Auschwitz Not That Bad-They Got Free Showers


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
Is this the aurgument Zionist sheep are trying to make on here on why genocide of the Palestinian people is okay?
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Is this the aurgument Zionist sheep are trying to make on here on why gonocide of the Palestinian people is okay?

Genocide is the systematic killing and physical elimination of a people. There are now more people who call themselves Palestinian that at any other time.
Is this the aurgument Zionist sheep are trying to make on here on why gonocide of the Palestinian people is okay?

I wasn't aware there were concentration camps in the Gaza strip?
Please, by all means, give me the names and locations of said camps.
Is this the aurgument Zionist sheep are trying to make on here on why gonocide of the Palestinian people is okay?

Genocide is the systematic killing and physical elimination of a people. There are now more people who call themselves Palestinian that at any other time.

There are more Native Americans today than there were when whites first came to Amnerica but we have taken their land, killed off their culture and given then a few spots in the desert.
There are more Native Americans today than there were when whites first came to Amnerica but we have taken their land, killed off their culture and given then a few spots in the desert.
Not sure what rock you've been hiding under, pal, but the Indian casinos are BOOMING! There's one just north of here in a town called Cherokee. Ironic, isn't it? And it's in a nice shaded area on the east coast.
Next time you're wandering around in the desert, take some water with ya.
There are more Native Americans today than there were when whites first came to Amnerica but we have taken their land, killed off their culture and given then a few spots in the desert.
Not sure what rock you've been hiding under, pal, but the Indian casinos are BOOMING! There's one just north of here in a town called Cherokee. Ironic, isn't it? And it's in a nice shaded area on the east coast.
Next time you're wandering around in the desert, take some water with ya.

lol they got casinos so that makes up for everything.
Is this the aurgument Zionist sheep are trying to make on here on why gonocide of the Palestinian people is okay?
Hey, you Offensive/wacky Jerkoff..

How many Palestinians have been killed in this "genocide?"
and How many before the Arab-started 2000/2nd Intifada/War?

NUMBERS Please. Even round ones are fine.

You're up TURD!
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lol they got casinos so that makes up for everything.

Didn't say it made up for anything. I just said that the Native Americans aren't what you depict them as.
How did I depict them?
[we have taken their land, killed off their culture and given then a few spots in the desert. ]

The Native Americans still speak their native tongue, have large gatherings celebrating their culture, and are a very, very proud people.
They are up and down the east coast, south east, mid-west, and yes, even the south west.
I've got many, many pictures of gatherings I've personally attended, and have always had a great time.
I would suggest you do the same, as it seems that you've allowed prejudicial leftwing dogma cloud reason.
Is this the aurgument Zionist sheep are trying to make on here on why gonocide of the Palestinian people is okay?
Hey, you Offensive/wacky Jerkoff..

How many Palestinians have been killed in this "genocide?"
and How many before the Arab-started 2000/2nd Intifada/War?

NUMBERS Please. Even round ones are fine.

You're up TURD!

no one knows the real numburs because Israel censors data. but it's not about numbers it's about destruction of a people and taking of their land. How many Native Americans did we kill?
This kind of hate had to come from a liberal college that skipped over facts and replaced them with ideological dogma.
That said part is, this kid's parents spent their hard earned dollars so this polluted mind could regurgitate this garbage.
How did I depict them?
[we have taken their land, killed off their culture and given then a few spots in the desert. ]

The Native Americans still speak their native tongue, have large gatherings celebrating their culture, and are a very, very proud people.
They are up and down the east coast, south east, mid-west, and yes, even the south west.
I've got many, many pictures of gatherings I've personally attended, and have always had a great time.
I would suggest you do the same, as it seems that you've allowed prejudicial leftwing dogma cloud reason.

I din't say they were not proud peoiple, I said we ruduced them to giving shows on a few sparce spots of land that used to be their land. but this thread isn't about the genocide of Native Americans it is about the genocide of the Palestinian people.
I said we ruduced them to giving shows on a few sparce spots of land
In the desert........

land that used to be their land
No argument there. Manifest Destiny was a road of suffering for the Native American. However, being angry about something that happened well before any of us were born is a waste of energy. Even the Native Americans will tell you that.

As for the conflict between the Palestinians and Israeli's? Attrocities are committed on both sides. Pretending that Palestinians are nothing more than victims to Israel is blindingly naive.
I would suggest that you get a cooler head and emerse yourself in fact rather than burdening yourself with ideological bigotry.
You'll be a much better person for it.
How did I depict them?
[we have taken their land, killed off their culture and given then a few spots in the desert. ]

The Native Americans still speak their native tongue, have large gatherings celebrating their culture, and are a very, very proud people.
They are up and down the east coast, south east, mid-west, and yes, even the south west.
I've got many, many pictures of gatherings I've personally attended, and have always had a great time.
I would suggest you do the same, as it seems that you've allowed prejudicial leftwing dogma cloud reason.

I din't say they were not proud peoiple, I said we ruduced them to giving shows on a few sparce spots of land that used to be their land. but this thread isn't about the genocide of Native Americans it is about the genocide of the Palestinian people.

You liberal rejects keep destroying the meaning of words. Israel bends over back wards to prevent civilian deaths when forced to fight back against unbridled naked murderous aggression and you claim they are committing genocide. Since 1967 Israel has sole control of Gaza and the West Bank. They must be the worst murderers in the history of the world. In 44 years they have not only not exterminated the Pals they have given them such stability they have increased in numbers and have resorts and water parks.
How did I depict them?
[we have taken their land, killed off their culture and given then a few spots in the desert. ]

The Native Americans still speak their native tongue, have large gatherings celebrating their culture, and are a very, very proud people.
They are up and down the east coast, south east, mid-west, and yes, even the south west.
I've got many, many pictures of gatherings I've personally attended, and have always had a great time.
I would suggest you do the same, as it seems that you've allowed prejudicial leftwing dogma cloud reason.

I din't say they were not proud peoiple, I said we ruduced them to giving shows on a few sparce spots of land that used to be their land. but this thread isn't about the genocide of Native Americans it is about the genocide of the Palestinian people.

You liberal rejects keep destroying the meaning of words. Israel bends over back wards to prevent civilian deaths when forced to fight back against unbridled naked murderous aggression and you claim they are committing genocide. Since 1967 Israel has sole control of Gaza and the West Bank. They must be the worst murderers in the history of the world. In 44 years they have not only not exterminated the Pals they have given them such stability they have increased in numbers and have resorts and water parks.


Israeli and Palestinian Children Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

124 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 1,463 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

Israelis and Palestinians Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

1,084 Israelis and at least 6,430 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

Israelis and Palestinians Injured
September 29, 2000 - Present

9,226 Israelis and 45,041 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information.)

Daily U.S. Military Aid to Israel and the Palestinians
Fiscal Year 2011

During Fiscal Year 2011, the U.S. is providing Israel with at least $8.2 million per day in military aid and $0 in military aid to the Palestinians. (View Sources & More Information)

Current Number of Political Prisoners and Detainees

1 Israeli is being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 5,935 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel. (View Sources & More Information)

Demolitions of Israeli and Palestinian Homes
1967 - Present

0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and 24,813 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967. (View Sources & More Information)

Israeli and Palestinian Unemployment Rates

The Israeli unemployment rate is 6.4%, while the Palestinian unemployment in the West Bank is 16.5% and 40% in Gaza. (View Sources & More Information)

Current Illegal Settlements on the Other’s Land

Israel currently has 236 Jewish-only settlements and ‘outposts’ built on confiscated Palestinian land. Palestinians do not have any settlements on Israeli land. (View Sources & More Information)

If Americans Knew - what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine
I said we ruduced them to giving shows on a few sparce spots of land
In the desert........

land that used to be their land
No argument there. Manifest Destiny was a road of suffering for the Native American. However, being angry about something that happened well before any of us were born is a waste of energy. Even the Native Americans will tell you that.

As for the conflict between the Palestinians and Israeli's? Attrocities are committed on both sides. Pretending that Palestinians are nothing more than victims to Israel is blindingly naive.
I would suggest that you get a cooler head and emerse yourself in fact rather than burdening yourself with ideological bigotry.
You'll be a much better person for it.

Maybe I should have said mostly in the desert.

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