Assholes making trouble in Oregon

maybe because in oregon

they are not chanting fuck the police

and burning other peoples private property down

So you think people should not be allowed to "chant fuck the police" but that they should be allowed to steal tax payer's property.

Since you hate the constitution, I'll be you just love Drumpf.

How do you RWNJs feel about this? My bet is you'll turn yourselves into pretzels in order to excuse this too.

BUSTED: Guess What The Bundy Militia Was Doing While They Were Not In Gunfights With The FBI

...Finicum led Sepulvado into a computer room that was part of the wildlife refuge compound. He explained to Sepulvado that the militia planned to convert it into a “media room” to house reporters who they expected to come to the site.

That’s when it all went wrong for the militia.

Sepulvado observed militants interacting with government computers in the compound that can only be accessed with employee badges. Employee badges were also strewn about the room, laying out in plain sight, along with papers that had names and Social Security numbers on them.

Finicum immediately realized how badly he screwed the pooch by allowing the OPB reporter to see what they were doing, and for good reason. Their activities likely will fall under the Computer Fraud And Abuse Act which carries some serious penalties (fines and up to 10 years in prison) for what they were doing.

Finicum made a mad dash to pick up all the papers full of personal information and ID cards and hid them away. Shortly after that, Ryan Bundy entered the room.

Bundy emphatically denied that anything had been touched since they began their occupation of the compound: “No, we haven’t touched a single personal item. We haven’t touched any of the computers, we haven’t tried to log on — we haven’t done anything. We’re not here to hurt people. Not even the people who work here.”...

you lefties have made it adamantly clear

that the bundys are not stealing property

that they are owners of the land as all of us are --LOL@U you mental midget
Actually, one of the articles posted recently showed one of the crybabies offering a stolen item to a journalist as a "souvenir".

Photos have also shown them mistreating the flag of the US.

But if you want to talk about theft -

So yes they are not chanting "fuck the Police" they are saying they are "going to fuck up the police" if the Police dare to enforce the law on the entitled whites.............
They have maintained a cordial relationship with the police. The Indians got to the area at the same time as the whites after the Fed's pushed them off their ancestral lands. The feds cannot own land outside of dc except ports and forts. The refuge belongs to the people, and they want the federal pigs to leave. The Fed's should listen.
The blm illegally fenced and diverted water sources, and have used fences to stop ranchers from accessing their own land. They have set fires deliberately to destroy feed and property, then used the stolen water to flood private land which they then declare as federally protected wetlands.
Anybody else notice the typical double standard employed by the progressives.

Remember this?

What did you hear from progressives then?

Progressives hate public demonstrations if its not their people doing the demonstrating.:2up:

ghey :gay:



Image of a peaceful Ferguson protest. LOL

Doing this to their own local folks. too funny.
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So yes they are not chanting "fuck the Police" they are saying they are "going to fuck up the police" if the Police dare to enforce the law on the entitled whites.............
what's the difference?

Gang map of Chicago. Funny stuff, the politicians have this. And do absolutely nothing. And you're concerned with cattle grazing.
I am starting to wonder if some of these folks sat back and applauded how the .gov handled Ruby ridge and Waco. Thrilled over the spilling of blood. Cheered the .gov on. Saddened that the .gov did not escalate the same way at the Bundy ranch, and other not so publicized events since. I really think that some of you folks like to see the .gov go and kill our own.

Most of them did. An FBI assassin murdering a woman as she held an infant is exactly the kind of world the left dreams of.

The basic premise of the left is that your life belongs to the state, thus the state can do anything they like with or to you.
The kids and children are being used as shields by virtue of the fact they are there. When armed men threaten to use their weapons to prevent arrest and or removal they are inviting a gunfight. Injecting children into that situation can only be viewed as using the children as shields. i.e., objects to prevent offensive action against those threatened with arrest and removal. You are not that good a bullshitter, nor are the criminals at the refuge.

Camp, I assume that as a leftist you are an anti-Semite.

Here is what the dear friends and allies of the democrats do, on a regular basis


Got an photographs of Bundy et al doing this shit?

Of course not, lies, half-truths, and innuendo are the tools of the party.
The kids and children are being used as shields by virtue of the fact they are there. When armed men threaten to use their weapons to prevent arrest and or removal they are inviting a gunfight. Injecting children into that situation can only be viewed as using the children as shields. i.e., objects to prevent offensive action against those threatened with arrest and removal. You are not that good a bullshitter, nor are the criminals at the refuge.

Camp, I assume that as a leftist you are an anti-Semite.

Here is what the dear friends and allies of the democrats do, on a regular basis


Got an photographs of Bundy et al doing this shit?

Of course not, lies, half-truths, and innuendo are the tools of the party.
C'mon, stay on topic and cease with attempts to deflect and change the subject.
The topic is about armed radicals taking over a government facility and stealing, using without permission and vandalizing taxpayer paid for equipment and property.

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