Attacker at Capitol who actually murdered police officer? Supporter of obama friend louis farrakhan. Story disappears in 3...2...1...

Negro tribal leaders in Africa sold their negro slaves to the Europeans for pieces of broken mirror.
BTW how many negroes in the inner inner city shitholes shot other negroes last weekend?

Not true.

Europeans never went into the interior in Africa. Slaves were sold to the Arabs who had massive slave markets, as is the way of Islam to this day. The Europeans bought slaves from the Arabs.

You're correct. The massive slave market in Zanzibar, on the eastern coast of Africa off modern-day Tanzania, is where the European slavers bought people from the Arab, Indian, and African slavers who had captured them throughout the continent. The book The White Nile by Alan Moorehead describes this history very well.
Negroes are still selling negro slaves in parts of Northwest Africa today.
Let's look at what Dr. King supported;


I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I have a dream today!

I have a dream that one day down in Alabama — with its vicious racists, with its Governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification — one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

I have a dream today!


Modern civil rights leaders in the black community would run Martin Luther King out of town, calling him an uncle tom. No black radical, no black Democrat, that I read about or hear about or hear from believes in anything Dr. King taught.

I used to be very bothered that King had his own named holiday - the only national holiday in the US named for an individual since we did away with Washington and Lincoln's birthdays to make room for Dr. King. But I have learned to admire the man. I think his teachings about civil rights are so important that, if it's the only way to keep his teachings relevant, then, yes, he should have his own holiday.

I'm just about certain, though you'd never hear about it on CNN, that there are black community and church leaders that actually do still teach Dr. King's teachings and his way of fighting for equality. Unfortunately, though, the socialists on the left need racial divide, racial violence, to break down our nation so they can further their agenda of destruction. And, unfortunately, there are plenty of useful idiots that the socialists can manipulate to further their destruction... and some of those useful idiots post here.
I believe we call Washington's Bday, Presidents Day now, we still have a holiday....well at least the Govt decides to give itself the day off. It's in Feb, around Washington's Bday. It was moved to a Monday....because of the Uniform Federal Monday Holiday Act...which was signed in 1968. It didn't have anything to do with MLK
Negro tribal leaders in Africa sold their negro slaves to the Europeans for pieces of broken mirror.
BTW how many negroes in the inner inner city shitholes shot other negroes last weekend?

Not true.

Europeans never went into the interior in Africa. Slaves were sold to the Arabs who had massive slave markets, as is the way of Islam to this day. The Europeans bought slaves from the Arabs.

You're correct. The massive slave market in Zanzibar, on the eastern coast of Africa off modern-day Tanzania, is where the European slavers bought people from the Arab, Indian, and African slavers who had captured them throughout the continent. The book The White Nile by Alan Moorehead describes this history very well.
Negroes are still selling negro slaves in parts of Northwest Africa today.
Yep...Libya has become a hot bed of the slave trade, since Obama and Xiden's major f-up there.
Negro tribal leaders in Africa sold their negro slaves to the Europeans for pieces of broken mirror.
BTW how many negroes in the inner inner city shitholes shot other negroes last weekend?

Not true.

Europeans never went into the interior in Africa. Slaves were sold to the Arabs who had massive slave markets, as is the way of Islam to this day. The Europeans bought slaves from the Arabs.

You're correct. The massive slave market in Zanzibar, on the eastern coast of Africa off modern-day Tanzania, is where the European slavers bought people from the Arab, Indian, and African slavers who had captured them throughout the continent. The book The White Nile by Alan Moorehead describes this history very well.
Negroes are still selling negro slaves in parts of Northwest Africa today.

As are Arabs. Islam is the root of Chattel Slavery - always was.
Thats because you are an idiot.
And I win yet another argument with a lib

because hurling personal insults is your admission of defeat

Defeat? That's laughable. Black folks have dealt with discrimination and racism since our sojourn in this country and for some fool like you to try and tell me that it is made up is a joke.
i don't think you know what the word sojourn means....

Our stay here has been temporary as compared to how long we were in Africa before we were forced to these shores.
Your ancestors sold their negro slaves to the Europeans for pieces of broken mirror.
Go to Africa and bitch at them pal.
Your ancestors in Africa were not sentient enough to create a written language.
If your "stay" has been "temporary" when the fuck are you going to piss off?

Is that all you got Fuck boy? I am waiting for your racist ass to move to Siberia, once you racist pieces of shit are gone this will be a much better place
Negro tribal leaders in Africa sold their negro slaves to the Europeans for pieces of broken mirror.
BTW how many negroes in the inner inner city shitholes shot other negroes last weekend?

Not true.

Europeans never went into the interior in Africa. Slaves were sold to the Arabs who had massive slave markets, as is the way of Islam to this day. The Europeans bought slaves from the Arabs.

You're correct. The massive slave market in Zanzibar, on the eastern coast of Africa off modern-day Tanzania, is where the European slavers bought people from the Arab, Indian, and African slavers who had captured them throughout the continent. The book The White Nile by Alan Moorehead describes this history very well.
Negroes are still selling negro slaves in parts of Northwest Africa today.
Yep...Libya has become a hot bed of the slave trade, since Obama and Xiden's major f-up there.

Anything other than your dumb ass opinion.
Negro tribal leaders in Africa sold their negro slaves to the Europeans for pieces of broken mirror.
BTW how many negroes in the inner inner city shitholes shot other negroes last weekend?

Not true.

Europeans never went into the interior in Africa. Slaves were sold to the Arabs who had massive slave markets, as is the way of Islam to this day. The Europeans bought slaves from the Arabs.

You're correct. The massive slave market in Zanzibar, on the eastern coast of Africa off modern-day Tanzania, is where the European slavers bought people from the Arab, Indian, and African slavers who had captured them throughout the continent. The book The White Nile by Alan Moorehead describes this history very well.
Negroes are still selling negro slaves in parts of Northwest Africa today.
Yep...Libya has become a hot bed of the slave trade, since Obama and Xiden's major f-up there.

Anything other than your dumb ass opinion.
And here I thought you actually cared about the plight of Africans, and obviously don't

Negro tribal leaders in Africa sold their negro slaves to the Europeans for pieces of broken mirror.
BTW how many negroes in the inner inner city shitholes shot other negroes last weekend?

Not true.

Europeans never went into the interior in Africa. Slaves were sold to the Arabs who had massive slave markets, as is the way of Islam to this day. The Europeans bought slaves from the Arabs.

You're correct. The massive slave market in Zanzibar, on the eastern coast of Africa off modern-day Tanzania, is where the European slavers bought people from the Arab, Indian, and African slavers who had captured them throughout the continent. The book The White Nile by Alan Moorehead describes this history very well.
Negroes are still selling negro slaves in parts of Northwest Africa today.
Yep...Libya has become a hot bed of the slave trade, since Obama and Xiden's major f-up there.

Anything other than your dumb ass opinion.
And here I thought you actually cared about the plight of Africans, and obviously don't

So black folks are supposed to be concerned about what is happening in Africa, but white folks in America don't care about what is happening in Europe.
Negro tribal leaders in Africa sold their negro slaves to the Europeans for pieces of broken mirror.
BTW how many negroes in the inner inner city shitholes shot other negroes last weekend?

Not true.

Europeans never went into the interior in Africa. Slaves were sold to the Arabs who had massive slave markets, as is the way of Islam to this day. The Europeans bought slaves from the Arabs.

You're correct. The massive slave market in Zanzibar, on the eastern coast of Africa off modern-day Tanzania, is where the European slavers bought people from the Arab, Indian, and African slavers who had captured them throughout the continent. The book The White Nile by Alan Moorehead describes this history very well.
Negroes are still selling negro slaves in parts of Northwest Africa today.
Yep...Libya has become a hot bed of the slave trade, since Obama and Xiden's major f-up there.

Anything other than your dumb ass opinion.
And here I thought you actually cared about the plight of Africans, and obviously don't

So black folks are supposed to be concerned about what is happening in Africa, but white folks in America don't care about what is happening in Europe.
I get you don't care....that doesn't mean others don't.
Negro tribal leaders in Africa sold their negro slaves to the Europeans for pieces of broken mirror.
BTW how many negroes in the inner inner city shitholes shot other negroes last weekend?

Not true.

Europeans never went into the interior in Africa. Slaves were sold to the Arabs who had massive slave markets, as is the way of Islam to this day. The Europeans bought slaves from the Arabs.

You're correct. The massive slave market in Zanzibar, on the eastern coast of Africa off modern-day Tanzania, is where the European slavers bought people from the Arab, Indian, and African slavers who had captured them throughout the continent. The book The White Nile by Alan Moorehead describes this history very well.
Negroes are still selling negro slaves in parts of Northwest Africa today.
Yep...Libya has become a hot bed of the slave trade, since Obama and Xiden's major f-up there.

Anything other than your dumb ass opinion.
And here I thought you actually cared about the plight of Africans, and obviously don't

So black folks are supposed to be concerned about what is happening in Africa, but white folks in America don't care about what is happening in Europe.
I get you don't care....that doesn't mean others don't.

What have you done about the issues in Europe?
Negro tribal leaders in Africa sold their negro slaves to the Europeans for pieces of broken mirror.
BTW how many negroes in the inner inner city shitholes shot other negroes last weekend?

Not true.

Europeans never went into the interior in Africa. Slaves were sold to the Arabs who had massive slave markets, as is the way of Islam to this day. The Europeans bought slaves from the Arabs.

You're correct. The massive slave market in Zanzibar, on the eastern coast of Africa off modern-day Tanzania, is where the European slavers bought people from the Arab, Indian, and African slavers who had captured them throughout the continent. The book The White Nile by Alan Moorehead describes this history very well.
Negroes are still selling negro slaves in parts of Northwest Africa today.
Yep...Libya has become a hot bed of the slave trade, since Obama and Xiden's major f-up there.

Anything other than your dumb ass opinion.
And here I thought you actually cared about the plight of Africans, and obviously don't

So black folks are supposed to be concerned about what is happening in Africa, but white folks in America don't care about what is happening in Europe.
I get you don't care....that doesn't mean others don't.

What have you done about the issues in Europe?
the slave trade in Europe ended centuries ago.
Negro tribal leaders in Africa sold their negro slaves to the Europeans for pieces of broken mirror.
BTW how many negroes in the inner inner city shitholes shot other negroes last weekend?

Not true.

Europeans never went into the interior in Africa. Slaves were sold to the Arabs who had massive slave markets, as is the way of Islam to this day. The Europeans bought slaves from the Arabs.

You're correct. The massive slave market in Zanzibar, on the eastern coast of Africa off modern-day Tanzania, is where the European slavers bought people from the Arab, Indian, and African slavers who had captured them throughout the continent. The book The White Nile by Alan Moorehead describes this history very well.
Negroes are still selling negro slaves in parts of Northwest Africa today.
Yep...Libya has become a hot bed of the slave trade, since Obama and Xiden's major f-up there.

Anything other than your dumb ass opinion.
And here I thought you actually cared about the plight of Africans, and obviously don't

So black folks are supposed to be concerned about what is happening in Africa, but white folks in America don't care about what is happening in Europe.
I get you don't care....that doesn't mean others don't.

What have you done about the issues in Europe?
the slave trade in Europe ended centuries ago.

So the slave trade is the only issue.
A Capitol police officer was actually murdered a supporter of barak obama's good friend and ally louis farakhan....

Or are we not going to take this guys word for why he did what he did.......? Just like the Atlanta guy who says he murdered because of a sex addiction and not racism?

Farrakhan is NOT a friend of Obama's. Malcom X came out against racism after he made the pilgrimage to Mecca. That may have been why he was killed. NOI is a made up religion that subsumed Islam to black panther militancy and racist theology.

You are a useful idiot for racists..

It was a normal Wednesday on Capitol Hill when photographer Askia Muhammad told a freshman senator from Illinois: “You look just like the minister.”

The “minister” was Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who had been invited to speak at the weekly Congressional Black Caucus lunch in 2005. The senator was Barack Obama.

“He is much better looking than I am,” Obama quipped as the two men stood for what Muhammad called a “grip and grin,” a single frame.

Later that afternoon, Muhammad says, he got a call from a Congressional Black Caucus staffer, requesting that he send them the photo for safe keeping. Instead, Muhammad sent the image to Farrakhan but says he kept a copy for himself. Nobody had seen the photo for 13 years – until now.

Obama laughing it up with a racist and anti-semite....

And David Duke loved Trump.. Wise up.
. . . and the media and the left made sure everyone, everywhere, knew, all the time, didn't they?

. . . and they always held it against Trump, every chance they got.

But they never questioned Obama, not once, about Farrakhan. Not once.

Wise up.

In fact, why don't you find me a picture of Duke doing a photo Op. with Trump, go ahead, the forum will wait.
Negro tribal leaders in Africa sold their negro slaves to the Europeans for pieces of broken mirror.
BTW how many negroes in the inner inner city shitholes shot other negroes last weekend?

Not true.

Europeans never went into the interior in Africa. Slaves were sold to the Arabs who had massive slave markets, as is the way of Islam to this day. The Europeans bought slaves from the Arabs.

You're correct. The massive slave market in Zanzibar, on the eastern coast of Africa off modern-day Tanzania, is where the European slavers bought people from the Arab, Indian, and African slavers who had captured them throughout the continent. The book The White Nile by Alan Moorehead describes this history very well.
Negroes are still selling negro slaves in parts of Northwest Africa today.

As are Arabs. Islam is the root of Chattel Slavery - always was.
But don't forget about Biden and Pelosi; they're the biggest slave traders in the western hemisphere.
So black folks are supposed to be concerned about what is happening in Africa, but white folks in America don't care about what is happening in Europe.

White folk don't claim "European American" as their ethnicity.

The dumbest thing about those who say they are "African-American" is that Africa is a continent much larger than Europe. The Arabs in Tunisia have little in common with the Zulus in South Africa.
And David Duke loved Trump.. Wise up.

Doubtful and irrelevant.

Since Trump never had a thing to do with Duke.

But Obama is a racist fuck who sat in the pew of Jerimiah Wright's racist pig pen for decades. Wright is one of those white hating Sabeel motherfuckers and a close friend of Farrakhan, as Obama is.

And David Duke loved Trump.. Wise up.

Doubtful and irrelevant.

Since Trump never had a thing to do with Duke.

But Obama is a racist fuck who sat in the pew of Jerimiah Wright's racist pig pen for decades. Wright is one of those white hating Sabeel motherfuckers and a close friend of Farrakhan, as Obama is.

View attachment 477263

Obama was never friends with Farrakhan who invented his own religion.

Sabeel is all about reconciliation and peace.

I take it that you dismiss the Sermon on the Mount.
Obama was never friends with Farrakhan who invented his own religion.

Sabeel is all about reconciliation and peace.

I take it that you dismiss the Sermon on the Mount.

The black liberation theology of Sabeel is about fomenting racist hatred. And clearly is about lying.


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