Baltimore Ambush: Trump forces Democrats to defend the indefensible, Again

That’s the genius. 5 seconds on Twitter he bought tens of millions of dollars of free advertising and has exposed Democrats for what they really are.
Trump's genius is knowing how to dog-whistle you, weather. Those tens of millions of dollars also exposed THIS: Jared Kushner owns Baltimore apartments ‘infested’ with rodents, mould and maggots
Kushner represents Baltimore in Congress? He allocated billions of dollars to be wasted in Baltimore? No that was democrats
Of Course Jared doesn't represent Baltimore in Congress. He is just the guy that contributes to the problem, or even creates it, by allowing his properties to become 'infested' slums and doing little more than collecting rents, living off the misery of people stranded there.
How? He put rats in the building??
He do anything to stop them?
Baltimore Ambush: Trump forces Democrats to defend the indefensible, Again
28 Jan 19 ~ By Monica Showalter
President Trump has done it again. Just as he forced Democrats to defend the far-left 'Squad' in his unexpected ambush on Rep. Ilhan Omar and her pals, he's now forcing Democrats to own the urban shambles and filth that characterize one-party blue-city rule, putting all Democrats on their backfoot. Thus far, Democrats are fighting back by yelling 'racism.' It's a tired, weak weapon, grotesquely overused, and unlikely to rally black voters to Democrats, given the truth of Trump's tweets. What's more, it can't be employed by Pelosi, who's white. The issue and the narrative Trump is pushing out there is that all-blue cities are hellholes and they've been made hellholes because Democrats did it.
This is political brutality cubed, a sign that Trump is a going to be formidable candidate to Democrats seeking to unhorse him. What it shows is Trump not only means to 'win' against his opponents, he intends to annihilate them. His election game is on and he's not playing beanbag. He using the same powerful tactics he was able use on Pelosi and her bickering 'squad' which had the effect of forcing Pelosi to defend the indefensible and making Rep. Ilhan Omar the face of the Democratic Party. Now he's making urban decay the second face of the Democratic Party. His poll numbers went up after the first one. Count on them going up again after this.
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Democrats simply cannot see that President Trump is continually at least one step ahead of them, they keep falling into his political traps time and again. This is one of the costs of allowing themselves to become so invested in hating someone that they can't see straight.
Trump derangement syndrome, ( T.D.S.) is so fierce that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats can only focus on their hatred of the man, never mind working with him for the good of the nation. Worse for the Democrats, they are impervious to the cost of appearing to be willing to harm the future of America just to get Trump over a barrel. Rather we've witnessed the PMS/DSA group make fools of themselves every time Trump sets them up for a fall. The PMS/DSA simply cannot help themselves. It's as though there is a mental defect caused by a defective gene.
Ironically, Jared owns 9,000 rental properties in Baltimore. Many have been cited for having rat infestations.

If Trump cares about Baltimore he could just make a call to his son-in-law.
/—-/ Why don’t you buy an apartment building in Baltimore and show us how it’s done?
Yes he allowed it. It’s his district he’s asked for billions and they are making movies in his district about RATS!
Jared allowed it and is profiting yet he has no responsibility? Baltimore is in MD which currently has a GOP governor. Does that make the GOP responsible?
Baltimore had a Mayor that said give them space to destroy
Maryland had a GOP governor that vetoed programs that might have helped Baltimore.
Gov. Larry Hogan’s vetoed a bill that will gradually increase the state’s minimum wage to $15 per hour.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan vetoes transportation scoring bill
raise the minimum wage = job losses ---DUH

from YOUR link:
In the context of numerous bills considered this session to erode the long-established powers of Maryland's Executive Branch, House Bill 2013 infringes upon the Maryland Department of Transportation authority for identifying priorities in local jurisdictions throughout the State," Hogan wrote.

"Put simply, this bill is just bad public policy."
and you are saying it was wrong???!!!! hahahhahahahah
Baltimore Ambush: Trump forces Democrats to defend the indefensible, Again
28 Jan 19 ~ By Monica Showalter
President Trump has done it again. Just as he forced Democrats to defend the far-left 'Squad' in his unexpected ambush on Rep. Ilhan Omar and her pals, he's now forcing Democrats to own the urban shambles and filth that characterize one-party blue-city rule, putting all Democrats on their backfoot. Thus far, Democrats are fighting back by yelling 'racism.' It's a tired, weak weapon, grotesquely overused, and unlikely to rally black voters to Democrats, given the truth of Trump's tweets. What's more, it can't be employed by Pelosi, who's white. The issue and the narrative Trump is pushing out there is that all-blue cities are hellholes and they've been made hellholes because Democrats did it.
This is political brutality cubed, a sign that Trump is a going to be formidable candidate to Democrats seeking to unhorse him. What it shows is Trump not only means to 'win' against his opponents, he intends to annihilate them. His election game is on and he's not playing beanbag. He using the same powerful tactics he was able use on Pelosi and her bickering 'squad' which had the effect of forcing Pelosi to defend the indefensible and making Rep. Ilhan Omar the face of the Democratic Party. Now he's making urban decay the second face of the Democratic Party. His poll numbers went up after the first one. Count on them going up again after this.
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Democrats simply cannot see that President Trump is continually at least one step ahead of them, they keep falling into his political traps time and again. This is one of the costs of allowing themselves to become so invested in hating someone that they can't see straight.
Trump derangement syndrome, ( T.D.S.) is so fierce that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats can only focus on their hatred of the man, never mind working with him for the good of the nation. Worse for the Democrats, they are impervious to the cost of appearing to be willing to harm the future of America just to get Trump over a barrel. Rather we've witnessed the PMS/DSA group make fools of themselves every time Trump sets them up for a fall. The PMS/DSA simply cannot help themselves. It's as though there is a mental defect caused by a defective gene.
Lol, he's and his loyal tRumpkins are the ones "defending the indefensible".

Attacking American cities? Really? Can you get any more unAmerican than that?

Neither "the squad" nor Baltimore have any need to defend anything.
He attacked democrat representation of the city, policy.. not sure what you are talking about?
There's an underlying problem here.
Remember the "family" feud at Disney just a few weeks ago?
You can take savages out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the savages

I'm convinced there's a "savage" gene that some blacks have. Most do not...but too many do.
( could also be they simply lack the genes to be civil)
These people are not going to change. Wherever they congregate will become violent and slum.

Most decent blacks despise those savages too.

And Democrat leadership is more than happy to exploit that in exchange for power. It explains why conditions in those places never improve....and will not improve.

Jared allowed it and is profiting yet he has no responsibility? Baltimore is in MD which currently has a GOP governor. Does that make the GOP responsible?
Baltimore had a Mayor that said give them space to destroy
Maryland had a GOP governor that vetoed programs that might have helped Baltimore.
Gov. Larry Hogan’s vetoed a bill that will gradually increase the state’s minimum wage to $15 per hour.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan vetoes transportation scoring bill
Lol forcing small business to pay 15 an hour closes small business, puts people out of work.. are you this retarted??
I do not believe that. I know that is the battle cry of businesses, but it has also been the primary complaint since Henry Ford increased wages so that his employees had the means to buy the product they made. Other corporations cried foul, but Ford flourished. More money in the hands of workers has always been a Republican criteria for lower taxes, and more money in the hands of under paid and under-employed is just as beneficial for our economy too.
Trump owns the Democrats. He has them screaming for illegals to flood our nation, defending the squad, defending shitholes just last year Democrats were calling shitholes.

Trump is one of history’s greatest political geniuses.

Baltimore Ambush: Trump forces Democrats to defend the indefensible, again.

I would never claim Trump is a political genius but he is one of the greatest Trolls ever when trolling the left and right...
That’s the genius. 5 seconds on Twitter he bought tens of millions of dollars of free advertising and has exposed Democrats for what they really are.
Trump's genius is knowing how to dog-whistle you, weather. Those tens of millions of dollars also exposed THIS: Jared Kushner owns Baltimore apartments ‘infested’ with rodents, mould and maggots
Kushner represents Baltimore in Congress? He allocated billions of dollars to be wasted in Baltimore? No that was democrats
Of Course Jared doesn't represent Baltimore in Congress. He is just the guy that contributes to the problem, or even creates it, by allowing his properties to become 'infested' slums and doing little more than collecting rents, living off the misery of people stranded there.

The properties Kushner owns in Baltimore were Infested Slums long before the young man thought to buy them.

He didn't bring in the rats.

It isn't Mr. Kushner and his wife who piss and shit in the hallways of his apartment houses, he isn't the one leaving his used hypodermic on the stoops.

Kushner is a VICTIM of Mr. Cummings and other leaders' incompetence. He'd love to see the civic leaders of Baltimore clean up the city, so he could bring in quality tenants willing to pay more in rent
Lol forcing small business to pay 15 an hour closes small business, puts people out of work.. are you this retarted??
I do not believe that. I know that is the battle cry of businesses, but it has also been the primary complaint since Henry Ford increased wages so that his employees had the means to buy the product they made. Other corporations cried foul, but Ford flourished. More money in the hands of workers has always been a Republican criteria for lower taxes, and more money in the hands of under paid and under-employed is just as beneficial for our economy too.
You are brain dead... it will close thousands of businesses... you like that because it will force millions on welfare
Baltimore Ambush: Trump forces Democrats to defend the indefensible, Again
28 Jan 19 ~ By Monica Showalter
President Trump has done it again. Just as he forced Democrats to defend the far-left 'Squad' in his unexpected ambush on Rep. Ilhan Omar and her pals, he's now forcing Democrats to own the urban shambles and filth that characterize one-party blue-city rule, putting all Democrats on their backfoot. Thus far, Democrats are fighting back by yelling 'racism.' It's a tired, weak weapon, grotesquely overused, and unlikely to rally black voters to Democrats, given the truth of Trump's tweets. What's more, it can't be employed by Pelosi, who's white. The issue and the narrative Trump is pushing out there is that all-blue cities are hellholes and they've been made hellholes because Democrats did it.
This is political brutality cubed, a sign that Trump is a going to be formidable candidate to Democrats seeking to unhorse him. What it shows is Trump not only means to 'win' against his opponents, he intends to annihilate them. His election game is on and he's not playing beanbag. He using the same powerful tactics he was able use on Pelosi and her bickering 'squad' which had the effect of forcing Pelosi to defend the indefensible and making Rep. Ilhan Omar the face of the Democratic Party. Now he's making urban decay the second face of the Democratic Party. His poll numbers went up after the first one. Count on them going up again after this.
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Democrats simply cannot see that President Trump is continually at least one step ahead of them, they keep falling into his political traps time and again. This is one of the costs of allowing themselves to become so invested in hating someone that they can't see straight.
Trump derangement syndrome, ( T.D.S.) is so fierce that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats can only focus on their hatred of the man, never mind working with him for the good of the nation. Worse for the Democrats, they are impervious to the cost of appearing to be willing to harm the future of America just to get Trump over a barrel. Rather we've witnessed the PMS/DSA group make fools of themselves every time Trump sets them up for a fall. The PMS/DSA simply cannot help themselves. It's as though there is a mental defect caused by a defective gene.
Lol, he's and his loyal tRumpkins are the ones "defending the indefensible".

Attacking American cities? Really? Can you get any more unAmerican than that?

Neither "the squad" nor Baltimore have any need to defend anything.
which part of the tweet attacked Baltimore the city? The fact that there are rats in the city? well are there? how is that attacking the city exactly? perhaps you should go back to school and learn comprehension. you fail at it miserably.
Lol forcing small business to pay 15 an hour closes small business, puts people out of work.. are you this retarted??
I do not believe that. I know that is the battle cry of businesses, but it has also been the primary complaint since Henry Ford increased wages so that his employees had the means to buy the product they made. Other corporations cried foul, but Ford flourished. More money in the hands of workers has always been a Republican criteria for lower taxes, and more money in the hands of under paid and under-employed is just as beneficial for our economy too. matter what, the people get fked--the businesses will have to raise their prices so the people will pay more
.....15$ an hour for sweeping a floor/etc???!!!!
Henry Ford increased wages so that his employees had the means to buy the product they made. .

Ford raised pay to establish stability in his workforce. Not so people could afford to buy Fords.

Henry Ford's idea was that the money would ensure a more stable, reliable workforce who would produce a more consistent product.
So what has the GOP done to help Baltimore?
Called out you inept and corrupt leftists and ask to be given the opportunity to fix it.
What is the track record of the GOP helping cities? What are their proposals?

the track record of Mayor Rudolph Guiliani in New York during the 1990's is fabulous.

The key is to reduce crime.

Lock up the criminal element, and the Decent People will thrive.

Crime plummeted during the Guiliani administration.
raise the minimum wage = job losses ---DUH

from YOUR link:
In the context of numerous bills considered this session to erode the long-established powers of Maryland's Executive Branch, House Bill 2013 infringes upon the Maryland Department of Transportation authority for identifying priorities in local jurisdictions throughout the State," Hogan wrote.

"Put simply, this bill is just bad public policy."
and you are saying it was wrong???!!!! hahahhahahahah
Modern economic theory predicts that although an excessive minimum wage may raise unemployment as it fixes a price above most demand for labor, a minimum wage at a more reasonable level can increase employment, and enhance growth and efficiency. What is a reasonable level is subject to debate.

It was bad policy for rural (GOP) voters but good policy for more urban and suburban voters.
Lol forcing small business to pay 15 an hour closes small business, puts people out of work.. are you this retarted??
I do not believe that. I know that is the battle cry of businesses, but it has also been the primary complaint since Henry Ford increased wages so that his employees had the means to buy the product they made. Other corporations cried foul, but Ford flourished. More money in the hands of workers has always been a Republican criteria for lower taxes, and more money in the hands of under paid and under-employed is just as beneficial for our economy too.
/—-/ Ford did raise wages, but if was more complex and for other reasons than you state.
Baltimore Ambush: Trump forces Democrats to defend the indefensible, Again
28 Jan 19 ~ By Monica Showalter
President Trump has done it again. Just as he forced Democrats to defend the far-left 'Squad' in his unexpected ambush on Rep. Ilhan Omar and her pals, he's now forcing Democrats to own the urban shambles and filth that characterize one-party blue-city rule, putting all Democrats on their backfoot. Thus far, Democrats are fighting back by yelling 'racism.' It's a tired, weak weapon, grotesquely overused, and unlikely to rally black voters to Democrats, given the truth of Trump's tweets. What's more, it can't be employed by Pelosi, who's white. The issue and the narrative Trump is pushing out there is that all-blue cities are hellholes and they've been made hellholes because Democrats did it.
This is political brutality cubed, a sign that Trump is a going to be formidable candidate to Democrats seeking to unhorse him. What it shows is Trump not only means to 'win' against his opponents, he intends to annihilate them. His election game is on and he's not playing beanbag. He using the same powerful tactics he was able use on Pelosi and her bickering 'squad' which had the effect of forcing Pelosi to defend the indefensible and making Rep. Ilhan Omar the face of the Democratic Party. Now he's making urban decay the second face of the Democratic Party. His poll numbers went up after the first one. Count on them going up again after this.
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Democrats simply cannot see that President Trump is continually at least one step ahead of them, they keep falling into his political traps time and again. This is one of the costs of allowing themselves to become so invested in hating someone that they can't see straight.
Trump derangement syndrome, ( T.D.S.) is so fierce that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats can only focus on their hatred of the man, never mind working with him for the good of the nation. Worse for the Democrats, they are impervious to the cost of appearing to be willing to harm the future of America just to get Trump over a barrel. Rather we've witnessed the PMS/DSA group make fools of themselves every time Trump sets them up for a fall. The PMS/DSA simply cannot help themselves. It's as though there is a mental defect caused by a defective gene.
Lol, he's and his loyal tRumpkins are the ones "defending the indefensible".

Attacking American cities? Really? Can you get any more unAmerican than that?

Neither "the squad" nor Baltimore have any need to defend anything.
He attacked democrat representation of the city, policy.. not sure what you are talking about?
Damn, you guy will twist anything he says into a positive in your heads won't you.

Talk about spin.....
it wasn't long ago trump did his GO BACK HOME cry that while i think it was stupid and furthers the divide, the fact of the matter is we *are* divided and if Trump were to "play nice" the left would keep pushing w/o ANY pushback at all. so while i think he's continuing the divide, he's also bringing it to a head which no one really wanted to do.

but what trump did in this move was make these (4) ladies the face of the "new" democrats. i think we can all agree that gang of (4) is about as extreme left as you can get. today anyway. in making them the face of the left, he's forcing the left to either admit they *are* all this way or stand up to them and back them down. (good luck with that).

now he's doing it again. he's calling out the cities that are literally falling apart and have been given gov $$$ after gov $$$ to waste and not fix their problems but instead, make them exponentially worse. he's making the left leadership own their failures. it may be rude sure, but how do you politely say "clean the feces off your streets" w/o offending anyone? the fear of offending people is how we got the feces there to begin with.

it amazes me we have >60k homeless in one of our greatest cities. it even more amazes me we empower them to do more of the same by making it legal to camp out where ever they wish. if front of your home? sorry, you can't make them feel bad about their situation. then we move to SF where they'll ban vaping but give clean needles for illegal drugs to the homeless and quietly work to clean the feces off the streets of the most expensive place to live in this country.

but these things MUST be called out and dealt with.

if we could only attack our issues with the same energy we attack each other, i think we'd actually get some things done.
So what has the GOP done to help Baltimore?
Called out you inept and corrupt leftists and ask to be given the opportunity to fix it.
What is the track record of the GOP helping cities? What are their proposals?
the track record of Mayor Rudolph Guiliani in New York during the 1990's is fabulous.

The key is to reduce crime.

Lock up the criminal element, and the Decent People will thrive.

Crime plummeted during the Guiliani administration.
Crime in all cities went down around that time. The Police Commissioner he appointed was great but Giuliani fired him for that very reason.

His record is more nuanced than 'fabulous'. He did get rid of the rag men and public urinaters and that made him very popular. He also sued gun makers and pushed legislation providing broad protection for same-sex partners. One of Giuliani's three major campaign promises was to fix public schools. However, he cut the public school budget in New York City by $2 billion from 1994 to 1997 and trimmed the school repairs budget by $4.7 billion, and test scores declined during his terms.

As Mayor of New York City, Giuliani encouraged hardworking illegal immigrants to move to New York City. He said in 1994:
Some of the hardest-working and most productive people in this city are undocumented aliens. If you come here and you work hard and you happen to be in an undocumented status, you're one of the people who we want in this city. You're somebody that we want to protect, and we want you to get out from under what is often a life of being like a fugitive, which is really unfair."​

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