Baltimore’s “Space to Destroy” Mayor Working w/Terror Linked Islamic Group


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Baltimore’s “Space to Destroy” Mayor Working w/Terror Linked Islamic Group

If you want to create “Space to Destroy”, why not go all the way?
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlins-Blake is all about creating “Space to Destroy” for misguided youth. But most of Baltimore still hasn’t been destroyed. It’s time to bring in the talented folks who destroyed Syria to get the job done.
Ann at the invaluable Refugee Resettlement Watch blog has the story.
Islamic Relief USA is helping immigrants and refugees to find promising opportunities as instruments of economic and community growth in Baltimore.
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlins-Blake recognized the successes of this program at a local film screening this past Wednesday. She congratulated prospective home buyers and urged non-profits to continue supporting this work.
In Next City’s film “Building Resilience in Baltimore through Immigration,” immigrants are portrayed as key actors in societal change.
Islamic migrants are unquestionably key actors in social change. Just ask the Christians of Syria… if you can find them.
Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced at her inauguration in December 2011 that she would work to grow the city by 10,000 families within a decade.
“I am inspired by the optimism, determination, and resilience of immigrant communities living in our city and their ability to rebuild a brighter future after great adversity,” Rawlings-Blake said in a statement.
And nothing says great adversity like Baltimore. Now with more Afghans and Sudanese.

THis bitch is just doing what comes natural to her backwards race.
THis bitch is just doing what comes natural to her backwards race.

Matthew... you give her race way too much leeway when you refer to it as "backwards". That goddamn race doesn't even qualify as part of humankind. There are four legged animal species that are higher up on the humanity scale that that.

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