Be Sure To Get Your Flu Shot?

Well I don't want cancer nor scurvy, so right now I'm stuck taking this mega dose. I just hope this is it and I can just take my normal daily vitamin after this last pill. If not oh shit I don't even want to think about it.
wow, so you think getting Guillain-Barre is a plus, amazing.
Guillain-Barre syndrome is a chronic over-reaction to antigen. The more antigen in your system, the more likely you are to develop it.

Thus, you are far more likely to develop Guillain-Barre from H1N1 (or any real disease) than from the corresponding vaccine, because there is far more antigen in your system when you are sick. As the vaccine prevents the development of disease, and most people develop Guillain-Barre when sick, you dramatically reduce the odds of developing Guillain-Barre by taking vaccines.

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Illustrated Health Encyclopedia



Guillain-Barre is a disorder involving progressive muscle weakness or paralysis, usually following an infectious illness. It is related to inflammation of multiple nerves.

Causes and Risks

Guillain-Barre syndrome is an acute type of nerve inflammation. The inflammation damages portions of the nerve cell, resulting in muscle weakness or paralysis. The damage usually includes loss of the myelin sheath of the nerve demyelination) ,which slows conduction of impulses through the nerve. The damage may also include destruction of the axon part of the nerve cell (denervation), which blocks conduction through the nerve.

The exact cause of this disorder is not known. It usually follows a minor infection, usually a respiratory (lung) infection or gastrointestinal (gut) infection.

The signs of the infection usually have disappeared before the signs of Guillain-Barre begin. It may occur at any age but is most common in people of both sexes between the ages 30 and 50.

Guillain-Barre syndrome may occur in association with AIDS or AIDS-related complex, Mycoplasma infection, measles, herpes simplex, or other viral infection, major surgery within the past 6 weeks, systemic lupus erythematosus, Hodgkin's disease, other malignant diseases, and vaccines such as the antirabies vaccine and the swine flu vaccine.

Another reason to be vaccinated:

The fact that so many cases of Guillain-Barré begin after a viral or bacterial infection suggests that certain characteristics of some viruses and bacteria may activate the immune system inappropriately.

Guillain-Barré Syndrome Information Page: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

wow, so you think getting Guillain-Barre is a plus, amazing.

GTH was right. Facts just fly completely over your head.
Vitamin D Newsletter May 2009 | H1N1 Flu and Vitamin D

was at a wedding and a doctor told me this but I was already on 50000 units of D by doctor's orders, and my last pill is next week before I go back for my follow up.
As long as your doc has ok'd it. I get nervous when I see people taking massive doses of fat-soluble vits.
Yeah my doc said when she called that my test said I was really low at a 4. Whatever that means so she started me on mega dose of D. I have no idea why I was so low because well, I was in Fla for two weeks, I go in our boat every weekend and do a lot of yard work each week. I'm in the SUN a lot!

Assuming your kidneys and liver are intact, you might have a genetic conditions that hinders your metabolism of vitamin D.
As long as your doc has ok'd it. I get nervous when I see people taking massive doses of fat-soluble vits.
Yeah my doc said when she called that my test said I was really low at a 4. Whatever that means so she started me on mega dose of D. I have no idea why I was so low because well, I was in Fla for two weeks, I go in our boat every weekend and do a lot of yard work each week. I'm in the SUN a lot!

Assuming your kidneys and liver are intact, you might have a genetic conditions that hinders your metabolism of vitamin D.
Thanks, just had an MRI not long ago with contrast looking at my kidney and liver and doc said I was ok there. We will find out soon I hope. I just didn't get why after being in the Sun so much as to why I was so low in the V-D but you answered that.

Wait....but but but...I have good genes...LOL
Yeah my doc said when she called that my test said I was really low at a 4. Whatever that means so she started me on mega dose of D. I have no idea why I was so low because well, I was in Fla for two weeks, I go in our boat every weekend and do a lot of yard work each week. I'm in the SUN a lot!

Assuming your kidneys and liver are intact, you might have a genetic conditions that hinders your metabolism of vitamin D.
Thanks, just had an MRI not long ago with contrast looking at my kidney and liver and doc said I was ok there. We will find out soon I hope. I just didn't get why after being in the Sun so much as to why I was so low in the V-D but you answered that.

Wait....but but but...I have good genes...LOL

From the skin to the blood, making vitamin D into it's active component is a three step process that starts at the skin w/ UV light, goes to the liver, and then to the kidneys. At each step, an important group is added on and enzymes are responsible for that.

If you lack the gene for any part of that pathway, it could be the cause for your deficiency.

I don't know that to be the case, so I am just spitballing. Take it for what it's worth.
Assuming your kidneys and liver are intact, you might have a genetic conditions that hinders your metabolism of vitamin D.
Thanks, just had an MRI not long ago with contrast looking at my kidney and liver and doc said I was ok there. We will find out soon I hope. I just didn't get why after being in the Sun so much as to why I was so low in the V-D but you answered that.

Wait....but but but...I have good genes...LOL

From the skin to the blood, making vitamin D into it's active component is a three step process that starts at the skin w/ UV light, goes to the liver, and then to the kidneys. At each step, an important group is added on and enzymes are responsible for that.

If you lack the gene for any part of that pathway, it could be the cause for your deficiency.

I don't know that to be the case, so I am just spitballing. Take it for what it's worth.
Well let me ask you this, if I was hypothyroid and my thyroid levels were off would this cause the deficiency? My thinking is the thyroid secrets the hormone down to the other organs like the liver, and stuff right?
Thanks, just had an MRI not long ago with contrast looking at my kidney and liver and doc said I was ok there. We will find out soon I hope. I just didn't get why after being in the Sun so much as to why I was so low in the V-D but you answered that.

Wait....but but but...I have good genes...LOL

From the skin to the blood, making vitamin D into it's active component is a three step process that starts at the skin w/ UV light, goes to the liver, and then to the kidneys. At each step, an important group is added on and enzymes are responsible for that.

If you lack the gene for any part of that pathway, it could be the cause for your deficiency.

I don't know that to be the case, so I am just spitballing. Take it for what it's worth.
Well let me ask you this, if I was hypothyroid and my thyroid levels were off would this cause the deficiency? My thinking is the thyroid secrets the hormone down to the other organs like the liver, and stuff right?
That would be indicative of a parathyroid disorder, I think.
From the skin to the blood, making vitamin D into it's active component is a three step process that starts at the skin w/ UV light, goes to the liver, and then to the kidneys. At each step, an important group is added on and enzymes are responsible for that.

If you lack the gene for any part of that pathway, it could be the cause for your deficiency.

I don't know that to be the case, so I am just spitballing. Take it for what it's worth.
Well let me ask you this, if I was hypothyroid and my thyroid levels were off would this cause the deficiency? My thinking is the thyroid secrets the hormone down to the other organs like the liver, and stuff right?
That would be indicative of a parathyroid disorder, I think.
Yeah I read that, had my left thyroid removed but labs are not showing a parathyroid problem just low TSH. Oh well, just thought maybe a connection there.
Well let me ask you this, if I was hypothyroid and my thyroid levels were off would this cause the deficiency? My thinking is the thyroid secrets the hormone down to the other organs like the liver, and stuff right?
That would be indicative of a parathyroid disorder, I think.
Yeah I read that, had my left thyroid removed but labs are not showing a parathyroid problem just low TSH. Oh well, just thought maybe a connection there.

I think Emma nailed it.

To be honest with you, the thyroid does so much I wouldn't venture to make any statements about vitamin D. Off the top of my head, I can't think of how it would matter, but that doesn't mean much.
Well let me ask you this, if I was hypothyroid and my thyroid levels were off would this cause the deficiency? My thinking is the thyroid secrets the hormone down to the other organs like the liver, and stuff right?
That would be indicative of a parathyroid disorder, I think.
Yeah I read that, had my left thyroid removed but labs are not showing a parathyroid problem just low TSH. Oh well, just thought maybe a connection there.

What I meant was that if this was due to an endocrine disorder, it could be due to the parathyroids.

TSH is what the pituitary gland produces to cause the thyroid to release its hormones. If the thyroid is sluggish, your body will pump out higher levels of TSH in order to force the thyroid to function up to par. Therefore a high TSH can mean one is hypothyroid. Low levels could indicate hyperthyroid. Of course, there are other reasons why a TSH level can be too high or too low.
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That would be indicative of a parathyroid disorder, I think.
Yeah I read that, had my left thyroid removed but labs are not showing a parathyroid problem just low TSH. Oh well, just thought maybe a connection there.

What I meant was that if this was due to an endocrine disorder, it could be due to the parathyroids.

TSH is what the pituitary gland produces to cause the thyroid to release its hormones. Therefore a high TSH can mean one is hypothyroid. Low levels could indicate hyperthyroid. Of course, there are other reasons why a TSH level can be too high or too low.
I know all that I'm hypo, but I was reading one night and some older lady who was hypo and in her 70's learned all in one day that she was hypo and V-D deficiency so i thought hrm I wonder if there is a connection.

SO I asked and it was answered a NO.
That would be indicative of a parathyroid disorder, I think.
Yeah I read that, had my left thyroid removed but labs are not showing a parathyroid problem just low TSH. Oh well, just thought maybe a connection there.

What I meant was that if this was due to an endocrine disorder, it could be due to the parathyroids.

TSH is what the pituitary gland produces to cause the thyroid to release its hormones. If the thyroid is sluggish, your body will pump out higher levels of TSH in order to force the thyroid to function up to par. Therefore a high TSH can mean one is hypothyroid. Low levels could indicate hyperthyroid. Of course, there are other reasons why a TSH level can be too high or too low.

Dammit! That concept always screws me up (high/low TSH).

Damn feedback.
Yeah I read that, had my left thyroid removed but labs are not showing a parathyroid problem just low TSH. Oh well, just thought maybe a connection there.

What I meant was that if this was due to an endocrine disorder, it could be due to the parathyroids.

TSH is what the pituitary gland produces to cause the thyroid to release its hormones. If the thyroid is sluggish, your body will pump out higher levels of TSH in order to force the thyroid to function up to par. Therefore a high TSH can mean one is hypothyroid. Low levels could indicate hyperthyroid. Of course, there are other reasons why a TSH level can be too high or too low.

Dammit! That concept always screws me up (high/low TSH).

Damn feedback.
I know right :lol:
Yeah I read that, had my left thyroid removed but labs are not showing a parathyroid problem just low TSH. Oh well, just thought maybe a connection there.

What I meant was that if this was due to an endocrine disorder, it could be due to the parathyroids.

TSH is what the pituitary gland produces to cause the thyroid to release its hormones. Therefore a high TSH can mean one is hypothyroid. Low levels could indicate hyperthyroid. Of course, there are other reasons why a TSH level can be too high or too low.
I know all that I'm hypo, but I was reading one night and some older lady who was hypo and in her 70's learned all in one day that she was hypo and V-D deficiency so i thought hrm I wonder if there is a connection.

SO I asked and it was answered a NO.

Like GTH said, the thyroid impacts all body metabolism; there could be a connection. I don't know. I mentioned parathyroid because they directly affect calcium metabolism.
Yeah I read that, had my left thyroid removed but labs are not showing a parathyroid problem just low TSH. Oh well, just thought maybe a connection there.

What I meant was that if this was due to an endocrine disorder, it could be due to the parathyroids.

TSH is what the pituitary gland produces to cause the thyroid to release its hormones. If the thyroid is sluggish, your body will pump out higher levels of TSH in order to force the thyroid to function up to par. Therefore a high TSH can mean one is hypothyroid. Low levels could indicate hyperthyroid. Of course, there are other reasons why a TSH level can be too high or too low.

Dammit! That concept always screws me up (high/low TSH).

Damn feedback.
A friend of mine registered a TSH level >30 during her pregnancy. Freaked her docs the hell out.
I just tried to search for any connection to thyroid and V-D on google and didn't find anything. My guess it could be but there is no medical study out there on it. OR if there is I didn't find it.

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