Ban The Burka Day


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
AN anti-burqa protest will go ahead today despite fears it could provoke Cronulla riot-style hysteria.
The "Ban the Burqa Day", instigated on Facebook by three Geelong men, encourages participants to wear balaclavas and masks during their everyday activities.

About 19,000 people have pledged to take part.

Organiser Brad Hutchinson said he had been inundated with messages of support, but also condemnation since the protest was reported in the Herald Sun last Thursday.

The 23-year-old hospitality worker will cover his face today despite working in customer service and being "very" claustrophobic.

He rejected claims the event was racist.

"We just want a blanket ban or a blanket lifting of face coverings, period," he said.

Islamic leaders fear the event will promote bigotry and police have warned protesters not to breach anti-discrimination laws.

Read more: Fears 'Ban the Burqa Day' will provoke hysteria |
Why should we be "Banning" anything? I am about Choice.... God is about Choice... that's why he gave us free will. I don't give a crap if Muslim women want to wear a burqua... I don't care if they want to wear a live Cobra on top of their long as it's their choice.

I don't think Muslim Men ought to be making rules for Muslim women. Women are every bit as capable of making their own decisions as a man.
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I believe in freedom of choice. And so I will choose not to wear a burka today (No real lose to me, i mean there arent many men who do anyway). and I will let anyone else do as they choose.

Im against forcing people to do anything. So I hope you arent suggesting that
I don't think banning a burqa is feasible. If women want to cover themselves, fine. But it should be THEIR choice. However, there should be stipulations. No covering of facial features in government places, getting licenses, DRIVING a car, wearing one at work, etc. Wanna go to the market and cover yourself? Knock yourself out. But if an official or your employer says no face covering....then that should be the law.
I don't think the Burka was a womans invention.
Everyday I participate in a personal ban of all religious clothing apparel and ornaments. Why limit it to one day?

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