Bank Forecloses and Evicts 101-Year Old Detroit Woman in wheel chair


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
in street with her furniture. city officials throw her high blood pressure medication in dumpster

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The man ignored eviction notices for "a solid year", what a moron! That woman had been living there for 58 years, why wasn't the house payed off? :confused:

That being said;

When the bank wants to foreclose on you you have only one recourse: Sue them in Federal Court Don't hire a fuckin' Lawyer, do it yourself: Pro Se (it's not hard). The case takes a couple of years to wind through the system so while that's going on don't pay the mortgage (Why pay it when they're just gonna' throw you out?)

Take all that money you've saved by not paying the mortgage for a year or two and move somewhere else. By the time you're kicked out by the courts, you're long gone!

Alternate Ending;

After a year or so tell the bank (don't ask the bank, tell them) that you are willing to start making payments again if they re-fi your mortgage. Whatever amount you agree to at whatever percent you want. Believe me, you got them by the balls. They have a house that's not making them money while they have to spend money on Lawyers. They'll come around.

If they don't, then they kick you out like they were gonna' do anyway and you're ahead of the game financially.

Fuck the Banks and their Mortgage system! Did you know that they have insurance on both ends of a mortgage? They get paid whether you pay off the loan or not! In fact, they insure your mortgage MULTIPLE times! Then they bundle it in subprime derivatives and sell it for even MORE money!

Fuck the Banks!
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Since I live in the Detroit area, I can tell you the women is back in her home. Keep up with current events, that is an old story

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