Be Like England is the Common Pro-Gun Control Stance, but...


Apr 22, 2007
...look at their violent crime rate vs ours.

The argument that gun control makes the UK safer is not true!

US Violent Crime Rate: 475 per 100,000 citizens
(Year: 2005 )

UK Violent Crime Rate: 4,100 per 100,000 citizens
(Year: 2005 )

On top of that nearly 80% of homicides committed by guns in America are gang related! Just like the gang-bangers in Mexico or Venezuela, nearly all the murders are committed by a gun that was obtain ILLEGALLY (NEARLY 100%)!!! Therefore, gun control isn't going to prevent gang-bangers from obtaining firearms! They already obtain them illegally!

What Percentage Of American Murders Are Gang Related? | Extrano's Alley, a gun blog
Doing some data mining with 2010 numbers, and extrapolating from the number of murders solved by arrest to all known murders, it appears that approximately 78 percent, slightly more than three out of every four murders, are gang related.

For 2010, the FBI reported 14,478 murders and non-negligent homicides. Of those, approximately 11,290 were in some way gang related.

And, for those of a thoughtful turn of mind, those numbers mean that were it not for gang activity, the United States homicide rate would be in the 1 per 100,000 range.

Michael "Fat Ass" Moore lead us to believe it was the guns that are the problem! Clearly he ignores the TRUE problem, like every liberal does, because they fear being called racists. The gun violence problem in this country are gangs and more specifically inner city minority violence!
No lefty that wants to take my guns is going to dispute that England had a 10 fold higher violent crime rate than America and the the epidemic in gun violence is primarily a gang/minority/urban thang!
But people killed by guns are MORE DEAD than people killed with blunt instruments!!

/irrational gun hater
They call it an inconvenient truth! The reason gun violence is SO high in the US is because of the inner city gang violence. The liberal elistist won't admit this, because they fear being called hypocrites, therefore they say ban guns. However, most gang members utilize illegal guns; therefore, gun control is going to take guns from the law abiding citizen but not these gang-bangers!
East St. Louis

East St. Louis has a national reputation for being a city that you want to avoid. The following is from a recent Bloomberg article about the growing crime in that community…

Dodging open manholes where thieves had swiped cast-iron covers, Stephen Wigginton drives the crumbling streets of his hometown, East St. Louis, Illinois, pointing out new landmarks in America’s most violent city.

There’s the shopping mall where a police officer was shot in the face, a youth center that saw a triple homicide in September, and scattered about the city of 27,000 are brightly lit gas stations that serve as magnets for carjackers, hit-and-run robbers and killers.

“It’s the Wild West,” said Wigginton, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Illinois.

Today, the murder rate in East St. Louis is 17 times higher than the national average, but financial problems have forced huge cuts to the police budget. The number of police patrolling the streets of East St. Louis was reduced by 33 percent between 2008 and 2011. Police in the city admit that they are outgunned and outmanned, but there is not much that can be done about it.

. . .


In recent years there have been massive cuts to the police budget in Chicago due to financial difficulties. At the same time, gang activity has dramatically increased in the city.

As a result, Chicago has become known for murders and violence. The murder rate in Chicago was about 17 percent higher in 2012 than it was in 2011, and Chicago is now considered to be “the deadliest global city“.

If you can believe it, the number of murders in Chicago during 2012 was roughly equivalent to the number of murders in the entire country of Japan during 2012.

And the primary reason for all of this violence in Chicago is the gangs. As I have written about previously, there are only about 200 police officers assigned to Chicago’s Gang Enforcement Unit. It is their job to handle the estimated 100,000 gang members living in the city.

Approximately 80 percent of all murders and shootings in the city of Chicago are gang-related, and as the gangs continue to grow in size the violence in the city is going to get even worse. If Barack Obama wants to do something about violence in America, perhaps he should start with his home city.


I write a lot about Detroit, but that is because they are a perfect example of where the rest of America is headed if something dramatic is not done.

Detroit used to be one of the greatest manufacturing cities the world has ever seen, but over the past several decades the economic infrastructure of Detroit has been gutted and now there is very little industry left in the city.

Over half the children in the city live in poverty and a sense of hopelessness hangs in the air. At the same time, financial problems have forced the city to lay off huge numbers of cops. Back in 2005, there were about 4,000 police officers in Detroit. Today there are only about 2,500 and another 100 are scheduled to be eliminated from the force soon.

Meanwhile, crime in Detroit just continues to get even worse. There were 377 homicides in Detroit in 2011. In 2012, that number rose to 411.

Things have gotten so bad that even the Detroit police are telling people to “enter Detroit at your own risk“.

New Orleans

New Orleans was a crime-infested city even before Hurricane Katrina hit it in 2005, but life has never quite been the same since that time.

The gangs have a very strong presence in the city, and there simply are not enough financial resources to keep crime in check.

If New Orleans was considered to be a separate nation, it would have the 2nd highest murder rate on the entire planet. There are some areas of New Orleans that you simply do not ever want to venture into at night.

Meanwhile, the police force has been such a mess in recent years that the federal government finally decided to step in. It is hoped that the “reforms” will mean less crime in New Orleans in future years, but I wouldn’t count on it.


Today, there are 626 police officers in Oakland, California. That is about a 25 percent decline from the 837 police officers that were patrolling the streets of Oakland back in December 2008.

Predictably, criminals have stepped in and have taken advantage of the situation. At one point in 2012, burglaries in the city of Oakland were up 43 percent over the previous year.

If you can believe it, more than 11,000 homes, cars and businesses were burglarized in Oakland during 2012. That breaks down to approximately 33 burglaries a day.
If you look at the violent crime statistics for the United States on a state-by-state basis, the first thing you'll notice is that heavily-populated, strict gun control states like California and New York have a much greater rate of violent crime than states where guns are not as strictly regulated.

As for England being less violent than here? Clearly you've never been there!

I've traveled in England and other countries on several occasions, and London is the only place in the world where a brawl broke out right in front of me, in broad daylight, and I was the only person who seemed the least bit surprised by it. All the Londoners simply walked around the two men fighting as if it were a daily occurrence.

My take on gun control:

I've been anti-gun all my life before this... but now I'm getting older, stiffer, and even smaller as I shrink. So at the current time, I especially appreciate our 2nd Amendment right to own guns, because the ownership of firearms is the great equalizer in this country, ensuring that all our other rights are protected against physically or politically stronger people who might otherwise seek to violate them.

I do believe that if we relinquish our Constitutional right to be armed, we must eventually relinquish all our other Constitutional rights.

-- Paravani
Before anyone wants to be like England, with its dislike of self-defense, you might want to consider what that means.

Mentally challenged girl, 15, 'gang raped under her desk during class as teacher did NOTHING' | Mail Online

K.J.'s mother said she was powerless to get her daughter transferred immediately, and as a result the girl was bullied for months.
In December, school officials put her in a room with one of the boys who had been sexually harassing her and admonished them to 'discuss their issues.'
K.J. left that classroom with a gash over her right eye.
The United Kingdom is at the opposite end of the spectrum concerning gun control, in that we have an unhealthy paranoia towards firearms that's been foisted upon us by a hostile media that, along with our judiciary, has systematically stigmatised gun owners. I won't cease repeating that we have the tightest firearms legislation in Europe, but our streets are plagued by the highest rates of gun crime. As soon as the ban on self-loading handguns was introduced - of which the public weren't consulted - gun crime steadily rose. And it's still rising. And who are people importing weapons into the country? Britain's minorities. And who uses these fearsome weapons? Minorities that come from countries where civil war is the norm, who won't think twice about settling a dispute with an automatic weapon, because that's what they've grown-up around.
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It looks like Britian is having the same sort of immigrant problem the US has. And, the same problem France has and Sweden has and every other country that was deluded into thinking that multiculturalism was going to be the wave of a peaceful future.
Snopes has a really good analysis of Australia's crime rate.

You care to share?

Everytime libs scream about gun control, they point to the UK and Australia as the way to go, but the UK has 3600+ MORE violent crimes per 100K than we do and Australia is worse!
Basically the analysis is, violent crime has gone up, but the cause is a rise in the entire population which could put the overall violent crime rate actually down.
Snopes has a really good analysis of Australia's crime rate.

You care to share?

Everytime libs scream about gun control, they point to the UK and Australia as the way to go, but the UK has 3600+ MORE violent crimes per 100K than we do and Australia is worse!

I can't post links because my post count is too low.

But it's not really beneath you to just go to and search for "australian gun stats".
I know a lot of Brits and do a lot of business with Brits. Their opinion is confused and driven primarily by emotion. The cause of violence is an antiquated American opinion of self defense. If criminals did not feel so threatened by the use of deadly force in self defense they would be less inclined to use deadly force themselves. That idea is what is behind all the British laws limiting the right of self defense.
Snopes has a really good analysis of Australia's crime rate.

You care to share?

Everytime libs scream about gun control, they point to the UK and Australia as the way to go, but the UK has 3600+ MORE violent crimes per 100K than we do and Australia is worse!

I can't post links because my post count is too low.

But it's not really beneath you to just go to and search for "australian gun stats".

Here's your link: Australian Guns Stats
You care to share?

Everytime libs scream about gun control, they point to the UK and Australia as the way to go, but the UK has 3600+ MORE violent crimes per 100K than we do and Australia is worse!

I can't post links because my post count is too low.

But it's not really beneath you to just go to and search for "australian gun stats".

Here's your link: Australian Guns Stats

Snoopes has already been debunked. I have done enough threads on the subject.

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