Why doesn’t gun control work in Sweden?

I asked "How do we ensure only normal people own guns?" and you said you're not interested in preventing gun deaths. Got it.
That's my point. You have too many irresponsible gun owners out there. That allow children, and burglars access to their guns. Resulting in accidental shootings, and guns ending up on the black market for criminals to get their hands on.

They say there's nothing to be done to keep guns out of criminal hands. It's the same way we prevent dog bites. Forcing the owners to control their dogs. Proper training. Keeping the on a leash. And locking them up behind secure fences.
We have laws against murder....we have laws against using a gun to commit a crime....and yet democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians keep either ignoring those laws, or creating new laws that water down the ability to punish actual criminals who use guns for actual crimes ........they release these criminals over and over again, and those criminals they keep releasing are the ones committing 95% of all gun crime and gun murder.
A little late to help those first victims you don't care about.

If you were serious about stopping actual gun crime...rather than just looking to target, punish and hurt normal gun owners who do not use their guns illegally......you would focus on stopping the democrat party from releasing violent criminals, and stop them from undermining local police...who are afraid to do their jobs and because they won't or can't do their jobs, criminals run free in democrat party controlled cities....
I live in a Dem controlled state and county and I have yet to see police not doing their jobs or criminals running free.
By publicly hanging violent robbers, murderers, pedos, and rapists within a short time after a guilty verdict.

If they shot or hit somebody during the commission of a crime, they die.
Not much help to the victims.
Nope...you dumb clod.......violent criminals wouldn't be released over and over again, now with "no cash," bail....and violent criminals would be in prison, not shooting people on our streets, hence, the violent and gun crime would drop by about 95%...
They don't want facts. And they'll keep misrepresenting what you post. That's what they do and apparently it is 100% deliberate. Probably in a rule book somewhere.

I agree with you that most crime, both property and assaults against citizens, is committed by repeat offenders.

Also the number of crimes committed by migrants that resulted in arrests is also unacceptable. That count would be hugely higher if the CBP wasn't stretched so thin by processing the thousands of migrants they are ordered to deal with every day giving them little time to apprehend and remove the known criminals. As a large number of migrants coming in are young single men, it is not unreasonable to believe many of these are joining American gangs and other criminal groups.

If even 1% of the estimated eight million migrants Biden has invited into the country are criminal minded, that is 80,000 new criminals among us on top of what was already here. I suspect the percentage is higher than that.

And it seems to escape our leftists friends, but criminal types aren't real big on obeying the laws whatever they are.
A little late to help those first victims you don't care about.

I live in a Dem controlled state and county and I have yet to see police not doing their jobs or criminals running free.
If your location is correct you live in the same state as I do. It all depends on where you live. Also, in much of the state, the 2A is alive and well. In many parts one is taking a chance on attacking someone.
Gun control doesn’t work anywhere…some countries simply have low crime rates because their populations don’t engage in crime……then, they import violent criminals, and all of a sudden, they have violent gun crime despite their gun control laws…..


Are fully automatic military rifles banned in Sweden?
Are hand grenades banned in Sweden?

If so, the immigrant drug gangs don’t seem to know it…..

On october 15th thousands of followers of 5iftyy, a Swedish rapper, tuned into his Instagram channel for what he said would be an important livestream. They found themselves watching a bearded man brandish a gold-plated ak-47 while hurling insults at rival gang members, backed by three rifle-toting thugs in balaclavas. The man with the golden gun was Mustafa “Benzema” Aljiburi, a leading member of a Swedish narcotics network known as Foxtrot. Mr Aljiburi is believed to be living in Iraq. He staged the appearance to dispel rumours of his death and to threaten various enemies, including a Swedish prosecutor.

The livestream looked ridiculous, but the threats were serious. For years Sweden has suffered from high rates of gang-related violence, but for the past two years it has been relentless. In the first ten months of the year there were 324 shootings in Sweden, 48 of them fatal.

The rate of gun crime is several times higher than that in neighbouring countries. Gangs have taken to attacking the homes of rivals with hand grenades and dynamite; there have been 139 explosions this year.

The government is frantically toughening laws and raising its law-enforcement budget, but it is behind the curve. “We should have seen this coming and taken these measures at least ten years ago,” says Daniel Bergstrom, an adviser to Sweden’s justice minister.

If all the criminals in the USA were locked up or deported, there should still be laws against harmful activities and behaviors but pretty much all the people would obey them because you would have a law abiding society.

Banning assault weapons or banning all guns would make no difference to the crime rate because law abiding people don't commit crimes with guns or anything else.
Gun control doesn’t work anywhere…some countries simply have low crime rates because their populations don’t engage in crime……then, they import violent criminals, and all of a sudden, they have violent gun crime despite their gun control laws…..


Are fully automatic military rifles banned in Sweden?
Are hand grenades banned in Sweden?

If so, the immigrant drug gangs don’t seem to know it…..

On october 15th thousands of followers of 5iftyy, a Swedish rapper, tuned into his Instagram channel for what he said would be an important livestream. They found themselves watching a bearded man brandish a gold-plated ak-47 while hurling insults at rival gang members, backed by three rifle-toting thugs in balaclavas. The man with the golden gun was Mustafa “Benzema” Aljiburi, a leading member of a Swedish narcotics network known as Foxtrot. Mr Aljiburi is believed to be living in Iraq. He staged the appearance to dispel rumours of his death and to threaten various enemies, including a Swedish prosecutor.

The livestream looked ridiculous, but the threats were serious. For years Sweden has suffered from high rates of gang-related violence, but for the past two years it has been relentless. In the first ten months of the year there were 324 shootings in Sweden, 48 of them fatal.

The rate of gun crime is several times higher than that in neighbouring countries. Gangs have taken to attacking the homes of rivals with hand grenades and dynamite; there have been 139 explosions this year.

The government is frantically toughening laws and raising its law-enforcement budget, but it is behind the curve. “We should have seen this coming and taken these measures at least ten years ago,” says Daniel Bergstrom, an adviser to Sweden’s justice minister.

About 20% of the population of Sweden is now non-citizen immigrants, most arriving the last several years, and most of those come from some of the most troubled parts of Asia and Africa. Most of the increased crime is via gang activities and almost the entire gang population is made up of those migrants. Gang members now outnumber the police in Sweden.

Despite some of the toughest gun regulations in the world, Sweden now has the highest gun crime rate in Europe and it is rapidly increasing along with other crimes including terrorist acts, bombing, etc.

The warning is obvious for the rest of the EU and North American countries. Continue to take in lawless and violent people and no amount of laws will stop increasing violence and law breaking.
You posted the "wall of text" that you know nobody here is gonna read.

How about some cliffnotes?

Sweden had low crime rates....had nothing to do with their gun control laws, their people just did not commit crime.

They decided to import 3rd world immigrants who came from war torn countries, who did not like Western society, Western values, and Western law. The immigrants took over the illegal drug gangs in Sweden and with Sweden's strict gun control laws, the immigrant gangs now use illegal, fully automatic military rifles and hand grenades to fight each other on the streets of Swedish cities......

It is so bad now, the Swedish government is calling in the military to help out....
If all the criminals in the USA were locked up or deported, there should still be laws against harmful activities and behaviors but pretty much all the people would obey them because you would have a law abiding society.

Banning assault weapons or banning all guns would make no difference to the crime rate because law abiding people don't commit crimes with guns or anything else.

About 20% of the population of Sweden is now non-citizen immigrants, most arriving the last several years, and most of those come from some of the most troubled parts of Asia and Africa. Most of the increased crime is via gang activities and almost the entire gang population is made up of those migrants. Gang members now outnumber the police in Sweden.

Despite some of the toughest gun regulations in the world, Sweden now has the highest gun crime rate in Europe and it is rapidly increasing along with other crimes including terrorist acts, bombing, etc.

The warning is obvious for the rest of the EU and North American countries. Continue to take in lawless and violent people and no amount of laws will stop increasing violence and law breaking.

Thank you......:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Excellent summation of the situation.
What you don't understand is that people can't commit gun crimes, if they can't get a gun. Yes there is a black market, but most of those guns came from law abiding gun owners.

“Statistics show that those individuals committing what is known as ‘street crimes’ are typically doing so by utilizing weapons that have been initially stolen and may have further traded hands in the black market.”

By forcing "responsible" gun owners, to actually be responsible, and lock up their weapons, so they don't fall into the wrong hands.

Wrong.....responsible gun owners do not leave their guns lying around in the street. They leave them in their homes or their cars....and the criminals break into those places and steal those guns, or they use straw buyers, who can pass any background check, to get the guns for them........

And because of people like you, who have made almost every foot of public space gun free zones, normal gun owners who carry guns have to leave their guns in their cars if they want to go into a store, or into most public locations...which exposes them to even more theft.......

The people who are doing 99% of all the shooting are not normal people with guns. In fact, they are actually a tiny minority of actual criminals...about 5% of the criminal population actually commits gun crimes and gun murder......

The problem isn't the existence of guns, the problem is we have a political party, the democrat party, that refuses to keep violent gun criminals locked up in jail and prison.....

Democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians either do not enforce existing gun laws...or they water them down in legislation that allows the most violent gun criminals back on the streets...over and over again.

You don't understand the issue, you don't understand how to fix it.
I asked "How do we ensure only normal people own guns?" and you said you're not interested in preventing gun deaths. Got it.


We ensure normal people own guns by arresting criminals caught buying, selling or carrying illegal guns, and locking them up for long prison sentences......30 years for illegal possession by a felon should do the trick. You do that, and you reduce most gun crime and violence........

And that has the added benefit of not bothering normal gun owners.....
Sweden had low crime rates....had nothing to do with their gun control laws, their people just did not commit crime.

They decided to import 3rd world immigrants who came from war torn countries, who did not like Western society, Western values, and Western law. The immigrants took over the illegal drug gangs in Sweden and with Sweden's strict gun control laws, the immigrant gangs now use illegal, fully automatic military rifles and hand grenades to fight each other on the streets of Swedish cities......

It is so bad now, the Swedish government is calling in the military to help out....
Sounds like the cops feel behind the curve a bit. They need to get out there and enforce those laws.
If your location is correct you live in the same state as I do. It all depends on where you live. Also, in much of the state, the 2A is alive and well. In many parts one is taking a chance on attacking someone.
My location is accurate. Guns are not common where I am but neither is crime.

We ensure normal people own guns by arresting criminals caught buying, selling or carrying illegal guns, and locking them up for long prison sentences......30 years for illegal possession by a felon should do the trick. You do that, and you reduce most gun crime and violence........

And that has the added benefit of not bothering normal gun owners.....
You seem way less interested in the victims of, say school shooting were the shooter has no previous record, and way more interested in the convenience of gun owners. That too is your right.
If someone is adjudicated to be mentally ill he is prohibited from owning firearms.

How would a commercial or private gun seller know if he can sell to someone?

The Legal Definition:​

There are no universal gun laws. However, both state and federal laws regulate possession of a firearm by someone who is mentally ill. Under federal law 18 U.S.C. § 922(d), it's unlawful to sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm or ammunition to any person that “has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution.”
You seem way less interested in the victims of, say school shooting were the shooter has no previous record, and way more interested in the convenience of gun owners. That too is your right.

You know, the vast majority of my time is spent explaining that our current gun crime and gun murder issue, contained primarily in democrat party controlled cities...is a result of the policies of the democrat party as implemented by democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians.......and that stopping them would reduce actual violent gun crime by about 95%.......

Meanwhile, idiots like you want to focus on the rarest of rare, the tiniest number of murders in a country of over 350 million Americans.....because those shootings get 24/7 coverage by the democxrat party controlled media........

Number of mass public shootings in the U.S. in 2022......


Total number of people murdered....


12 people out of over 350 million Americans .............

Number of people murdered by gun in 2022....

19,000, up from the average of 10,000, again, as a direct result of the attacks on police and the policies of releasing violent gun offenders over and over again.

You want to focus on the 74 deaths because you can exploit them against uninformed Americans.

The solution to mass public shootings is securing school buildings, ending gun free zones, and getting friends and family of the few nuts who are actually dangerous to others to get them under care or under control....

Meanwhile, the other 19,000 gun murders can be stopped by simply keeping the 5% of violent criminals who commit them in jail, and prison.....which is not what the democrat party wants, since they are the ones doing all of the releasing of those criminals, and they are destroying local police.......the ones who should be arresting these repeat offenders...

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