Bahrain Ready to Back Jordan Fight Against Islamic State

Ah guys are just so funny together :lol:

ps - don't you know that the best way to encourage teasing is to react it to it? Believe me...a childhood spent with a younger brother taught me well.

You are not kidding anyone here, Coyote. I, too, have a younger brother, and if I saw him bullying someone in real life, I would have a talk with him. If there happened to be an Internet and forums when we were younger and I saw him trolling and stalking others, I would also have a talk with him. I have noticed that you have had nothing to say about Sunni Man's ridiculous posts even when others bring up the stupid things he says, just like they have done today. That's tells a lot about you. Now have you anything to say about what is going on in the Middle East besides sticking up for your cyber boyfriend once again?

By the way, since I never actually see Sunni Man's posts unless someone happens to quote him and all I get are the alerts which tell me that this crackpot has started with his trolling and stalking, could you possibly tell us the number of posts he has made in response to my threads (just for this month so far to make it easy for you) and then give us the number of times I have actually referred to Fat Sunni in my posts. This will show everyone the extent of our "conversations" as a"cute couple." In addition, why not send him a greeting card for Valentine's Day to show him that you really care?

You take things way too seriously. My younger brother knew just how to push my buttons. He was an unmerciful teaser, and there was only one year between us. He'd push, I'd react. Don't react or just play back :dunno: It's usually a good tactic with folks that have a good sense of humor. Perhaps that tells you a lot more about me then you think ;)

As the the Middle East....your OP began with a paragraph about Sunni's Guiness Record weight problem and atrocious potty habits....that's rather an invitation to go off topic, no? :lol:

Dear Sunni's Cyber Girlfriend. We are not talking about your brother but about the lunatic's trolling and stalking, which of course you have no problem. As for my mentioning his weight and his sitting on the Porta-Potty all day long while institutionalized, it is only because when I happen to start posting, there he is once again starting with his stalking and trolling. I am sure you are not fully unconscious to this. How come with his many posts, you really have not said anything to his stalking and trolling? I guess it is the same reason why you didn't take part yesterday when other posters were talking negatively about Sunni Man. I have a great idea. Instead of you having Sunni Man's back, so to speak, why not see if you can pull the creep out of the institution on a wheelbarrel, onto a plane, and then visit the desert for Valentine's Day and make out on the sands like that scene on the beach in From Here to Eternity. Those also in the desert will have fun watching you and your cyber boyfriend carrying on. I hope that Coyote tells us how this romantic interlude went.

Dear Sally. I don't know how to break this to you but Sunni will have nothing to do with me. I think it's the fleas. I promised to resolve the issue by summer but he still waffled. I think he's rather pining. I'm sure you could gladden his heart with a few gentle words and maybe a day at a Theme Park :) It's rather unfair of you to lead him on you know, by wearing your heart on your sleeve with these OP's directed at him...unless you are playing hard to get here.
Ah guys are just so funny together :lol:

ps - don't you know that the best way to encourage teasing is to react it to it? Believe me...a childhood spent with a younger brother taught me well.

You are not kidding anyone here, Coyote. I, too, have a younger brother, and if I saw him bullying someone in real life, I would have a talk with him. If there happened to be an Internet and forums when we were younger and I saw him trolling and stalking others, I would also have a talk with him. I have noticed that you have had nothing to say about Sunni Man's ridiculous posts even when others bring up the stupid things he says, just like they have done today. That's tells a lot about you. Now have you anything to say about what is going on in the Middle East besides sticking up for your cyber boyfriend once again?

By the way, since I never actually see Sunni Man's posts unless someone happens to quote him and all I get are the alerts which tell me that this crackpot has started with his trolling and stalking, could you possibly tell us the number of posts he has made in response to my threads (just for this month so far to make it easy for you) and then give us the number of times I have actually referred to Fat Sunni in my posts. This will show everyone the extent of our "conversations" as a"cute couple." In addition, why not send him a greeting card for Valentine's Day to show him that you really care?

You take things way too seriously. My younger brother knew just how to push my buttons. He was an unmerciful teaser, and there was only one year between us. He'd push, I'd react. Don't react or just play back :dunno: It's usually a good tactic with folks that have a good sense of humor. Perhaps that tells you a lot more about me then you think ;)

As the the Middle East....your OP began with a paragraph about Sunni's Guiness Record weight problem and atrocious potty habits....that's rather an invitation to go off topic, no? :lol:

Dear Sunni's Cyber Girlfriend. We are not talking about your brother but about the lunatic's trolling and stalking, which of course you have no problem. As for my mentioning his weight and his sitting on the Porta-Potty all day long while institutionalized, it is only because when I happen to start posting, there he is once again starting with his stalking and trolling. I am sure you are not fully unconscious to this. How come with his many posts, you really have not said anything to his stalking and trolling? I guess it is the same reason why you didn't take part yesterday when other posters were talking negatively about Sunni Man. I have a great idea. Instead of you having Sunni Man's back, so to speak, why not see if you can pull the creep out of the institution on a wheelbarrel, onto a plane, and then visit the desert for Valentine's Day and make out on the sands like that scene on the beach in From Here to Eternity. Those also in the desert will have fun watching you and your cyber boyfriend carrying on. I hope that Coyote tells us how this romantic interlude went.

Dear Sally. I don't know how to break this to you but Sunni will have nothing to do with me. I think it's the fleas. I promised to resolve the issue by summer but he still waffled. I think he's rather pining. I'm sure you could gladden his heart with a few gentle words and maybe a day at a Theme Park :) It's rather unfair of you to lead him on you know, by wearing your heart on your sleeve with these OP's directed at him...unless you are playing hard to get here.

I realize you think you are being clever, right from your original post; however, you really are not. You are just being transparent. Now let's see. Coyote is unwilling to give the number of trolling and stalking posts her cyber boyfriend has made when I have started news threads for just the last two weeks (can you imagine if she were asked to give the number for the last year?), Meanwhile, she is also unwilling to give the number of posts I have referenced her boyfriend when I become aware that he has started trolling my threads via the Alert system the minute I start posting.. Naturally she cannot even find any posts where I have responded directly to her boyfriend's silly posts. Strange that she popped on here after there were other posters making her boyfriend look ridiculous on another thread. Perhaps she wanted to fake it and show others a "different side" of her boyfriend, such as his being part of a "cute couple" with me. Regardless, I do hope that Coyote brings back some great pictures of her and Fatso taken during the rendezvous they are going to have for Valentine's Day.
Sally, you just need to chill :dunno:
Sally, you just need to chill :dunno:

And what was the purpose of you being the one starting off on this? Did you think you were being clever when it is quite obvious to others what your cyber boyriend is doing -- trolling and stalking me? By the way, when your cyber boyfriend started his thread about the Saudi man saying women would be raped if they drove, why didn't you join in on that thread? I would think that you as a woman would have been interested in putting in your opinion about that instead of your silly remark about Fatso and me. Instead of telling me to chill, why not tell Fatso to stop his usual unless, of course, you enjoy seeing what he is doing?
Sally, you just need to chill :dunno:

And what was the purpose of you being the one starting off on this? Did you think you were being clever when it is quite obvious to others what your cyber boyriend is doing -- trolling and stalking me? By the way, when your cyber boyfriend started his thread about the Saudi man saying women would be raped if they drove, why didn't you join in on that thread? I would think that you as a woman would have been interested in putting in your opinion about that instead of your silly remark about Fatso and me. Instead of telling me to chill, why not tell Fatso to stop his usual unless, of course, you enjoy seeing what he is doing?

Your OP
Yoo hoo, Fatso Sunni. If you weren't such a two-ton slob who has to sit on a Porta-potty all day long waiting for someone to post like the good stalker that you are, you might have been able to help in the fight against ISIS.

Sally, you just need to chill :dunno:

And what was the purpose of you being the one starting off on this? Did you think you were being clever when it is quite obvious to others what your cyber boyriend is doing -- trolling and stalking me? By the way, when your cyber boyfriend started his thread about the Saudi man saying women would be raped if they drove, why didn't you join in on that thread? I would think that you as a woman would have been interested in putting in your opinion about that instead of your silly remark about Fatso and me. Instead of telling me to chill, why not tell Fatso to stop his usual unless, of course, you enjoy seeing what he is doing?

Your OP
Yoo hoo, Fatso Sunni. If you weren't such a two-ton slob who has to sit on a Porta-potty all day long waiting for someone to post like the good stalker that you are, you might have been able to help in the fight against ISIS.

Oh boy, so you didn't like me referring to your cyber boyfriend as a two-ton slob sitting on a Porta-Potty. Perhaps if you found a way to get him out of his room for a little exercise, he wouldn't be so fat. Love certainly is blind because as everyone can see, Fatso has been constantly trolling and stalking me, and Coyote has not one word to say about that to him. Even though I never answer her Cyber boyfriend's trolling posts, she thought we were a "cute couple" by my calling him a two-ton slob. Nothing to say about what Fatso is doing, Coyote? Guess you must think it is A OK and lots of fun. Thanks for showing the viewers that you have a problem with me calling him Fatso but no problem with his constant trolling and stalking. By the way, have you any news to impart to the viewers about what is happening in, for example, the Gulf States? Surely you don't want the viewers to think you only come here to back up the Sunni troll.
Na, I don't care how you refer to him. It's kind of funny. I'm just saying your OP sets the tone for the thread :)
Na, I don't care how you refer to him. It's kind of funny. I'm just saying your OP sets the tone for the thread :)

My post set the tone??? How about all his posts trolling and stalking me day in and day out, many times the minute I get on the forum to post, of which you seem loathe to criticize him? Evidently you must be thrilled with his trolling and stalking me, and I am sure the other viewers have picked up on that or else you would have said something. By the way, since you have found it very difficult to say anything about Fatso's trolling and stalking me (love is blind after all), on your next vacation as a treat for Fatso instead if his trolling and stalking constantly while locked up in his room, why not take him to visit this place? As a convert to Islam, he should enjoy it very much. This way when you come back, you will have something to report to this forum about at least one thing happening in some Middle East country and Fatso would have gotten a rest away from hIs computer. Start saving your money because it is probably quite expensive staying in Dubai.

Dubai s Holy Quran Park takes shape to open in September - Emirates 24 7
All I'm saying Sally is here in Zone 3, he is not breaking any rules - just as you aren't. Honestly - all sniping aside - have you ever used Ignore feature? It works well.
All I'm saying Sally is here in Zone 3, he is not breaking any rules - just as you aren't. Honestly - all sniping aside - have you ever used Ignore feature? It works well.

I don't put anyone on Ignore, plus I can see how others react to his silly posts, posts of which you completely pass over, especially those concerning women. I would think that since you are a woman, you would have wanted to say something.. It was far more important for you to jump in and call us a "cute couple" when I don't even respond to any of his silly posts. So, OK, you don't want to take your cyber boyfriend to the new park in Dubai that I suggested. How about seeing if you can somehow get Fatso into the desert? It will be so romantic. Then you can come back and tell us all how the rendezvous turned out. I would ask you to take some pictures of the really "cute couple" on camels, but I don't think the poor camel could hold Fatso's weight without collapsing.

Heaven on Earth The Hidden Oasis of the Arabian Desert?

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