Bannon yells at Moore rally: Roy has more honor in his finger than liberals have in their entire DNA

Can't argue with him really, even the liberals themselves want to abort their own DNA.

I would too if my primary tactic was lying and landing false rape accusations on my opponents.

Trump will regret not rallying for Moore if he loses!

Well, I don't know about that, but I do know that "liberals" have no honor.

I hate that they use (misuse) the word "liberal" like that. Fucking commies bastardized a perfectly good description of my political ideology. Assholes.
Trump will regret not rallying for Moore if he loses!
Trump, the GOP, and AL will regret if Moore wins OR loses. As for Bannon, you should find a better moral compass. He ridiculed Romney and his sons for never having served in the military. He failed to mention that not Trump or anyone in Trumps family ever served in the military.
Bannon yells at Moore rally: Roy has more honor in his finger than liberals have in their entire DNA

So much "honor" he got kicked off the court, twice, because he couldn't follow the fucking law :lol:

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery and last but definitely not least, Ignorance is Strength. And this just in, inability to handle your job is 'Honor'.
Honor? Is that why he SNUCK the 10 Commandments monument in and had it bolted down in the dark of night? Is that why he sexually molested young girls? Oh....that's the GOP version of honor. I get it now.
Honor? Is that why he SNUCK the 10 Commandments monument in and had it bolted down in the dark of night? Is that why he sexually molested young girls? Oh....that's the GOP version of honor. I get it now.

Steve Bannon talking about "honor" is like Michael Moore talking about "dieting".
So much "honor" he got kicked off the court, twice, because he couldn't follow the fucking law
Is that true?

There is nothing worse than a judge that sucks at ignoring his emotions and focus on applying the law, regardless of the outcome.
Honor? Is that why he SNUCK the 10 Commandments monument in and had it bolted down in the dark of night? Is that why he sexually molested young girls? Oh....that's the GOP version of honor. I get it now.
This keeps coming back to me.

“With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.”
Steven Weinberg

And that's people unlike Moore and Bannon.
Bannon yells at Moore rally: Roy has more honor in his finger than liberals have in their entire DNA

So much "honor" he got kicked off the court, twice, because he couldn't follow the fucking law :lol:

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery and last but definitely not least, Ignorance is Strength. And this just in, inability to handle your job is 'Honor'.
Morals there is tying to date a girl half your age.

That and finding your future spouse, at the family reunion.
Honor? Is that why he SNUCK the 10 Commandments monument in and had it bolted down in the dark of night? Is that why he sexually molested young girls? Oh....that's the GOP version of honor. I get it now.
This nation could use the 10 Commandments to It's benefit. Just take a look around at all of the hatred and violence within our cities and the youth... Look at how women are the unborn is slaughtered the 10 commandments and tell me what you hate about them the most and why you want them hidden from our society...
This nation could use the 10 Commandments to It's benefit. Just take a look around at all of the hatred and violence within our cities and the youth... Look at how women are the unborn is slaughtered the 10 commandments and tell me what you hate about them the most and why you want them hidden from our society...
Most of them are useless and do not advance your stated goal:

1. I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Fuck that. What if I don't like the Jewish god?

2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Bullshit. I will make whatever the fuck I want and worship whatever the fuck I want. I will worship my own dick if I want.

3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

Fuck that. God, Jesus, Jehovah, Jesus, Goddammit, Elohim. Yo He Va He GodJesusDammit!!! I will say whatever the fuck I want!!!

4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Fuck that. I will drink beer and have sex, and go to dirty movies and never go to church. FUCK the "sabbath" bullshit. I will do whatever the fuck I want on Saturday or Sunday or whichever day the "sabbath" is supposed to be on. FUck that shit.

5. Honour thy father and thy mother.

What if they are assholes?

6. Thou shalt not kill.

Fine, but it's funny. You put that outside a courthouse where the death penalty is handed down. Not that I am pro- or anti-death penalty, but seems a bit misplaced, no?

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

That's between me and the misses, no? That's more of a "breach of contract" issue, is it not? It's more of a private thing, no? I mean, I don't cheat, but government demanding that I don't cheat? Seriously?

8. Thou shalt not steal.

Okay. Fine. What are taxes?

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Good. No lying in Court. That's a good one. It's not a total ban on lying, like most idiots think, but perjury is a very destructive act and should be punished.

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's.

Bullshit. I can be as envious and jealous as I want to be. This is a conflicting message in a capitalistic society. We WANT envy and ambition. And if my neighbor has a hot piece of ass, why can't I covet my neighbors ass? Makes me want to work hard and get some ass of my own, right?

So, don't murder, steal, or lie in Court. Don't need any of the others.

One day you will change your mind...hope it's not too late when you do...
Dude, I have seen all sides of this issue and have LOTS of experience. Organized religion is not only the oldest scam, it is pure evil, especially the ones using guilt and the constant state of feelings of unworthiness to control people and take their money. ALL of them do it. Don't be naive.

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