BBC Admits Pamela Geller Was Right All Along (Bill Clinton aided and abetted Bosnian Islamic Jihad)


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
How soon we forget who, and what party were collaborators with muslim Jihadis!

Pamela Geller ^

For years I have been saying it: Most Americans still don’t know or understand the implications of America’s support of the jihad in Europe, but that’s exactly what Bill Clinton’s intervention in the Balkans was. Clinton sent American soldiers to fight alongside Bosnian mujahedeen against the Serb Christians in the Bosnia war. The Democrats aligned with the jihad then and the Democrats align with the jihad now, despite the thousands of Americans slaughtered at their hand. Here is yet more of the unending poisonous yield of Clinton’s vicious ill-conceived war. I continue to take heat for my support of...

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