asteroid collision 470 million years ago caused Earth to freeze over


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Before this research the cause of the [URL='']ice age was a mystery according to the paper published in Science Advances[/URL]

“Our hypothesis is that the large amounts of extraterrestrial dust over a timeframe of at least 2 million years played an important role in changing the climate on Earth, contributing to cooling,” said Mr Heck.

“We studied extraterrestrial matter, meteorites and micrometeorites in the sedimentary record of Earth, meaning rocks that were once sea floor,” he said.

“And then we extracted the extraterrestrial matter to discover what it was and where it came from.”


Do you know what that means? That means this cycle of heating and cooling that the right wing seems to push in their version of “science“ is BS.

The earth cooled because of outside stimulus. Not because something natural was happening with the sun.
I thought for sure you would blame Trump. Are you feeling okay today?
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Before this research the cause of the ice age was a mystery according to the paper published in Science Advances

“Our hypothesis is that the large amounts of extraterrestrial dust over a timeframe of at least 2 million years played an important role in changing the climate on Earth, contributing to cooling,” said Mr Heck.

“We studied extraterrestrial matter, meteorites and micrometeorites in the sedimentary record of Earth, meaning rocks that were once sea floor,” he said.

“And then we extracted the extraterrestrial matter to discover what it was and where it came from.”


Do you know what that means? That means this cycle of heating and cooling that the right wing seems to push in their version of “science“ is BS.

The earth cooled because of outside stimulus. Not because something natural was happening with the sun.
So you conclude that since the ice age was caused by outside stimulus, climate change can’t be caused naturally.

You might want to rethink that.
Before this research the cause of the ice age was a mystery according to the paper published in Science Advances

“Our hypothesis is that the large amounts of extraterrestrial dust over a timeframe of at least 2 million years played an important role in changing the climate on Earth, contributing to cooling,” said Mr Heck.

“We studied extraterrestrial matter, meteorites and micrometeorites in the sedimentary record of Earth, meaning rocks that were once sea floor,” he said.

“And then we extracted the extraterrestrial matter to discover what it was and where it came from.”


Do you know what that means? That means this cycle of heating and cooling that the right wing seems to push in their version of “science“ is BS.

The earth cooled because of outside stimulus. Not because something natural was happening with the sun.
All things affect all climate changes.
Before this research the cause of the ice age was a mystery according to the paper published in Science Advances

“Our hypothesis is that the large amounts of extraterrestrial dust over a timeframe of at least 2 million years played an important role in changing the climate on Earth, contributing to cooling,” said Mr Heck.

“We studied extraterrestrial matter, meteorites and micrometeorites in the sedimentary record of Earth, meaning rocks that were once sea floor,” he said.

“And then we extracted the extraterrestrial matter to discover what it was and where it came from.”


Do you know what that means? That means this cycle of heating and cooling that the right wing seems to push in their version of “science“ is BS.

The earth cooled because of outside stimulus. Not because something natural was happening with the sun.

Oh god you ever go to school in your life?


by Steve Graham • March 24, 2000

The Serbian astrophysicist Milutin Milankovitch is best known for developing one of the most significant theories relating Earth motions and long-term climate change. Born in 1879 in the rural village of Dalj (then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, today located in Croatia), Milankovitch attended the Vienna Institute of Technology and graduated in 1904 with a doctorate in technical sciences. After a brief stint as the chief engineer for a construction company, he accepted a faculty position in applied mathematics at the University of Belgrade in 1909—a position he held for the remainder of his life.
Milankovitch dedicated his career to developing a mathematical theory of climate based on the seasonal and latitudinal variations of solar radiation received by the Earth. Now known as the Milankovitch Theory, it states that as the Earth travels through space around the sun, cyclical variations in three elements of Earth-sun geometry combine to produce variations in the amount of solar energy that reaches Earth:

  1. Variations in the Earth's orbital eccentricity—the shape of the orbit around the sun.

  2. Changes in obliquity—changes in the angle that Earth's axis makes with the plane of Earth's orbit.

  3. Precession—the change in the direction of the Earth's axis of rotation, i.e., the axis of rotation behaves like the spin axis of a top that is winding down; hence it traces a circle on the celestial sphere over a period of time.
Together, the periods of these orbital motions have become known as Milankovitch cycles

How many times will you Liberals jump on the bait of some random "study" before you realize those "studies" are designed to trigger you and get some notoriety for the author.
Before this research the cause of the ice age was a mystery according to the paper published in Science Advances

“Our hypothesis is that the large amounts of extraterrestrial dust over a timeframe of at least 2 million years played an important role in changing the climate on Earth, contributing to cooling,” said Mr Heck.

“We studied extraterrestrial matter, meteorites and micrometeorites in the sedimentary record of Earth, meaning rocks that were once sea floor,” he said.

“And then we extracted the extraterrestrial matter to discover what it was and where it came from.”


Do you know what that means? That means this cycle of heating and cooling that the right wing seems to push in their version of “science“ is BS.

The earth cooled because of outside stimulus. Not because something natural was happening with the sun.
So I suppose that asteroid 470 million years ago is responsible for the last ice age, the medieval warming period and the little ice age.
Before this research the cause of the ice age was a mystery according to the paper published in Science Advances

“Our hypothesis is that the large amounts of extraterrestrial dust over a timeframe of at least 2 million years played an important role in changing the climate on Earth, contributing to cooling,” said Mr Heck.

“We studied extraterrestrial matter, meteorites and micrometeorites in the sedimentary record of Earth, meaning rocks that were once sea floor,” he said.

“And then we extracted the extraterrestrial matter to discover what it was and where it came from.”


Do you know what that means? That means this cycle of heating and cooling that the right wing seems to push in their version of “science“ is BS.

The earth cooled because of outside stimulus. Not because something natural was happening with the sun.

That means this cycle of heating and cooling that the right wing seems to push in their version of “science“ is BS.

Exactly! So what caused the most recent glaciation?
Before this research the cause of the ice age was a mystery according to the paper published in Science Advances

“Our hypothesis is that the large amounts of extraterrestrial dust over a timeframe of at least 2 million years played an important role in changing the climate on Earth, contributing to cooling,” said Mr Heck.

“We studied extraterrestrial matter, meteorites and micrometeorites in the sedimentary record of Earth, meaning rocks that were once sea floor,” he said.

“And then we extracted the extraterrestrial matter to discover what it was and where it came from.”


Do you know what that means? That means this cycle of heating and cooling that the right wing seems to push in their version of “science“ is BS.

The earth cooled because of outside stimulus. Not because something natural was happening with the sun.
So I suppose that asteroid 470 million years ago is responsible for the last ice age, the medieval warming period and the little ice age.
Before this research the cause of the ice age was a mystery according to the paper published in Science Advances

“Our hypothesis is that the large amounts of extraterrestrial dust over a timeframe of at least 2 million years played an important role in changing the climate on Earth, contributing to cooling,” said Mr Heck.

“We studied extraterrestrial matter, meteorites and micrometeorites in the sedimentary record of Earth, meaning rocks that were once sea floor,” he said.

“And then we extracted the extraterrestrial matter to discover what it was and where it came from.”


Do you know what that means? That means this cycle of heating and cooling that the right wing seems to push in their version of “science“ is BS.

The earth cooled because of outside stimulus. Not because something natural was happening with the sun.
So I suppose that asteroid 470 million years ago is responsible for the last ice age, the medieval warming period and the little ice age.
Dean's clock is a little off.
Idiot doesn't realize the climate has shifted cold/ warm many times.
Before this research the cause of the ice age was a mystery according to the paper published in Science Advances

“Our hypothesis is that the large amounts of extraterrestrial dust over a timeframe of at least 2 million years played an important role in changing the climate on Earth, contributing to cooling,” said Mr Heck.

“We studied extraterrestrial matter, meteorites and micrometeorites in the sedimentary record of Earth, meaning rocks that were once sea floor,” he said.

“And then we extracted the extraterrestrial matter to discover what it was and where it came from.”


Do you know what that means? That means this cycle of heating and cooling that the right wing seems to push in their version of “science“ is BS.

The earth cooled because of outside stimulus. Not because something natural was happening with the sun.

That means this cycle of heating and cooling that the right wing seems to push in their version of “science“ is BS.

Exactly! So what caused the most recent glaciation?
We won't know until the next random study comes out.
Before this research the cause of the ice age was a mystery according to the paper published in Science Advances

“Our hypothesis is that the large amounts of extraterrestrial dust over a timeframe of at least 2 million years played an important role in changing the climate on Earth, contributing to cooling,” said Mr Heck.

“We studied extraterrestrial matter, meteorites and micrometeorites in the sedimentary record of Earth, meaning rocks that were once sea floor,” he said.

“And then we extracted the extraterrestrial matter to discover what it was and where it came from.”


Do you know what that means? That means this cycle of heating and cooling that the right wing seems to push in their version of “science“ is BS.

The earth cooled because of outside stimulus. Not because something natural was happening with the sun.
So I suppose that asteroid 470 million years ago is responsible for the last ice age, the medieval warming period and the little ice age.

No, those were caused by Republicans.
Before this research the cause of the ice age was a mystery according to the paper published in Science Advances

“Our hypothesis is that the large amounts of extraterrestrial dust over a timeframe of at least 2 million years played an important role in changing the climate on Earth, contributing to cooling,” said Mr Heck.

“We studied extraterrestrial matter, meteorites and micrometeorites in the sedimentary record of Earth, meaning rocks that were once sea floor,” he said.

“And then we extracted the extraterrestrial matter to discover what it was and where it came from.”


Do you know what that means? That means this cycle of heating and cooling that the right wing seems to push in their version of “science“ is BS.

The earth cooled because of outside stimulus. Not because something natural was happening with the sun.
So I suppose that asteroid 470 million years ago is responsible for the last ice age, the medieval warming period and the little ice age.

No, those were caused by Republicans.
Before this research the cause of the ice age was a mystery according to the paper published in Science Advances

“Our hypothesis is that the large amounts of extraterrestrial dust over a timeframe of at least 2 million years played an important role in changing the climate on Earth, contributing to cooling,” said Mr Heck.

“We studied extraterrestrial matter, meteorites and micrometeorites in the sedimentary record of Earth, meaning rocks that were once sea floor,” he said.

“And then we extracted the extraterrestrial matter to discover what it was and where it came from.”


Do you know what that means? That means this cycle of heating and cooling that the right wing seems to push in their version of “science“ is BS.

The earth cooled because of outside stimulus. Not because something natural was happening with the sun.

That would account for one ice age. How about all the rest? The best theory so far is the creation of the continents is the cause.

But regardless, it is very telling that you don't understand what the word hypothesis means.
Before this research the cause of the ice age was a mystery according to the paper published in Science Advances

“Our hypothesis is that the large amounts of extraterrestrial dust over a timeframe of at least 2 million years played an important role in changing the climate on Earth, contributing to cooling,” said Mr Heck.

“We studied extraterrestrial matter, meteorites and micrometeorites in the sedimentary record of Earth, meaning rocks that were once sea floor,” he said.

“And then we extracted the extraterrestrial matter to discover what it was and where it came from.”


Do you know what that means? That means this cycle of heating and cooling that the right wing seems to push in their version of “science“ is BS.

The earth cooled because of outside stimulus. Not because something natural was happening with the sun.
... and it was Trump's fault the asteroid hit the earth and the Russians helped him do it, and the congressional democrats are going to immediately open up an investigation into it to impeach him for it.
Before this research the cause of the ice age was a mystery according to the paper published in Science Advances

“Our hypothesis is that the large amounts of extraterrestrial dust over a timeframe of at least 2 million years played an important role in changing the climate on Earth, contributing to cooling,” said Mr Heck.

“We studied extraterrestrial matter, meteorites and micrometeorites in the sedimentary record of Earth, meaning rocks that were once sea floor,” he said.

“And then we extracted the extraterrestrial matter to discover what it was and where it came from.”


Do you know what that means? That means this cycle of heating and cooling that the right wing seems to push in their version of “science“ is BS.

The earth cooled because of outside stimulus. Not because something natural was happening with the sun.
So I suppose that asteroid 470 million years ago is responsible for the last ice age, the medieval warming period and the little ice age.

No, those were caused by Republicans.

Dean blames Republicans for everything.
Like West Wall wrote that is one explanation for one Ice Age, so what about the other mini and major ones?
Dean is so dumb to not add up the fact that if a big one hit Earth in the past, it stands to reason that another big one could hit Earth at anytime.
Rendering the whole man made climate issue irrelevant within minutes.

I would rather see funds dedicated to proper mapping of objects in the solar system and possible delivery systems to knock a potential civilization killer off coarse.

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