Be very, very careful what you wish for- the cost could be high


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
When you tickle a bear in the butt with a feather you'd best be prepared.

From the comments section of this article.

"At the risk of repeating myself, as I’ve said the US is a theater of the absurd lorded over by a confederacy of dunces."

Lies, damn lies and statistics

Turns out that Trump and the Pentagon were lying. Again. This time about the true impact of the Iranian counter-strike on US forces in Syria. First they claimed that there were no injured U.S. personnel, only to eventually have to fess up that 34 soldiers had suffered traumatic brain injury (which Trump “re-classified” as a “headache”). Then they had to admit that it was not really 34, but actually 50!

According to some sources, not all U.S. personnel were hiding in bunkers and some were deployed to defend the base perimeter. Whatever may be the case, this adds yet another indication that the Iranian counter-strike was much more robust than originally reported by the Empire. In fact, Iranian sources indicate that following the strike, a number of wounded casualties were flown to Israel, Kuwait and Germany. Again, we will probably never find out the full truth about what happened that night, but two things are now certain:

  1. The Iranian attack was extremely effective and it is undeniable that all the US/NATO/Israeli forces in the region are now exposed like sitting ducks waiting for the next Iranian strike.
  2. Uncle Shmuel has had to dramatically under-report the real extent and nature of the Iranian counter-strike.
Now, let’s be clear about the quality of the warning the U.S. personnel had. We now know at the very least the following warnings were received:

  1. Warning through the Iraqi government (whom the Iranians did brief about their intentions).
  2. Warning through the Swiss authorities (who represent U.S. interests in Iran and whom the Iranian did brief about their intentions).
  3. Warning through the US reconnaissance/intelligence capabilities on the ground, air and space.
When you tickle a bear in the butt with a feather you'd best be prepared.

From the comments section of this article.

"At the risk of repeating myself, as I’ve said the US is a theater of the absurd lorded over by a confederacy of dunces."

Lies, damn lies and statistics

Turns out that Trump and the Pentagon were lying. Again. This time about the true impact of the Iranian counter-strike on US forces in Syria. First they claimed that there were no injured U.S. personnel, only to eventually have to fess up that 34 soldiers had suffered traumatic brain injury (which Trump “re-classified” as a “headache”). Then they had to admit that it was not really 34, but actually 50!

According to some sources, not all U.S. personnel were hiding in bunkers and some were deployed to defend the base perimeter. Whatever may be the case, this adds yet another indication that the Iranian counter-strike was much more robust than originally reported by the Empire. In fact, Iranian sources indicate that following the strike, a number of wounded casualties were flown to Israel, Kuwait and Germany. Again, we will probably never find out the full truth about what happened that night, but two things are now certain:

  1. The Iranian attack was extremely effective and it is undeniable that all the US/NATO/Israeli forces in the region are now exposed like sitting ducks waiting for the next Iranian strike.
  2. Uncle Shmuel has had to dramatically under-report the real extent and nature of the Iranian counter-strike.
Now, let’s be clear about the quality of the warning the U.S. personnel had. We now know at the very least the following warnings were received:

  1. Warning through the Iraqi government (whom the Iranians did brief about their intentions).
  2. Warning through the Swiss authorities (who represent U.S. interests in Iran and whom the Iranian did brief about their intentions).
  3. Warning through the US reconnaissance/intelligence capabilities on the ground, air and space.
i find it Ironic that you have an avatar of a character [not the actor] of someone who would never ever be a supporter of the feminizing communist gender confused anti American communist left if he were an actual real person .
i find it Ironic that you have an avatar of a character [not the actor] of someone who would never ever be a supporter of the feminizing communist gender confused anti American communist left if he were an actual real person .
I don't find it odd that you choose to pay attention to me and not the story- you're who the gun is pointing at- moron.
When you tickle a bear in the butt with a feather you'd best be prepared.

From the comments section of this article.

"At the risk of repeating myself, as I’ve said the US is a theater of the absurd lorded over by a confederacy of dunces."

Lies, damn lies and statistics

Turns out that Trump and the Pentagon were lying. Again. This time about the true impact of the Iranian counter-strike on US forces in Syria. First they claimed that there were no injured U.S. personnel, only to eventually have to fess up that 34 soldiers had suffered traumatic brain injury (which Trump “re-classified” as a “headache”). Then they had to admit that it was not really 34, but actually 50!

According to some sources, not all U.S. personnel were hiding in bunkers and some were deployed to defend the base perimeter. Whatever may be the case, this adds yet another indication that the Iranian counter-strike was much more robust than originally reported by the Empire. In fact, Iranian sources indicate that following the strike, a number of wounded casualties were flown to Israel, Kuwait and Germany. Again, we will probably never find out the full truth about what happened that night, but two things are now certain:

  1. The Iranian attack was extremely effective and it is undeniable that all the US/NATO/Israeli forces in the region are now exposed like sitting ducks waiting for the next Iranian strike.
  2. Uncle Shmuel has had to dramatically under-report the real extent and nature of the Iranian counter-strike.
Now, let’s be clear about the quality of the warning the U.S. personnel had. We now know at the very least the following warnings were received:

  1. Warning through the Iraqi government (whom the Iranians did brief about their intentions).
  2. Warning through the Swiss authorities (who represent U.S. interests in Iran and whom the Iranian did brief about their intentions).
  3. Warning through the US reconnaissance/intelligence capabilities on the ground, air and space.
i find it Ironic that you have an avatar of a character [not the actor] of someone who would never ever be a supporter of the feminizing communist gender confused anti American communist left if he were an actual real person .
Well, he/she does NOT like our president, that's for sure. And is definitely NOT conservative in their thinking. I'd say they're most likely a liberal. If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck..........
WTF do you ignorant fuckers prove by not reading? Christ on a stick- the absolute ignorance these message boards have and encourage is fucking amazing.
i find it Ironic that you have an avatar of a character [not the actor] of someone who would never ever be a supporter of the feminizing communist gender confused anti American communist left if he were an actual real person .
I don't find it odd that you choose to pay attention to me and not the story- you're who the gun is pointing at- moron.
lol! just pointing out your hypocrisy commie !
Well, he/she does NOT like our president, that's for sure. And is definitely NOT conservative in their thinking. I'd say they're most likely a liberal. If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck..........
Another non reader choosing to remain ignorant and blind and attack a messenger- absolutely amazing-
When you tickle a bear in the butt with a feather you'd best be prepared.

From the comments section of this article.

"At the risk of repeating myself, as I’ve said the US is a theater of the absurd lorded over by a confederacy of dunces."

Lies, damn lies and statistics

Turns out that Trump and the Pentagon were lying. Again. This time about the true impact of the Iranian counter-strike on US forces in Syria. First they claimed that there were no injured U.S. personnel, only to eventually have to fess up that 34 soldiers had suffered traumatic brain injury (which Trump “re-classified” as a “headache”). Then they had to admit that it was not really 34, but actually 50!

According to some sources, not all U.S. personnel were hiding in bunkers and some were deployed to defend the base perimeter. Whatever may be the case, this adds yet another indication that the Iranian counter-strike was much more robust than originally reported by the Empire. In fact, Iranian sources indicate that following the strike, a number of wounded casualties were flown to Israel, Kuwait and Germany. Again, we will probably never find out the full truth about what happened that night, but two things are now certain:

  1. The Iranian attack was extremely effective and it is undeniable that all the US/NATO/Israeli forces in the region are now exposed like sitting ducks waiting for the next Iranian strike.
  2. Uncle Shmuel has had to dramatically under-report the real extent and nature of the Iranian counter-strike.
Now, let’s be clear about the quality of the warning the U.S. personnel had. We now know at the very least the following warnings were received:

  1. Warning through the Iraqi government (whom the Iranians did brief about their intentions).
  2. Warning through the Swiss authorities (who represent U.S. interests in Iran and whom the Iranian did brief about their intentions).
  3. Warning through the US reconnaissance/intelligence capabilities on the ground, air and space.
i find it Ironic that you have an avatar of a character [not the actor] of someone who would never ever be a supporter of the feminizing communist gender confused anti American communist left if he were an actual real person .
Well, he/she does NOT like our president, that's for sure. And is definitely NOT conservative in their thinking. I'd say they're most likely a liberal. If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck..........
i think you were right with the pronoun she .
I READ your post. Just more anti-Trump garbage.
Yeah, sure you did- you read MY post and passed on the article- I'm pro Liberty- you and your kind are pro anti liberty proving your subservient attitude to your masters-
lol! just pointing out your hypocrisy commie !
Actually, you're publicly illustrating your desire to stay ignorant and say stupid shit.
soooo scrutiny or inquiry of a high profile politician that gets on national television and brags about threatening to hold back aid to a foreign ally if the prosecutor investigating the corrupt company paying his inexperienced son millions doesn't get fired is a crime !! lol ! whatever commie !
Another Leftist moron spouting obviously, provable garbage. When the President announced the casualties after the Iranian rocket attack NO INJURIES HAD BEEN REPORTED. None. Not one. Hence, to call him a liar shall I phrase it?...a fucking LIE.

The injuries were from the NOISE of the explosions. There was not a single American who was physically impacted by ANYTHING relating to those missiles. The "injuries" were analogous to those of a football player who was jarred by an impact: no broken bones, no bruises, no cuts, no marks of any kind. The treatment for such injuries is to relax for a couple days - maybe a week or two at worst. While the military has recently provided for award of the Purple Heart for concussions, only a pussy like John Kerry would actually seek one for injuries that could as easily have been incurred at a fucking rock concert.

Our wise and beloved President had the maturity and discretion to let it go after the Iranian rocket attack. The OP (an idiot, BTW) implies that the President should have over-reacted and RETALIATED, thus turning a very good situation - greatest terrorist in the world dispatched - into a pissing match. And of course if he had done that, the same asshole would be complaining that the President couldn't just let it go.
When you tickle a bear in the butt with a feather you'd best be prepared.

From the comments section of this article.

"At the risk of repeating myself, as I’ve said the US is a theater of the absurd lorded over by a confederacy of dunces."

Lies, damn lies and statistics

Turns out that Trump and the Pentagon were lying. Again. This time about the true impact of the Iranian counter-strike on US forces in Syria. First they claimed that there were no injured U.S. personnel, only to eventually have to fess up that 34 soldiers had suffered traumatic brain injury (which Trump “re-classified” as a “headache”). Then they had to admit that it was not really 34, but actually 50!

According to some sources, not all U.S. personnel were hiding in bunkers and some were deployed to defend the base perimeter. Whatever may be the case, this adds yet another indication that the Iranian counter-strike was much more robust than originally reported by the Empire. In fact, Iranian sources indicate that following the strike, a number of wounded casualties were flown to Israel, Kuwait and Germany. Again, we will probably never find out the full truth about what happened that night, but two things are now certain:

  1. The Iranian attack was extremely effective and it is undeniable that all the US/NATO/Israeli forces in the region are now exposed like sitting ducks waiting for the next Iranian strike.
  2. Uncle Shmuel has had to dramatically under-report the real extent and nature of the Iranian counter-strike.
Now, let’s be clear about the quality of the warning the U.S. personnel had. We now know at the very least the following warnings were received:

  1. Warning through the Iraqi government (whom the Iranians did brief about their intentions).
  2. Warning through the Swiss authorities (who represent U.S. interests in Iran and whom the Iranian did brief about their intentions).
  3. Warning through the US reconnaissance/intelligence capabilities on the ground, air and space.

Are you still in mourning over the untimely demise of brave Persian poet warrior Solemani?
i think you were right with the pronoun she .
You're afraid to think. You don't have the balls for it.
im not a democrat so therefor i have balls and correctly identify myself as a male ! now if i were a democrat like you having balls would make me a female ... at least thats what you gender confused freaks think .
Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that the service members suffering from traumatic brain injuries had been diagnosed with mild cases. He added that the diagnosis could change as time went on.

Pentagon officials have said there had been no effort to minimize or delay information on concussive injuries, but its handling of the injuries following Tehran’s attack has renewed questions over the U.S. military’s policy regarding how it deals with suspected brain injuries.

Since 2000, about 408,000 service members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury, according to Pentagon data.

Pentagon chief defends Trump after traumatic brain injury comments
I generally pass on articles that are attached to anti-Trump garbage. Thank you.
Typical of a mental midget who chooses to remain ignorant which is a prerequisite for PhD in Stupid

You mental midget masturbators should get a room- indecent exposure is, well, indecent.
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