ATF Suffers Setback on Pistol Brace Rule

Those have been around for a long time.





I never saw the appeal of one of these braces or the need.
Why they would make them illegal is beyond me.
Why would the ATF care one way or the other? Have federal agencies become so weaponized that they are looking for an issue to deprive Americans of their 2nd Amendment rights? It should be noted that it was the ATF that entrapped Randy Weaver in the Ruby Ridge siege and later went on to the incineration of about 80 Branch Dividians. Oh yeah, the ATF authorized the shipment of a couple of thousand illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels and lost track of them until one of the weapons surfaced in the murder of a Border Officer. Nobody was indicted or fired. The corrupt DOJ takes care of it's own.
Why would the ATF care one way or the other? Have federal agencies become so weaponized that they are looking for an issue to deprive Americans of their 2nd Amendment rights? It should be noted that it was the ATF that entrapped Randy Weaver in the Ruby Ridge siege and later went on to the incineration of about 80 Branch Dividians. Oh yeah, the ATF authorized the shipment of a couple of thousand illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels and lost track of them until one of the weapons surfaced in the murder of a Border Officer. Nobody was indicted or fired. The corrupt DOJ takes care of it's own.
Yes, they are looking to disarm America. They seize every opportunity to ban anything related to firearms. Even those stupid 'bump stocks' which no one ever uses (despite the lies told by the government).
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They were designed to get more accuracy from a pistol. Who doesn't like hitting what they're aiming at?
They don't want us regular folks to be more accurate than the criminals that don't give a shit about their silly rules.
They don't want us regular folks to be more accurate than the criminals that don't give a shit about their silly rules.
Given the under 10% registration amnesty compliance rate nobody else does either. ;)

And most of them just wanted a tax/engraving free SBR.
They were designed to get more accuracy from a pistol. Who doesn't like hitting what they're aiming at?

They put them on AR's that are pistol length,which are stupid to begin with. If you want a pistol wear it on your hip.
I dont see the need for one I mean who needs to shoot an AR one handed?
Not only that it makes it impossible to change hands while shooting or freeing up your hands for other things.
You basically have a gun strapped to your arm.
No way would I want that in a shooting incident.

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