‘No one in the US should be retiring at 65’: Ben Shapiro said Social Security was not designed to provide retirement benefits for 20+ years

Ok I see it, looks a LOT like Jenner. Uncanny.

Anyway, the point was not what Rogan would or wouldn’t do, it was about Zoey not doing what he did to someone the same size or bigger. Zoey was the bully here because he couldn’t handle someone else’s point of view.

Uncanny? You're so full of shit here.

She put that little weasel in his place. He knew what he was doing -- being insulting and disrespectful -- like Trump always is.

You sound like Trump when he said Ms. Carroll was not his type, and then shown a photo mistakenly confused Carroll for one of his former wives.
Not to mention, that the majority - vast majority - of 70 year olds cannot work nearly as hard as other employees. Not even close. Remotely close.
No employer is interested in hiring, full time, a 72 year old who walks with a cane.
Depends on the work, now, doesn't it? A smart 72-year-old who knows the job inside and out and can get it all done from a chair is indeed a very valuable asset to an employer when compared to an entitled kid who values pronouns above efficiency. My work can be and is done completely from my desk chair in my office, and my employer doesn't care if I use a cane or do handsprings when I go get my lunch. By contrast, one of my best friends lays cable for Comcast and his body won't let him do that work for much longer.
Like it or not, he's right.
It obviously is a huge political football, but going forward this country will be forced to make adjustments to the age for full benefits.
Right now, I would change it from 67 to 69, and every three years going forward, I would increase it by one year until the age of 75. Then, reevaluate every two years and make adjustments if necessary.

‘No one in the US should be retiring at 65’: Ben Shapiro said Social Security was not designed to provide retirement benefits for 20+ years — and those who expect that are ‘crazy’​

First, while life expectancy has gone up considerably for the wealthy, it has not gone up to the poor or middle income people. They are the ones that need to retire and will be depeendant on SS:

Second, the real productivity of working Americans has grown exponentially since SS was started. They are generating the wealth and easily earning a lower retirement age. The SS age should be getting lower since working Americans are earning it. Working Americans should be retiring at 55 or younger.

The wealth that working Americans have generated should not have been used to generate economic growth in China. The great Chinese economy underwent an economic evolution that should have taken 200 years. Instead, OUR money was used to create China's great economy - and their military industry.
Never before this current time have workers been as productive or hard working. We surely have a massive surplus of young workers to so easily replace 55 year Olds. 55 is the perfect retirement age. Workers are easily replaced.
Uncanny? You're so full of shit here.

She put that little weasel in his place. He knew what he was doing -- being insulting and disrespectful -- like Trump always is.

You sound like Trump when he said Ms. Carroll was not his type, and then shown a photo mistakenly confused Carroll for one of his former wives.

Again, you like that Shapiro got “put in his place” by someone twice his size. As I stated earlier, it’s ironic that you use an example of violence as your way of “putting someone in their place”.

For the record, aside from the inappropriate threat of sending him to the hospital, that man didn’t put Shapiro in his place. Shapiro was right about everything he said.

Also, I think Shapiro has personal security, so, I doubt the other guy would have gotten very far with his threat.
Some countries have two tiered retirement systems. Most blue collar workers can barely make it to 65. Maybe a white collar worker could work longer.
A few thoughts that have probably been said, but I'm not reading through 17 pages.
  • Retirement Age vs Ability to productively work to that age are different
  • Financial and Investment illiteracy is rampant. Should our education system provide base level understanding and education of how investments, stock market, 401k, IRAs, etc all work. And would this aid in helping to bridge the gap.
  • Healthcare costs - I've worked with many who are at "retirement age" in their late 50s and early 60s. The biggest concern is healthcare costs post retirement. Many have held off until they can collect medicare. Some have not made to that age and never retired because they died trying to hit an age. Is it plausible to have a system that provides medicare earlier than full on SS benefits for those that can live off of 401k/Pensions. Perhaps a reduced costs healthcare plan, till SS hits and full on medicare.
Been paying in since i was 16, that is 41 years, when am I allowed to enjoy my retirement? If at 65, that is 48 yrs of work! Plus the 7 years before, shoveling snow and cutting grass to pay for vacation money!
Been paying in since i was 16, that is 41 years, when am I allowed to enjoy my retirement? If at 65, that is 48 yrs of work! Plus the 7 years before, shoveling snow and cutting grass to pay for vacation money!


Work until you die. Retirement isn’t for peons, it’s for the elite.

Glad to help.

By working, you are selling your time in return for money to pay for food, housing, healthcare and other personal expenses

By retiring, all that time is yours to do as you wish.

Why would you want to keep working after 65?
By working, you are selling your time in return for money to pay for food, housing, healthcare and other personal expenses

By retiring, all that time is yours to do as you wish.

Why would you want to keep working after 65?
It is just the increasing taxes needed for it. The younger generations are not getting the comforts of the older ones as a comparison. So, if including employer contribution which is the employee's money it is 15% now. Perhaps 20% is needed.

Work until you die. Retirement isn’t for peons, it’s for the elite.

Glad to help.

Yep. Seems like people believe that o e must spend ones life working..having to produce. A life wasted to a degree?
I worked rotating shifts. 12 hour days and then 12 hour nights. It wasn't so bad when I was young but it got really hard to do as I got older. A body is not designed to be able to do that. Work a Fri-Sat-Sun from 7am to 7pm and then 7pm to 7am Tue-Wed-Thurs.

I remember my doctor telling me he would ban such schedules. When I first started the job they had various jobs people could bid into as they got older. Lab jobs mostly. They were day jobs. Over time to save money the company moved these jobs to contractors (that paid less). (Shareholder value)

When I first started part of the package was a pension. I was on track to get to 100% at age 63. In 2008 they ended that. People who were hired after 2008 got nothing. They were adding a very small percentage for a while. They did add a few percentage to our 401k. (Shareholder value)

About 3 years before I retired, they "retired" those of us with pensions. I got my money while still working. I used that money to pay everything off.

My wife was nearing 30 years at her job. We went to a financial guy to look at our situation. He ran the numbers and said we both could retire if we wanted. As soon as he said that, I was retired (in my mind). It took nearly a year for us to get things together.

For the last couple years not wanting to hire the company really started with the forced OT. So that one Monday before the shift changed you might have to work it.

Then came Covid. People off. More forced OT. About 5 of us said "screw it" and retired within a short time of each other. Myself and another guy offered to stay and split our shifts. I would work half and he would work the other. We were turned down.

So my wife retired at 55 and me at 58 in 2020. Within 6 months they called me asking me to come back on a "as willing to work schedule". I mentioned to them that I would still be there if they had taken my offer 6 months earlier. (They finally did start hiring again).

Now I technically do still work. I drive for a local car dealer. Dealer trades, picking cars up at the auction, things like that. I generally work 12-20 hours a week doing that. It works for me though as I find things to do and see wherever I have to go. They are generally good with a 6 hour trip taking 7.5 hours. (I don't charge them for the hours I'm doing whatever). I get to check out many different cars (got to pick up a Audi RS7 the other day. (540 HP). Picked up a Durango Hellcat awhile back. To me it's not really a job. They call and if I'm doing something else I tell them no. If I have nothing else to do, I'll go for a drive.

In December I got my first S.S. check.

Shapiro is and has long been little more than a dick. Sadly many seem to love dicks.
enjoy your 401K then. More NSM hogwash.
Trump Printed $14.3 Trillion in 1 year, causing Inflation of Stocks & Assets of the Rich.
Trump Printed 14 Trillion.png
Never before this current time have workers been as productive or hard working. We surely have a massive surplus of young workers to so easily replace 55 year Olds. 55 is the perfect retirement age. Workers are easily replaced.

Excellent sarcasm.
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