Barack Obama: the 2008 hopemonger becomes fearmonger-in-chief of 2012 campaign


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Can anyone honestly say the feel good to be an American? Why would anyone vote for such a failure to inspire the people? Getting free stuff ain't inspiration.

Barack Obama: the 2008 hopemonger becomes fearmonger-in-chief of 2012 campaign

Four years after he was elected as a self-described 'hopemonger' promising a new post-partisan era, President Barack Obama is trying to claw his way to re-election with an ugly, divisive campaign in which he is playing the role of fearmonger-in-chief.

On a chilling Wednesday evening in a Las Vegas park, Obama spoke to a raucous gathering of some 13,000 – more than twice the number his opponent Mitt Romney had attracted a few days earlier but a far cry from the crowds of 2008 when he was swept into office with a seven-point victory over Senator John McCain.

With his own star power fading somewhat, Obama had enlisted the help of teen heartthrob Katy Perry to sing before he appeared. Resplendent in a black-and-white latex dress emblazoned with a ballot paper, she delivered five of her pop hits to screams and squeals from the younger attendees.

Read more: Barack Obama: the 2008 hopemonger becomes fearmonger-in-chief of 2012 campaign | Mail Online
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