Attorney General Sessions allows 2 Attorneys to stay on to get retirement benefits...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes.....the left smears Trump, and Sessions.....and here is Sessions allowing to Attorney's to stay on so they can get their 20 years in for their pensions....

People Are Loving This Integrity Move By Sessions

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has granted a temporary reprieve to two of the 46 Obama-appointed U.S. attorneys he dismissed late last week, so that they may fulfill the requirements necessary to collect federal retirement benefits.

U.S. attorneys Deirdre Daly of the District of Connecticut and Richard Hartunian of the Northern District of New York have both worked in the U.S. Department of Justice in various capacities for over 19 years, and are just a few months away from reaching the 20-year threshold necessary for certain federal benefits. Sessions agreed to allow them to stay on for a few more months in order to reach the 20-year mark.

Daly and Hartunian both expressed gratitude to Sessions and President Donald Trump, thanking them for their graciousness and promising to oversee a quick and orderly transition.

“I thank the Attorney General and the Administration for affording me the opportunity to remain as the U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut so that I might complete 20 years of service to the Department of Justice in October,” Daly said in a statement. “I look forward to continuing to work on behalf of the residents of Connecticut in my remaining time, and I will focus on an orderly transition as I complete what has been a rewarding tenure in the Office.”

Read more: People Are Loving This Integrity Move By Sessions

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