At what price do you win?


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2016
A few days ago I've read a couple of articles that make me pretty sad about how people judge their priorities in politics. The first one was this. Feehery: How Republicans can counter the possible impeachment push
It's written by a GOP strategist and as the title suggests it outlines what he thinks the GOP should do in order to win. What grabbed my attention was this. "In 1974, congressional Republicans let former President Nixon know in no uncertain terms that he was on his own in fighting impeachment during the Watergate investigation. That might have been the right thing morally, but politically it was a complete disaster, and after the November election, the GOP held only 144 seats in the House and 38 seats in the Senate."
The rest of the article painted it as a mistake. And urges the GOP act differently in regards to Trump. So in other words he doesn't think that the GOP should act morally.
Of course this guys job is being a strategist so I guess I see where he's coming from, but the fact that he wasn't ashamed to put it so bluntly is kind of shocking to me.
The next one I read was way worse in my opinion.
Hatch: ‘I don’t care’ if prosecutors are arguing Trump broke the law
Here, Orin Hatch. A member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, charged with overseeing the entire justice apparatus in the US bluntly states that he doesn't care the President of the United States is a criminal. The reason he states is that Trump is executing what comes down to the GOP's political agenda.
What really is troubling to me is not that a politician finds his loyalty to his party overrides his responsibility to the country, although it's pretty onerous considering his position. I'm pretty sure there are those on both sides. But the fact that he is comfortable enough in that partisanship to bluntly state such an opinion.
So my question is, when does loyalty to party end? And why is something like this NOT universally met with disapproval?
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Trump is carrying out what comes down to being America's agenda. The GOP be damned if they stand in the way.
Trump is carrying out what comes down to being America's agenda. The GOP be damned if they stand in the way.
So you feel the GOP's agenda IS America's agenda. Then my questions are. Aren't Democrats Americans? How do you judge what is best for America? And why is the rule of law NOT america's agenda.
“So my question is, when does loyalty to party end?”

For the vast majority of Republicans, never.

“And why is something like this NOT universally met with disapproval?”

It is – outside of the blind partisan right.

The problem is that the people have become so ignorance, so apathetic, so politically lazy and inept that they’re incapable or unwilling to do anything about the corruption and incompetence that is the Trump ‘administration’ and that has infested most of the GOP.
You are kidding. Rule of law? Have you ever heard of Hilary Clinton?
Yes I have. Investigated multiple times by the house, congress and the FBI. A process were in the end they said that NO reasonable prosecutor would charge her. Something that, considering that the GOP has had all levers of power in hand for the last 2 years can be considered as factually true. Now can you answer my questions?
Trump is carrying out what comes down to being America's agenda. The GOP be damned if they stand in the way.
So you feel the GOP's agenda IS America's agenda. Then my questions are. Aren't Democrats Americans? How do you judge what is best for America? And why is the rule of law NOT america's agenda.

The rule of law is not a concept which Democrats believe, let alone follow.
“So my question is, when does loyalty to party end?”

For the vast majority of Republicans, never.

“And why is something like this NOT universally met with disapproval?”

It is – outside of the blind partisan right.

The problem is that the people have become so ignorance, so apathetic, so politically lazy and inept that they’re incapable or unwilling to do anything about the corruption and incompetence that is the Trump ‘administration’ and that has infested most of the GOP.

Bullshit. Republicans like me have bashed countless Republicans on this forum. Hell, I voted for Trump in the Florida primary over the GOP'S establishment choice of little Marco.
You are kidding. Rule of law? Have you ever heard of Hilary Clinton?
Yes I have. Investigated multiple times by the house, congress and the FBI. A process were in the end they said that NO reasonable prosecutor would charge her. Something that, considering that the GOP has had all levers of power in hand for the last 2 years can be considered as factually true. Now can you answer my questions?

Lol. Anyone else would have gone to prison for what Hillary did. You guys voted for her to be president.
A few days ago I've read a couple of articles that make me pretty sad about how people judge their priorities in politics. The first one was this. Feehery: How Republicans can counter the possible impeachment push
It's written by a GOP strategist and as the title suggests it outlines what he thinks the GOP should do in order to win. What grabbed my attention was this. "In 1974, congressional Republicans let former President Nixon know in no uncertain terms that he was on his own in fighting impeachment during the Watergate investigation. That might have been the right thing morally, but politically it was a complete disaster, and after the November election, the GOP held only 144 seats in the House and 38 seats in the Senate."
The rest of the article painted it as a mistake. And urges the GOP act differently in regards to Trump. So in other words he doesn't think that the GOP should act morally.
Of course this guys job is being a strategist so I guess I see where he's coming from, but the fact that he wasn't ashamed to put it so bluntly is kind of shocking to me.
The next one I read was way worse in my opinion.
Hatch: ‘I don’t care’ if prosecutors are arguing Trump broke the law
Here, Orin Hatch. A member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, charged with overseeing the entire justice apparatus in the US bluntly states that he doesn't care the President of the United States is a criminal. The reason he states is that Trump is executing what comes down to the GOP's political agenda.
What really is troubling to me is not that a politician finds his loyalty to his party overrides his responsibility to the country, although it's pretty onerous considering his position. I'm pretty sure there are those on both sides. But the fact that he is comfortable enough in that partisanship to bluntly state such an opinion.
So my question is, when does loyalty to party end? And why is something like this NOT universally met with disapproval?
Ewe don’t know dew ewe? You covered the democrat’s Asses all the way through Benghazi, the IRS debacle, Judge Kavanaugh’s hearings, the gun running to Mexico fiasco, the Steele dossier, and the Russians get our plutonium deal. So why don’t ewe go first and answer your own damned question?
A few days ago I've read a couple of articles that make me pretty sad about how people judge their priorities in politics. The first one was this. Feehery: How Republicans can counter the possible impeachment push
It's written by a GOP strategist and as the title suggests it outlines what he thinks the GOP should do in order to win. What grabbed my attention was this. "In 1974, congressional Republicans let former President Nixon know in no uncertain terms that he was on his own in fighting impeachment during the Watergate investigation. That might have been the right thing morally, but politically it was a complete disaster, and after the November election, the GOP held only 144 seats in the House and 38 seats in the Senate."
The rest of the article painted it as a mistake. And urges the GOP act differently in regards to Trump. So in other words he doesn't think that the GOP should act morally.
Of course this guys job is being a strategist so I guess I see where he's coming from, but the fact that he wasn't ashamed to put it so bluntly is kind of shocking to me.
The next one I read was way worse in my opinion.
Hatch: ‘I don’t care’ if prosecutors are arguing Trump broke the law
Here, Orin Hatch. A member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, charged with overseeing the entire justice apparatus in the US bluntly states that he doesn't care the President of the United States is a criminal. The reason he states is that Trump is executing what comes down to the GOP's political agenda.
What really is troubling to me is not that a politician finds his loyalty to his party overrides his responsibility to the country, although it's pretty onerous considering his position. I'm pretty sure there are those on both sides. But the fact that he is comfortable enough in that partisanship to bluntly state such an opinion.
So my question is, when does loyalty to party end? And why is something like this NOT universally met with disapproval?
Ewe don’t know dew ewe? You covered the democrat’s Asses all the way through Benghazi, the IRS debacle, Judge Kavanaugh’s hearings, the gun running to Mexico fiasco, the Steele dossier, and the Russians get our plutonium deal. So why don’t ewe go first and answer your own damned question?
You should really get that lisp checked.
Trump is carrying out what comes down to being America's agenda. The GOP be damned if they stand in the way.
So you feel the GOP's agenda IS America's agenda. Then my questions are. Aren't Democrats Americans? How do you judge what is best for America? And why is the rule of law NOT america's agenda.

No. Even though I am a Republican, I don't feel like the GOP is 100% onboard for restoring this country to the greatness it deserves. President Trump obviously knows what's best for this country, as has been shown in his economic policies, foreign and domestic policies, immigration, taxes, prison reform, jobs, border security, a strong military, fair and balanced trade, etc.

Even though the majority of Republicans stand with him, there are some who seem to be fighting him at every step of the way. They insist on siding with Democrats who in my opinion, do not have the best interests of this country at heart. The rule of law is one of America's agendas, and President Trump supports that, given the evidence of his support for law-enforcement, the military, border security, and immigration control.

Republicans tend far more to hold their own accountable, whereas Democrats tend to support their own, no matter what.
You are kidding. Rule of law? Have you ever heard of Hilary Clinton?
Yes I have. Investigated multiple times by the house, congress and the FBI. A process were in the end they said that NO reasonable prosecutor would charge her. Something that, considering that the GOP has had all levers of power in hand for the last 2 years can be considered as factually true. Now can you answer my questions?
The liar leaker Comey! Yes! right!
You are kidding. Rule of law? Have you ever heard of Hilary Clinton?
"But... But... But... Hillary!"


Hillary Clinton is the 21st Century's most striking example for the disregard of the rule of law. You or I would have been put away for many years, had we done half of what she got away with.

She will forever be remembered throughout history as a prime example of criminality.
Trump is carrying out what comes down to being America's agenda. The GOP be damned if they stand in the way.
So you feel the GOP's agenda IS America's agenda. Then my questions are. Aren't Democrats Americans? How do you judge what is best for America? And why is the rule of law NOT america's agenda.

The rule of law is not a concept which Democrats believe, let alone follow.
Oh really.
Trump is carrying out what comes down to being America's agenda. The GOP be damned if they stand in the way.
So you feel the GOP's agenda IS America's agenda. Then my questions are. Aren't Democrats Americans? How do you judge what is best for America? And why is the rule of law NOT america's agenda.

The rule of law is not a concept which Democrats believe, let alone follow.
See I see a lot of appeals to hypocries but no answers to what I ask. I clearly showed Hatch saying he doesn't care if Trump is a criminal. Do you?
You are kidding. Rule of law? Have you ever heard of Hilary Clinton?
Yes I have. Investigated multiple times by the house, congress and the FBI. A process were in the end they said that NO reasonable prosecutor would charge her. Something that, considering that the GOP has had all levers of power in hand for the last 2 years can be considered as factually true. Now can you answer my questions?

Lol. Anyone else would have gone to prison for what Hillary did. You guys voted for her to be president.
The FBI disagreed. And like I said since nobody is willing to do it now even when now the DOJ and the FBI are led by Trump appointees. So how is it anything but your personal opinion? Please enlighten me what extra information do you have? Oh and deflecting to Clinton just shows me that you are simply unwilling to actually discuss what I asked.
You could ask the same questions of the Democrats rather some want to admit it or not there are serious questions about the way we got to have the Mueller investigation from facts being omitted in the FISA application which made it easier to get approval for surveillance of Trump assiocates to names of Americans being unmasked and made public something not suppossed to be done to seemingly setting a prejury trap for Mike Flynn. Why do you bring someone in to ask questions about phone conversations you transcripts of which didn't suggest anything illegal? Why do you try and discourage this person from having a lawyer present? Not having lawyer present is Flynn's mistake as are any lies he told that's on him but Comey himself has admitted they did things that are not the normal procedure used by the FBI. Despite this many of Trumps critics in and out of the media seem willing to ignore all this as long as it helps them accomplish their goal of getting Trump out of office people on both sides seem more and more willing to accept the ends justify the means mentality something everyone should find troubling.
“So my question is, when does loyalty to party end?”

For the vast majority of Republicans, never.

“And why is something like this NOT universally met with disapproval?”

It is – outside of the blind partisan right.

The problem is that the people have become so ignorance, so apathetic, so politically lazy and inept that they’re incapable or unwilling to do anything about the corruption and incompetence that is the Trump ‘administration’ and that has infested most of the GOP.

Bullshit. Republicans like me have bashed countless Republicans on this forum. Hell, I voted for Trump in the Florida primary over the GOP'S establishment choice of little Marco.
And I refused to bash Comey when he reopened the investigation when they found Weiners laptop. I knew it would jeopardize Clinton's chances but I valued finding the truth over partisanship. Can you show ANY example were you went against Trump? Admitted you were wrong? Or changed your position on anything? I've done all three on this forum.
You are kidding. Rule of law? Have you ever heard of Hilary Clinton?
Yes I have. Investigated multiple times by the house, congress and the FBI. A process were in the end they said that NO reasonable prosecutor would charge her. Something that, considering that the GOP has had all levers of power in hand for the last 2 years can be considered as factually true. Now can you answer my questions?

A process were in the end they said that NO reasonable prosecutor would charge her

A process where in the end Comey said that NO reasonable prosecutor would charge her.
And we've seen what a liar he turned out to be...…..
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