Australia is killing millions of feral cats with poisoned sausages

The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!

About the damage cats do or don't do --

From what I've read, islands are different. Be that as it may, I'm pissed at having to deal with ferals dumped on us. We've altered all but two but one of those is lactating and the other in a tom. That equals a lot of kittens.

I love cats but firmly believe that I have no right to force them on others. These cats mean we cannot feed birds and it means other wildlife will suffer.

Cats should be under the same controls as dogs. If they're not, the jackass owners should face same kind of fines as for dogs.
The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!

About the damage cats do or don't do --

From what I've read, islands are different. Be that as it may, I'm pissed at having to deal with ferals dumped on us. We've altered all but two but one of those is lactating and the other in a tom. That equals a lot of kittens.

I love cats but firmly believe that I have no right to force them on others. These cats mean we cannot feed birds and it means other wildlife will suffer.

Cats should be under the same controls as dogs. If they're not, the jackass owners should face same kind of fines as for dogs.
So what are you going to do...KILL the kittens when born?
The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!

About the damage cats do or don't do --

From what I've read, islands are different. Be that as it may, I'm pissed at having to deal with ferals dumped on us. We've altered all but two but one of those is lactating and the other in a tom. That equals a lot of kittens.

I love cats but firmly believe that I have no right to force them on others. These cats mean we cannot feed birds and it means other wildlife will suffer.

Cats should be under the same controls as dogs. If they're not, the jackass owners should face same kind of fines as for dogs.
So what are you going to do...KILL the kittens when born?

What would YOU do with animals who can not be placed?

Yes, unwanted un-placeable animals should be put down. Period.

If you disagree you must not have seen starving, sickly animals dying long slow deaths. Or maybe you're one of those heartless, cruel assholes who believe the suffering of human animals and non-human animals is just fine.

If you don't want unwanted animals to be put down, then work to spay/neuter every single animal you can find. If you're not part of the solution to this very fixable problem, then just STFU.
The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!

About the damage cats do or don't do --

From what I've read, islands are different. Be that as it may, I'm pissed at having to deal with ferals dumped on us. We've altered all but two but one of those is lactating and the other in a tom. That equals a lot of kittens.

I love cats but firmly believe that I have no right to force them on others. These cats mean we cannot feed birds and it means other wildlife will suffer.

Cats should be under the same controls as dogs. If they're not, the jackass owners should face same kind of fines as for dogs.
So what are you going to do...KILL the kittens when born?

What would YOU do with animals who can not be placed?

Yes, unwanted un-placeable animals should be put down. Period.

If you disagree you must not have seen starving, sickly animals dying long slow deaths. Or maybe you're one of those heartless, cruel assholes who believe the suffering of human animals and non-human animals is just fine.

If you don't want unwanted animals to be put down, then work to spay/neuter every single animal you can find. If you're not part of the solution to this very fixable problem, then just STFU.
I rescue cats....and you?
The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!

About the damage cats do or don't do --

From what I've read, islands are different. Be that as it may, I'm pissed at having to deal with ferals dumped on us. We've altered all but two but one of those is lactating and the other in a tom. That equals a lot of kittens.

I love cats but firmly believe that I have no right to force them on others. These cats mean we cannot feed birds and it means other wildlife will suffer.

Cats should be under the same controls as dogs. If they're not, the jackass owners should face same kind of fines as for dogs.
So what are you going to do...KILL the kittens when born?

What would YOU do with animals who can not be placed?

Yes, unwanted un-placeable animals should be put down. Period.

If you disagree you must not have seen starving, sickly animals dying long slow deaths. Or maybe you're one of those heartless, cruel assholes who believe the suffering of human animals and non-human animals is just fine.

If you don't want unwanted animals to be put down, then work to spay/neuter every single animal you can find. If you're not part of the solution to this very fixable problem, then just STFU.
I rescue cats....and you?

I rescue cats.
I've rescued cats for 60+ years.
I refuse to stand by while any animal suffers and I believe there are things much worse than death.



What would you call my trapping, altering, vetting all these cats? I call it rescue.
The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!

About the damage cats do or don't do --

From what I've read, islands are different. Be that as it may, I'm pissed at having to deal with ferals dumped on us. We've altered all but two but one of those is lactating and the other in a tom. That equals a lot of kittens.

I love cats but firmly believe that I have no right to force them on others. These cats mean we cannot feed birds and it means other wildlife will suffer.

Cats should be under the same controls as dogs. If they're not, the jackass owners should face same kind of fines as for dogs.
So what are you going to do...KILL the kittens when born?

What would YOU do with animals who can not be placed?

Yes, unwanted un-placeable animals should be put down. Period.

If you disagree you must not have seen starving, sickly animals dying long slow deaths. Or maybe you're one of those heartless, cruel assholes who believe the suffering of human animals and non-human animals is just fine.

If you don't want unwanted animals to be put down, then work to spay/neuter every single animal you can find. If you're not part of the solution to this very fixable problem, then just STFU.
I rescue cats....and you?

I've run across idiots like you who believe starving, sick, internal and external parasites, short tortured lives is a good thing,

Make no mistake - I will always support killing homeless animals BECAUSE IRRESPONSIBLE PEOPLE DON'T SPAY/NEUTER.
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I live in a very red very backward state. We have very little in the way of resources for pets. The two shelters are both "no-kill", which is another way of saying they kill thousands and thousands.

No-kill shelters are warehouses for very small numbers of animals. They sit in their cages, some literally going crazy. The money used on warehousing could be used to subsidize low-cost spay and neuter but oh no, its better that unwanted animals be dumped out in the country - like these cats were.

Another resucer and I were talking recently - about the act that even after all the years and thousands of rescues, we still have not put a dent in numbers of unwanted animals.

No-kill is part of the problem.

And yes, I do feel strongly about how we treat our companion animals.
Back to the poison Sausage. Cats aren't the only creatures that eat Sausage. And birds eat the poisoned cats.
I live in a very red very backward state. We have very little in the way of resources for pets. The two shelters are both "no-kill", which is another way of saying they kill thousands and thousands.

No-kill shelters are warehouses for very small numbers of animals. They sit in their cages, some literally going crazy. The money used on warehousing could be used to subsidize low-cost spay and neuter but oh no, its better that unwanted animals be dumped out in the country - like these cats were.

Another resucer and I were talking recently - about the act that even after all the years and thousands of rescues, we still have not put a dent in numbers of unwanted animals.

No-kill is part of the problem.

And yes, I do feel strongly about how we treat our companion animals.
You doing it for 60 years.....just how old are you since I started doing it in 1967....and NO you don't kill anything because they have a harsh thing if they are fatally ill but even the govt setting up a preserve especially like a wide open country like Australia with volunteers and paid workers to take care of the problem is more than doable.
I live in a very red very backward state. We have very little in the way of resources for pets. The two shelters are both "no-kill", which is another way of saying they kill thousands and thousands.

No-kill shelters are warehouses for very small numbers of animals. They sit in their cages, some literally going crazy. The money used on warehousing could be used to subsidize low-cost spay and neuter but oh no, its better that unwanted animals be dumped out in the country - like these cats were.

Another resucer and I were talking recently - about the act that even after all the years and thousands of rescues, we still have not put a dent in numbers of unwanted animals.

No-kill is part of the problem.

And yes, I do feel strongly about how we treat our companion animals.
You doing it for 60 years.....just how old are you since I started doing it in 1967....and NO you don't kill anything because they have a harsh thing if they are fatally ill but even the govt setting up a preserve especially like a wide open country like Australia with volunteers and paid workers to take care of the problem is more than doable.

(I'm also a wildlife rehabber. Three or four posts with photos.)

Your original question was 'would I kill kittens after birth'. What do you believe should be done with unwanted animals?

Years ago, I did an on-air interview/debate in which I said the county I lived in was killing more than 1000 every month. Nationally, fully 25% are so-called "pure breeds" and more than 87% are younger than 3 years. I asked the froot loop on the other side of this question and he very seriously said that if I truly loved animals, I would take them home. IOW, he had no frikken clue what he was talking about.

The reason I was doing this interview was to push a county-wide bill that would add a 1% tax on all pet food that would subsidize spay/neuter. The bill did not pass. Even though many despise and blame "the pound" for piles of dead animals, they don't want to pay to change that.

Below are a few photos of the ferals I'm dealing with. Little by little, I was able to lure them into our screened in porch. It was not their fault but its hard to describe just how much damage they did.

We had patio furniture covered with heavy canvas covers. Both were covered with diarrhea. The porch is carpeted with indoor-outdoor carpet. When the last cat is gone, we will get new carpeting but its wood underneath the carpet. That means urine would have soaked through. W may have to replace the entire floor and probably would not carpet in the case.

We had a very cold winter so we covered the screens with specially made canvas shades. We set up a shelter, heated towels for them to sleep on, ran a heater 18 hours a day, 24/7. When that heater died, we bought a new one.

I was able to tame some down enough to place 2 in forever homes, 6 in foster homes. This left 3 wild and outside (altered and vacc'd), one intact tom and one lactating mom. I've trapped a lot of dogs and cats but sometimes they get trap-savvy like this tom.

As to the kittens - If we could find them, I would take them to raise. That way, they would be place-able. Ideally I would hope to get them at 4-5 weeks or so but we haven't been able to find them.

Final count is 11 spayed/neutered and vaccinated, two intact and an unknown number of kittens..

How would you have handled this situation?

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IMG_0585 (1).JPG
The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!
Introducing new species into Australia has been a disaster before. Wasn't it rabbits last time that pretty much turned parts of Australia into dessert?

If any folks out there have a dog, that has to be really tough on them.
Back to the poison Sausage. Cats aren't the only creatures that eat Sausage. And birds eat the poisoned cats.

I've had predators come into rehab poisoned by eating poisoned prey. Especially owls. If I get them soon enough, its possible to save them with Vit K but its heartbreaking to see animals go through the suffering caused by poison.
The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!

I like cats. Cats are very good in the hands of good people. People who don't like them don't like them mainly because they aren't as dependent on people as dogs. But a large population of feral cats doesn't exist without a food source. If the cats are there, it is because something is feeding them. It would have been better to go after that and let the cats adjust numbers accordingly.
That's the point. The bloody things eat NATIVE ANIMALS!! The best strategy is to get rid of ALL feral animals.

The introduction of cats into the wild in the 1800's was to control the rabbit, rat, and mice populations.

The rabbits,rats and mice were either accidentally or intentionally introduced into Australia by European traders and settlers.

This is very much reminding me of the nursery rhyme The House That Jack Built
This is the house that Jack built.
This is the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the rat that ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the cat
That killed the rat that ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the dog that worried the cat
That killed the rat that ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the cow with the crumpled horn
That tossed the dog that worried the cat
That killed the rat that ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.....
The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!

I like cats. Cats are very good in the hands of good people. People who don't like them don't like them mainly because they aren't as dependent on people as dogs. But a large population of feral cats doesn't exist without a food source. If the cats are there, it is because something is feeding them. It would have been better to go after that and let the cats adjust numbers accordingly.
That's the point. The bloody things eat NATIVE ANIMALS!! The best strategy is to get rid of ALL feral animals.


So do just about every predator. So your idea is to kill all predators on Earth?
The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!

I like cats. Cats are very good in the hands of good people. People who don't like them don't like them mainly because they aren't as dependent on people as dogs. But a large population of feral cats doesn't exist without a food source. If the cats are there, it is because something is feeding them. It would have been better to go after that and let the cats adjust numbers accordingly.
That's the point. The bloody things eat NATIVE ANIMALS!! The best strategy is to get rid of ALL feral animals.


So do just about every predator. So your idea is to kill all predators on Earth?
It sounds to me as if Australia needs more predators, not less. But it didn't help when they introduced the cats, so I don't know what would work. You can't introduce a species without introducing another that will eat it, though, it seems.
The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!
That is horrible! Those poor cats. It's not their fault they were born. They'd do better to trap and release. That would stop the breeding.
Release where?
Back into the stray population. We have a program like that here. We capture the feral cats, spade or neuter them, and then release them back into the population. It's working too. The feral population in this place has been dropping significantly.

When they can't breed, their numbers decline and none of them have to suffer a horrible death by poisoning.
The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!

I like cats. Cats are very good in the hands of good people. People who don't like them don't like them mainly because they aren't as dependent on people as dogs. But a large population of feral cats doesn't exist without a food source. If the cats are there, it is because something is feeding them. It would have been better to go after that and let the cats adjust numbers accordingly.

I'll admit I'm not a cat person,but that didnt come into play when I wanted em gone.
They shit and pissed everywhere and killed all the local wildlife.

They were surviving.

Had they been most dogs, they would have been wandering the streets, tail between legs, dejected, looking for someone to adopt them. Cats are tough little creatures. But given half the chance, they make amazing gentle, loving pets.
The problem with cats is that you have very tiny window for them to bond with humans. About eight weeks. After that, they remain feral for life and cannot be tamed.

However, if you can catch enough of either gender in a location and sterilize them, the population quickly begins to fall off. Feral cats don't live as long as housecats, maybe 7 or 8 years. While they are alive, they are hardy animals, but living outdoors shortens their lifespans.
The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!

I like cats. Cats are very good in the hands of good people. People who don't like them don't like them mainly because they aren't as dependent on people as dogs. But a large population of feral cats doesn't exist without a food source. If the cats are there, it is because something is feeding them. It would have been better to go after that and let the cats adjust numbers accordingly.

I'll admit I'm not a cat person,but that didnt come into play when I wanted em gone.
They shit and pissed everywhere and killed all the local wildlife.

They were surviving.

Had they been most dogs, they would have been wandering the streets, tail between legs, dejected, looking for someone to adopt them. Cats are tough little creatures. But given half the chance, they make amazing gentle, loving pets.
The problem with cats is that you have very tiny window for them to bond with humans. About eight weeks. After that, they remain feral for life and cannot be tamed.

However, if you can catch enough of either gender in a location and sterilize them, the population quickly begins to fall off. Feral cats don't live as long as housecats, maybe 7 or 8 years. While they are alive, they are hardy animals, but living outdoors shortens their lifespans.

That's BULLSHIT. I've had feral cats totally wild that we have tamed as adults. Here's one. It takes the right person. But you are right. If you want to be HUMANE about it, catching feral cats and sterilizing them is the way to control their population.


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