to.
that material was presented yesterday and to date no one can give an answer as to the law they are violating. Can they carry their weapons there?
Are they threatening anyone? No
All this thread is is about a bunch of jealous lots who feel offended they don't have the balls to do what these guys are doing. And I merely pointed out that gangs in most cities already do exactly what these folks are doing and you have no issue about them. So what difference is to you since you don't live there and you have no skin in it?
The wing nut constitutional colostomistas are still stealing stuff in Oregon............

What did they steal, TyronesSlurpsCum?
they have stolen files information computers they are tearing down fences they are taking heavy equipment and using it to tear up fences ....oh yeah ...they have closed down schools for a week....they have stolen the domestic tranquility of the community

Good. And..oh yeah...
the community is fine with them.
Are you really too stupid to realize that your attempts to deflect away from the topic at hand simply show you do not have the intelligence, skill or factual data to defend your cause and the criminal behavior of the Bundy's and his militia, supporters and cohorts? If you were able to defend your position you would not have to divert to the nonsense your are deflecting to.
that material was presented yesterday and to date no one can give an answer as to the law they are violating. Can they carry their weapons there?
Are they threatening anyone? No
All this thread is is about a bunch of jealous lots who feel offended they don't have the balls to do what these guys are doing. And I merely pointed out that gangs in most cities already do exactly what these folks are doing and you have no issue about them. So what difference is to you since you don't live there and you have no skin in it?
Your question about what the criminals will be charged with has been addressed. The FBI and other law enforcement are refusing to divulge the information on the criminals terms. They have told the local authorities that arrest are going to be made. They are obviously committing trespassing. The are is marked with signage declaring the property closed and the area they occupy as not to be public access. Only a dope like you and your ilk would find a way to justify breaking into locked buildings and using private property like heavy equipment and trucks without specific permission by the owners, the owners being those listed on titles and registrations. Destruction of property is vandalism. Destruction of federal property is a felony. Only a dope like you can not figure out some of the obvious charges the assholes are facing.
They are threatening the managers and employees of the owners of the property as well law enforcement authorities than would attempt to remove or arrest them.
The blm illegally fenced and diverted water sources, and have used fences to stop ranchers from accessing their own land. They have set fires deliberately to destroy feed and property, then used the stolen water to flood private land which they then declare as federally protected wetlands.
Illegally? Why have they not been challenged in court then. If it's illegal, easy enough to cite the law....get someone like the ACLU or some similiar Rights organization to challenge, eh?
Anybody else notice the typical double standard employed by the progressives.

Remember this?

What did you hear from progressives then?

Progressives hate public demonstrations if its not their people doing the demonstrating.:2up:

ghey :gay:



Image of a peaceful Ferguson protest. LOL

Doing this to their own local folks. too funny.

If caught, were those who broke those windows arrested? Or are their unlawful acts being allowed to continue?
I am starting to wonder if some of these folks sat back and applauded how the .gov handled Ruby ridge and Waco. Thrilled over the spilling of blood. Cheered the .gov on. Saddened that the .gov did not escalate the same way at the Bundy ranch, and other not so publicized events since. I really think that some of you folks like to see the .gov go and kill our own.

Most of them did. An FBI assassin murdering a woman as she held an infant is exactly the kind of world the left dreams of.

The basic premise of the left is that your life belongs to the state, thus the state can do anything they like with or to you.
Another imaginary LW position posted by Uncensored.

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