Batman for TrumpUSA


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's an idealistic comic-book adapted TrumpUSA tale about 'political expediency' representative of modern age social focus on commerce, traffic, consumer-humor, and demagoguery confusion in this era of 'shopping.'

What do you think First Lady Melania Trump (a woman who is believed to provide President Trump with a moral grounding and calming-centering influence from his otherwise 'consumerism-dronish' activities) would think of such a 'drugstore vignette'?

I like using comic book stylized storytelling to cheer myself up about the commerce-claustrophobia of TrumpUSA, but it sometimes feels impossible not to sound controversial/sarcastic about our 'consumerism-drugged' society.

How do you cheer yourself up?


Cillian was a devout member of the IRA (Irish Republican Army) in Belfast (Northern Ireland) and was sent on a mission to North America to retrieve a parcel of machine-guns for pedestrian patrols aimed at disarming local strongholds manned by brutish British Black-and-Tan 'Police.' Cillian grew up loving the beliefs/practices of Irish Catholics and despising the cruel methods of British Protestant rule in Ireland/Northern Ireland. While in America, Cillian started thinking about the 'politics of consumerism' as it related to the marketing of nonviolence-promoting toy water-pistols to kids!

Cillian was in Washington, D.C. on Halloween Eve, dressed as a bank-robber in a ski-mask (as he toured the city using his costume to gain pedestrian thoroughfare access to a key black-market munitions site welcoming only terrorism-agents with skillful pedestrian thruway information) when he ran into the anti-democracy anarchist Harley Quinn! Harley Quinn was in D.C. hunting for Batman whom she knew would be touring the city in his cape-and-cowl trying to stalk her lover (the equally anti-social and nefarious Joker). Cillian introduced himself to Harley as a performance-artist (not wanting her to know of his secret-identity).

Cillian was falling in love with Harley Quinn, and she confided in him that she was trying to cross paths with two nemesis of her beau Joker --- Batman and Ra's al Ghul. Harley explained that Batman was a 'democracy-defender' and Ra's al Ghul was an 'idealistic eco-terrorist' but that both men were savage and ruthless in their 'religious crusades' against her beau Joker who was merely trying to proselytize Americans with anarchy so they would not become mindless 'minions' of consumerism-obsessed 'TrumpUSA.' Cillian realized Harley was confiding in her, since she was scared for her beau Joker and what might happen to him that Halloween. Cillian also realized that the cunning Harley Quinn also sensed he was a mercenary and possible member of the IRA wandering around D.C. in search of black-market munitions.

Cillian decided to help Harley Quinn that Halloween and aid her beau Joker in coming to some better grip with the undesirable and even savage 'tactics' of Batman and Ra's al Ghul. He told her to put on a ski-mask and wander around with him and buy water-pistols for him at a local toy-shop and carry them in her duffel-bag. When the pair ran into Batman, he explained to Batman, "This is my new girlfriend Harley Quinn, and I assure you she does not carry any weapons in her duffel-bag that are politically-offensive." When Batman thought Cillian was being insulting (regarding pedestrian-terrorism), he opened Harley's duffel-bag only to find multiple toy-water pistols.

CILLIAN: You're so paranoid that you thought Harley's duffel-bag would contain explosives...
BATMAN: Harley Quinn and Joker are anti-American and tried to assassinate Donald Trump once!
CILLIAN: I hear that you and Ra's al Ghul sometimes worked together and targeted Harley brutally...
BATMAN: It's true that methods are sometimes not ideal, but my aim is to secure federal peace!
CILLIAN: The reason Joker is 'martyrized' is because you stalk his girl Harley with too much savagery...
BATMAN: Don't you think Machiavellian precision is necessary to defend our traffic-frail 'Starbucks Society'?
CILLIAN: I don't think brutality against women justifies a pro-consumerism 'crusade.'
BATMAN: Why? Are you ingrained in a more 'serious' political problem?
CILLIAN: While consumerism is sacred and deserves advocacy, I know of more grave issues...
BATMAN: Like what?
CILLIAN: Religious sectarianism (e.g., Sunni-Shia relations, Protestant-Catholic troubles, Israel-Palestine).
BATMAN: Don't you think President Trump cares about such issues?
CILLIAN: If Trump endorses your brand of anti-gender savagery, then even Starbucks deserves reprimand...
BATMAN: In that case, I suppose you're a 'minion' of Joker and Harley Quinn and a nemesis of Burger King!






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