Marchimedes salutes The Flag on the coming Lord's Day, The Fourth of July. (And maybe some politics.)


We're (supposed to be) a Republic.

Oh, sure, I get that but the drive-by media isn't exactly saying Trump is trying to destroy the Republic.

Oh my, that leads me to a thing. I have old jokes... Democracy is mob rule. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for lunch. Democracy is two poor guys and a rich guy voting for who buys lunch. A Republic is two poor guys and a rich guy voting on who decides who pays for lunch. Democracy is two Klu Klux Klanners and an African American gentleman voting on what to do with a length of rope.


Yea, it didn't take me long to go from distressed vs. burning The Flag to that last point. So here we go, moderators/Coyote. That's some right in your face stuff right there. I hate this thread title. If I thought this thread would last a day I'd have come up with a good one. So then (explicative deleted) the dumb (explicative deleted) maybe sooner or later I'll just post my previous OP's here (maybe clean them up some) and then we'll see.


I'm pushing it.
My #1 issue is taxes. Full stop.

What should the highest federal income tax rate be and at what income level should it start?

I've been asking that exact question for 22 years and have had only two answers...



Over the years I've sought out fine, intelligent people to ask that question.

Instead I'm here.

I'll take you to, I'll write a book on this, again, right before you low attention span geniuses, I can splain SALT in excruciating detail and how low/zero income state tax states subsidize high state income tax states and how that's not fair. How Trump's tax plan does exactly the opposite of what you liberals say, that is a tax cut for the rich. Thing is if you want to understand taxes you have to get wonky. I can splain all this in twenty long paragraphs or more. Probably have to fill up three posts. Maybe instead I'll tell jokes...

biden 1.5.png

border 1.2.png

What? I haven't shown them there images in this thread.
Now I'm really gonna push it with sumpin not political.


It's how to get a heavy block up 6 inches.

It's Billo pulling on the rope. Yes, our Billo. I drew that 22 years ago. Anybody not get that? What ya'll need to walk away with this is it's Billo.

sig 1.1.png

This used to be my sig. See the Walrus? See the pendent on the Walrus? It's "B" for Billo. Our Billo. My Walruses name is Billo. Also this...

I been beating on Billo for 22 years. This, USMB, is your future.
Zero replies cents my last rant. Perfect. Not so many views, disappointing but very understandable at a left leaning (understatement) site such as this. I'll keep plugging away up here just like I been doing in The Flame Zone for over a year but at least up here I have the possibility of a view or two(2.)


Ove this long weekend of Our Lord's 4th of July when I haven't been recovering from drinking heavily or washing gunpowder residue offa my paws I been upgrading electrical stuff in ManVilla. During power down time for my modem and Wi-Fi router other than ear buds for my flip-phone... Wait. What? Flip phone?

I am sans sound. No music. No news. But I'm old. I have a battery powered transiter radio. What's that now the yutes ask? Look it up. But it's a cheap one and I can't get right-wing hate radio or left-wing hate radio (NPR) nor can I get my kinda music...

I can only get pop, country western and hip-hop. As I am unable to physically listen to hip-hop...

"I told you he was racist."

I spent Friday listening to pop. Also I can't pick up classical which would be fine. My favorite composer is Haydn...

I spent today listening to country/western. Man you woke, progressive, snowflake SJW types must hate country/western as all I heard was boy meets girl, Faith in Our Lord, beer, trucks, dogs... so I came up with a country/western song/title chorus...

"You are the music I dance to. (Just ask my dog.)

Like I said, can't stand hip-hop. Doesn't mean I hate black music...

How many youtubes we get?
Like I said, can't stand hip-hop. Doesn't mean I hate black music...

How many youtubes we get?

James Brown dancing with his crazy ankles. That was really something. An American classic.

I 1st saw it on The Tonight Show and was like :aargh:
Who is that replacing the star spangles? A Founding Father? Eienstein? The 1st Amendment gives them the right to disrespect the Flag but they get so freaking angry when someone calls them on it.
Zero replies cents my last rant. Perfect. Not so many views, disappointing but very understandable at a left leaning (understatement) site such as this. I'll keep plugging away up here just like I been doing in The Flame Zone for over a year but at least up here I have the possibility of a view or two(2.)


Ove this long weekend of Our Lord's 4th of July when I haven't been recovering from drinking heavily or washing gunpowder residue offa my paws I been upgrading electrical stuff in ManVilla. During power down time for my modem and Wi-Fi router other than ear buds for my flip-phone... Wait. What? Flip phone?

I am sans sound. No music. No news. But I'm old. I have a battery powered transiter radio. What's that now the yutes ask? Look it up. But it's a cheap one and I can't get right-wing hate radio or left-wing hate radio (NPR) nor can I get my kinda music...

I can only get pop, country western and hip-hop. As I am unable to physically listen to hip-hop...

"I told you he was racist."

I spent Friday listening to pop. Also I can't pick up classical which would be fine. My favorite composer is Haydn...

I spent today listening to country/western. Man you woke, progressive, snowflake SJW types must hate country/western as all I heard was boy meets girl, Faith in Our Lord, beer, trucks, dogs... so I came up with a country/western song/title chorus...

"You are the music I dance to. (Just ask my dog.)


Did you hear any Jimmy Dean or Eddy Arnold?

Did ya'll know that last is one of the songs on one of the Voyager spacecrafts?

No, I ain't patronizing black folks. Oh wait, one... two more my normal speed...

I can go on all day. Now that I look back on all that maybe I'm more of a misogynist than a racist.

Is that the stuff of a white supremacist?
Still I'd rather wake up to this every morning...

Can't tell me some of my favorite black music ain't balls.

Sorry, went off on a bit of a tangent there. And now for my favorite black actors, scientists and athletes...

Just kidding, time to back onto liberals.
Does Black Sabbath count?

Oh great, now I'm a homophobe.

The drive-by media has been saying that Trump shall destroy democracy. Democracy is about choice. The Founding Fathers understood the importance of Freedom of the Press. They made a thing about it. I guess The Founding Fathers did not envision so much of the press lying to us so much. For years the press has been telling us SlowJoeBiden's mind was just fine and the (explicative deleted) second ALL OF AMERICA got to see that ain't so the press folded faster than an origami master on meth. They knew all along SlowJoeBiden was a tad... slow but when they couldn't hide it with spin, suppression, lies, deep/cheap fake, deflection, distraction...

The drive-by media has been trying to hide the truth, truth being what Americans need to make this important choice so...

who exactly is it trying to destroy democracy?

Piling on...

I say friggin everybody has known for quite some time that SlowJoeBiden has been... slow for a while. Some old jokes...

Biden 1.3.jpg

I crafted that one 9/8/21 after SlowJoe was receiving some Flag Draped coffins at Andrews Air Force Base. That was a while ago.

biden 1.6.png


shoe 1.1.png


So at least I have been onto SlowJoe for a while now. Yet you liberals and your drive-by media bros pretend this is a sudden thing?


There ya go, I showed up tonight wanting to make that last point but I distracted myself. That's called consciousness streaming. Welcome to a Marchiimedes thread.

I'm good, for now.
Did you hear any Jimmy Dean or Eddy Arnold?

I had to go refresh myself but yes...

That's going back to weekends, vacations and summers at my Father's parent's home growing up which I wouldn't trade for a million dollars. I still know the words to some of that. And now some bubbles...

Okay, I started this mess now I have to live with it. I believe I've answered all replies as I take on all comers. That's how one deals with a thread one started. I bet right this second I can go find ten(10) threads where I've killed the OP yet have nary the reply. I say that's not how one should go about the bidness of political debate. Generally I show up and rant about what's on my mind first, reply to that which I see first then get after notifications and then when that is done it's dealer's choice. I hate a (explicative deleted) that hides from me after trying to give me a hard time. Bunch of (ingracious plural term for a bit of female anatomy.)
I had to go refresh myself but yes...

That's going back to weekends, vacations and summers at my Father's parent's home growing up which I wouldn't trade for a million dollars. I still know the words to some of that. And now some bubbles...

Bubbles, you say?
Bow your tiny skulls while We lead us in prayer!

"Dear Nugent, please to allow SlowJoeBiden a public, lucid moment very soon sos the drive-by media can harp on it as evidence that he's not addled, to be kept in the race and thus the democratic nominee so he'll still be upright when the November Presidential election comes. Amen."


A thing I've recently learned from the drive-by media is that Trump is gonna appoint a bunch of folks around him that are gonna sway him to do their bidding and prosecute a bunch of heinous, far right-wing, Christian taliban policies. I hear it's called... "Project 2025."

Have you friggin retards just met Trump? Does the term "you're fired" ring a bell? Tillerson, Mattis, Bolton, Kelly, Scaramucci, Sessions, I'm quite sure I forget some but there's a list of folks that thought they could go forth now that they were a big dog and NOT promote the President's agenda. Now some few of them are only disgruntled employees willing to go public on PMSNBC on the horror show that is Trump and you liberals suck it up.

There's a thing, goes... "I/We/He/She/they/them/zer/zee/zas serves at the pleasure of the President." That is none of you Swinging Richards were elected. You carry out the dictates of the person that WAS elected. Nuff said!


I'm not fond of the term 'Trump Derangement Syndrome.' It should be titled 'Anyone that is not a Marxist Derangement Syndrome.' Doesn't have to be Trump to trigger this disease.

For instance and furthermore... "Trump is an existential threat to democracy."

Lettuce just plug in some names besides Trump...

"Ted Cruz is an existential threat to democracy."

"Lyndsey Graham is an existential threat to democracy."

"Jim Jordan is an existential threat to democracy."

"Marchimedes is an existential threat to democracy."

Plug and play drive-by media pap.


To coin a term...

Bidey-Sense: The ability to sort of or pretend to understand whatever the fu(k Biden is talking about.

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