BDS is going, going, gone down the toilet:

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BDS Suffers Dual Defeats as Anti-Israel Resolutions Fail at CA Community College, Bowdoin College

BDS Suffers Dual Defeats as Anti-Israel Resolutions Fail at CA Community College, Bowdoin College

BDS suffered two defeats this week in US educational institutions. PHOTO: Wikipedia.

The anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions movement suffered two resounding blows this week, in college campuses across the U.S.

Bowdoin College in Maine defeated on Wednesday a student-wide referendum, sponsored by the institution’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, which called for a complete academic and cultural boycott of Israel.

That's from a year ago.

How about another one from April of this year?

After BDS pressure, Brazilian province cancels cooperation agreement with Israel’s Mekorot

After BDS pressure, Brazilian province cancels cooperation agreement with Israel’s Mekorot – Day's World
Israel is on its last gasps! It's over! Over I tell ya!

That's what the white South Africans said at first. LOL
Apparently you missed the memo that many US states are passing anti BDS laws, and Europe will be next. Your BDS already went down the toilet. Finished, kaput.

Welcome to Islamic fantasy island, where progress and winning means losing and going backwards. Ha ha ha.

If BDS is such a failure why are U.S. states passing anti-BDS laws? You don't quite get logic, do you.
Monte, you're ate up with this BDS BS. So I'm giving you an article to read that will make you happier than a hog in a puddle of shit. Enjoy.

  • Hamas is pinning high hopes on BDS to pave the way for the destruction of Israel through boycotts, divestment and sanctions. Hamas believes that such tools are no less important than rockets and suicide bombings, which have thus far failed to achieve the goal of wiping Israel off the face of the earth.

  • U.S. universities that allow the BDS activists to disseminate their hate against Israel are unaware that these people are serving as Hamas ambassadors. Moreover, Western governments, above all the U.S., are unaware that Hamas and BDS allies also consider them enemies of the Palestinians.

  • What Bahr is actually saying is that the BDS campaign should be intensified until Israel is forced to surrender and accept all the demands of Hamas, which include, of course, ending the existence of Israel.

  • While the anti-Israel activities of the BDS movement have emboldened Hamas, they have also undermined those Palestinians who believe in peace and coexistence with Israel. If BDS supporters really care about Palestinians, why don't they go to the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian territories to promote reforms, democracy, freedom of speech and the rights of women under the rule of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority? BDS seems to be more about promoting Hamas's agenda than advancing the cause of peace.
BDS and Hamas: The New Partnership
That's from a year ago.

How about another one from April of this year?

After BDS pressure, Brazilian province cancels cooperation agreement with Israel’s Mekorot

After BDS pressure, Brazilian province cancels cooperation agreement with Israel’s Mekorot – Day's World
Israel is on its last gasps! It's over! Over I tell ya!

That's what the white South Africans said at first. LOL
Apparently you missed the memo that many US states are passing anti BDS laws, and Europe will be next. Your BDS already went down the toilet. Finished, kaput.

Welcome to Islamic fantasy island, where progress and winning means losing and going backwards. Ha ha ha.

If BDS is such a failure why are U.S. states passing anti-BDS laws? You don't quite get logic, do you.
Monte, you're ate up with this BDS BS. So I'm giving you an article to read that will make you happier than a hog in a puddle of shit. Enjoy.

  • Hamas is pinning high hopes on BDS to pave the way for the destruction of Israel through boycotts, divestment and sanctions. Hamas believes that such tools are no less important than rockets and suicide bombings, which have thus far failed to achieve the goal of wiping Israel off the face of the earth.

  • U.S. universities that allow the BDS activists to disseminate their hate against Israel are unaware that these people are serving as Hamas ambassadors. Moreover, Western governments, above all the U.S., are unaware that Hamas and BDS allies also consider them enemies of the Palestinians.

  • What Bahr is actually saying is that the BDS campaign should be intensified until Israel is forced to surrender and accept all the demands of Hamas, which include, of course, ending the existence of Israel.

  • While the anti-Israel activities of the BDS movement have emboldened Hamas, they have also undermined those Palestinians who believe in peace and coexistence with Israel. If BDS supporters really care about Palestinians, why don't they go to the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian territories to promote reforms, democracy, freedom of speech and the rights of women under the rule of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority? BDS seems to be more about promoting Hamas's agenda than advancing the cause of peace.
BDS and Hamas: The New Partnership
Hi Hoss
That's from a year ago.

How about another one from April of this year?

After BDS pressure, Brazilian province cancels cooperation agreement with Israel’s Mekorot

After BDS pressure, Brazilian province cancels cooperation agreement with Israel’s Mekorot – Day's World
Israel is on its last gasps! It's over! Over I tell ya!

That's what the white South Africans said at first. LOL
Apparently you missed the memo that many US states are passing anti BDS laws, and Europe will be next. Your BDS already went down the toilet. Finished, kaput.

Welcome to Islamic fantasy island, where progress and winning means losing and going backwards. Ha ha ha.

If BDS is such a failure why are U.S. states passing anti-BDS laws? You don't quite get logic, do you.
Monte, you're ate up with this BDS BS. So I'm giving you an article to read that will make you happier than a hog in a puddle of shit. Enjoy.

  • Hamas is pinning high hopes on BDS to pave the way for the destruction of Israel through boycotts, divestment and sanctions. Hamas believes that such tools are no less important than rockets and suicide bombings, which have thus far failed to achieve the goal of wiping Israel off the face of the earth.

  • U.S. universities that allow the BDS activists to disseminate their hate against Israel are unaware that these people are serving as Hamas ambassadors. Moreover, Western governments, above all the U.S., are unaware that Hamas and BDS allies also consider them enemies of the Palestinians.

  • What Bahr is actually saying is that the BDS campaign should be intensified until Israel is forced to surrender and accept all the demands of Hamas, which include, of course, ending the existence of Israel.

  • While the anti-Israel activities of the BDS movement have emboldened Hamas, they have also undermined those Palestinians who believe in peace and coexistence with Israel. If BDS supporters really care about Palestinians, why don't they go to the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian territories to promote reforms, democracy, freedom of speech and the rights of women under the rule of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority? BDS seems to be more about promoting Hamas's agenda than advancing the cause of peace.
BDS and Hamas: The New Partnership

That parallels perfectly with the accusations that those that supported and imposed the early academic sanctions against Apartheid South Africa were helping the terrorist ANC and communists.

You couldn't make this stuff up.
BDS Suffers Dual Defeats as Anti-Israel Resolutions Fail at CA Community College, Bowdoin College

BDS Suffers Dual Defeats as Anti-Israel Resolutions Fail at CA Community College, Bowdoin College

BDS suffered two defeats this week in US educational institutions. PHOTO: Wikipedia.

The anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions movement suffered two resounding blows this week, in college campuses across the U.S.

Bowdoin College in Maine defeated on Wednesday a student-wide referendum, sponsored by the institution’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, which called for a complete academic and cultural boycott of Israel.

That's from a year ago.

How about another one from April of this year?

After BDS pressure, Brazilian province cancels cooperation agreement with Israel’s Mekorot

After BDS pressure, Brazilian province cancels cooperation agreement with Israel’s Mekorot – Day's World
Israel is on its last gasps! It's over! Over I tell ya!

That's what the white South Africans said at first. LOL
Apparently you missed the memo that many US states are passing anti BDS laws, and Europe will be next. Your BDS already went down the toilet. Finished, kaput.

Welcome to Islamic fantasy island, where progress and winning means losing and going backwards. Ha ha ha.

If BDS is such a failure why are U.S. states passing anti-BDS laws? You don't quite get logic, do you.
It's you who doesn't get it. The BDS is an organizstion with ties to terrorist groups, who's members are all bigots, racists, antisemites, Islamists, or neo Nazis. It's a hate group that has been exposed and lost its legitimacy, just like the KKK.
Israel is on its last gasps! It's over! Over I tell ya!

That's what the white South Africans said at first. LOL
Apparently you missed the memo that many US states are passing anti BDS laws, and Europe will be next. Your BDS already went down the toilet. Finished, kaput.

Welcome to Islamic fantasy island, where progress and winning means losing and going backwards. Ha ha ha.

If BDS is such a failure why are U.S. states passing anti-BDS laws? You don't quite get logic, do you.
Monte, you're ate up with this BDS BS. So I'm giving you an article to read that will make you happier than a hog in a puddle of shit. Enjoy.

  • Hamas is pinning high hopes on BDS to pave the way for the destruction of Israel through boycotts, divestment and sanctions. Hamas believes that such tools are no less important than rockets and suicide bombings, which have thus far failed to achieve the goal of wiping Israel off the face of the earth.

  • U.S. universities that allow the BDS activists to disseminate their hate against Israel are unaware that these people are serving as Hamas ambassadors. Moreover, Western governments, above all the U.S., are unaware that Hamas and BDS allies also consider them enemies of the Palestinians.

  • What Bahr is actually saying is that the BDS campaign should be intensified until Israel is forced to surrender and accept all the demands of Hamas, which include, of course, ending the existence of Israel.

  • While the anti-Israel activities of the BDS movement have emboldened Hamas, they have also undermined those Palestinians who believe in peace and coexistence with Israel. If BDS supporters really care about Palestinians, why don't they go to the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian territories to promote reforms, democracy, freedom of speech and the rights of women under the rule of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority? BDS seems to be more about promoting Hamas's agenda than advancing the cause of peace.
BDS and Hamas: The New Partnership

That parallels perfectly with the accusations that those that supported and imposed the early academic sanctions against Apartheid South Africa were helping the terrorist ANC and communists.

You couldn't make this stuff up.
The parallels are exactly the opposite. BDS is going down the toilet. Antisemites like to fantasize.
Really dear, I think you're reduced to silly conspiracy theories to support your BDS'er cult.

What conspiracy is that? Are you calling Ruddy a liar?
You poor dear. Your bankrupt argument has left you again stuttering and mumbling.

You are again confused. Try to keep up.
I'm simply making the statement that your BDS'er cult is pointless and ineffective. When your cutting and pasting was refuted with fact, you were reduced to silly conspiracy theories to try and give a measure of credibility to your bankrupt argument. You really are the poster child for the BDS'er cultists being nothing more than rabid Jew haters.

Nothing was refuted. You are claiming that Ruddy's statement that U.S. states and the Europeans are passing laws to ban BDS is a conspiracy theory. Take it up with Ruddy.
Keep dreaming. The US states are passing anti BDS laws, many US campuses have banned BDS, and the British PM is pushing for it to occur in the UK and European Union. I provided links in my initial post. The BDS has become a useless conglomoration of all the garbage of society.
Israel is on its last gasps! It's over! Over I tell ya!

That's what the white South Africans said at first. LOL
Apparently you missed the memo that many US states are passing anti BDS laws, and Europe will be next. Your BDS already went down the toilet. Finished, kaput.

Welcome to Islamic fantasy island, where progress and winning means losing and going backwards. Ha ha ha.

If BDS is such a failure why are U.S. states passing anti-BDS laws? You don't quite get logic, do you.
Monte, you're ate up with this BDS BS. So I'm giving you an article to read that will make you happier than a hog in a puddle of shit. Enjoy.

  • Hamas is pinning high hopes on BDS to pave the way for the destruction of Israel through boycotts, divestment and sanctions. Hamas believes that such tools are no less important than rockets and suicide bombings, which have thus far failed to achieve the goal of wiping Israel off the face of the earth.

  • U.S. universities that allow the BDS activists to disseminate their hate against Israel are unaware that these people are serving as Hamas ambassadors. Moreover, Western governments, above all the U.S., are unaware that Hamas and BDS allies also consider them enemies of the Palestinians.

  • What Bahr is actually saying is that the BDS campaign should be intensified until Israel is forced to surrender and accept all the demands of Hamas, which include, of course, ending the existence of Israel.

  • While the anti-Israel activities of the BDS movement have emboldened Hamas, they have also undermined those Palestinians who believe in peace and coexistence with Israel. If BDS supporters really care about Palestinians, why don't they go to the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian territories to promote reforms, democracy, freedom of speech and the rights of women under the rule of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority? BDS seems to be more about promoting Hamas's agenda than advancing the cause of peace.
BDS and Hamas: The New Partnership

That parallels perfectly with the accusations that those that supported and imposed the early academic sanctions against Apartheid South Africa were helping the terrorist ANC and communists.

You couldn't make this stuff up.

Look on the bright side. In addition to your self-hate and the hate that oozes from you for the Great Satan™, you can expand the catalog of those you spend your time hating.

Press Release: Parliament rejects BDS, reaffirms commitment to Israel, highlights failure of fringe anti-Israel movement

Ottawa, ON—Today, Conservative MPs Tony Clement and Michelle Rempel tabled an opposition motion calling on the House of Commons to reject the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement and on the Government of Canada to condemn attempts to promote BDS in Canada and abroad. During the debate, all major political parties reaffirmed their opposition to BDS. In response to the debate, Shimon Fogel, CEO of CIJA, issued the following statement:

“A clear, all-party consensus rejecting the divisive Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement was reaffirmed in the House of Commons today. One after the other, Members of Parliament spoke up in support of Canada’s friendship with Israel and spoke out against efforts to delegitimize, isolate, and discriminate against Israel by advancing the false idea that Palestinians bear no responsibility for the Arab-Israeli conflict.

“The boycott movement does not contribute to peace and is not pro-Palestinian. It is discrimination based on nationality, and it harms both Israelis and Palestinians alike by driving the two sides further apart. The BDS movement is a fringe movement and is outside genuine peace efforts that emphasize negotiation, fairness, and mutual responsibility.”

“We applaud our elected representatives for speaking out against BDS in the House of Commons today. There is clear agreement: BDS is hateful, divisive, and counter-productive.”

That's what the white South Africans said at first. LOL
Apparently you missed the memo that many US states are passing anti BDS laws, and Europe will be next. Your BDS already went down the toilet. Finished, kaput.

Welcome to Islamic fantasy island, where progress and winning means losing and going backwards. Ha ha ha.

If BDS is such a failure why are U.S. states passing anti-BDS laws? You don't quite get logic, do you.
Monte, you're ate up with this BDS BS. So I'm giving you an article to read that will make you happier than a hog in a puddle of shit. Enjoy.

  • Hamas is pinning high hopes on BDS to pave the way for the destruction of Israel through boycotts, divestment and sanctions. Hamas believes that such tools are no less important than rockets and suicide bombings, which have thus far failed to achieve the goal of wiping Israel off the face of the earth.

  • U.S. universities that allow the BDS activists to disseminate their hate against Israel are unaware that these people are serving as Hamas ambassadors. Moreover, Western governments, above all the U.S., are unaware that Hamas and BDS allies also consider them enemies of the Palestinians.

  • What Bahr is actually saying is that the BDS campaign should be intensified until Israel is forced to surrender and accept all the demands of Hamas, which include, of course, ending the existence of Israel.

  • While the anti-Israel activities of the BDS movement have emboldened Hamas, they have also undermined those Palestinians who believe in peace and coexistence with Israel. If BDS supporters really care about Palestinians, why don't they go to the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian territories to promote reforms, democracy, freedom of speech and the rights of women under the rule of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority? BDS seems to be more about promoting Hamas's agenda than advancing the cause of peace.
BDS and Hamas: The New Partnership

That parallels perfectly with the accusations that those that supported and imposed the early academic sanctions against Apartheid South Africa were helping the terrorist ANC and communists.

You couldn't make this stuff up.

Look on the bright side. In addition to your self-hate and the hate that oozes from you for the Great Satan™, you can expand the catalog of those you spend your time hating.

Press Release: Parliament rejects BDS, reaffirms commitment to Israel, highlights failure of fringe anti-Israel movement

Ottawa, ON—Today, Conservative MPs Tony Clement and Michelle Rempel tabled an opposition motion calling on the House of Commons to reject the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement and on the Government of Canada to condemn attempts to promote BDS in Canada and abroad. During the debate, all major political parties reaffirmed their opposition to BDS. In response to the debate, Shimon Fogel, CEO of CIJA, issued the following statement:

“A clear, all-party consensus rejecting the divisive Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement was reaffirmed in the House of Commons today. One after the other, Members of Parliament spoke up in support of Canada’s friendship with Israel and spoke out against efforts to delegitimize, isolate, and discriminate against Israel by advancing the false idea that Palestinians bear no responsibility for the Arab-Israeli conflict.

“The boycott movement does not contribute to peace and is not pro-Palestinian. It is discrimination based on nationality, and it harms both Israelis and Palestinians alike by driving the two sides further apart. The BDS movement is a fringe movement and is outside genuine peace efforts that emphasize negotiation, fairness, and mutual responsibility.”

“We applaud our elected representatives for speaking out against BDS in the House of Commons today. There is clear agreement: BDS is hateful, divisive, and counter-productive.”

Well what do you expect. The lifelong BDS member cannot handle the truth that BDS is finished. All this time and effort placed into a group that promotes an antisemtic agenda for nothing.
If BDS is going down the toilet why are you so agitated? The Lady doth protest too much methinks.
Apparently you missed the memo that many US states are passing anti BDS laws, and Europe will be next. Your BDS already went down the toilet. Finished, kaput.

Welcome to Islamic fantasy island, where progress and winning means losing and going backwards. Ha ha ha.

If BDS is such a failure why are U.S. states passing anti-BDS laws? You don't quite get logic, do you.
Monte, you're ate up with this BDS BS. So I'm giving you an article to read that will make you happier than a hog in a puddle of shit. Enjoy.

  • Hamas is pinning high hopes on BDS to pave the way for the destruction of Israel through boycotts, divestment and sanctions. Hamas believes that such tools are no less important than rockets and suicide bombings, which have thus far failed to achieve the goal of wiping Israel off the face of the earth.

  • U.S. universities that allow the BDS activists to disseminate their hate against Israel are unaware that these people are serving as Hamas ambassadors. Moreover, Western governments, above all the U.S., are unaware that Hamas and BDS allies also consider them enemies of the Palestinians.

  • What Bahr is actually saying is that the BDS campaign should be intensified until Israel is forced to surrender and accept all the demands of Hamas, which include, of course, ending the existence of Israel.

  • While the anti-Israel activities of the BDS movement have emboldened Hamas, they have also undermined those Palestinians who believe in peace and coexistence with Israel. If BDS supporters really care about Palestinians, why don't they go to the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian territories to promote reforms, democracy, freedom of speech and the rights of women under the rule of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority? BDS seems to be more about promoting Hamas's agenda than advancing the cause of peace.
BDS and Hamas: The New Partnership

That parallels perfectly with the accusations that those that supported and imposed the early academic sanctions against Apartheid South Africa were helping the terrorist ANC and communists.

You couldn't make this stuff up.

Look on the bright side. In addition to your self-hate and the hate that oozes from you for the Great Satan™, you can expand the catalog of those you spend your time hating.

Press Release: Parliament rejects BDS, reaffirms commitment to Israel, highlights failure of fringe anti-Israel movement

Ottawa, ON—Today, Conservative MPs Tony Clement and Michelle Rempel tabled an opposition motion calling on the House of Commons to reject the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement and on the Government of Canada to condemn attempts to promote BDS in Canada and abroad. During the debate, all major political parties reaffirmed their opposition to BDS. In response to the debate, Shimon Fogel, CEO of CIJA, issued the following statement:

“A clear, all-party consensus rejecting the divisive Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement was reaffirmed in the House of Commons today. One after the other, Members of Parliament spoke up in support of Canada’s friendship with Israel and spoke out against efforts to delegitimize, isolate, and discriminate against Israel by advancing the false idea that Palestinians bear no responsibility for the Arab-Israeli conflict.

“The boycott movement does not contribute to peace and is not pro-Palestinian. It is discrimination based on nationality, and it harms both Israelis and Palestinians alike by driving the two sides further apart. The BDS movement is a fringe movement and is outside genuine peace efforts that emphasize negotiation, fairness, and mutual responsibility.”

“We applaud our elected representatives for speaking out against BDS in the House of Commons today. There is clear agreement: BDS is hateful, divisive, and counter-productive.”

Well what do you expect. The lifelong BDS member cannot handle the truth that BDS is finished. All this time and effort placed into a group that promotes an antisemtic agenda for nothing.

I agree, Roudy. I viewed the comments from the Canadian represents very compelling. In a paragraph, the BDS Cult was described perfectly. From the link above:

“The boycott movement does not contribute to peace and is not pro-Palestinian. It is discrimination based on nationality, and it harms both Israelis and Palestinians alike by driving the two sides further apart. The BDS movement is a fringe movement and is outside genuine peace efforts that emphasize negotiation, fairness, and mutual responsibility.”

The BDS'ers are just another hate group pressing an agenda that is drenched in biases and directly furthering the retrogrsde agenda of Hamas.
If BDS is going down the toilet why are you so agitated? The Lady doth protest too much methinks.
Damn, seems like you're the agitated one, who's cause has gone down the toilet. I'm just making an observation and listing facts that BDS is becoming more and more a pariah outlawed terrorist sponsored organization. :clap2:
The BDS is no different than the South Africa sanctions campaigns. Both were criticized at the outset. The campaigners for the South Africa sanctions were accused of supporting ANC terrorists like Nelson Mandela and Communism. The BDS campaigners are being accused similarly.
The BDS is no different than the South Africa sanctions campaigns. Both were criticized at the outset. The campaigners for the South Africa sanctions were accused of supporting ANC terrorists like Nelson Mandela and Communism. The BDS campaigners are being accused similarly.
Actually, the BDS fraud has many differences vs. the S.A. situation. The most obvious is the BDS fraud being the invention of one of the more notorious Islamic terrorist kingpins.

Very sad that your heroes are islamic terrorist misfits.
The BDS is no different than the South Africa sanctions campaigns. Both were criticized at the outset. The campaigners for the South Africa sanctions were accused of supporting ANC terrorists like Nelson Mandela and Communism. The BDS campaigners are being accused similarly.
Actually, the BDS fraud has many differences vs. the S.A. situation. The most obvious is the BDS fraud being the invention of one of the more notorious Islamic terrorist kingpins.

Very sad that your heroes are islamic terrorist misfits.
Is the terrorist card the only thing in your hand?

The BDS is no different than the South Africa sanctions campaigns. Both were criticized at the outset. The campaigners for the South Africa sanctions were accused of supporting ANC terrorists like Nelson Mandela and Communism. The BDS campaigners are being accused similarly.
Actually, the BDS fraud has many differences vs. the S.A. situation. The most obvious is the BDS fraud being the invention of one of the more notorious Islamic terrorist kingpins.

Very sad that your heroes are islamic terrorist misfits.
Is the terrorist card the only thing in your hand?

Where do you think the islamo-BDS originated?

Yet another islamo-failure.

The BDS is no different than the South Africa sanctions campaigns. Both were criticized at the outset. The campaigners for the South Africa sanctions were accused of supporting ANC terrorists like Nelson Mandela and Communism. The BDS campaigners are being accused similarly.
Actually, the BDS fraud has many differences vs. the S.A. situation. The most obvious is the BDS fraud being the invention of one of the more notorious Islamic terrorist kingpins.

Very sad that your heroes are islamic terrorist misfits.

That's what racists like you said about the South African boycott. They called Mandela a Communist Terrorist kingpin. Racists never change.
The BDS is no different than the South Africa sanctions campaigns. Both were criticized at the outset. The campaigners for the South Africa sanctions were accused of supporting ANC terrorists like Nelson Mandela and Communism. The BDS campaigners are being accused similarly.
Indeed, there is a lot of blow-back. This is a good video. The best part starts @ 23:00

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