Australia is killing millions of feral cats with poisoned sausages

So I'm stupid? Okay.
In that case, tell me where you are putting the other MILLIONS of unwanted companions animals ...........................
Surely you have already begun to trap, alter, vacc, vet these MILLIONS of cats and have now put them in some fairy tale place. Right?

Oh. No? You mean you're all big talk and you really have no fucking clue what you're blathering on about?

Okie dokey. Thanks. And please do let me know when you can deliver more than sanctimonious hot air.

Good for you for choosing to take care of those VERY FEW CATS. I would never expect you to do more. BUT, you are demanding that others take on MILLIONS of unwanted animals and you have no idea how that could be done.

The whole point behind killing invasive cats in Australia is to save native species. What do you plan to do with native species located at your link? How long before the cats wipe them out? Who will paying to feed your invasive species? Who is out there altering them? Vaccinating them? Vetting them?

You want to play god. You want to decide that native species should be destroyed, driven extinct and replaced with invasive species that cannot survive with your benevolent god actions. Which YOU won't be paying for or actually delivering.

You remind me of a neighbor I had. Holy roller, far right dingbat who said "we" should take gallons of bleach out to the desert after heavy rains to disinfect the charcos. I have no doubt she meant well but that's just flat out dumb.

Again you are making a fool of yourself....perhaps if zi had the MONEY that is available in Australia what I purpose would come about but I take care of my small just want TO KILL THEM even when they are suck!...Bet you are PRO DEATH FOR BABIES ALSO...EVEN WHEN BORN ALIVE!

All through this thread, you have said you want to kill animals, including "BABIES ... BORN ALIVE!"
(Dumb thing to say since you can't kill an animal that is NOT alive.)

So I'm stupid? Okay.
In that case, tell me where you are putting the other MILLIONS of unwanted companions animals ...........................
Surely you have already begun to trap, alter, vacc, vet these MILLIONS of cats and have now put them in some fairy tale place. Right?

Oh. No? You mean you're all big talk and you really have no fucking clue what you're blathering on about?

Okie dokey. Thanks. And please do let me know when you can deliver more than sanctimonious hot air.

Good for you for choosing to take care of those VERY FEW CATS. I would never expect you to do more. BUT, you are demanding that others take on MILLIONS of unwanted animals and you have no idea how that could be done.

The whole point behind killing invasive cats in Australia is to save native species. What do you plan to do with native species located at your link? How long before the cats wipe them out? Who will paying to feed your invasive species? Who is out there altering them? Vaccinating them? Vetting them?

You want to play god. You want to decide that native species should be destroyed, driven extinct and replaced with invasive species that cannot survive with your benevolent god actions. Which YOU won't be paying for or actually delivering.

You remind me of a neighbor I had. Holy roller, far right dingbat who said "we" should take gallons of bleach out to the desert after heavy rains to disinfect the charcos. I have no doubt she meant well but that's just flat out dumb.

Again you are making a fool of yourself....perhaps if zi had the MONEY that is available in Australia what I purpose would come about but I take care of my small just want TO KILL THEM even when they are suck!...Bet you are PRO DEATH FOR BABIES ALSO...EVEN WHEN BORN ALIVE!

All through this thread, you have said you want to kill animals, including "BABIES ... BORN ALIVE!"
(Dumb thing to say since you can't kill an animal that is NOT alive.)


You are nuts!!!!.

But you sure do like to lie!


Do you really believe the constant, childish name calling is helpful?

You said you want indigenous species to be killed so that an invasive species can take their home. That will include "babies ... born alive".

Or did you plan keep either or both in cages for the rest of their lives?
Baby's born alive is HUMAN ABORTION Which is abhorrent

You're wrong of course. Babies born alive is not human abortion. In fact, most want their babies born alive. In any event, stop trying to change the subject.

You said the feral cats should be kept alive and suggested dumping them on an island. That means indigenous species must die, including babies. It also means the cats must be fed, altered, vaccinated. If you don't do that, you will soon have a lot of very sick cats.

How do you propose to do this? Do you want to just kill the indigenous species all at once? How would you do that? The thread concerns the use of a very cruel poison. Is that what you want to use on the wild animals?

Or, do you want to just let the feral cats kill them a little at the time?

Do you agree that if you're going to play god, you should take responsibility for your actions?

You will sidestep these questions again and that's fine. I'm saying that while it feels good to say you're going to save them all, its simply not possible.
I expect tRump to ask the Aussies for the chorizo version for the border.
The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!
That is horrible! Those poor cats. It's not their fault they were born. They'd do better to trap and release. That would stop the breeding.
Release where?
Back into the stray population. We have a program like that here. We capture the feral cats, spade or neuter them, and then release them back into the population. It's working too. The feral population in this place has been dropping significantly.

When they can't breed, their numbers decline and none of them have to suffer a horrible death by poisoning.
I heard about a program where they were keeping down a (deer?) population by putting "The Pill" into tasty feed they dropped near the herd, and that, too, worked well. I don't think that would cause as much collateral damage as poison.
The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!
That is horrible! Those poor cats. It's not their fault they were born. They'd do better to trap and release. That would stop the breeding.
Release where?
Back into the stray population. We have a program like that here. We capture the feral cats, spade or neuter them, and then release them back into the population. It's working too. The feral population in this place has been dropping significantly.

When they can't breed, their numbers decline and none of them have to suffer a horrible death by poisoning.
I heard about a program where they were keeping down a (deer?) population by putting "The Pill" into tasty feed they dropped near the herd, and that, too, worked well. I don't think that would cause as much collateral damage as poison.
Good plan! Pilled empanadas !
Again you are making a fool of yourself....perhaps if zi had the MONEY that is available in Australia what I purpose would come about but I take care of my small just want TO KILL THEM even when they are suck!...Bet you are PRO DEATH FOR BABIES ALSO...EVEN WHEN BORN ALIVE!

All through this thread, you have said you want to kill animals, including "BABIES ... BORN ALIVE!"
(Dumb thing to say since you can't kill an animal that is NOT alive.)

Again you are making a fool of yourself....perhaps if zi had the MONEY that is available in Australia what I purpose would come about but I take care of my small just want TO KILL THEM even when they are suck!...Bet you are PRO DEATH FOR BABIES ALSO...EVEN WHEN BORN ALIVE!

All through this thread, you have said you want to kill animals, including "BABIES ... BORN ALIVE!"
(Dumb thing to say since you can't kill an animal that is NOT alive.)


You are nuts!!!!.

But you sure do like to lie!


Do you really believe the constant, childish name calling is helpful?

You said you want indigenous species to be killed so that an invasive species can take their home. That will include "babies ... born alive".

Or did you plan keep either or both in cages for the rest of their lives?
Baby's born alive is HUMAN ABORTION Which is abhorrent

You're wrong of course. Babies born alive is not human abortion. In fact, most want their babies born alive. In any event, stop trying to change the subject.

You said the feral cats should be kept alive and suggested dumping them on an island. That means indigenous species must die, including babies. It also means the cats must be fed, altered, vaccinated. If you don't do that, you will soon have a lot of very sick cats.

How do you propose to do this? Do you want to just kill the indigenous species all at once? How would you do that? The thread concerns the use of a very cruel poison. Is that what you want to use on the wild animals?

Or, do you want to just let the feral cats kill them a little at the time?

Do you agree that if you're going to play god, you should take responsibility for your actions?

You will sidestep these questions again and that's fine. I'm saying that while it feels good to say you're going to save them all, its simply not possible.
The Japanese have done it and there are plenty of uninhabited island in Australia.....Do as the Japanese have make them tourist spots!
All through this thread, you have said you want to kill animals, including "BABIES ... BORN ALIVE!"
(Dumb thing to say since you can't kill an animal that is NOT alive.)

All through this thread, you have said you want to kill animals, including "BABIES ... BORN ALIVE!"
(Dumb thing to say since you can't kill an animal that is NOT alive.)


You are nuts!!!!.

But you sure do like to lie!


Do you really believe the constant, childish name calling is helpful?

You said you want indigenous species to be killed so that an invasive species can take their home. That will include "babies ... born alive".

Or did you plan keep either or both in cages for the rest of their lives?
Baby's born alive is HUMAN ABORTION Which is abhorrent

You're wrong of course. Babies born alive is not human abortion. In fact, most want their babies born alive. In any event, stop trying to change the subject.

You said the feral cats should be kept alive and suggested dumping them on an island. That means indigenous species must die, including babies. It also means the cats must be fed, altered, vaccinated. If you don't do that, you will soon have a lot of very sick cats.

How do you propose to do this? Do you want to just kill the indigenous species all at once? How would you do that? The thread concerns the use of a very cruel poison. Is that what you want to use on the wild animals?

Or, do you want to just let the feral cats kill them a little at the time?

Do you agree that if you're going to play god, you should take responsibility for your actions?

You will sidestep these questions again and that's fine. I'm saying that while it feels good to say you're going to save them all, its simply not possible.
The Japanese have done it and there are plenty of uninhabited island in Australia.....Do as the Japanese have make them tourist spots!

Actually, there are several 'cat islands' off Japan. What happened to the indigenous life?

IF there are islands with no life, there's a reason for it. Such as, fresh water.

Not to mention, sea level is rising. It might be okay with you but I'm against starving and drowning of cats.

But hey, that's just me.

You're very pie in the sky with no practical consideration of the needs of the animals or the logistics of getting gazillions of them trapped and transported there. No matter how you accomplish this, a lot of animals will die.

10 Uninhabited Islands around the World
10 Uninhabited Islands and Why Nobody Lives on Them
The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!
That is horrible! Those poor cats. It's not their fault they were born. They'd do better to trap and release. That would stop the breeding.
Release where?
Back into the stray population. We have a program like that here. We capture the feral cats, spade or neuter them, and then release them back into the population. It's working too. The feral population in this place has been dropping significantly.

When they can't breed, their numbers decline and none of them have to suffer a horrible death by poisoning.
I heard about a program where they were keeping down a (deer?) population by putting "The Pill" into tasty feed they dropped near the herd, and that, too, worked well. I don't think that would cause as much collateral damage as poison.

I suspect this would take longer than they're willing to allow but yes - I've always dreamed of some way to accomplished mass sterilization. There are now injections for both male dogs and cat. Obviously not applicable in this situation but interesting.

Of course, the first thing one thinks of is that the first testicle would be easy. Its that second one that just might prove difficult ...
All through this thread, you have said you want to kill animals, including "BABIES ... BORN ALIVE!"
(Dumb thing to say since you can't kill an animal that is NOT alive.)

All through this thread, you have said you want to kill animals, including "BABIES ... BORN ALIVE!"
(Dumb thing to say since you can't kill an animal that is NOT alive.)


You are nuts!!!!.

But you sure do like to lie!


Do you really believe the constant, childish name calling is helpful?

You said you want indigenous species to be killed so that an invasive species can take their home. That will include "babies ... born alive".

Or did you plan keep either or both in cages for the rest of their lives?
Baby's born alive is HUMAN ABORTION Which is abhorrent

You're wrong of course. Babies born alive is not human abortion. In fact, most want their babies born alive. In any event, stop trying to change the subject.

You said the feral cats should be kept alive and suggested dumping them on an island. That means indigenous species must die, including babies. It also means the cats must be fed, altered, vaccinated. If you don't do that, you will soon have a lot of very sick cats.

How do you propose to do this? Do you want to just kill the indigenous species all at once? How would you do that? The thread concerns the use of a very cruel poison. Is that what you want to use on the wild animals?

Or, do you want to just let the feral cats kill them a little at the time?

Do you agree that if you're going to play god, you should take responsibility for your actions?

You will sidestep these questions again and that's fine. I'm saying that while it feels good to say you're going to save them all, its simply not possible.
The Japanese have done it and there are plenty of uninhabited island in Australia.....Do as the Japanese have make them tourist spots!

Surely, by now, you realize that you want to create the same mess that Australia has. You want to kill millions of indigenous animals so you can park unwanted cats in their space.

My bet is that you believe in a god. Doesn't matter which god. Any one of them will do. Point is that if you do believe in a god, then you must also believe your particular god created the creatures you ware wanting to kill off in order to make room for the millions of cats. You think your god would agree with that?

You are nuts!!!!.

But you sure do like to lie!


Do you really believe the constant, childish name calling is helpful?

You said you want indigenous species to be killed so that an invasive species can take their home. That will include "babies ... born alive".

Or did you plan keep either or both in cages for the rest of their lives?
Baby's born alive is HUMAN ABORTION Which is abhorrent

You're wrong of course. Babies born alive is not human abortion. In fact, most want their babies born alive. In any event, stop trying to change the subject.

You said the feral cats should be kept alive and suggested dumping them on an island. That means indigenous species must die, including babies. It also means the cats must be fed, altered, vaccinated. If you don't do that, you will soon have a lot of very sick cats.

How do you propose to do this? Do you want to just kill the indigenous species all at once? How would you do that? The thread concerns the use of a very cruel poison. Is that what you want to use on the wild animals?

Or, do you want to just let the feral cats kill them a little at the time?

Do you agree that if you're going to play god, you should take responsibility for your actions?

You will sidestep these questions again and that's fine. I'm saying that while it feels good to say you're going to save them all, its simply not possible.
The Japanese have done it and there are plenty of uninhabited island in Australia.....Do as the Japanese have make them tourist spots!

Surely, by now, you realize that you want to create the same mess that Australia has. You want to kill millions of indigenous animals so you can park unwanted cats in their space.

My bet is that you believe in a god. Doesn't matter which god. Any one of them will do. Point is that if you do believe in a god, then you must also believe your particular god created the creatures you ware wanting to kill off in order to make room for the millions of cats. You think your god would agree with that?
I'm an agnostic....blowing your rant all to bits.
The New York Post/The Sun/AP ^ | April 26, 2019

Australian officials are killing millions of feral cats by airdropping frozen sausages laced with poison across the Outback. The felines die within 15 minutes of ingesting the toxic treats, which are produced at a factory close to Perth. But in a bid to kill as many as possible, officials also trap and shoot the creatures. The sausages are made with kangaroo meat, chicken fat, herbs, spices and the poison, 1080, the New York Times reported


We have all heard the song "Who let the dogs out" well who let all the cats out?.... Cats are an invasive species in Australia but can you imagine the RAT infestation without them........

1. Poison is extremely cruel. Depending on the type, it causes seizures, hemorrhaging, or burns.

2. Poisons are not selective. This bait will kill non-target species, as well.

3. Cat haters love to go on about the supposed environmental damage that cats cause. However, the damage caused by allowing rodents and other small animals to breed without any checks on their population is worse. Despite what cat-haters who hide behind environmental concerns claim, cats *are* an integral part of ecosystems that humans inhabit.

I wonder, now that this cruel program has been publicized, how much longer it will last?.....and since the government has taken all the guns... Well you get my drift......The Japanese have a cat island, I'm sure there are many uninhabited Islands just scattered all around could become a huge tourist attraction as those industrious Japanese have done!
That is horrible! Those poor cats. It's not their fault they were born. They'd do better to trap and release. That would stop the breeding.
It's a crime, and it should be, if us peasants do it

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