The Coming Storm

love to look down on other people

I dunno any "libs", but......but if I did, and good poster LBTrout thinks they are looking down on him, well, I could suggest that height in such matters is subjective. A matter of perspective. Meaning, if LBT thinks they are looking down on him, he clearly must be looking up to them?

Social dynamics and perception of being rejected or disdained can be so uncomfortable to be displayed on social media.

But, if LBTrout thinks he is being dissed, I would suggest he try to be a better LBTrout. Self-improvement is still fashionable. And surprisingly useful.


The Coming Storm

But once they have reaped the power and riches they anticipate from their betrayal they will find that they have reaped the whirlwind

6 Jan 2024 ~~ By David Merrick

Most socialists are too dumb to know this; and all socialism/communism is too smart to call attention to the FACT that socialism/communism CANNOT TOLERATE REAL VARIETY. "Different Strokes...' might have once made a good name for a sitcom .... But 'individuality', no matter how you package it, will find no home in Marxism.
Legitimate criticism of any member of the inner circle or a preferred group is "politically motivated", "racism", "islamophobia" or "xenophobia"
Today, politically, the term/concept is occasionally implemented in a purely dishonest, rhetorical drama intended to placate the serfs and promote the power of the dictatorial state. Individuality is most apparent when there is free speech - not only among the citizens but in the media. Free speech is eroding fast - any opinions that do not fall inline with what the government and the elite want us to state and believe are labelled "misinformation" or "hate speech". Legitimate criticism of any member of the inner circle or a preferred group is "politically motivated", "racism", "islamophobia" or "xenophobia".
There are strong movements to make as much of these valid expressions or opinions as possible criminal acts! And our newly minted "diversity, equity and inclusion" (DEI) banner is part of a continuum of Marxist doubletalk eroding what remains of our 'United States'. So many of our people have been hoodwinked into believing that leftist leadership is just on the cusp of unveiling the dawning of a new (Woke) Age! That notion is a fatal lie that has been promoted and believed past the point of no return.
Joe Biden talks a great game (I guess, mostly, when he is sufficiently medicated). Nevertheless the country he has obviously seized control of is now in a complete and total shambles. Currently, with the unprecedented steady violation of our immigration laws and southern border, he has unashamedly and effectively invited a 51st, 52nd and maybe even a 53rd state into our previously 50-state union. I understand that there are serious efforts to register these non-citizens as voters. Biden and his Homeland Security czar, Alejandro Mayorkas, have talked circles around an inquiring nation of disillusioned citizens in telling us huge lies while continuing to press forward in horrifying lawlessness.
Biden's record of such insanity has become a continuum of an advancing nightmare
Very few today will openly admit the shock that we felt as this president threw away billions and billions in our country's defense machinery and ordinance to a people committed to our total destruction. And his record of such insanity has become a continuum of an advancing nightmare that precious few even seem to want to recognize. It is more of what a wholly exasperated America feels as continuing billions from our already bankrupt purse are poured out to a little nation on the other side of the globe whose people couldn't care less whether we lived or died. Much of the rest is handed to the people who are invading us.
Most frightening is that the burgeoning list of this exec's cancerous non-leadership stunts doesn't, in the least, faze so many of the kids who (technically) now qualify as adult Americans. They are too busy playing video games. "quietly quitting", and absorbing government bennies to be bothered by the fact that a VERY REAL TROJAN HORSE is currently taking over what used to be, "... the land of the free and the home of the brave". That quoted verse now only earns harsh ridicule and the charge of being a 'bigoted, white supremacist Nationalist,' etc. ... and whatever else will serve in silencing our former hard-earned pride.
t was Barack Obama who so loved the words of his dear friend, Rahm Emanuel ... "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." And just as real vultures watch for a limping animal to make its final fall, there are some powerfully connected 'vultures' out there who see our approaching tragedy as precisely the perfect opportunity for unimagined gain. But once they have reaped the power and riches they anticipate from their betrayal they will find that they have reaped the whirlwind.

Evil is so pervasive now, and many of the adults younger than 50 are so brainwashed, indoctrinated, ignorant of the nation’s history, and the sacrifices that were made by previous generations to preserve our freedom and liberty, that they assume that they will be taken care of by the woke "Uni-Party" (communists).
Clearly, few have any background in history, purposely planned that way, by the "woke-Left" educators. Education and morality are so lacking that we see adults committing crimes with impunity as if they are entitled, and throwing huge, embarrassing tantrums when they don’t get their way! The “justice system” is run by these same Left elitist, entitled, indoctrinated adults who refuse to obey and uphold the laws. Would these folks come to the aid of their county when it is attacked? It is unlikely, and they may side with the enemies, because they already do so now as exampled by their support for Palestine.
Stochastic terrorism. Some deranged nut will read this and we’ll have another headline about people killing people!
Actually, was entrepreneur's and capitalists more than your alleged "corrupt Democrats". China could make it cheaper. We could buy it cheaper. We could make more money, spend less. It was easier. They were screwing their environment, not ours.

Do you really think it is all Democrats out there in rural America flocking to Dollar General?

There is an argument, I know, I've heard it argued......where it is alleged that the MAGA-Q's fear and revile those with college educations. It's likely some sort of inferiority vibe going on there, I suppose.

Now, I wouldn't necessarily make that argument .....but, I can see how some could.
How soon you've forgot about Jimmy Carters 1979 Bilateral Trade agreement with China. Then Bill Clinton giving China Aero-space technology.
I'm a University grad (Class of 58) and I don't fear fellow graduates, in fact I have pity on those that have been brainwashed by CRT and DEI fact created by Marxist professors that have infiltrated our schools, colleges and Universities.
I certainly disagree with your opinion. This country has slowly gone bad the last thirty years.
I saw it in the difference of education, and the willingness of corrupt Democrats to bend over backwards to allow China to overtake America in manufacturing.
Ahhhhh, yes... the Ol' LibProg Tactic of denigrating those with a lesser formal education...

Irrelevant to whether Woke-ism On Campus poses a threat to American-Western Values, but a card often played...

It loses effectiveness when called-out in public... especially by those with university-level or college-level educations...

No Sale.
Woke-ism doesn't challenge anything but bigotry.
How soon you've forgot about Jimmy Carters 1979 Bilateral Trade agreement with China. Then Bill Clinton giving China Aero-space technology.
I'm a University grad (Class of 58) and I don't fear fellow graduates, in fact I have pity on those that have been brainwashed by CRT and DEI fact created by Marxist professors that have infiltrated our schools, colleges and Universities.

“Since the beginning of the 1980s, employment relations in U.S.industrial corporations have undergone three major structural changes—which I summarize as rationalization, marketization, and globalization—that have permanently eliminated middle-class jobs. From the early 1980s, rationalization, characterized by plant closings, eliminated the jobs of unionized blue-collar workers. From the early 1990s, marketization, characterized by the end of a career with one company as an employment norm, placed the job security of middle-aged and older white-collar workers in jeopardy. From the early 2000s, globalization,characterized by the movement of employment offshore, left all members of the U.S. labor force, even those with advanced educational credentials and substantial work experience, vulnerable to displacement.”

“Once U.S. corporations adopted these structural changes in employment, however, they often pursued these employment strategies purely for financial gain. Some companies closed manufacturing plants, terminated experienced (and generally more expensive) workers, and offshored productionto low-wage areas of the world simply to increase profits, often at the expense of the companies’ long-term competitive capabilities and without regard for displaced employees’ long years of service. Moreover, as these changes became embedded in the structure of U.S. employment, business corporations failed to invest in new, higher value-added job creation on a sufficient scale to provide a foundation for equitable and stable growth in the U.S. economy.”
This right here is what has killed this nation:

"Today, the man who should be the most concerned with the preservation of our confidence doesn't appear to be very concerned about much of anything beyond the bottom line of his own comfort and family."
The country has been turning bad for a long time. Dumb Don is hardly the sole culprit. Thinking this way indicates one is a dupe of the establishment.
Our enemies abroad look at Trump in admiration & awe at the damage he's caused to this Country in the past 7 years alone.

Why, they've been trying to accomplish what he did in 7 years what they weren't able to do in 70-80.
This right here is what has killed this nation:

"Today, the man who should be the most concerned with the preservation of our confidence doesn't appear to be very concerned about much of anything beyond the bottom line of his own comfort and family."
this describes white6 to a T!!!!!!

The Coming Storm

But once they have reaped the power and riches they anticipate from their betrayal they will find that they have reaped the whirlwind

6 Jan 2024 ~~ By David Merrick

Most socialists are too dumb to know this; and all socialism/communism is too smart to call attention to the FACT that socialism/communism CANNOT TOLERATE REAL VARIETY. "Different Strokes...' might have once made a good name for a sitcom .... But 'individuality', no matter how you package it, will find no home in Marxism.
Legitimate criticism of any member of the inner circle or a preferred group is "politically motivated", "racism", "islamophobia" or "xenophobia"
Today, politically, the term/concept is occasionally implemented in a purely dishonest, rhetorical drama intended to placate the serfs and promote the power of the dictatorial state. Individuality is most apparent when there is free speech - not only among the citizens but in the media. Free speech is eroding fast - any opinions that do not fall inline with what the government and the elite want us to state and believe are labelled "misinformation" or "hate speech". Legitimate criticism of any member of the inner circle or a preferred group is "politically motivated", "racism", "islamophobia" or "xenophobia".
There are strong movements to make as much of these valid expressions or opinions as possible criminal acts! And our newly minted "diversity, equity and inclusion" (DEI) banner is part of a continuum of Marxist doubletalk eroding what remains of our 'United States'. So many of our people have been hoodwinked into believing that leftist leadership is just on the cusp of unveiling the dawning of a new (Woke) Age! That notion is a fatal lie that has been promoted and believed past the point of no return.
Joe Biden talks a great game (I guess, mostly, when he is sufficiently medicated). Nevertheless the country he has obviously seized control of is now in a complete and total shambles. Currently, with the unprecedented steady violation of our immigration laws and southern border, he has unashamedly and effectively invited a 51st, 52nd and maybe even a 53rd state into our previously 50-state union. I understand that there are serious efforts to register these non-citizens as voters. Biden and his Homeland Security czar, Alejandro Mayorkas, have talked circles around an inquiring nation of disillusioned citizens in telling us huge lies while continuing to press forward in horrifying lawlessness.
Biden's record of such insanity has become a continuum of an advancing nightmare
Very few today will openly admit the shock that we felt as this president threw away billions and billions in our country's defense machinery and ordinance to a people committed to our total destruction. And his record of such insanity has become a continuum of an advancing nightmare that precious few even seem to want to recognize. It is more of what a wholly exasperated America feels as continuing billions from our already bankrupt purse are poured out to a little nation on the other side of the globe whose people couldn't care less whether we lived or died. Much of the rest is handed to the people who are invading us.
Most frightening is that the burgeoning list of this exec's cancerous non-leadership stunts doesn't, in the least, faze so many of the kids who (technically) now qualify as adult Americans. They are too busy playing video games. "quietly quitting", and absorbing government bennies to be bothered by the fact that a VERY REAL TROJAN HORSE is currently taking over what used to be, "... the land of the free and the home of the brave". That quoted verse now only earns harsh ridicule and the charge of being a 'bigoted, white supremacist Nationalist,' etc. ... and whatever else will serve in silencing our former hard-earned pride.
t was Barack Obama who so loved the words of his dear friend, Rahm Emanuel ... "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." And just as real vultures watch for a limping animal to make its final fall, there are some powerfully connected 'vultures' out there who see our approaching tragedy as precisely the perfect opportunity for unimagined gain. But once they have reaped the power and riches they anticipate from their betrayal they will find that they have reaped the whirlwind.

Evil is so pervasive now, and many of the adults younger than 50 are so brainwashed, indoctrinated, ignorant of the nation’s history, and the sacrifices that were made by previous generations to preserve our freedom and liberty, that they assume that they will be taken care of by the woke "Uni-Party" (communists).
Clearly, few have any background in history, purposely planned that way, by the "woke-Left" educators. Education and morality are so lacking that we see adults committing crimes with impunity as if they are entitled, and throwing huge, embarrassing tantrums when they don’t get their way! The “justice system” is run by these same Left elitist, entitled, indoctrinated adults who refuse to obey and uphold the laws. Would these folks come to the aid of their county when it is attacked? It is unlikely, and they may side with the enemies, because they already do so now as exampled by their support for Palestine.

Never let a crisis go to waste is an ancient Chinese proverb.
Yeah, "the storm"...
You make more noise than we will hear when the last cries of the good ship American Lollipop going down are heard .

Different from the Titanic because at least that was run as an Insurance scam .
No obvious return from this sinking ship .

A crisis is an opportunity riding a dangerous wind. (Chinese proverb)
Actually, was entrepreneur's and capitalists more than your alleged "corrupt Democrats". China could make it cheaper. We could buy it cheaper. We could make more money, spend less. It was easier. They were screwing their environment, not ours.

Do you really think it is all Democrats out there in rural America flocking to Dollar General?

There is an argument, I know, I've heard it argued......where it is alleged that the MAGA-Q's fear and revile those with college educations. It's likely some sort of inferiority vibe going on there, I suppose.

Now, I wouldn't necessarily make that argument .....but, I can see how some could.
Who wrote, and who signed NAFTA which promoted less American and more Chinese manufacturing?

Who signed onto the "TPP" which is the new NAFTA? Hmm?

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