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Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Startling the World: A Brit recovered from a Covid-19 hospitalization, And it was not just any Brit. It was a sexually and socially active Brit. It appears to be, and may be said in polite society: The actual Prime Minister of all the English, many of whom may not live in London, near to their majesties "homes:" (Clearly incapable of housing any Homeless(?)!). Times are really bad, by some measures.

"It's the Economy, Stupid!" After All!"

The English Prime Minister, of all of London: Is now IMMUNE!

If people are immune, like in Socialist China, Los Angeles, Iowa and Nebraska: Then the thing can be resolved with testing and testing for immunity. People should more likely be asked to go on out about--in the national interest.

People Recover, People Immune--slowing any spread.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This shit lingers for most of human history: Deut 23:19-20!)
Would love to find out how he got it. But he probably got the best medical treatment. I guess his opponents are glad he survived.

He might have got it from drinking to many martini's. Glasses should be cleaned, not reused.
It is good to see liberal values in the ascendancy again! The alternative to IMMUNITY is MAGA failures, daily. The White House even shut down the propaganda machine for two whole days.

Creating IMMUNITY is not wrong, Except to the various MAGA supporters, posting. There is no vaccine. There is IMMUNITY.

County of Los Angeles, shows 265 deaths in a population of 11.2 million humans, and so not even counting the pets, the farm animals. any fish in the lakes, or whatever lives in the desert.

Socialist management has in fact proved itself with major publicityl

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(A Socialist Fix Is In: The Worldwide Plague is unaffected: Deut 23: 19-20, of those purveyors!)

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