Bare grocery store shelves are the result of President Joe Biden's policies

You sound like a retarded parrot. I have broken your again. You will repeat yourself 10x now and give my posts laughing emojis. Too easy.
Hey, cut our friend dan some slack. He really does, have some serious issues. . . .

. . . he doesn't really live in the same reality as the rest of us.

For instance, if you were making the same arguments, and having the same discussion, but he believed you were a girl? He would probably take a completely different tone with you.

Hypothetically, what kind of mass transit system would be optimal in the future to deal with these types of issues?


"I’d consider this claim to be false," Vishal Gaur, professor of manufacturing management at Cornell University, said in an email. "The shortages we are experiencing are due to supply chain backlog and linkages."

Why do people post fake news to Facebook and Twitter? (And usmessageboard?)

You suck at gaslighting.

Is this like the "Dead Person Voting Fraud Case" Scam the Neo-GOP ran out of Nevada?

How long will they be able to convince the flock?
Just because it isn't capitalism, doesn't mean it is socialism either. You should try to stop thinking in binary terms. This is what is known as a false dichotomy, or a false choice. The folks that are in command, depend on this type of thinking to rule, it is known as divide and rule.

The type of economic and government system that is being imposed, was first hypothesized and developed at Columbia back in the 1930's during the Great Depression. But? Because of the requirements for it to work, it only had a limited following, it was not feasible then. In the 1970's, a book was written, and an international think tank known as the Trilateral Commission was formed, to promote these ideas, this is known as, "technocracy. This is government run by scientists and engineers. At this time, China was opened up, and huge amounts of engineering and scientific knowledge was transferred from the west to China. China was to be used as a laboratory for this new system. We are more familiar with this system under the name of "state capitalism," or under the French system, Dirigisme.

The problem conservatives have to wrestle with, and the middle classes and upper middle classes have to wrestle with, is that much of their investments are put into the same institutional investment corporations which are now deemed "too big to fail," and are now more powerful than the actual government of the United States.

The investment corporations have every intention to unite the entire world into a State Capitalist global socialist police state. That, I know, almost seems like a contradiction in terms. :heehee:

. . . but? That is the nature of the Hegelian Dialectic.

It matters not which side of the issue you are on, on this issue. You are all going to lose. :confused:

So yeah, I agree, it is NOT socialism, any more than the monarch's of old were socialism. BUT? it is disengenious to cal it free market capitalism either. When monopolists buy out all competition, and there is no longer a free market? How is that capitalism? If everything is owned by the same few people, and there is no competition?

If you ask me? The global technocracy that is in store, seems like Neo-feudalism, and thus, doesn't qualify as either capitalism or socialism.

Technocracy is a replacement economic system for Capitalism and Free Enterprise, and is represented by the United Nations’ program for Sustainable Development and “Green Economy.” It proposes that all means of production and consumption would be controlled by an elite group of scientists and engineers (technocrats) for the good of mankind. Technocracy was originally architected in the 1930s but regained favor when adopted by the Trilateral Commission in 1973, under their “New International Economic Order” program.

That's funny, because I DON'T think in binary terms at all. I am addressing the people that do, and that was the whole purpose of what I wrote. I guess someone was bound to misunderstand it somewhere.. Capitalism is the practice of acquiring something and selling it for more, as a private transaction. In the case of CORPORATE capitalism it becomes extremely organized and successful; A collective, something which also makes it akin to socialism...but it is NOT socialism because it's not state ownership and corporations are still subject to competition, another quality which keep it veritably capitalistic. I'm well aware that the "isms" are like the elements: Pure. But a system can run on several of these components simultaneously. What blends these elements together into such a unique amalgam is that corporations can essentially run governments by getting corporate people elected, or at least people who will work to put the consumer base under the thumb of corporate business as cash cows. There's not that much difference between "sheeple" under a socialist government, and human cash cows under a government sponsored mega-corporation. Quasi-slavery is the result of both systems.
Wasn't Hawley the MAGA creep who raised a clenched "power fist" to the Jan 6 Insurrectionists?

Oh, so only the left are allowed to use a clenched “power fist” when peacefully protesting?

It must be regional because our grocery stores are fully stocked. The only thing that ever runs out is Dasani water and Beefaroni, HEY stop hogging all the Beefaroni you MF'ers!
I agree. Since covid, shelves been pretty bare around here. Not to mention never restocking what was there and filling the space with with other goods. I was in Nashville recently, not bad. Seattle in July was stocked full.
Just because it isn't capitalism, doesn't mean it is socialism either. You should try to stop thinking in binary terms. This is what is known as a false dichotomy, or a false choice. The folks that are in command, depend on this type of thinking to rule, it is known as divide and rule.

The type of economic and government system that is being imposed, was first hypothesized and developed at Columbia back in the 1930's during the Great Depression. But? Because of the requirements for it to work, it only had a limited following, it was not feasible then. In the 1970's, a book was written, and an international think tank known as the Trilateral Commission was formed, to promote these ideas, this is known as, "technocracy. This is government run by scientists and engineers. At this time, China was opened up, and huge amounts of engineering and scientific knowledge was transferred from the west to China. China was to be used as a laboratory for this new system. We are more familiar with this system under the name of "state capitalism," or under the French system, Dirigisme.

The problem conservatives have to wrestle with, and the middle classes and upper middle classes have to wrestle with, is that much of their investments are put into the same institutional investment corporations which are now deemed "too big to fail," and are now more powerful than the actual government of the United States.

The investment corporations have every intention to unite the entire world into a State Capitalist global socialist police state. That, I know, almost seems like a contradiction in terms. :heehee:

. . . but? That is the nature of the Hegelian Dialectic.

It matters not which side of the issue you are on, on this issue. You are all going to lose. :confused:

So yeah, I agree, it is NOT socialism, any more than the monarch's of old were socialism. BUT? it is disengenious to cal it free market capitalism either. When monopolists buy out all competition, and there is no longer a free market? How is that capitalism? If everything is owned by the same few people, and there is no competition?

If you ask me? The global technocracy that is in store, seems like Neo-feudalism, and thus, doesn't qualify as either capitalism or socialism.

Technocracy is a replacement economic system for Capitalism and Free Enterprise, and is represented by the United Nations’ program for Sustainable Development and “Green Economy.” It proposes that all means of production and consumption would be controlled by an elite group of scientists and engineers (technocrats) for the good of mankind. Technocracy was originally architected in the 1930s but regained favor when adopted by the Trilateral Commission in 1973, under their “New International Economic Order” program.

I missed where you likened it to feudalism the first time I read your post. I agree and I've been saying this for a long time too. I think that actually sums it up entirely! Feudalism never really went away. Wistfully, I think it may be the natural way of the human race. Communism, socialism, were just flawed ways of denying our nature, although many times it was with good intent (equalizing things). I think the only way to have a fair economy is to have open competition with rules of fair play that can't be altered with buyoffs and lobby money. There need to be rules of fair play which are on par with the Bill of Rights, where one person's rights can't infringe on another's rights.
They did a LOT more than protest.

They were actively and violently trying to overturn the results of a democratic election
No, they were mostly peaceful protesting for the Senate to do its job and send the electors back to the states to have the states investigate election fraud. A few agitators, led by the FBI and let in by Capitol police, committed some misdemeanor offenses. That isn’t “trying to overthrow the government.”
No, they were mostly peaceful protesting for the Senate to do its job and send the electors back to the states to have the states investigate election fraud. A few agitators, led by the FBI and let in by Capitol police, committed some misdemeanor offenses. That isn’t “trying to overthrow the government.”
Those "mostly peaceful" managed to smash their way into the Capitol and stop Congress from certifying a legal election and in the process injure 140 cops and hospitalize dozens others.

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