At least these 25 people weren't killed with a gun...they were killed with fire, so much better...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
So.....33 killed in Tokyo using about a gallon of gasoline, and now 25 people killed with a gallon of gasoline......even with the higher cost of living in Japan, that would be what, no more than 10 bucks in gas and in Mexico, about 5 bucks....

Luckily....these people were killed by burning to death, and not with a

At least 25 killed in 'horrendous' arson attack on bar in Mexico

Mexico, Aug 28 (Reuters) - At least 25 people were killed in an arson attack by suspected gang members on a bar in the southeastern Mexican port of Coatzacoalcos late on Tuesday, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said, in a fresh blow to his efforts to curb violence.

Calling the attack "horrendous," Lopez Obrador told a regular morning news conference on Wednesday that the deaths occurred after the suspected gangsters closed the emergency exits of the bar in Coatzacoalcos and set fire to it.

The attorney general's office of the state of Veracruz said overnight that eight women and 15 men died in the fire at the "Caballo Blanco" bar, and 13 people who were seriously wounded were hospitalized for treatment.

Lopez Obrador said 25 people had died so far and that initial investigations indicated that some suspects behind the attack had been in custody this year and were later released.
33,000 killed with guns.

I can outrun a fire... I can't outrun a bullet.

Over 22,000 of them were suicide...... you keep lying, you asshat.

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives...according to the Centers for Disease Control....and the Department of Justice puts that number at 1.5 million times a year....

Can you tell which number is bigger?
Over 22,000 of them were suicide...... you keep lying, you asshat.

Dead is dead.... they'd be alive if there wasn't a gun in the house.

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives.

no, they don't. Even if you accept the absurd number of 1.1 million DGU's, most of those were to prevent property crimes, not save lives.

Of course, the number is utter bullshit, so there's no point arguing it.

The FBI lists 200 uses of firearms in JUSTIFIABLE homicides a year.

So if you take your utterly silly number, of 1.1 million, you'd have to believe that in 1,099,800 cases were you had a desperate criminal and a scared guy compensating for a tiny pecker, the mere sight of a gun got the criminal to back off.

It's silly.
33,000 killed with guns.

I can outrun a fire... I can't outrun a bullet.

As per usual, you miss the point s0n....

If somebody wants to knock off alot of people at one time, they'll do it. In European countries with gun bans, death be explosives is waaaaaaaay up. You progressive meatheads cant connect dots:113:
Over 22,000 of them were suicide...... you keep lying, you asshat.

Dead is dead.... they'd be alive if there wasn't a gun in the house.

Of course, firing slug in own head is the only way to kill yourself.

If suicide by train # 's suddenly spiked, these bozos would advocate banning trains or slowing their speed to 30mph ( which would drive more people to travel by car = more deaths). These people have thought processing issues.:2up:
Over 22,000 of them were suicide...... you keep lying, you asshat.

Dead is dead.... they'd be alive if there wasn't a gun in the house.

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives.

no, they don't. Even if you accept the absurd number of 1.1 million DGU's, most of those were to prevent property crimes, not save lives.

Of course, the number is utter bullshit, so there's no point arguing it.

The FBI lists 200 uses of firearms in JUSTIFIABLE homicides a year.

So if you take your utterly silly number, of 1.1 million, you'd have to believe that in 1,099,800 cases were you had a desperate criminal and a scared guy compensating for a tiny pecker, the mere sight of a gun got the criminal to back off.

It's silly.

Not my number asshat...the number found by actual research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control.... the current, favorite government agency of the anti-gun left.....and the Department of Justice put the number, after their own, separate research at 1.5 million times a year.....
Not my number asshat...

The CDC said no such thing... Nothing you say is believeable...

Everything on the CDC research...

What Do CDC's Surveys Say About the Frequency of Defensive Gun Uses? by Gary Kleck :: SSRN

In 1996, 1997, and 1998, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted large-scale surveys asking about defensive gun use (DGU) in four to seven states. Analysis of the raw data allows the estimation of the prevalence of DGU for those areas. Data pertaining to the same sets of states from the 1993 National Self-Defense Survey (Kleck and Gertz 1995) allow these results to be extrapolated to the U.S. as a whole. CDC’s survey data confirm previous high estimates of DGU prevalence, disconfirm estimates derived from the National Crime Victimization Survey, and indicate that defensive uses of guns by crime victims are far more common than offensive uses by criminals. CDC has never reported these results.


Reason article on the revised paper..

A Second Look at a Controversial Study About Defensive Gun Use

Kleck's new paper—"What Do CDC's Surveys Say About the Frequency of Defensive Gun Uses?"—finds that the agency had asked about DGUs in its Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System in 1996, 1997, and 1998.

Those polls, Kleck writes,

are high-quality telephone surveys of enormous probability samples of U.S. adults, asking about a wide range of health-related topics. Those that addressed DGU asked more people about this topic than any other surveys conducted before or since. For example, the 1996 survey asked the DGU question of 5,484 people. The next-largest number questioned about DGU was 4,977 by Kleck and Gertz (1995), and sample sizes were much smaller in all the rest of surveys on the topic (Kleck 2001).

Kleck was impressed with how well the survey worded its question: "During the last 12 months, have you confronted another person with a firearm, even if you did not fire it, to protect yourself, your property, or someone else?" Respondents were told to leave out incidents from occupations, like policing, where using firearms is part of the job. Kleck is impressed with how the question excludes animals but includes DGUs outside the home as well as within it.

Kleck is less impressed with the fact that the question was only asked of people who admitted to owning guns in their home earlier in the survey, and that they asked no follow-up questions regarding the specific nature of the DGU incident.

From Kleck's own surveys, he found that only 79 percent of those who reported a DGU "had also reported a gun in their household at the time of the interview," so he thinks whatever numbers the CDC found need to be revised upward to account for that. (Kleck speculates that CDC showed a sudden interest in the question of DGUs starting in 1996 because Kleck's own famous/notorious survey had been published in 1995.)

At any rate, Kleck downloaded the datasets for those three years and found that the "weighted percent who reported a DGU...was 1.3% in 1996, 0.9% in 1997, 1.0% in 1998, and 1.07% in all three surveys combined."

Kleck figures if you do the adjustment upward he thinks necessary for those who had DGU incidents without personally owning a gun in the home at the time of the survey, and then the adjustment downward he thinks necessary because CDC didn't do detailed follow-ups to confirm the nature of the incident, you get 1.24 percent, a close match to his own 1.326 percent figure.

He concludes that the small difference between his estimate and the CDC's "can be attributed to declining rates of violent crime, which accounts for most DGUs. With fewer occasions for self-defense in the form of violent victimizations, one would expect fewer DGUs."

Kleck further details how much these CDC surveys confirmed his own controversial work:

The final adjusted prevalence of 1.24% therefore implies that in an average year during 1996–1998, 2.46 million U.S. adults used a gun for self-defense.

This estimate, based on an enormous sample of 12,870 cases (unweighted) in a nationally representative sample, strongly confirms the 2.5 million past-12-months estimate obtained Kleck and Gertz (1995)....CDC's results, then, imply that guns were used defensively by victims about 3.6 times as often as they were used offensively by criminals.
Over 22,000 of them were suicide...... you keep lying, you asshat.

Dead is dead.... they'd be alive if there wasn't a gun in the house.

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives.

no, they don't. Even if you accept the absurd number of 1.1 million DGU's, most of those were to prevent property crimes, not save lives.

Of course, the number is utter bullshit, so there's no point arguing it.

The FBI lists 200 uses of firearms in JUSTIFIABLE homicides a year.

So if you take your utterly silly number, of 1.1 million, you'd have to believe that in 1,099,800 cases were you had a desperate criminal and a scared guy compensating for a tiny pecker, the mere sight of a gun got the criminal to back off.

It's silly.

And isn't that the ideal scenario, where no one gets killed (your phallic obsession aside)? Interesting that you try to use a homicide statistic to disprove a NON-homicide statistic.
And isn't that the ideal scenario, where no one gets killed (your phallic obsession aside)? Interesting that you try to use a homicide statistic to disprove a NON-homicide statistic.
If you don't have facts, you have to improvise.
And isn't that the ideal scenario, where no one gets killed (your phallic obsession aside)? Interesting that you try to use a homicide statistic to disprove a NON-homicide statistic.

Flying unicorns farting rainbows would be ideal, too. In the real world, if you are so desperate you are going out to commit a crime, you aren't going to be deterred 99.9998% of the time because someone waived a gun at you.
And isn't that the ideal scenario, where no one gets killed (your phallic obsession aside)? Interesting that you try to use a homicide statistic to disprove a NON-homicide statistic.

Flying unicorns farting rainbows would be ideal, too. In the real world, if you are so desperate you are going out to commit a crime, you aren't going to be deterred 99.9998% of the time because someone waived a gun at you.
And yet the fact remains millions of crimes are stopped by free citizens owning firearms.

If someone breaks into your house, hand them your wife and children and tell the perp to please rape them gently.
And isn't that the ideal scenario, where no one gets killed (your phallic obsession aside)? Interesting that you try to use a homicide statistic to disprove a NON-homicide statistic.

Flying unicorns farting rainbows would be ideal, too. In the real world, if you are so desperate you are going out to commit a crime, you aren't going to be deterred 99.9998% of the time because someone waived a gun at you.

Lol....flying unicorns.....

You gun grabbers are riding unicorns s0n. Nobody is caring about gun control....certainly not people who vote. Legislation?
Congress could not possibly be less interested.

Indeed....second amendment guys keep winning. Year after year, the winning is profound. You gun grabber guys? Not so much....but we are flying unicorns!:flirtysmile4:

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