Banana republic…

did you know that 10 in 10 Hillary supporters actually think that a banana republic is any country that grows bananas as their main source of income, like the state of New Hampshire and Vermont?
Oh that's silly. Hillary voters know the earth is billions of years old. They know vaccines protect us from illness. They know were weren't shimmered into being from dirt. They don't think some math is fuzzy because they use letters instead of numbers in things called "formulas". You would have to be a lunatic to think Hillary supporters are that stupid.

Hillary voters are sane! The loserterians are the ones that want to turn us into some backwards shit hole.
The moochers grow each year Democrats are in control.

Word . Mooching police and military.


Are police and military not gov employees ? That stat fails to mention just where these gov jobs are .

The "job creators" took their tax cuts, shipped them overseas and turned the people who lost their jobs into hamburger flippers. Way to go, Dubya!!!

Dont forget wild bill signed off on nafta.
but whose Idea was Nafta??? answer: rocket scientist, Ronald Reagan ... the republicans jesus ...
Socialism always has been and always will be a failure to any society, it's a failed concept made up by.control freaks

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