Aussie With The Guts To Tell The Truth about Global Warming.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Maurice Newman a high ranking Australian with statesman qualities and the guts to call out the UN and the Global Warming activists exposing them for who they are... This is what is lacking here in the US. People with principals and the fortitude to do what might be looked upon as unpopular with the money masters and media whores..

"Why then, with such little evidence [for dangerous global warming], does the UN insist the world spend hundreds of billions of dollars a year on futile climate change policies? Perhaps Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN’s Framework on Climate Change has the answer?

In Brussels last February she said, “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years since the Industrial Revolution.”

In other words, the real agenda is concentrated political authority. Global warming is the hook.

Figueres is on record saying democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming. Communist China, she says, is the best model. This is not about facts or logic. It’s about a new world order under the control of the UN. It is opposed to capitalism and freedom and has made environmental catastrophism a household topic to achieve its objective.

Figueres says that, unlike the Industrial Revolution, “This is a centralised transformation that is taking place.” She sees the US partisan divide on global warming as “very detrimental”. Of course. In her authoritarian world there will be no room for debate or disagreement."

Read more:

Its way past time to cut off funding for the UN...
A very successful businessman, and also, an asshole;

Maurice Newman - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In January 2012 Newman had an article published in The Spectator in which he expressed views in opposition to wind energy. He wrote "I am not a conspiracy theorist, but we have witnessed the birth of an extraordinary, universal and self-reinforcing movement among the political and executive arms of government, their academic consultants, the mainstream media and vested private sector interests (such as investment banks and the renewables industry), held together by the promise of unlimited government money. It may not be a conspiracy, but long-term, government-underwritten annuities have certainly created one gigantic and powerful oligopoly which must coerce taxpayers and penalise energy consumers to survive." His article concluded "But don’t expect help from academia, mainstream media or the public service. They are members of the same establishment and worship together at the altar of global warming. By ruthlessly perpetuating the illusion that wind farms can somehow save the planet, they keep the money flowing. All the while the poor become poorer, ever more dependent on welfare and colder in winter."[13]

In July 2014, Newman was kicked off (sic) a wind farm committee after it was discovered he was attempting to restrict speakers from attending meetings.[14]

I would bet money he has major investments in coal. And now, as wind has become cheaper than even dirty coal, he really hates those who are creating progress.
A very successful businessman, and also, an asshole;

Maurice Newman - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In January 2012 Newman had an article published in The Spectator in which he expressed views in opposition to wind energy. He wrote "I am not a conspiracy theorist, but we have witnessed the birth of an extraordinary, universal and self-reinforcing movement among the political and executive arms of government, their academic consultants, the mainstream media and vested private sector interests (such as investment banks and the renewables industry), held together by the promise of unlimited government money. It may not be a conspiracy, but long-term, government-underwritten annuities have certainly created one gigantic and powerful oligopoly which must coerce taxpayers and penalise energy consumers to survive." His article concluded "But don’t expect help from academia, mainstream media or the public service. They are members of the same establishment and worship together at the altar of global warming. By ruthlessly perpetuating the illusion that wind farms can somehow save the planet, they keep the money flowing. All the while the poor become poorer, ever more dependent on welfare and colder in winter."[13]

In July 2014, Newman was kicked off (sic) a wind farm committee after it was discovered he was attempting to restrict speakers from attending meetings.[14]

I would bet money he has major investments in coal. And now, as wind has become cheaper than even dirty coal, he really hates those who are creating progress.

A WIKI pile of trash.. Funny that it took just a few seconds to find out that Newmans biography post has been heavily edited by left wing hacks at Wiki...

And once again Old Fraud makes claims about the man that he can not factually support.. So who is the sock and who is the puppet? Liminal or Old Fraud?
Last edited:
Old Fraud also fails to address the OP... Again...

SO what about the Socialists in the UN and the revelations about their intentions? Or how about the fact that Sachs is a paid for shill of George Soros, Think Progress, and other let wing radical groups?
Oh yeah, all the Scientific Societies in the world are ran by Socialists. Billy Boob, you are an idiot, an idiot of the little tin hat league.
Oh yeah, all the Scientific Societies in the world are ran by Socialists. Billy Boob, you are an idiot, an idiot of the little tin hat league.

The losertrians share one big belief with the ISIS. They both hate science and want to defund + destroy it.
Let me see...

Great Britain just had an election and they threw out the greens and the liberals on their collective asses..

Australia just had an election where the people threw out the greens and liberals on their collective asses...

Spain just had an election and they threw out the liberal and left wing Green agenda seekers. The first act of their new parliament was to cease all wind farm and solar subsidies and payments to the UN IPCC...

Seems to me that a pattern is starting and it isn't favorable to left wits and the UN CAGW agenda. They have been exposed and now more and more people will come out and be statesmen as just happened in Australia.
A very successful businessman, and also, an asshole;

Maurice Newman - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In January 2012 Newman had an article published in The Spectator in which he expressed views in opposition to wind energy. He wrote "I am not a conspiracy theorist, but we have witnessed the birth of an extraordinary, universal and self-reinforcing movement among the political and executive arms of government, their academic consultants, the mainstream media and vested private sector interests (such as investment banks and the renewables industry), held together by the promise of unlimited government money. It may not be a conspiracy, but long-term, government-underwritten annuities have certainly created one gigantic and powerful oligopoly which must coerce taxpayers and penalise energy consumers to survive." His article concluded "But don’t expect help from academia, mainstream media or the public service. They are members of the same establishment and worship together at the altar of global warming. By ruthlessly perpetuating the illusion that wind farms can somehow save the planet, they keep the money flowing. All the while the poor become poorer, ever more dependent on welfare and colder in winter."[13]

In July 2014, Newman was kicked off (sic) a wind farm committee after it was discovered he was attempting to restrict speakers from attending meetings.[14]

I would bet money he has major investments in coal. And now, as wind has become cheaper than even dirty coal, he really hates those who are creating progress.

Hmm.............highlighted in red...........irrelevant.

Heres the thing........when the global climate conference convenes every year, NOBODY is allowed to speak if you don't follow the established narrative. Its the most rigged conference in the entire world.

Special interests cut both ways............not just one.

Climate science has little to do with science. It is all about pushing the green agenda. People who don't understand that and buy the AGW theories quite frankly are intellectual zombies.

And wind and solar are far more expensive then coal still...........which is why Germany has done an about face on renewables in the past 2-3 years. Mega-imports of natural gas now and 20 new coal mines being built in the next 5 years.

"Progress" continues to be far, far too expensive........even Obama admitted it would be very costly to Americans to go green.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. Get rid of coal, according to Obama, "electricity prices will skyrocket!!!"

The calls For Maurice's resignation are being met with questions about what is factually wrong with what he said... They are calling out the media and asking them to present real facts... And the media is getting hit in the face with EGG because common people too are asking the same questions to the media in public... The people have figured the media ploy out, are not buying it, and the media is now running scared..

About dam time... Skeptics are putting media whores in their place and confronting them about their lies...
The fangs haven't been pulled from the CAGW mafiosi just yet. Even in Australia another middle of the road scientist just lost his funding for a forum on climate change because the tilt was not alarmist enough.

Every unfair action DOES send more people over to the skeptical camp though. The paradigm is shifting, that's why the alarmists are fighting so recklessly.

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