AZ Welfare Drug Testing Cost/Benefit Ratio Is...


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
It's amazing how Republicans come up with bullshit ways to waste taxpayer money. Drug testing 87,000 welfare recipients in AZ has netted a grand total of $560 bucks - more proof Republicans are piss-poor managers of public money...

Arizona drug-tested 87,000 welfare recipients and found they are flushing taxpayer dollars
Jen HaydenFollow
Jul 22, 2015

From Gregory Krieg

The results are thin: According to USA Today, three years after the program began Arizona had tested more than 87,000 welfare recipients. The total number of drug cheats caught was exactly one — a single positive result, which saved the state precisely $560.

Checking in again in March, the Arizona Sonora News Service cited state Department of Economic Security figures which found that over the course of more than five years, "42 people have been asked to take a follow-up drug test and 19 actually took the test, 16 of whom passed. The other 23 were stripped of their benefits for failing to take the drug test."

That adds up to a grand total of three failed tests from 2009-2014. The net savings reaped from withholding benefits for those who either tested positive or failed to complete a drug test was around $3,500, once the $500 cost of testing the 19 is factored in, according to one state agency report. The haul is shockingly unimpressive when you consider the $1.7 million in savings state officials promised when they began the program.


What non-issue will Republicans waste our/taxpayer time and money on next, voter fraud, Benghazi, another vote on Obamacare... what?

lol, now a Democrat is whining over spending monies.

. oh no wonder why, it's from the Dailykos. and it's from the (state dept of economic Security) ? WOW, the SEC is the Welfare office. now why would they be complaining about drug testing's. . good grief. I've been drug tested for a few jobs I've held, but they don't want someone living off the back of taxpayers (welfare) to have to be inconvenienced in order to do it. what a gig eh?
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How about just get rid of welfare all together. I don't see why this is necessary in an Obama economy. So many jobs were created that it makes me think that we shouldn't have any unemployed people at all.
Republicans: Blame poor people for everything wrong.

If you are poor it is your fault. I'm tired of people who want to do absolutely nothing to improve there lives and then demand other people pay for them. How about just end welfare all together and if you can't survive then move to another country such as Canada.
It's hilarious when democrats whine about wasting tax dollars and then don't bat an eye when things like Solyndra happen.
any liberal trying to lecture others on wasting money can only be seen in the sense of comic relief

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Drug testing people who receive assistance is no more about saving money than trying to kill social programs altogether, it's about punishing the poor for being poor, a totally sadistic impulse. They get a charge out of treating people like dirt and, to them, it's money well spent. They would spend a hundred times more to feel the thrill of walking on the faces of "worthless" people. Hell is going to be hot for you unchristian motherfuckers.
"blame the poor"


most of us blame YOU LEFT-WINGERS


example: the 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps, a record 45 milion, that werent on food stamps during the bush years

this in obama YEAR SEVEN
even as the idiotic Left tries to brag how much better things are now

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Drug testing people who receive assistance is no more about saving money than trying to kill social programs altogether, it's about punishing the poor for being poor, a totally sadistic impulse. They get a charge out of treating people like dirt and, to them, it's money well spent. They would spend a hundred times more to feel the thrill of walking on the faces of "worthless" people. Hell is going to be hot for you unchristian motherfuckers.

Look...a MSNBC parrot
isnt it just like the cowardly Left to try to deflect their ABJECT FAILURE at being the champions of the poor they PRETEND TO BE; when in fact they have CREATED MORE POOR; by accusing the Right of blaming the poor for being poor?
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Drug testing people who receive assistance is no more about saving money than trying to kill social programs altogether, it's about punishing the poor for being poor, a totally sadistic impulse. They get a charge out of treating people like dirt and, to them, it's money well spent. They would spend a hundred times more to feel the thrill of walking on the faces of "worthless" people. Hell is going to be hot for you unchristian motherfuckers.

Look...a MSNBC parrot
Eat shit. Tired of treating the assholes of the world as if they have valid arguments. It's a hard world out there and sub-human primates such as yourself think the solution is to make it much harder. Your sadistic streak shows clearly in your nasty remarks and it is high time you were told to fuck off back to the underside of whatever shit covered rock you crawled out from under.
Drug testing people who receive assistance is no more about saving money than trying to kill social programs altogether, it's about punishing the poor for being poor, a totally sadistic impulse. They get a charge out of treating people like dirt and, to them, it's money well spent. They would spend a hundred times more to feel the thrill of walking on the faces of "worthless" people. Hell is going to be hot for you unchristian motherfuckers.

Look...a MSNBC parrot
Eat shit. Tired of treating the assholes of the world as if they have valid arguments. It's a hard world out there and sub-human primates such as yourself think the solution is to make it much harder. Your sadistic streak shows clearly in your nasty remarks and it is high time you were told to fuck off back to the underside of whatever shit covered rock you crawled out from under.

you sad pathetic loser; slave to your emotions

held hostage to your desperate need to feel like you are morally superior to somebody
i alwasys wondered what happened to the failed Occupy movement

i see they became an army of angry, phony-outrage idiots
Drug testing people who receive assistance is no more about saving money than trying to kill social programs altogether, it's about punishing the poor for being poor, a totally sadistic impulse. They get a charge out of treating people like dirt and, to them, it's money well spent. They would spend a hundred times more to feel the thrill of walking on the faces of "worthless" people. Hell is going to be hot for you unchristian motherfuckers.

Look...a MSNBC parrot
Eat shit. Tired of treating the assholes of the world as if they have valid arguments. It's a hard world out there and sub-human primates such as yourself think the solution is to make it much harder. Your sadistic streak shows clearly in your nasty remarks and it is high time you were told to fuck off back to the underside of whatever shit covered rock you crawled out from under.

Look, all you ever do is parrot the left wing talking points. Perhaps if you had an original thought you'd be taken serious. Too many people are making a career out of welfare and I as a taxpayer am fed up with it. They can start working to earn it, test for drug use like most employees are and put a cap of five years on it.
i alwasys wondered what happened to the failed Occupy movement

i see they became an army of angry, phony-outrage idiots

Occupy members were losers to begin with and their failed campaign is proof of it. Rapists, druggies and leeches.

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