Bandar Bush's and Bibi's Great Plan


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"Strange bedfellows indeed. Bibi Netanyahu, with the full throated backing of the American Israeli Political Action Committee, and the Saudis have mounted an impressive, coordinated effort to push the United States into moving against Syria as a means of weakening Iran. Important to note, key Israeli intelligence and military leaders are against this.

Netanyahu, as the representative of the Likud faction in Israel, and the Saudis are terrified of Iran.

"They are not concerned at all about the fact that the U.S. policy in Iraq, specifically the dismantling of the Saddam Hussein regime, created the opening for the expansion of Iranian influence in the region.

"Netanyahu worries that Hezbollah, a key ally of Iran, sits to its immediate north and has developed a formidable military force. This is not the Hezbollah of 1980. They are strong, popular and demonstrate the organizational prowess of a nation state. In many respects, they are a state within the confines of Lebanon."

Bibi and Bandar would have you believe degrading Assad's control over his massive stockpiles of chemical weapons will save Syrian lives; Obama concurs.

"The Saudis and the Netanyahu crowd are pushing this desperate line and the Obama Administration is going along with the charade. Obama repeats this nonsense without pausing to acknowledge the absurd inconsistencies in his position.

"Take the WMD issue.

"At present, Syria’s military retains tight control over the stockpiles of Chemical weapons. The rebels fighting the Syria Government have been kept at bay, so far. And Obama’s solution? Degrade the Syrian military, which means a higher likelihood that those chemical weapons depots would fall into the hands of the Syria Islamic jihadists eager to oust Bashir Assad and create their own version Sharia rule. Yeah, that’s a great plan."

Are You Ready to Go to War for Bibi Netanyahu and the Saudis? : NO QUARTER USA NET

And then all the "real men" will march on to Tehran.
"Strange bedfellows indeed. Bibi Netanyahu, with the full throated backing of the American Israeli Political Action Committee, and the Saudis have mounted an impressive, coordinated effort to push the United States into moving against Syria as a means of weakening Iran. Important to note, key Israeli intelligence and military leaders are against this.

Netanyahu, as the representative of the Likud faction in Israel, and the Saudis are terrified of Iran.

"They are not concerned at all about the fact that the U.S. policy in Iraq, specifically the dismantling of the Saddam Hussein regime, created the opening for the expansion of Iranian influence in the region.

"Netanyahu worries that Hezbollah, a key ally of Iran, sits to its immediate north and has developed a formidable military force. This is not the Hezbollah of 1980. They are strong, popular and demonstrate the organizational prowess of a nation state. In many respects, they are a state within the confines of Lebanon."

Bibi and Bandar would have you believe degrading Assad's control over his massive stockpiles of chemical weapons will save Syrian lives; Obama concurs.

"The Saudis and the Netanyahu crowd are pushing this desperate line and the Obama Administration is going along with the charade. Obama repeats this nonsense without pausing to acknowledge the absurd inconsistencies in his position.

"Take the WMD issue.

"At present, Syria’s military retains tight control over the stockpiles of Chemical weapons. The rebels fighting the Syria Government have been kept at bay, so far. And Obama’s solution? Degrade the Syrian military, which means a higher likelihood that those chemical weapons depots would fall into the hands of the Syria Islamic jihadists eager to oust Bashir Assad and create their own version Sharia rule. Yeah, that’s a great plan."

Are You Ready to Go to War for Bibi Netanyahu and the Saudis? : NO QUARTER USA NET

And then all the "real men" will march on to Tehran.

A bunch of friggin nutters fershur!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
The friggin' nutters are also highly adept at lying:

Obama and Kerry Are Lying About Syria : NO QUARTER USA NET

"My friends in the CIA are still around and they are now warning me that both the United States and the United Kingdom know that Bashir Assad is not responsible for the incident on 21 August that killed and maimed Syrian civilians. While it is true that a chemical of some sort caused the fatalities and injuries, it was not the result of an attack by the Syrian Army using military quality chemical weapons from the Syrian arsenal. The CIA knows that this is the case yet, with John Brennan at the head of the Agency, is deliberately lying and misleading members of Congress, the media and the public."

It's worth investigating the relationship between Brennan and Obama.
There are some alleging it began about the time Obama transferred from Occidental College in Los Angeles to Columbia in New York where Obama obtained a degree in Political Science specializing in international relations. It may be he and Brennan first met about this time with Brennan convincing the future president to spend his summers in Pakistan and Afghanistan possibly in the employ of the CIA. During the 2008 presidential primaries, there was a burglary that pilfered McCain's, Clinton's and Obama's passport records from that time. FWIW, I think Israel will stage another USS Liberty-type incident somewhere in the Middle East (Jordan?) if congress prevents Obama from lobbing missiles into Syria.
And the author of the blog you're quoting from has had no difficulty in lying himself.......
Larry C. Johnson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In 2013, Johnson falsely accused John Kerry of war crimes in Vietnam, alleging that Kerry had "raped some poor Vietnamese woman."[29] To support his claim, Johnson used a YouTube video[30] that contained audio clips from a 1971 debate on The Dick Cavett Show between John Kerry and John O'Neill. The original interview[31] audio[32] was altered to piece together words that Kerry spoke at different times during the debate, falsely making it sound as if he said, "I personally raped for pleasure." When the falsehood was exposed by a reader of Johnson's blog, Johnson deleted the article without apology.[33]"

People who want to condemn others for lying ought to at least make apologies when they themselves are caught lying.......
And the author of the blog you're quoting from has had no difficulty in lying himself.......
Larry C. Johnson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In 2013, Johnson falsely accused John Kerry of war crimes in Vietnam, alleging that Kerry had "raped some poor Vietnamese woman."[29] To support his claim, Johnson used a YouTube video[30] that contained audio clips from a 1971 debate on The Dick Cavett Show between John Kerry and John O'Neill. The original interview[31] audio[32] was altered to piece together words that Kerry spoke at different times during the debate, falsely making it sound as if he said, "I personally raped for pleasure." When the falsehood was exposed by a reader of Johnson's blog, Johnson deleted the article without apology.[33]"

People who want to condemn others for lying ought to at least make apologies when they themselves are caught lying.......
Except Johnson wasn't lying, unlike you and yours, Marg:

"NOTE–There is a comment below that needs to be explained. I received a link to a video late Saturday claiming to be John Kerry admitting to a crime in Vietnam. I put that up and then, thanks to an astute reader, learned it was a doctored tape. I will not knowingly put anything up on this blog that is untrue. That’s why the piece that some of you saw is no longer there. Lesson learned."

Lesson learned?

Are You Ready to Go to War for Bibi Netanyahu and the Saudis? : NO QUARTER USA NET
Moved to proper forum

I guess you put it in the \me section because there is no proper forum for Jibberish

So why don't you point out any "Jibberesh" in the following:

"And the Saudis?

"They have a big internal problem. Their leaders are old and increasingly out of touch. There is not clear path for passing power to a new generation. And there is a sizable Shia population, albeit a minority (15% of the population) in Saudi Arabia, but they are concentrated in the Eastern provinces.

"Having had to quell a Shia uprising in 1987 during the Haj, the Saudis are worried that Iran could stir up further mischief and destabilize their Kingdom.

"Then there is the matter of oil.

"With Iran now effectively in control of Iraq and its alliances in Syria and Lebanon, it is in a position to shift a substantial flow of oil away from the Persian Gulf through an overland pipeline that will make its way to the Mediterranean.

"The Saudis have a major financial interest in containing and weakening Iran."

Do you honestly believe the US government has the slightest intention of ceasing its long-standing policy of killing, maiming, and displacing millions of Muslim civilians in order to prop up the US Petrodollar?
"Strange bedfellows indeed. Bibi Netanyahu, with the full throated backing of the American Israeli Political Action Committee, and the Saudis have mounted an impressive, coordinated effort to push the United States into moving against Syria as a means of weakening Iran. Important to note, key Israeli intelligence and military leaders are against this.

Netanyahu, as the representative of the Likud faction in Israel, and the Saudis are terrified of Iran.

"They are not concerned at all about the fact that the U.S. policy in Iraq, specifically the dismantling of the Saddam Hussein regime, created the opening for the expansion of Iranian influence in the region.

"Netanyahu worries that Hezbollah, a key ally of Iran, sits to its immediate north and has developed a formidable military force. This is not the Hezbollah of 1980. They are strong, popular and demonstrate the organizational prowess of a nation state. In many respects, they are a state within the confines of Lebanon."

Bibi and Bandar would have you believe degrading Assad's control over his massive stockpiles of chemical weapons will save Syrian lives; Obama concurs.

"The Saudis and the Netanyahu crowd are pushing this desperate line and the Obama Administration is going along with the charade. Obama repeats this nonsense without pausing to acknowledge the absurd inconsistencies in his position.

"Take the WMD issue.

"At present, Syria’s military retains tight control over the stockpiles of Chemical weapons. The rebels fighting the Syria Government have been kept at bay, so far. And Obama’s solution? Degrade the Syrian military, which means a higher likelihood that those chemical weapons depots would fall into the hands of the Syria Islamic jihadists eager to oust Bashir Assad and create their own version Sharia rule. Yeah, that’s a great plan."

Are You Ready to Go to War for Bibi Netanyahu and the Saudis? : NO QUARTER USA NET

And then all the "real men" will march on to Tehran.

A bunch of friggin nutters fershur!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
But all those who are busy killing innocent people in the name of their religion are not nutters, Tinnie? Strange how Tinnie never has anything to say even when innocent Muslim people are being blown up by Muslims of a different sect. By the way, Tinnie, are you practicing to speak as a Valley Girl? Gag me with a spoon!!! I didn't know that you hung out at the Sherman Oaks Galleria with them in the early 80's.
"There is a growing volume of new evidence from numerous sources in the Middle East — mostly affiliated with the Syrian opposition and its sponsors and supporters — which makes a very strong case, based on solid circumstantial evidence, that the August 21, 2013, chemical strike in the Damascus suburbs was indeed a pre-meditated provocation by the Syrian opposition.

"The extent of US foreknowledge of this provocation needs further investigation because available data puts the “horror” of the Barack Obama White House in a different and disturbing light.

"On August 13-14, 2013, Western-sponsored opposition forces in Turkey started advance preparations for a major and irregular military surge..."

Obama?s Small Penis Moment in Syria?This is a US/UK Intel Op : NO QUARTER USA NET

There's little reason to believe the Russian/UN initiative to internationalize Assad's store of chemical weapons is anything more than a speed bump on the road to Tehran.
George the Curious:
:cuckoo: ...the August 21, 2013, chemical strike in the Damascus suburbs was indeed a pre-meditated provocation by the Syrian opposition.... :cuckoo:

Who Knew?

"The Bandar/AIPAC arguments being, pushed by this delegation and being spread around Capitol Hill as part of 'Israel sharing its sterling intelligence' can be summarized as follows:

"The US must avoid half measures to pursue a limited punitive response to the use of chemical weapons. What is needed is a sustained Bosnia style bombing campaign until Bashar al-Assad is removed from office."

Prince Bandar and Zionist Lobby Partnering to Maneuver Obama into Prolonged War with Syria | Foreign Policy Journal
Who Knew?

"The Bandar/AIPAC arguments being, pushed by this delegation and being spread around Capitol Hill as part of 'Israel sharing its sterling intelligence' can be summarized as follows:

"The US must avoid half measures to pursue a limited punitive response to the use of chemical weapons. What is needed is a sustained Bosnia style bombing campaign until Bashar al-Assad is removed from office."

Prince Bandar and Zionist Lobby Partnering to Maneuver Obama into Prolonged War with Syria | Foreign Policy Journal

Now there's a shocker----it's always the guilty party's who stay silent on these deals....:eusa_shhh:
Who Knew?

"The Bandar/AIPAC arguments being, pushed by this delegation and being spread around Capitol Hill as part of 'Israel sharing its sterling intelligence' can be summarized as follows:

"The US must avoid half measures to pursue a limited punitive response to the use of chemical weapons. What is needed is a sustained Bosnia style bombing campaign until Bashar al-Assad is removed from office."

Prince Bandar and Zionist Lobby Partnering to Maneuver Obama into Prolonged War with Syria | Foreign Policy Journal

Now there's a shocker----it's always the guilty party's who stay silent on these deals....:eusa_shhh:
IMHO, many people paying attention to the Long War find it incredible an alliance of Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, along with NATO and a newly created "Free" Kurdistan will be responsible for policing the balkanized states of Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq when the dust settles in the New Middle East. I've no idea who gets to rule over the Persians.
Who Knew?

"The Bandar/AIPAC arguments being, pushed by this delegation and being spread around Capitol Hill as part of 'Israel sharing its sterling intelligence' can be summarized as follows:

"The US must avoid half measures to pursue a limited punitive response to the use of chemical weapons. What is needed is a sustained Bosnia style bombing campaign until Bashar al-Assad is removed from office."

Prince Bandar and Zionist Lobby Partnering to Maneuver Obama into Prolonged War with Syria | Foreign Policy Journal

Now there's a shocker----it's always the guilty party's who stay silent on these deals....:eusa_shhh:
IMHO, many people paying attention to the Long War find it incredible an alliance of Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, along with NATO and a newly created "Free" Kurdistan will be responsible for policing the balkanized states of Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq when the dust settles in the New Middle East. I've no idea who gets to rule over the Persians.

I'm loving to watch the long war play out. We still have General McCain's Arabian Rebels out there in the desert somewhere wondering WTF is going on. I think India will lord over the Persians. I got a good heads up to keep my eye open for Baluchistan to get hot.
Now there's a shocker----it's always the guilty party's who stay silent on these deals....:eusa_shhh:
IMHO, many people paying attention to the Long War find it incredible an alliance of Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, along with NATO and a newly created "Free" Kurdistan will be responsible for policing the balkanized states of Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq when the dust settles in the New Middle East. I've no idea who gets to rule over the Persians.

I'm loving to watch the long war play out. We still have General McCain's Arabian Rebels out there in the desert somewhere wondering WTF is going on. I think India will lord over the Persians. I got a good heads up to keep my eye open for Baluchistan to get hot.
The Balkanization of Iran ?

"Iran has always presented a thorn in the eye of Western policy makers since the Pahlavi dynasty and its resurgent nationalism.

"Being strategically located in a position that affords it to patrol and play a significant part in monitoring and controlling the flux of forty percent of the world's oil flows, the foreign policies of superpower governments teetered between soliciting Iranian support and stability through backing and the focused undermining of Iranian regional power.

"Throughout modern history, we have seen both policy aims carried out with effect.

"The crux of the issue is Iran's power to blockade the Strait of Hormuz and its military capability to do so. Looming over this immediate outcome is Iran's power as a multiethnic nation state with vast oil, mineral, and gas resources.

"Its large coastline with the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea also affords it power that it is able to project within the spheres of the Gulf States, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

"One of the aims of Iran's nuclear program is to solidify its hold on regional power and prevent any foreign intrigue from upsetting this influence."

Divide and conquer hasn't stopped working since Charles I flushed two large Catholic clans from Northern Ireland and replaced them with 20,000 English and Scotch Protestants in 1609. In 1969 Catholics and Protestants were killing each other in Ireland at rates that some days dwarfed the killing in Vietnam.

Why would free people allow a few parasites to get rich from such crimes?

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