Atheist Group Files Lawsuit Against Prayer at Presidential Inauguration

As I said it was just for publicity sake, even suits without merit can still be a pain.

The timing is interesting. Obama is America's first (real) black President and they've decided to sue now? Some would say this Atheist group is racist. :lol:
The head of an atheist group told FOX News Radio on Tuesday that by allowing a prayer at President-elect Obama's inauguration, the government is subjecting atheists and agonostics to someone else's religious beliefs.

Atheist Group Files Lawsuit Against Prayer at Presidential Inauguration - Transition Tracker

These people do not understand the religion clauses of the Constitution. There is nothing in the Constitution to prevent a President having a prayer at an inauguration, etc. If a President didn't want to have them and was forced to, they'd have a case I think, but that is not what is happening here.
The timing is interesting. Obama is America's first (real) black President and they've decided to sue now? Some would say this Atheist group is racist. :lol:

Woops. :lol:

I was laughing at your comment and I thought I had responded to you.
Woops. :lol:

I was laughing at your comment and I thought I had responded to you.

This will certainly upset African-Americans, the majority of whom are Christian. This is turning out to be quite a spectacle. You've got gay supporters of Obama who don't like the idea of Rick Warren doing the 'swearing in' ceremony, and atheist supporters of Obama who don't want prayer to be used at the inauguration. I find it quite amusing. Maybe there will be a riot complete with tear gas and flipped cars. :lol:
Once again. Separation of church and state. The left is hijacking it to get rid of freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: it's always the LEFT with you isn't it Allie? last time I checked, Obama IS the you suppose he's filing this protest against his OWN innaguration?

have they ever done this before, filed a protest agaisnt prayer at the innaguration I mean?

and no one is forcing them to watch.... they can tune out...hell this will be the first innaguration I actually DO watch.... :tongue:
This will certainly upset African-Americans, the majority of whom are Christian. This is turning out to be quite a spectacle. You've got gay supporters of Obama who don't like the idea of Rick Warren doing the 'swearing in' ceremony, and atheist supporters of Obama who don't want prayer to be used at the inauguration. I find it quite amusing. Maybe there will be a riot complete with tear gas and flipped cars. :lol:

Maybe if you pray real hard you'll get your wish xsited!
The head of an atheist group told FOX News Radio on Tuesday that by allowing a prayer at President-elect Obama's inauguration, the government is subjecting atheists and agonostics to someone else's religious beliefs.

Some people need to put their big girl panties on, and deal. I'm not religious, but Obama is. If he wants a prayer, big fucking deal.

What pisses me off about this lawsuit is that it's a waste of our tax dollars, yours and mine, and everyone else's, and we have bigger issues to deal with right now, including a huge deficit.

This idiot needs to shut the fuck up. I hope his group gets stuck paying all the legal bills.
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The timing is interesting. Obama is America's first (real) black President and they've decided to sue now? Some would say this Atheist group is racist. :lol:

You honestly think they wouldn't file the same lawsuit if Mccain won?
This will certainly upset African-Americans, the majority of whom are Christian. This is turning out to be quite a spectacle. You've got gay supporters of Obama who don't like the idea of Rick Warren doing the 'swearing in' ceremony, and atheist supporters of Obama who don't want prayer to be used at the inauguration. I find it quite amusing. Maybe there will be a riot complete with tear gas and flipped cars. :lol:

And then you have history lovers like me wondering why the hell they're using the priceless Lincoln bible to swear him in.
You honestly think they wouldn't file the same lawsuit if Mccain won?

Huh? I'm just making a humorous observation. This is just a funny election year. I thought it was funny that gays were blaming blacks for the prop 8 failure. So many people getting their panties in a wad is amusing.
Huh? I'm just making a humorous observation. This is just a funny election year. I thought it was funny that gays were blaming blacks for the prop 8 failure. So many people getting their panties in a wad is amusing.

Who wears panties? :confused:

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