Axelrod Admits That Government Is Too Big To Manage


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Hack extraordinaire David Axelrod has (inadvertently?) confessed what so many of us have known all along:

The Federal government is too big to effectively manage.

And this is why small, limited government is the preferred model for a Free Society. Unrestrained power is Always Abused.

The government is simply too big for President Obama to keep track of all the wrongdoing taking place on his watch, his former senior adviser, David Axelrod, told MSNBC. “Part of being president is there’s so much beneath you that you can’t know because the government is so vast,” he explained.

Axelrod: Government ?So Vast,? Obama Can't Know About Wrongdoing | National Review Online
wow democrats make that assertion, but they wont apply that to anything but this scandal, that's how dishonest and stupid they are. It's a vaccum, that comment only applies to this case, I'm sure....people who buy this crap are beyond stupid.
For the Dems, Too Big To Manage is not a's a feature.

That way, they can blame everything on underlings doing something "inappropriate".
this government is exactly why james madison wrote the 2nd amendment. this is just what he was trying to prevent from happening.
I'd like to ask Axelrod, then how the hell do you expect the Gov't to effectively manage Obamacare?

Wow what a salient point, but again, liberals live in a vaccum, it's amazing how much they hate truth, facts and logic.
Hack extraordinaire David Axelrod has (inadvertently?) confessed what so many of us have known all along:

The Federal government is too big to effectively manage.

And this is why small, limited government is the preferred model for a Free Society. Unrestrained power is Always Abused.

The government is simply too big for President Obama to keep track of all the wrongdoing taking place on his watch, his former senior adviser, David Axelrod, told MSNBC. “Part of being president is there’s so much beneath you that you can’t know because the government is so vast,” he explained.

Axelrod: Government ?So Vast,? Obama Can't Know About Wrongdoing | National Review Online

Every four years we have a new crop of know nothings that have to learn this lesson.
If the government is too big for obama to manage and he is truly overwhemed, shouln't he do the decent thing and resign?
A competent manager knows how to delegate responsibilities to QUALIFIED underlings.

All Obama understands is paying back for campaign contributions - regardless of the inadequate qualifications of his subordinates.

A Secretary of the Treasury who couldn't prepare his own taxes.
Another secretary who didn't know how to drive a vehicle.
And on and on.

The administration is filled with inept, unqualified minions who only thing of political paybacks, payoffs, or punishments.

I see that another thread was started on this topic.

Request a mod merge them.

Now maybe some will get the empty chair routine that Clint Eastwood did, but I seriously doubt it.
If they didn't get it then they won't get it now.
Obama is not a leader, he never was. He does not know how to be a leader.
If he had actually been a leader, he would have taken control of the congress , instead he just let them bicker.
It's right in our Constitution as to his duties as President.
A competent manager knows how to delegate responsibilities to QUALIFIED underlings.

All Obama understands is paying back for campaign contributions - regardless of the inadequate qualifications of his subordinates.

A Secretary of the Treasury who couldn't prepare his own taxes.
Another secretary who didn't know how to drive a vehicle.
And on and on.

The administration is filled with inept, unqualified minions who only thing of political paybacks, payoffs, or punishments.


I get your drift.
Obama's lapdog Kathleen Sebelius is also part of that 'Hall of Shame'.
The Federal government is too big to effectively manage.

This is why we were all nervous when your side said let's spread democracy and rebuild the Arab world in our image.(Talk about big government. Are you kidding me? Your side, infected by the desire to control ever larger regions of the globe, practically invented the notion)

I also think your news sources have done a terrible job at educating conservative voters on the size of the global economy and who maintains stability so that products can flow all around the globe smoothly.

Do you have any idea how big Washington needs to be if it wants to manage not just the 50 states, but the global economy? Do you know how many bases we have spread across the globe?

I attended a lecture in New York City sponsored by the right leaning think tank, The Cato Institute. The lecture explained how big and expensive Reagan needed to make Washington in order to fight communism so that capitalist markets could be extended to all parts of the globe.

Our large corporations get over 50% of their products made in Asia or developing parts of the Third World. Washington needs to be truly massive in order to ensure the stabilization of a territory that large.

Your party has given you bumper stickers about small government in place of actual history and knowledge. We need to free the prisoners of FOX News so that they can more ably contribute to debates like these. I'm all for small government, but it's impossible to debate the matter with people who have been so thoroughly lied to.
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